Feminism Has to Go...
AR15000 wrote:
XFilesGeek wrote:
I'm exhausted and not feeling the least bit generous. Our resident know-it-all teenager, TheExodus, has been given a one month ban.
Seeing as I doubt he'll improve his behavior in that time, I expect I'll be smacking down a permanent ban in 30 days time.
I'm exhausted and not feeling the least bit generous. Our resident know-it-all teenager, TheExodus, has been given a one month ban.
Seeing as I doubt he'll improve his behavior in that time, I expect I'll be smacking down a permanent ban in 30 days time.
I was wondering if he's yet another troll or if he legitimately believes all that racist BS. I'm white but I really hate anti-black racism.
I'm getting more of a "snotty teenager" vibe from Exodus, which is why I opted for a 30-day ban as opposed to a permanent one.
The problem with this age of information being available in seconds at your fingertips is we get a lot of people who think they're smarter and more informed than they actually are. It's possible he doesn't yet posses the discernment to separate the wheat from the chaff in terms of reliable data. Time will tell.
"If we fail to anticipate the unforeseen or expect the unexpected in a universe of infinite possibilities, we may find ourselves at the mercy of anyone or anything that cannot be programmed, categorized or easily referenced."
-XFG (no longer a moderator)
nurseangela wrote:
wilburforce wrote:
nurseangela wrote:
You need to be banned in order to know what I'm talking about. A ban is forever and just because ONE person holds the power and makes the decision. If anyone needs to be banned forever then Alex should make that decision after talking with the person.
There are posting rules on this site for a reason. If you disagree with them, no one is forcing you to participate here. You can go find a forum (or make one) that never bans anyone, if that's what you want. The rest of us would like to not have to deal with racist trolls.
See, I'm all about following rules, but others here are not - including yourself. This is what I'm talking about - you're already starting with the name calling "racist trolls". You, Wilburforce, are part of the problem and maybe you should leave.
I wasn't calling anyone a racist troll; I was saying the rules are in place so that we don't have to deal with racist trolls, because as soon as they begin trolling the forums with racist bigotry they have broken the rules and get sanctioned, and if they continue, banned. That is the point of having rules against posting racist garbage. If you believe I have broken the forum rules by calling a user a name, you are free to report my post to the mods. But I think you will find that no one else agrees with you.
wilburforce wrote:
nurseangela wrote:
wilburforce wrote:
nurseangela wrote:
You need to be banned in order to know what I'm talking about. A ban is forever and just because ONE person holds the power and makes the decision. If anyone needs to be banned forever then Alex should make that decision after talking with the person.
There are posting rules on this site for a reason. If you disagree with them, no one is forcing you to participate here. You can go find a forum (or make one) that never bans anyone, if that's what you want. The rest of us would like to not have to deal with racist trolls.
See, I'm all about following rules, but others here are not - including yourself. This is what I'm talking about - you're already starting with the name calling "racist trolls". You, Wilburforce, are part of the problem and maybe you should leave.
I wasn't calling anyone a racist troll; I was saying the rules are in place so that we don't have to deal with racist trolls, because as soon as they begin trolling the forums with racist bigotry they have broken the rules and get sanctioned, and if they continue, banned. That is the point of having rules against posting racist garbage. If you believe I have broken the forum rules by calling a user a name, you are free to report my post to the mods. But I think you will find that no one else agrees with you.
Sorry about that. I thought you were saying it to me. My apologies.
Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 83 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 153 of 200 You are very likely neurotypical
Darn, I flunked.
Fugu wrote:
nurseangela wrote:
I know you have a problem with being civil. You are also a name caller - "racist" and "bigot". You've probably called me a few more that I can't remember right now.
it's ironic that you're telling me i'm not civil when you get emotionally involved with your position on a regular basis and just as regularly ignore things that disagree with your argument.What does that mean?
Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 83 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 153 of 200 You are very likely neurotypical
Darn, I flunked.
Fugu wrote:
JohnPowell wrote:
It really depends on the job. I have found that women generally make much better doctors, because they are more understanding. Then most physical work is pretty much always going to suit men.
it's actually a case of women doctors being easier to interrupt and question in the eyes of the patient(which in turn leads to less medical error): http://www.forbes.com/2010/05/10/women- ... ealth.htmlas for physical work being a man's job, well, that's partly because of crap like this: http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2014/0 ... struction/
Not at all in my experiences. Women are just generally more understanding and willing to listen.
If you go onto a building site, you know what to expect, the choice is yours to make. Young guys get hell too.
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"
nurseangela wrote:
Fugu wrote:
nurseangela wrote:
I know you have a problem with being civil. You are also a name caller - "racist" and "bigot". You've probably called me a few more that I can't remember right now.
it's ironic that you're telling me i'm not civil when you get emotionally involved with your position on a regular basis and just as regularly ignore things that disagree with your argument.What does that mean?
here's a dictionary in case you need to look things up: http://dictionary.reference.com/
JohnPowell wrote:
Not at all in my experiences. Women are just generally more understanding and willing to listen.
If you go onto a building site, you know what to expect, the choice is yours to make. Young guys get hell too.
If you go onto a building site, you know what to expect, the choice is yours to make. Young guys get hell too.
the plural form of anecdote is not 'data', and the fact that such sexist expectations exist is a problem. pity you don't see why it's a problem.
Fugu wrote:
nurseangela wrote:
Fugu wrote:
nurseangela wrote:
I know you have a problem with being civil. You are also a name caller - "racist" and "bigot". You've probably called me a few more that I can't remember right now.
it's ironic that you're telling me i'm not civil when you get emotionally involved with your position on a regular basis and just as regularly ignore things that disagree with your argument.What does that mean?
here's a dictionary in case you need to look things up: http://dictionary.reference.com/
I'm not talking about ignoring things, I'm talking about your baiting with the name calling. And don't talk down to me with that dictionary crap.
Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 83 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 153 of 200 You are very likely neurotypical
Darn, I flunked.
I'm just wondering if the banning system is consistent. People aren't allowed to question WWII, even though there have been hoaxers exposed by historians and then shown on mainstream news channels. Yet in another thread, people can support the liquidation of Palestinians and generally spew out hatred and bigotry towards Arab Muslims.
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"
nurseangela wrote:
Fugu wrote:
nurseangela wrote:
Fugu wrote:
nurseangela wrote:
I know you have a problem with being civil. You are also a name caller - "racist" and "bigot". You've probably called me a few more that I can't remember right now.
it's ironic that you're telling me i'm not civil when you get emotionally involved with your position on a regular basis and just as regularly ignore things that disagree with your argument.What does that mean?
here's a dictionary in case you need to look things up: http://dictionary.reference.com/
I'm not talking about ignoring things, I'm talking about your baiting with the name calling. And don't talk down to me with that dictionary crap.
if you don't want to be provided a dictionary, don't post vague questions like "what does that mean?" with zero context
Fugu wrote:
nurseangela wrote:
Fugu wrote:
nurseangela wrote:
Fugu wrote:
nurseangela wrote:
I know you have a problem with being civil. You are also a name caller - "racist" and "bigot". You've probably called me a few more that I can't remember right now.
it's ironic that you're telling me i'm not civil when you get emotionally involved with your position on a regular basis and just as regularly ignore things that disagree with your argument.What does that mean?
here's a dictionary in case you need to look things up: http://dictionary.reference.com/
I'm not talking about ignoring things, I'm talking about your baiting with the name calling. And don't talk down to me with that dictionary crap.
if you don't want to be provided a dictionary, don't post vague questions like "what does that mean?" with zero context
Dude, you're the one who changed the subject and didn't answer to the "racist" and "bigot" comment I threw at you. Probably because you know I'm right. So you can keep the dictionary for yourself cause I think you're the confused one.
Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 83 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 153 of 200 You are very likely neurotypical
Darn, I flunked.
nurseangela wrote:
Dude, you're the one who changed the subject and didn't answer to the "racist" and "bigot" comment I threw at you. Probably because you know I'm right. So you can keep the dictionary for yourself cause I think you're the confused one.
I didn't answer it because trying to argue with you about it just legitimises the rampant dogwhistling you engage in. I don't recall calling you a racist, I did infer you were a bigot though, based on your deleted post and various other comments you've made, but it's only namecalling when there's no basis for said claim, and this is not the case for you.
hope this clears things up.
JohnPowell wrote:
Not at all in my experiences. Women are just generally more understanding and willing to listen.
If you go onto a building site, you know what to expect, the choice is yours to make. Young guys get hell too.
If you go onto a building site, you know what to expect, the choice is yours to make. Young guys get hell too.
Women are expected to be more understanding etc. We should start expecting the same of men. The world might improve.
If I go onto a building site, I expect to see people getting on with construction work.
Of course, it's probably quite a bit more complicated than that.
You know sometimes, between the dames and the horses, I don't even know why I put my hat on.
JohnPowell wrote:
I'm just wondering if the banning system is consistent. People aren't allowed to question WWII, even though there have been hoaxers exposed by historians and then shown on mainstream news channels. Yet in another thread, people can support the liquidation of Palestinians and generally spew out hatred and bigotry towards Arab Muslims.
There has been No hoax of the holocaust proven by historians. Ever. I have met several people, mostly now dead, who managed to get out of concentration camps. One by playing dead in a pile of bodies as a child. And in a day when there weren't tattoo parlors, they somehow, despite being ranges of ages in different parts of the country, all managed to get matching number sets tattooed on their forearm and told similar stories.
As for the latter, i haven't seen the thread you're referring to, though i personally don't think what you describe would be okay either. However, there is a whole lot more going on in this situation than just a single racist post.
"When does the human cost become too high for the building of a better machine?"
wilburforce wrote:
nurseangela wrote:
I wasn't calling anyone a racist troll; I was saying the rules are in place so that we don't have to deal with racist trolls, because as soon as they begin trolling the forums with racist bigotry they have broken the rules and get sanctioned, and if they continue, banned. That is the point of having rules against posting racist garbage. If you believe I have broken the forum rules by calling a user a name, you are free to report my post to the mods. But I think you will find that no one else agrees with you.
Sorry about that. I thought you were saying it to me. My apologies.
I think we're all a bit on edge at this point. Maybe this whole thread should just get a stake driven into it. It's already miles past what Dox intended.
"When does the human cost become too high for the building of a better machine?"
100000fireflies wrote:
Raptor wrote:
100000fireflies wrote:
If that kind of stuff stays ongoing, many good members who like the forum precisely because it's one of the few that won't tolerate it, leave. And the forum will just become another pile of trolls and insults.
Yeah, but when a forum is created with the express purpose of discussing politics, philosophy, and religion it naturally baits uncivil discourse even if that was not the intent when the forum was created. In real life, politics and religion are two of the topics to always avoid for those who want to avoid conflict. Is it possible to have consistently civil conduct with topics like this? Yes, but unlikely enough to consider it impossible for all practical purposes.
Just sayin...
I don't think that's quite the point here, for me at least.
In such discussions, everyone can get frustrated and snap a bit here and there. We all do. But typically, in this forum at least, it seems exception more than the rule. People are able to move on - yes, Joe was snarky yesterday, but i can see what I said that might've spawned it or where he might be coming from that hit that button in him...or, if Joe says 'hey ease off', I can at least pause to see and own where maybe I went a bit overboard, look at why, and if relevant, apologize, alter in the future, whatever (as opposed to staying on a high platform and educating Joe about how he should be).
We do disagree here. I don't agree with everything you say about guns/silencers, though I have a warm spot in my heart for your love of homeless/abandoned dogs.. I don't agree with all of Angela's politics, but I admire her approach toward trying to understand people wired differently and finding middle ground between them.
If it were the rule, not the exception that everyone here announced that they don't care if they hurt anyone's feelings, and were all incapable of having any disagreement with anyone without resorting to constant attacks and snide comments then it's not just a less-civil discussion here and there where a few people get snippy but are also able to be adults, own their behavior, and recognize that what they say may produce negative responses, it's a full, guns blazing everyone attacks everyone in their path constantly.
Maybe I wasn't clear. It's a forum that by its heading discusses topics best avoided genteel discourse. You can only expect so much. If you're sensitive learn to put your heart on a shelf.
It would be toxic.
No, toxic would be better described as something you ingest or inhale that will make you sick and/or kill you. Calling words toxic is a bit of a stretch.
Even beyond that though, is this to be a place only for white, protestant asd males? Or should asd people of all sexes (including transgender), people of all races, all religions be able to have a place to go where they can not be regularly subjected to 'proven facts' about how they are biologically stupid, aggressive, greedy, and all around inferior, courtesy of White Power Bill's website?
Call me dense but I can't make head nor tail out of what you're talking about here.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson
Last edited by Raptor on 12 Feb 2016, 11:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.