Texasmoneyman300 wrote:
I think churches of Christ should own businesses and investments and stock market endowments and real estate and mineral and water rights and companies to diversify their funding sources
No! It's what the Church of Scientology in Clearwater, FL, and the Church of Mormonism in Salt Lake City, UT are doing. As religious organizations, they're exempt from taxes. OK, fair enough. But they use costly city services (fire, police, water, etc.) without contributing tax money in return, while reaping tons of tax-free income. Look at their buildings: they all look luxurious! Which means those churches do have very high incomes.
So when you let them run businesses and buy stocks without contributing in return, they'll freeload even more. As a hard-right conservative, there's NOTHING I hate more than freeloading. If I wanted to freeload off of working people, I'd vote Democrat and collect government handouts, not hold down a productive, contributing job like I do now.
Early on in American history, churches gave out lots of charity goods and services to their local communities. So the government exempted them from taxes, since the churches' actions saved the government money. But today, many churches take advantage of the loophole: they don't pay taxes, but help only their members/attendees.
You're from Texas.
You should know better than to enable nonproductive freeloading.
86 the 46
Don't tread on me!
No aid or comfort to the liberals. No way.
My rights don't end where your feeeelings begin!
Then they came for me. But by then, there was no one left to object.
If you're conservative when you're young, you have no heart! If you're liberal when you're mature, you have no brain!