I think Aspergeans should NOT have children

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09 Oct 2007, 12:09 pm

I notice the OP doesnt have kids, and by the look of it has no experience raising them, or coping with them, NT or otherwise.

In my experience, groups of autistic children are better behaved, play better, and are generally brighter and smarter and happier than the same number of NT children.

The greater part of our problems will ALWAYS come about because of other people. Our issues are caused by struggling to live under the rules of someone elses society. NTs are supposed to be the ones who adapt well to changes in environment, so surely THEY should be the ones changing to suit US, because apparently for them its a piece of piss.

Eugenics is a distasteful suggestion at best, and in this case, completely flawed, because whilst we might not be great contributors to the animalistic parts of society, hanging about in groups touching each other and reading subtle social signals, we can contribute in many other ways.

Consider who actually runs the world.. its a bunch of people with piss-poor social skills. Kill all the aspies, and you kill the ones who actually KNOW how to fix your pc, generate electricity, carry out complex food engineering mathematics etc.

Fine, sit in your cave throwing sharpened sticks at tigers. Enjoy.

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09 Oct 2007, 1:40 pm

Unknown_Quantity, I see trouble...why all the drama? If I want, I will reproduce with a monkey, if I feel like it...actually I would reproduce with a dolphin, if it would be possible. It seems to me like they are much much more advanced that humans...I don't mean any insult to anyone here.

Mackbeth, I loved what you said, I noticed that in my daughter's play (specially with the kids that ARE aspie or I suspect that all her friends must be because they are exibiting very good behaviour and they play very nice, unlike the animal play that I see from NT kids, that doesn't show absolutely any finesse or inteligence) also, she always plays nice:

In my experience, groups of autistic children are better behaved, play better, and are generally brighter and smarter and happier than the same number of NT children.

Since when being Asperger is a reason not to have kids? For the last time, I think that having my daughter was the best thing that happened to me, to her Dad and a lot of other people. Her best friend is AS too and they let me know when they were very little that they were different and it doesn't bother them (I think that they knew that I was terrified!! !, cause I was before they actually "came out of the closet"). I just loved them when they said that, I will remember those moments for the rest of my life. They came to me, they sat me down, they sat down and they just told me that they have something very important to say...I am sorry if nobody "digs" what I say. After they told me that, I was not scared anymore. They know what they have to do.

This subject is getting depressing...to say the least...like the last man I met, it depressed the hell out of me and he was fixed, too...he was fixed, a GORGEOUS MAN FIXED like a dog, he will never give his genes to any body EVER...how sad!! ! He lets the real ret*ds reproduce and he can not give that joy to a woman, EVER. Those stories that you save your sperm for someone in the crio bank, guess what? You better save a ton, because frozen sperm is really weak, in the sense that it lives only 12 hours, so bye-bye conception!! ! I am dissapointed and sad and I will move on. If there is no more normal men on earth, maybe I will just go to the sperm bank and see what I can get done. The hell with love!! !

Anyway, I am not coming back here...too much controversy about NOTHING...

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PS For whoever wants to hurt me (in my professional life, for example) using what I posted in confidence here, watch out, I have a good lawyer.

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09 Oct 2007, 2:24 pm

Yeh, CERASELA, It's got heavy, but isn't that just like real life? Read between other lines and you find a lot of love, a lot of a.s. kids that are loved and are going to do just fine. Overall, considering everything, we're pretty damn fine bunch of people. Just 1 or 2 that still got a bit of growing (UP) to do.

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09 Oct 2007, 2:37 pm

Unknown_Quantity wrote:
Yes, I agree with the "better out than in" and "at least you know" side of things. I'm glad that I have a relationship with my wife that we can be honest about such things.

I'm seeing my psychologist tonight and I'm taking my wife along to see what we can sort out.

Hopefully, with time, my wife will see in a similar way to me, that the problems associated with AS can be minimised/handled and the advantages that come with having it are not to be underestimated.

It still hurts though. I do take things like this to heart.

I'm sure it does. I'd be feeling very hurt too. People can say the most extraordinarily rude things about those who are different to them without considering the consequences at all.

Being Aspie has been a blessing as well as sometimes a curse. The same is true for any other person - they will have a mixture of happiness and sadness in their life. Some more, some less. If we are to kill off any baby who might experience sadness or might ever need help, there'll be no-one left alive on the planet.


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09 Oct 2007, 3:12 pm

Featherways wrote:
Unknown_Quantity wrote:
Yes, I agree with the "better out than in" and "at least you know" side of things. I'm glad that I have a relationship with my wife that we can be honest about such things.

I'm seeing my psychologist tonight and I'm taking my wife along to see what we can sort out.

Hopefully, with time, my wife will see in a similar way to me, that the problems associated with AS can be minimised/handled and the advantages that come with having it are not to be underestimated.

It still hurts though. I do take things like this to heart.

I'm sure it does. I'd be feeling very hurt too. People can say the most extraordinarily rude things about those who are different to them without considering the consequences at all.

Being Aspie has been a blessing as well as sometimes a curse. The same is true for any other person - they will have a mixture of happiness and sadness in their life. Some more, some less. If we are to kill off any baby who might experience sadness or might ever need help, there'll be no-one left alive on the planet.

I agree that it was very shallow of your wife to say that. Who is she to say something of that nature. I hope that they never come up with such a test.

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09 Oct 2007, 7:04 pm

CentralFLM wrote:
Yea you are right. Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein's parents shouldn't of had babies. The World would be a better place.

1. Most of us are not geniuses.
2. It's not known whether Einstein, Edison, etc had Asperger's.


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09 Oct 2007, 7:11 pm

Is autism and AS really genetic? And even if it were, genetics isn't that simple. It's entirely possible for someone with AS or autism to have children that don't have the same condition. I don't see AS and autism as suffering; I enjoy its merits. So I don't see a problem with having children there.

However, I don't see myself having children anyways because I have no interest in rearing children, nor marrying, having a family, or having sex. Childbirth is not something that interests me either.

You could say that some people with AS and autism won't have children anyways because of the way they think, and it wouldn't be much of a problem anyways. Even if you do have children, you'd just have to teach them to accept it. We aren't all born choosing the most optimal conditions in which we live.

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09 Oct 2007, 7:23 pm

Surely we SHOULD have kids. As we all are aware, this syndrome (or disorder, or disability, whichever way you want to say it) is here to stay. So what better parents to look after an Aspergean than Aspergeans themselves?!

Many of us had our extreme difficulties as children because our problems were NOT recognised by the NTs that looked after us, or unknown Aspergeans who were told to get a stiff upper lip and to "deal with it". So we were abused, bullied, and not looked after the way we should have. So wouldn't we be the BEST parents in the world for Aspies? As we know every problem and (with time) know how to solve them based on our OWN experiences?

I look forward to having children, as I know they have a massive chance of having what I have, and I can help them the way I wasn't. I am a strong believer in that if our problems and anxieties were catered for we wouldn't have such hard and demanding lives as Aspies.

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09 Oct 2007, 7:59 pm

Angelus-Mortis wrote:
Is autism and AS really genetic? And even if it were, genetics isn't that simple. It's entirely possible for someone with AS or autism to have children that don't have the same condition. I don't see AS and autism as suffering; I enjoy its merits. So I don't see a problem with having children there.

However, I don't see myself having children anyways because I have no interest in rearing children, nor marrying, having a family, or having sex. Childbirth is not something that interests me either.

You could say that some people with AS and autism won't have children anyways because of the way they think, and it wouldn't be much of a problem anyways. Even if you do have children, you'd just have to teach them to accept it. We aren't all born choosing the most optimal conditions in which we live.

Yes it is (probably) genetic, and you are right; genetics aren't that simple and two people on the spectrum could have a "normal" child.


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09 Oct 2007, 9:07 pm

Unknown_Quantity wrote:
Well, a rather unhappy development related to this thread.

My wife and I were watching a TV show that talked about Treacher Collins Syndrome. My wife said that if she found that she was carrying a child that had something like that she'd have an abortion. Thinking of this thread I said, "well, you know, Asperger's is often inhereted from the parents."

After a moment she said, "well, hopefully they can test for that sort of thing by the time we have kids."

I asked why.

She said so she could have an abortion if the baby has AS.

I was devastated. She's basically said that she'd rather abort our child than have one that's like me. At the moment I'm really re-evaluating my relationship with her. I never thought my own wife would feel the way these other people do.

Your wife disturbs me, on many levels. It's reasoning like hers that makes me hope there never is a day when that testing becomes available.

I hope you two work this out, somehow. I'd hate to think of the day coming where there is an AS test, your unborn baby tests positive, and you - being the man with no rights - stand by helplessly as she murders your child for being...like you.

I'm really sorry, your post left me somewhat speechless and horrified.

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09 Oct 2007, 9:08 pm

There is a difference between being brought into this world to suffer being Aspie, vs being brought into this world and suffering for being Aspie at the hands of NTs. This wouldn't be an issue if our society didn't worship the ignorant.

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09 Oct 2007, 10:37 pm

I feel like having an aspie kid just so I can in decloak form watch how the NT world treats aspies so I can track the conduct and deal with it with my brand of perception. I can't believe that aspies are expected to be abused as have been described in this forum; it is hypocritical in the NT world for aspies to be abused.

I wonder if it is an aspie thing that I am a tracking fiend. I haven't found anything really big enough to apply my tracking tendency yet but this sounds like something for me.


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09 Oct 2007, 10:53 pm

LadyMacbeth wrote:
Surely we SHOULD have kids. As we all are aware, this syndrome (or disorder, or disability, whichever way you want to say it) is here to stay. So what better parents to look after an Aspergean than Aspergeans themselves?!

Many of us had our extreme difficulties as children because our problems were NOT recognised by the NTs that looked after us, or unknown Aspergeans who were told to get a stiff upper lip and to "deal with it". So we were abused, bullied, and not looked after the way we should have. So wouldn't we be the BEST parents in the world for Aspies? As we know every problem and (with time) know how to solve them based on our OWN experiences?

I look forward to having children, as I know they have a massive chance of having what I have, and I can help them the way I wasn't. I am a strong believer in that if our problems and anxieties were catered for we wouldn't have such hard and demanding lives as Aspies.

LadyM looks after my two autistic children with great skill and deftness, and with all the more ability because she IS AS and thus understands them better. I would trust her as an aspie with my children above and beyond any NT I have ever met.

The OP calls our very existence into question. By his logic, everything we have ever done becomes worthless, and the implication is that humanity would be better off had we never existed.

Pardon my french.. but anyone who suggests that I should never have existed, that LadyM should never have been born, that my sons should never have been conceived can get f****d, royally.

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09 Oct 2007, 11:05 pm

When I finally read about yeshivas in Chaim Potok's books, I felt that I finally had discovered the kind of school atmosphere meant for me but I would not have wanted to be me in a school meant for aspies exploited by people who are more there for the wrong reasons:

http://www.nypost.com/seven/10082007/ne ... ass_pr.htm



October 8, 2007 -- PARENTS say it's harder to get into than Harvard. It's an elite, private Manhattan school that mainly takes kids of the rich, famous and well connected.

Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick's son went to the Churchill School, and a nephew attends. Artist and filmmaker Julian Schnabel's son goes there.

Designer Dana Buchman wrote a memoir about her daughter's experience at the school, which caters to bright kids, grades kindergarten through 12, who've been declared learning disabled.

But the thing that separates Churchill from the Daltons and Chapins is the price: It's free.

Rather - you, the taxpayer, fund private education for kids whose parents can afford the freight.

Because 96 percent of Churchill's 405 students get their tuition - $34,000 this year - picked up by the state and city. You buy these kids state-of-the-art facilities, plus class sizes that top out at 12.

Of the 16 students whose parents write a fat check this year, most will ask for a refund - and get it.

I asked Bacon to comment, but he said "no" and hung up.

Schnabel did not return a call.

Top political consultant Hank Sheinkopf, whose daughter attends for free, admitted it stinks rich kids primarily get a gratis private-school education. "What's wrong . . . is that poor kids can't get in," he said. "You have to hire an expensive lawyer. I'd like to see other people have this opportunity, too."

For me, the whistle was blown on Churchill by a mom whose son is enrolled - against her wishes. In a fight with her wealthy doctor ex-husband to get their boy into a mainstream school, she handed me the Churchill directory.

It reads like a society register. For every kid on it who lives in Brooklyn, there are perhaps 20 on Park Avenue, in Greenwich Village or on Sutton Place.

Since 1999, the number of parents who get kids diagnosed with a disability, then apply for a private-school refund, is up enormously. The city paid more than $57 million for 3,675 kids whose cases were contested by the Ed. Department in the '05-'06 school year.

The city is fighting against thousands of parents who never even try public schools before demanding a private-school refund. That's the case with multimillionaire ex-Viacom chief Tom Freston, whose son attends another pricey Manhattan school. Freston is taking his case for a cash refund to the Supreme Court - "on principle."

Lawyer Neal Rosenberg is the chief go-to guy for getting your kid into a pricey school gratis. He claims a "100 percent success rate" at Churchill.

"I've never had a client who presented a disability just to get the Board of Ed to pay," he insisted.

He disagrees that would-be Churchill kids should try public school first. "Why make their child a guinea pig?" he said.

One thing's certain: He will always have clients.

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09 Oct 2007, 11:10 pm

I think that it should be up to each of us, as individuals, if we want to have children, or not. I feel and think that the OP was dictating that none of us should have children. I don't think that we will be contaminating the human gene pool, by having children, if we want to do so. he obviously hates himself, or else he wouldn't have started such a thread. I think that he needs to see a professional to talk about his issues with. I can tell that he hasn't made peace with himself. I also suspect that he isn't on the Spectrum. I suspect that he bullies people who appear to be on the Spectrum, every chance that he gets. I think that he's laughing at every single word that we each type, calling us a bunch of ret*ds.

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09 Oct 2007, 11:15 pm

I'm not saying that it's bad to have Mental Retardation, because there are worse things that a person can be, than Challenged.

The Family Enigma