underwater wrote:
On the other hand, I was mistreated at work for being pregnant and sick. That's a real power imbalance; in that situation you are completely dependent on others.
Damn, that sucks
Ganondox wrote:
Because neo-cons have the same attitude of good vs. evil, must-enforce-our-views-on-others, the difference is the neo-cons actually have power.
Oh. That makes sense.
Ganondox wrote:
Anyway, if someone can be convicted of rape and not expelled from university, then I don't think the SJWs are any threat.
Is the reverse scenario possible? Expulsion but no conviction?
Ganondox wrote:
PS: Back in my day, SJW was used specifically to refer to people who took up others group's causes despite being unwanted (e. Kony 2012), now it just seems to be blanket applied to anyone with progressive stances the user doesn't like. It's impossible to have a real conversation if no one knows who is ACTUALLY be criticized and for what, all it does is create a circlejerk of hate because SJW is a negative label.
True. I've never heard anyone refer to themselves as an SJW but recently I have heard people say they advocate for "social justice".
Of course the inverse is possible as a university can expel people for countless reasons, but they way university politics works is typically they'd do anything to deny the existence of the rape because a rape on campus makes the university look bad.