Twilightprincess wrote:
That must have been a horrible thing to go through. I didn’t get pregnant, but for a moment, I thought I might be, so I can relate in a small way.
For a long time I wouldn't talk about my baby on WP.
I didn't want to hear that I should be thankful for the loss.
I didn't want to hear that I made the wrong decision as a mother.
I didn't want to be judged like I was pro-life, because I'm not.
I'm extremely pro-choice even if my choice at that time seemed controversial.
The last few years I've had an extremely difficult time with grief.
I didn't get to process it because of shame and societal expectation.
I've been researching a lot about pregnancy and infant loss awareness.
I bet there are many of us on WP who are suffering from miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant / child loss.
I wish there were a thread for it.
Losing a baby under any circumstance shouldn't involve secrecy.
It doesn't mean we aren't real women, feminists, or advocates for civil rights.
I can certainly relate to this. When I thought that I might be pregnant, I was planning on keeping it. At different points of my life, I could’ve went with a different option. I don’t know.
No matter what choice is made, it is still empowering for women in these situations to know that they have a choice when they didn’t have one when they were victimized.
Denying them this right is going to cause secondary wounding for sure.