Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an Auto-Antonym

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29 Jun 2020, 1:06 pm

Bradleigh wrote:
Magna wrote:
Give the people actual solutions rather than hope away from poverty where they live. Perhaps the perennial leadership in urban areas will be held to task and actual results expected. Less hope and more change.

And that change can start with ending police brutality, especially on what evidence points to a disappropriate amount aimed at minorities.

Let's hope so.


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29 Jun 2020, 1:07 pm

Bradleigh wrote:
Magna wrote:
Give the people actual solutions rather than hope away from poverty where they live. Perhaps the perennial leadership in urban areas will be held to task and actual results expected. Less hope and more change.

And that change can start with ending police brutality, especially on what evidence points to a disappropriate amount aimed at minorities.

I suspect a sustained campaign of both public and private investment in infrastructure and employment opportunities would also be required.

Something along the lines of what happened over here in Northern Ireland re: the RUC might help start rebuild community trust in law enforcement.

Which would also help visa vis tackling gang violence, on top of reducing abusive behaviour by officers moving forwards.


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29 Jun 2020, 1:10 pm

jimmy m wrote:
* In general, bullies are cowards and rarely fight fair.

Bullies are also often acting out because they have problems at home. This does not excuse their actions, nor does it give an answer to the victim to fix it, but may explain their actions and could prescribe how it may be fixed by somehow fixing the problems at home. The problem at home in this context of adult gangs is their economic situations and systematic harassment they may receive from authorities.

In these scenarios you could have the victim punch the bully or tell the bullies parents which may mean they could receive greater abuse at home. You might have stopped one case of bullying there, but you did not actually solve the underlying problem, in fact you may have made someone who was already a victim of their parents an even greater one.

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jimmy m

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29 Jun 2020, 1:11 pm

A Chicago man is accused of killing two teenagers at a convenience store this month after they asked how tall he was, authorities said on Thursday.

Laroy Battle, 19, reportedly opened fire on Jasean Francis, 17, and Charles Riley, 16, in a back ally around 5 p.m. on June 20 after they and a friend walked home from buying candy at the store -- following a brief encounter with the suspect.

The teenagers, described as “very good kids from really excellent families,” were reportedly asked by their mothers to buy candy at the store. They didn't know Battle, but after asking about his 6-foot-3 height, he reportedly followed them out and fired nine rounds at the teenagers, police said.

Francis was shot in the back, chest and left hand, while Riley was shot in the back and left leg. Both were taken to the University of Chicago Medical Center where they were pronounced dead, according to the station.

This is a picture of Laroy Battle:


Source: Chicago man killed 2 teens after they asked how tall he was, police say

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29 Jun 2020, 1:19 pm

@ jimmy m

What do you think could have been done to stop Laroy Battle from killing those two teenagers?

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29 Jun 2020, 1:38 pm

first off, making it much much harder for him to have a gun. the political will ain't here for that, though. mandatory parental licensing and parenting classes and counseling. chances for that not much better. america is a bad seed IMHO, sen. jim webb said it much better- "Either we are the most evil people on earth or we are doing something very wrong. Whichever way your thinking goes you can see something is wrong here: we imprison nearly 5 times the world's average here! In God's name how can we lock up 5 times more than other nations? We pride ourselves in our vote to get things done right in America. And yet, the dictator of North Korea, who can have a man and his whole family executed with one word, does not allow his citizens to vote and still their prison system is nowhere close to locking up the percentage of people we do. How can this be?"


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29 Jun 2020, 1:40 pm

Pepe wrote:
aghogday wrote:
jimmy m wrote:
aghogday is that you? Nice to meet you.


Thank You, Yes It is; Otherwise
Known as Fred; Nice to meet you too..:)

So you are the one with the number 14 shirt on? :scratch: :mrgreen:

No, Actually i Am Not The Dark Haired Girl With Pig Tails;
But It's True, i Will Tell you A Short Enough Story About How Each
And Every Person in That Throw-Back, 13 Year-Old Photo From '73
Insisted A Very Awkward Five-Foot-Ten Boy, Who Weighed 120 Pounds Should
Then BeCome Invisible; No Different Now Than 'Black Lives Matter''; And Just Go Away; No
Different Essentially Than FNORD Here keeps insisting on this Internet Site As He is Very Different
HeaR; Yes, Really
no different
than the rest
of the First
Baptist Children
In The Class Who named
me a Girl Before i grew tall;
And Additionally threatened me
Yes, with the F Word And Not Fred
Then If i Dared Smile in the Halls by
Fate, Middle School Onward Marching
First Baptist Christian Soldier Boys, yes,
Then Destined to Experience Early Misery
of Divorce And Heart Attacks Premature
As their Big Daddies Told them Boys are
not Allowed to Express Emotions, to Keep
IT All inside As All they were/are allowed to do is
Express IT with Fists/Gun Shots of Automatic Weapons;
Or Yes, 'Killing Wildlife' Just For Sport; just in case now one
Wonders What is DisEased With the Deep South Dead Soul of the United
States And What Spawns the Like of 'Trump' And All those 'Minions' Still, Now too.
And Where All Those Tears in a Beer Country Songs Come From And Yes Rap, too;
Interestingly, Yes, The Young
White Young Deep/Shallow
South Men have Changed
Over to Rap Songs now
too; That Are the Poetry
of Existential Angst of
Being Imprisoned
in Culture
Still With No Escape to Freedom.

Smiles, my FRiEnD; It's True i am
A Big Enough REAL Man, Not Afraid
to Express The Divine Feminine; No
Different than The Divine Masculine;
And What i Find Now is The Beauty of
Flowers; The Divine Feminine Blooming All
Around me, Most Everywhere i go Around the Globe.
A Poorest Real Reason Folks Try to Bring Others Down is
Low Self-Esteem; The Science of Psychology ILLustrates this Basic HuMaNity too.

Essentially, Now, My Life is Spring Break; 12/28-31/365/24/60/60, Yes,
including Leap Years too; of Course Born on 6660 too At Core of Spiral 6 or 9 PHI Shapes too.

i Do Enjoy Numbers Too; As Many Hyperlexic Folks Do; as Well As Stellar Skills in Decoding And Creating Symbols too.
At Last Number of Measure, i Weighed in at 245.6 Pounds, Stronger And More Balanced in Smiling Free Verse Dance of Ballet And Martial Arts Than ever at 60; standing Over 6 Feet Tall in Athletic Shoes; as it's true not Everyone Does Ballet
in Nike Shox Shoes. In Other Words, This is My Party; This is Freedom in My World; MY SOUL and Honestly it makes me Giggle When Folks Try to Rain on Sunshine; and think they will ever be able to Put it out; by the way That's not really A
Smile in the Photo Below by me;
Copied from Last Week's
46 Thousand Word
Long Form Poem
As Linked Earlier
in this Thread;
it's just
i make Before i Roar;
Other Folks tell me the Sound is Deafening;
And Is Heard Miles Away, Potentially as Far as the Globe is Wide now; hehe;
But i Promise you This; Flowers Who Dance With me Never Forget 'That Night' Blooming Ecstatic in Joy of SMiLes...

Trust me, when i Sing; i Know, i FeeL and i Sense who is truly worth impressing; and it has never ever been a Dude; haha;
At Least Not for me; i have no one Frigging Idea What Flowers See in the Beast of Me; But i Do Believe it has something to Do With Free, Fearless, And Loving Life As Is, Just for the Joy of all that is DarK Thru LiGHT Conquering Life i do, i Am Now; Other than that Yes, it is the Dance and Song i Breathe And Bring With Wings; Wings oF LiGHT Soaring only
Visiting Falling to See What'S Even Higher..:)



KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !

Last edited by aghogday on 29 Jun 2020, 3:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

jimmy m

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29 Jun 2020, 1:43 pm

Bradleigh wrote:
In these scenarios you could have the victim punch the bully or tell the bullies parents which may mean they could receive greater abuse at home.

It doesn't sound like you had much experience with being bullied in school. A bully is not just going to stand there and let an individual punch him. You are not going up against a bully but the entire gang. That is a good way of turning a victim into a dead victim.

And reporting the bullying to the parents of a bully. Right! get real. Where did the bully learn the tools of the trade. Who defends the bully when he gets way over his head. It is his parents. If the bullies parents are pulled in, most times the victim will be denounced as starting it and be blamed for the incident. The parents of the bully will be patting their son on the back and laughing as they leave the school administrators office.

Many teachers and school administrators are just as afraid of bullies. They are afraid of the parents of the bullies and they sweep these infractions under the rug.

The two young teenagers above; why were they murdered. Because they simply asked Laroy Battle how tall he was! Did they deserve to die?

Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."


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29 Jun 2020, 1:54 pm

jimmy m wrote:
Fred (aghogday ), so the way you write is actually like a wave. And because Wrong Planet only offers "left justified" and not "center justified", it comes out distorted. I wonder if you put the wave under a sound analyzer if it would produce a musical melody or a hidden message?

I once buried a hidden message in the title of a photograph. Now how did I do that again. It was quite easy to do but now I forgot. One of the problems of getting old. Oh yeah, now I remember. I turned the words invisible. If you turn the text white against a white background, they become invisible. But the words are still there. It was like using invisible ink in html coding.

As I've Mentioned a Few Times Before on this Site; My Hyperlexic
Version of Asperger's Syndrome Better Reflects the Original Gillberg
Criteria that includes Speech Delays, Like i had Until Age 4. So, Obviously,
My Method of Learning And Expressing Communication May Be Much Different than
the Rest of the Folks Participating Here, Who in Majority Way May have had Early Speech instead
of Late Speech as that is what the Original Version of 'Autism-Lite' Brought to the APA in 1994, For what
Was Originally Gillberg Criteria Taken More Directly From Case Studies of Hans Asperger Last Century.

It's Common For Folks With Speech Delays to Gain a Greater Focus for Communication through a Sing
Song Pattern of Speech That indeed Comes More Like Waves of An Ocean That come in And Go Out
in Flow of all Nature, indeed. Smiles, Reflecting Nature is Surely Beautiful For Those Who Are not
So Separated in Concrete Rules of All The Straight Jacket Human Instruction that Create and
Measure so-called Standard IQ. Michelle Dawson's Work With Language Delayed Folks
on the Spectrum, Versus those With Early Language Skills Showed Higher Levels
of Crystalized Intelligence Versus the Children With Problems With Verbal
Skills; But Eventually, The Children With Problems With Verbal Skills
Actually Surpassed them in Measures of Fluid Intelligence; And
Additionally, Long Term Studies of Hans Asperger's case
Studies Showed that a Substantial Number of those
Adults Actually Caught Up With their Peers
and Succeeded in Surpassing them
In almost All Measures
of Human
In Thriving In Life;
Smiles, In Terms of Financial
Independence; And Bringing Joy
to Others in the REAL FLESH AND BLOOD
all the Expectations of others and continue to do so,
with Fluid Intelligence That Continues Evolving and Never Rots Crystalized in Books alone.

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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29 Jun 2020, 2:02 pm

jimmy m wrote:
And reporting the bullying to the parents of a bully. Right! get real. Where did the bully learn the tools of the trade. Who defends the bully when he gets way over his head. It is his parents. If the bullies parents are pulled in, most times the victim will be denounced as starting it and be blamed for the incident. The parents of the bully will be patting their son on the back and laughing as they leave the school administrators office.

Many teachers and school administrators are just as afraid of bullies. They are afraid of the parents of the bullies and they sweep these infractions under the rug.

So who are the bullies in this scenario, the gangs, or the police officers using excessive force who when caught and reported to the higher ups will receive no punishment because that is where they learned it from? I suppose then that the gangs are the kids who were bullied by another kid and so take it out on their siblings at home.

jimmy m wrote:
The two young teenagers above; why were they murdered. Because they simply asked Laroy Battle how tall he was! Did they deserve to die?

That does not answer how this could have been stopped. No normal person unnafected by outside forces is going to kill two kids because they asked him his height. The first outside force would probably be the weapon he had access to that would make killing easy. And another must be the environment, I suspect it was not a lax police force because he was caught. Maybe a tense environment of acting strongly from perceived slights if disrespect that could be reflective of an authority that does the same?

Through dream I travel, at lantern's call
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jimmy m

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29 Jun 2020, 2:09 pm

Bradleigh wrote:
@ jimmy m

What do you think could have been done to stop Laroy Battle from killing those two teenagers?

Well I wouldn't recommend "Abolishing the Police". Rather, I would force the police to spend as much time and effort in the poorer neighborhoods than the middle class or affluent neighborhoods. And I would have their back.

Crime was rampant in New York City several decades ago. in the 1990s the New York City police commissioner William Bratton and Mayor Rudy Giuliani, adopted the principles of "the broken window theory". The broken windows theory is a criminological theory that states that visible signs of crime, anti-social behavior, and civil disorder create an urban environment that encourages further crime and disorder, including serious crimes. The theory suggests that policing methods that target minor crimes such as vandalism, loitering, public drinking, jaywalking and fare evasion help to create an atmosphere of order and lawfulness, thereby preventing more serious crimes. When Bratton resigned in 1996, felonies were down almost 40 percent in New York, and the homicide rate had been halved.

I would also probably recommend that school age children be offered training on how to survive on the streets. And I would assign the police to conduct that training. Give them street smarts. Teach them how to see the signs of danger so they can avoid it and give them the tools to survive.

Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."

jimmy m

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29 Jun 2020, 2:22 pm

Bradleigh wrote:
So who are the bullies in this scenario, the gangs, or the police officers using excessive force who when caught and reported to the higher ups will receive no punishment because that is where they learned it from? I suppose then that the gangs are the kids who were bullied by another kid and so take it out on their siblings at home.

It sound obvious to me. In the case of the children who were shot to death, it was the shooters. In the case of George Floyd, it was most likely Derek Chauvin who was arrested for the crime.

Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."

jimmy m

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29 Jun 2020, 2:30 pm


I am glad that

In almost all measures of human overall success In thriving In life; smiles, in terms of financial independence; and bringing joy to others in the real flesh and blood world

That you surpassed all the expectations of others and continue to do so.

Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."


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29 Jun 2020, 3:07 pm

jimmy m wrote:

I am glad that

In almost all measures of human overall success In thriving In life; smiles, in terms of financial independence; and bringing joy to others in the real flesh and blood world

That you surpassed all the expectations of others and continue to do so.

Thank You Very Much
jimmie m; i surely
Wish the Same For You..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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29 Jun 2020, 10:49 pm

jimmy m wrote:
Well I wouldn't recommend "Abolishing the Police". Rather, I would force the police to spend as much time and effort in the poorer neighborhoods than the middle class or affluent neighborhoods. And I would have their back.

Crime was rampant in New York City several decades ago. in the 1990s the New York City police commissioner William Bratton and Mayor Rudy Giuliani, adopted the principles of "the broken window theory". The broken windows theory is a criminological theory that states that visible signs of crime, anti-social behavior, and civil disorder create an urban environment that encourages further crime and disorder, including serious crimes. The theory suggests that policing methods that target minor crimes such as vandalism, loitering, public drinking, jaywalking and fare evasion help to create an atmosphere of order and lawfulness, thereby preventing more serious crimes. When Bratton resigned in 1996, felonies were down almost 40 percent in New York, and the homicide rate had been halved.

I would also probably recommend that school age children be offered training on how to survive on the streets. And I would assign the police to conduct that training. Give them street smarts. Teach them how to see the signs of danger so they can avoid it and give them the tools to survive.

I think that there is some merit to the idea of more police presence, the bellow article says that there is a call for the police to spend more time in these areas. But it also talks about the major problem that is that there is a woeful lack of trust in the police in these areas, so that is something that would most certainly have to be dealt with, rather than the possibility that you send a lot of police to come in and harass people, as that would do the exact opposite. You would need a lot of community outreach programs so it feels like the police know the people there rather than the police think that they are going into a warzone to take down bad guys. The article talks about New York's methods for lowering its crime rates, but does not put it all on stricter crime laws like if someone looks disruptive but community policing and visibility of not for profit organizations that target the social issues.

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29 Jun 2020, 11:01 pm

jimmy m wrote:
Bradleigh wrote:
So who are the bullies in this scenario, the gangs, or the police officers using excessive force who when caught and reported to the higher ups will receive no punishment because that is where they learned it from? I suppose then that the gangs are the kids who were bullied by another kid and so take it out on their siblings at home.

It sound obvious to me. In the case of the children who were shot to death, it was the shooters. In the case of George Floyd, it was most likely Derek Chauvin who was arrested for the crime.

And both are part of systemic problems that require nuance to see what the people can change. There are a lot of people that see the police as a gang, with the only recourse to do anything about is to break the system because the system keeps failing to do anything about it.

We need to fix two problems, one of violent gangs that do what they want, and another of police that think that they can do whatever they want with society sanctioned violence. Just giving more power to the cops to beat people up is only going to make one of them worse, so it will be those social programs and a whole heck of a lot of oversight by police in those areas to regain trust. The moment that a cop shoots someone who was just afraid for their life and running away, or suffocates a man walking out to get iced tea, you just made the police a rival gang, especially if the officers involved get away scot free. Won't be easy, but just throwing money at the situation won't solve it either.

Through dream I travel, at lantern's call
To consume the flames of a kingdom's fall