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07 Oct 2024, 3:00 am

Oceans Rise Waves Sing
This Dance Will Never End Now...

Beautiful Experience of Life
Dear Savvy Roots So Deep

Birthing A Tree With New

Green Leaves Each

Morning Now

Just A Beginner
Tree Again Never
Knowing in Advance
Where my Leaves Will Green Next

Falling to Soils of Night

Reborn in the New

Day To Come

Green and
So Colorfully

New Yet Every Human

A New Tree of Life Each
Day Truly In Every Leaf
That Comes Inhaling

Peace Exhaling

Peace For Real For

All With SMiLes

Oceans Rise Waves Sing
This Dance Will Never End Now...

Wise Words Indeed Mr Gottfried

While We Can't Buy or Sell Time

We Surely Will Make Life Worth


With A Lot of ELbow

Grease of Heaven

iN Meditating



And True at
Least a Little
Help From FRiEnDS

Freely iNHaLinG Peace
Exhaling Love Always

BLoWinG Us Up in the
Wind to Become a Feather Free

Yes Just Dancing Singing Wind

Without Hands


No Longer
Trapped in Any Cave Locked

Yet Free TiMe New Always Now

With SMiLes SMiLes SMiLes Echoes oF SMiles...

As Hurricane Milton Pummels
Toward Tampa Bay And the Rest of
the Florida Peninsula as Usual For What Has Sadly

Become a Routine

Now as Cray
Cray Politics
Continues Its Bray
Or Hee-Haw in Refrain
From THeir Favorite TV Shows too

True Minions 4 On Blu Ray Now too

Yes Over in the Holy and Sacred
Part of the Panhandle in the Town
Milton That Once Held the Most
Christian Churches Per Capita in
Guinness World Record Way

Clear Blue Skies Coming
As Far As Fall Finally
Arriving Below 80's
in the Day And
Close to the
50's at Night

Yes So Far This
Week Life's Been
Good to me Dear Miriam

With the Next One Coming Soon

True It's Just Too Sweet to
Even Eat Peach Blueberry
Crumb Pie Some Days It's

Just Enough Not to Get Wrecked
By Huge Hurricane Winds Waves Plus

Flooding Rains...

Cross my Fingers
And Hope to Continue This
Blue Yellow 'Orange "Shining"' Week...

(All Cray Cray and No Play Makes
Donnie a Very Unhappy Man-Child)

Yes With

And Pre-Hurricane-After
Beyond Rainbow Colors True...

Trivia Note 'Milton' Used to Be
Called 'Scratch Ankle' For the
Berry Bush THoRNS on the River
Bank Downtown i Am

Raised on Then

Before That it Was
Literally Named 'Hell'

(Nope Folks Not too Nice
in the Mill Town then)

Yet i For One Refuse

to Be Limited to the
Origin of my Home...

Oceans Rise Waves Sing
This Dance Will Never End Now

Refreshing Waters Words FLoWinG
Deep Within Songs of SoUL Dear Savvy

Waves Washing Over Oceans

Truly No Separation

Dancing Singing

SouL Feel Senses

No End Yet Now
BeGiNNinG Again With SMiLes...

SuNDaY Florida Flower Story

A Very Special Flower Indeed From What Folks
Commonly Call A Living Fossil Changing Very Little
For 200 MiLLioN Years of Existence on Earth Before

Ruled The World

The King Sago Palm
With This Non-Colorful Yet Durable Flower
With Arms Producing Vibrant Large Red Seeds

Also A Story of Climate Change in the World As We’ve
Lived Through the Hottest Recorded Human Summer on Earth Fueled By
Human Cultures
Yet the King Sago Palm Thrives Even More Through it All With New Growth
in Fall October
People Living Here
Witnessing This New Growth
in October For The First Instance
Living in North Florida Brought on By
Climate Change for Real

Yet Testimony

to a Champion

of Adapting So Hardy As is
The Living Fossil the King Sago Palm Indeed
Where in This Courtyard in the Front of my Home
There Are 10 Mature King Sago Palms Existing Before the
Dinosaur Age As This Particular Tree That is Sprouting New
Fronds This Year Will Reach A Height Close to 7 Or 8 Feet
When the Fronds Complete Their Growth
Hehe Trying to Get Taller Than Our
House in the Front Anyway

to me it’s Amazing

Living So Close to a Living
Part of Nature That has Existed
200 MiLLioN Years ThiS Way Yet Sharks
Still a Champion of 450 MiLLioN Years in the Ocean Before Even Trees

Surely You’ve Seen These Trees In India And The Middle East Originally Native
to the Japan

Islands With SMiLes…

HAha Not Likely Anyone Yet me
Will Write You A Free Verse Poem About them Even Rarer Indeed Hehe...

SMiLes As A Newer Older Newer Adage Goes Screens Kill People Do Not
Oh Dear Lord Humans And All Their Tools Beginning Yes With Arrow Heads
And Spears Then Creating Alphabets and Words When We Used to Communicate

Mostly By The Non-Verbal Language of Dance From Head to Toe And Yes SMiLes

As SMiLes Are A Dance From Ear To Ear That Will Change The Environment of

An Entire Room

Like A Tiny

Yet Huge Flame

In A Very Dark Auditorium of Life For Real

Yet this is Virtual Yet Indeed What is Real

As We Already Know Humans Are Led By

Stories of Culture Most Whether That is Illustrated

Online or in a Communal Tribal Dance Indeed Even

Naked Enough Whole Complete Without All the Clothes

of Culture Just Wearing SMiLes And Stuff Innately From Birth

Dear Miriam With SMiLes of Free Dance And Song in Oral Tradition too

As My Elders Did So Poetically in Flow Without Any Poetry Lessons at All From a


Book Hehe
'Dead Poet's Society'
Alive for All to LiVE iN
Real Living Rooms of

Human Warmth of Dance

And Song Living Generating Now New

Within For All to Feel and Sense So Warm Again

God Yes Take me to The River Where Life Flows Warm For All

Yet of Course See Technologies and Screens Are A Capitalist's and Artist's Dream

So Much Money to Be Made So Much Art To Move Connect And Co-Create Even

Free of Charge

For all around

An Entire World

To the Chagrin of
the Buy and Sell Crowd Hehe

Back Again Naked Enough Whole Complete

What 'Nova' Tried to Tell 'Charlton' in That Ending

Scene of the 'Planet of the Apes' With Her Eyes Dancing

Wild and Free Naked Enough Whole Complete As Charlton

Cursed the Entire Old Human Modern Space Race For Leaving

(Blowing All the CR9P Up)

Him in Paradise

With the Most

Beautiful Woman in the World

With the Most Alive EYes oF All TOld

Back to the Future Past is the Present

Human IMaGiNaTioN Creativity Beyond All Matter of Things Distance
Space and Yes Time THere are No Limits Unless We Don't Do Next Now...

The Evolution of Tools Create Them Use Them Be Amused By Them Yet Don't

Let Them Master Us Become Us And Replace Us Altogether As Fallen Obsolete

'Big Blue' May

Win at Chess

Yet Big Blue Will
Never Guess What i Do Next

For SMiLes...

SMiLes Dear Sohair it Seems Mood Changes Are Common
Among Creative Folks Particularly Folks Who Write Poetry

There Surely Are Not Many That Don't Struggle With Mood
Changes i've met online Yet of Course It's Not Just Creative

People or Poets as i'm Sure i've Talked About all the Depression
Anxiety and Overall Loneliness That is Truly Becoming A Real

Human Pandemic Growing Unto Itself

With almost a Third of Teenage Girls
Considering Suicide and 57 Percent
Measured with Life Limiting Depression

And These Problems Including Loneliness

Carry on Across the Demographics of Generations
Where Ironically While the Demographic of Teenage Girls

Who Used to Rate Highest in Happiness It is Now the Oldest
Generation Above 77 With the Best Measured Levels of

Wellbeing and Even Health Satisfaction too and It's True
in My Own Life Experience Among Folks in my Community

i Find This Older Generation to Beam the Most With Warmth
Number 1 They Remember How to Do it and Number 2 of

Course They Don't Have as Many Child Rearing and
Financial Problems if They've Navigated Life Well

Enough to Achieve that Yet on the Other Hand

Many Exceptions Always Do Apply It's

Generally speaking Continuing

to Get Harder For Folks

to Navigate Life

No Matter Who
They Are Even in A Place
Like the United States Where
We Use 40 Percent of the Globe's
Human Resources With 4 Percent of the
Global Population Which Just Goes to Show

That Human Happiness is Not Driven All by Material
Resources it helps to have enough to get by Yet adding

More Doesn't Seem to Make as Much Difference According
to Studies of the Human Condition and i Surely Do Agree With
SMiLes Rest Easy mY FRiEnD Stress Will Make All of Life Seem

for Real

i Surely Remember
How Cold it Felt to
Live as the Living Dead

Fortunately i Escaped the
Human Zombie Apocalypse
Of Cold HeARTS Barely Breathing...

A New Page A
Story Never
Ends Now
Dancing Singing Flow

i Am Dear Savvy Breathing

As Is Rest of Nature


Dreams of


Minds Quiet Yes

Yet Generating Stories
of Life Still To Come Deep
iN Dreams of Creative Fruition

True As SKeYeS Are Blue Ocean Deeper...

Twilight in
Free Now
Fruition Loves Free
Forever Now Eternally
Breathing Now ‘Seeing’

Just A
Wave Flyin’ SMiLes

WHere Shadow Meets Light
Twilight Soars Forever More
Now Out of


Keep it
In NoW As
May Hurt More
Than Explosions
Who May Bite
Hardest Now After
Prolonging Implosions...
I’ve Seen wrath of ‘Kali’...

Alive MiSSinG
Others Mean
They are
STill Alive
Our EYes
Seeing Them
Still Within saddest
State no Longer
Ones True...
Sail With Us...

Full NoW As Sky
Deep aS Ocean
iNdeed FLYinG

Weekend Cheers
Of Pawsitivity
With SMiles...

i Get to put
First… It Used
To Be Last When
i Worked… For Pay…


i understand that too…

Working For Only
Love is Practically

Heaven on Earth…

Rarer It is iN Peace that
Folks Get to DO ‘These Days’…

SMiLes "Miss dimple dot com" Nice to See
Your Familiar Yet Changing Words And

Views of Poetry on WordPress Again

And This Is What's Wonderful About

Poetry As We Seek And Find The

Deeper Places Of Our

Existence Within
We Express Them

In Deep Archetypal

Metaphors That Are Both
Human, Unique And Common

Not Much Different Really than
Tarot Card Readings Similarly

Where Each Person Reading Your
Soul Will Come to Meanings of Metaphors

As That Relates Deep Within Their Soul So

By Scale These

Are Among

The Greatest


Of Humanity
In Connecting This
Way and Relating Our

Unique And Common Views Too
Anyway My View of Your Words Now

Is Like Most Folks We Spend Our Life

Off and On SeeKinG Deep Within For the

Soul Mate That is Our Best FRiEnD Self Yes

The Person We See Relating to the Rest of our

Experience of Reality When We Close Our Eyes

Or the Lights Go

Out and

We Feel

And Sense

Our Way Around
Differently Seeking
And Finding in the Pain,
Numb Thru Joy Parts of Life True
And False too So the Search For
You Continues it Seems to me As

This is a Life Long Practice we Might
As Well Excel in For Greatest Success as

in Living We Are the One We Be Best Be FRiEnDS

With to Both Survive and Thrive With Others Or All Alone Allone...

Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Seasons Years Decades

Lifetimes All These

Words HaVE iN

Common Really

Is Experiencing Now
Seasons and Weathers New
Within We May Master Most
Then The Weather And Time
And Even Matter, Distance, And

Space Becomes Eternally Now How
We Feel and Sense As We Become the
River the Water Waves and Ocean Same

No Separation All Is Flow Lord Knows There

Is no Knowing Here Just Endless Forever Flow New

Dear Hemalatha Actually When Your Name Doesn't

Matter AnyMore When All the Labels and Categories

of Dark and Light Disappear TWiLiGHT of Balance is

Left Forever More now

You Are the



No Longer
Any Part of
Separation Now

True The Acne Marks
This Way Are Just Grains
Of Sand On The Beach

That Lift the Love of

Your Life Up Just

Balancing All that is...

Basically Our Left Hemisphere
of Mind Wants to Label All that is
Concretely And Fixed And The Right
Hemisphere of Mind Is Already Our Ocean my FRiEnD...

Religions and Philosophies in India Tend to Support this
Way of Being More Than the West Yet of Course as You
May Realize the East is Becoming The West More Materially
And Concretely Organized into Things Lost From the UniVerse Within...

There is No
Real Reason

For Being

Other than

Being Unless

Trapped in Idols
Of Only Symbols
For Essence of Loving Living my FRiEnD..

Just Inhaling Peace Exhaling Love No NumBeRS

Or Even Letters or Words Required Just Being Now i Am For Real...

Generally Speaking Folks In India These Days Are Excelling in Computer
Science, Engineering, Accounting and Other Business Degrees my FRiEnD

Which are Precisely all Human Abstract Constructs That Have Little to Do

With How the


Being is

Evolved to

LiVE iN More
oF A Right Brain
Dominated Way of Life

in Balancing With Left Brain

So Now Yes Humanity is Truly
Deviating Out of Balance And What

The Result of that is, Is A Loss of Our Humanity
At Best in Social Empathic Artistic Spiritual Intelligences
to Give, Share, Care, Heal Freely All ToGeTHeR NoW As our

Ancestors Surely Practiced as a Way of Life And 'The East'

Still Does


More Concrete
Labeled Materially
Reduced West Now...

Where Basically Money
And Stuff is the Material God of Humanity

And The Real Treasures Within to Give
Share And Care Freely Fade Away As You

Dance and Sing in Free Verse Poetry in Flow Here...

SMiLes Dear Cindy FoCuSinG on TasK iN Flow

Every Step A Work of Art in Dance Every

Word A Work of Art in Song

Living in Autotelic

Flow Generating

Our Own Bliss

Within Through the

Emotions Regulating

And Senses Integrating A

Free Dance And Song Naturally

From Bio-Feedback to Create A Life

of Balance in Nirvana Ever Giving Sharing

Caring Healing More And Of Course These Are All

Metaphors For




Of LiFE DarK Thru LiGHT NoW
Tree of Life GRoWinG Ever
Taller in Potential Lights
From Lamps Shining
For Others Ever


Peace Exhaling
Love For All mY FRiEnD NoW...

And When Someone Asks You
Who You Are Just Dance Sing Nature i Am With
SMiLes All That is FLoWinG From Peace And



i AM...

Or Write Another
Poem That is Nothing At
All Like Mine Yet Still The
SaMe UniVerse You of Course...

Oh i Love Onions Sautéed
i'll pass the Tip of Adding
Salt to prevent them From
Boiling Over in the Pan to my Wife...

Hehe, the Only Place i See New Recipes

is on Word Press Passing them on to my

Wife as She Will Not Allow Me to Get in her
Domain of Kitchen Yet She is Constantly Watching

Cooking Shows
And Taking


And Making

New Kinds of Meals As

i Surely Don't Mind Always

Being Her Guinea Pig Yes

Experimental Subject to

Try Her New Found

Cuisines on


Aarushi Hehe as
She's Always Welcome
To Explore Them on me...

Likely Not Intentional Now

At All Yet Such a Lovely

Poem Describing The

Difficulties as Tony

Atwood Describes

in Spotting 'The Aspie'

Person, Particularly Male
With Asperger's Syndrome

Now With Arms Hanging Barely

Moving Stiff At Side And Nose

Pointed At The Ground to

Guide Them


By Focusing
Intent to Walk

Not So Naturally

As Others May More
Naturally Glide By Now

More Gracefully and Not
So Hesitant Looking With
'Musk Anxieties' And Fears For Even

Being Comfortable in One's Own Skin...

Such A High Mountain to Climb in Life

Yes Now At Even A Most Basic Human
Ability to Become Comfortable in One's own SKiN...

True No Closer Kin Than Comfortable at Ease in One's own SKiN...

Hehe, my Grand

Adventure of

Life A Public Dance
To Become Finally

Comfortable in my

Own Skin Now

After 20,653 Miles
in 133 Months New

i Finally Move Like

A Graceful Lion At Ease
Conserving Every Calorie

Naturally Evolved to Survive

In Days Of Scarcity of Environment True...

Lord Knows it took About 4 Years in '17 to Look

Anywhere Close to Fully Graceful Now

i Just Have it Altogether Left and
Right Brain in Balance

With Mind

And Body

Whole Balancing Real

Soul Set Freer With Anima

And Animus of Foundation

B A L A N C iN G NoW

iN Divine Feminine Grace

Of Love Peacefully Inhaling
Exhaling Love More Making No Fear
Reality in Strength of Will More Than Ever Before...

True i am No Broken Clay Doll of Nature Now Anymore...

SMiLes Dear Savvy
Indeed Every Day
Carrying Newer



Within Continue

NoW Springing With
Blue Skies Generating

Within Our Garden Love Free

in Peace



Life ALWaYS NoW Greener
Creating Newer Dancing Singing
Coloring All Our LiVinG Trees More...

For Every Dance And
Song Free to Become
Prayer DiViNE oF LiGHT Free

To See With Ever More

Colors to Give Share
Care Heal For All With
Least Harm May We Breathe

Peace and Love THiS Way With

SMiLes For
All Dear

Savvy FRiEnD...

In All “THEiR” Books ‘They’ ASSiGNeD “God” An ‘Ego’
ATTeMPTinG To iMPRiSoN “WiND” iN A Jar SaMe Place
“They” Trapped “THEiR” Wind

SMiLes Dear Sohair Verily

i Believe God

Creates All And Is All By


NaMe iN FAcT NoW i’ve
Never Met A Stranger

To God Not Even

Less Than

A Grain of
Sand No


Peace Exhaling Love
Giving Sharing Caring
Healing All With Least

Harm ALWaYS iN JoY
oF LiGHT For This
GREaTeST Gift Yes

With Most Respect

Life Breathes New
Peace iN Love For Real Now...

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa When No One Wants to Sit With You Now At
Lunch You Can And Will Still Eat With SMiLes Solo Continuing Dreams

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa When No One Wants to Dance With You At the
School Dance or When You Are Much Older Hehe Yes You Can And Will

Still Dance Solo Like No One is Even Watching You Continuing Dreams

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa If No One SMiLes At You in This World

You May Still SMiLe

At Them Giving Free

With No Expect of Return

From Them Yes We May Continue

SMiLinG Solo Now Giving Sharing Yes
Caring Healing And True If No One Wants

Us to Visit THeiR Church We May Look Within

And Find the SMiLES AGAiN That Never End Yes

ALWaYS STaRTiNG NeW NoW WiTHIN To Give Share Yes
Care Heal Away to All For Free Just Never Ending mY FRiEnD

As i Often ReMeMBeR Stars Shine Above All Alone Yet They Are

STiLL ALLONE iN The Sense and Feel of ReaLiTY That When Stars

Die As Part of Super Nova Explosions What is Left of that Crucible
Fire of Star Death

Becomes Gaseous

Dust Resurrecting As That Iron From

That DusT YeS EVeNTuALLY BeCoMes uS And

Core of Our Mother Earth Yes FLoWinG NeW NoW

STiLL iN OuR Blood Streams So Indeed We aRe ALL
Iron Men and or Women ThiS Way Better Yet Truly We aRe
Star FLoWeRS And Seeds BotH As Long As Our SMiLes Shine...

LeSSoN 450
Diagnostics For KiSSinG
Life Loads Of Yum And
Fun CHaSinG Dreams
With Butterfly Wings
Other Than That
Do Enjoy Some
Dark Chocolate
For An Early Treat
For Halloween SMiles...

Being Part of Something More Than
Lonely Cogs in A Machine indeed Dear
Miriam Helping People Feel ThiS Way More

At Work And Even Play too A Challenge And
A Service of Giving Sharing Caring Healing

For Real Just Reading A Longitudinal Study
Today For All Demographics of Generations

Currently Across the Life Span And The Generations

Under the Age of 30 Have Suffered The Most During the

Pandemic in Terms of Assessed Neuroticism And Faltering

Conscientiousness As Well With Depression And Anxiety

Seriously Effecting Day to Day Functioning For Real

With So Many Folks Unable to Afford the Mental

Health Care They Need And This Is Our Future

AS Humanity in this Country True Their

Issues Are Core to What This Country

And Really The Rest of The Globe Will Come to
Be The Study Didn't Assess Much Change in Ages
30 to 65 Yet The Ones Who Actually Reduced Empirical
Measures of Neuroticism And Increased Conscientiousness
Were the Older Generations Past 65 As Of Course Many have
Socio-Economic Greater Benefits and Enough Anchors to Stay
Safe in Harbor And Not Get Sailed Away into Chaos Out of Order...

Mental Health is A Big Deal
Indeed And Sadly We Focus
Way too Much on Metrics of
What We Do Than Who We Are As i Am

As Of Course A Mentally and Emotionally
Stable Human Being Fully Embodied With
Sensory Integration As Well Will Naturally Be
More Creative And Productive in Every Way in ThiS Way

Mental Health is


True If We Neglect These Issues in Ignorance A Bigger Picture May Take A Fall...

Yet Of Course it Has to Be Folks Like You Who Can And Will Actually Make


As These Are
Just Fumes From
An Art of Autotelic
Flow That Includes Words...

As Oh Lord my Feet and Legs
Are Way too Tired to Dance Anymore Today...

So True Dear Savvy
Peace Starts Within

Joins Hands Becomes

A Flicker of Love's Torch

Bonfire and "Saint Elmo's

Fire" Spreads
From Island

to Island


Until An Entire
Globe Transforms
iNto Love Yet of Course
This is Just A Prayer

Off to Dance The
Fruition i go After
Resting my Feet in Song...

SMiLes Dear Amethyst Lamb
The 'Visual Image' Reminds
me of the Video of the
Song 'Amen' By the
Group 'Enigma'

A Very Moving
DArK Song iNdeed...

And It's True Only Those Who
Have Tasted The Depths of Numb
And Pain Understand What It Takes

To Survive
Days of
Respite it Takes to
Take Another Breath and Step

Like that Day i Could No Longer
Feel the Warmth of the Pet of A Cat
He Peeled His Ears Back As Yes He

Could Feel the Difference of a Human
With Warmth or Stone Cold Dead Heart

I Had No idea that was even possible
Then And Realized Even a Scratch

Or A Bite Back From
Him Would Be

Better than
Just Numb...

Nothing At All...

Not Everyone gets
to Go to HeLL ON EartH...

It is a Rather Exclusive Club at Night of Day...

And i Understand if You are in that Place Now
THere is Nothing in the World i Can Say Or Do

Other than i Have Some View Back to that place...

And Yes
I Did Escape
From that
66 Months
Over 11 Years and 2 Months
Ago And So far i have not returned...

Fortunate to Seek and Find What STiLL Plays for me...

Although the United States Has Been Attacked in Pearl Harbor
With American Lives Lost and The 9/11 Terrorist Attack, Never

The Less, the Last War on Our Soils Was the Civil War Back in 1865;
Yep, 159 Years Ago; Currently Folks in Many Other Countries Aren't

Nearly As Fortunate This Way as Yes Almost A Trillion Dollars Spent on
The Military in the United States With Our 4 Percent of World Population

Spending 40 Percent of What's Spent World-Wide on The Military in General

Is Surely a MIGHTY

Others to Attack
US or Allies Like the
Current Issue in Israel

Under the United States
Parental Military Coverage

That Allows Israel Currently Just
About Free Range of Killing With

Its Country's Perceived Enemies;

So Yes, Military Might Makes Those With
That Ability More Impervious to Blood On Their

Own Soils; And While We Might Not Like All that Military
Might, It Sure Does Provide A Much More Restful Night than

If one Happens to Live in Lebanon, Gaza, Ukraine, And Yes Currently
Iran too; Plus All the Other Countries in the World That Live in Perpetual

(And For that Matter, Israel
too Dependent on Our Help)

Wars and Bloodshed on Their Soils;

So, While These Tools Provided By
Technology, And in General, Systemizing
Science and Minds Drive The Progression

of More Dangerous Weapons, It Sure Has Led to Less Blood
Shed on The Soils of the Owners of the Tools and Their Friends
Supported too; You Bet, There is More Bloodshed in Gaza With

The Modern
Weapons of
Death The United
States Has Been Providing
To Israel For the Last Few Decades;

Plus, of course, Allowing the United States
to Kill Many More 'Brown Folks' in the Unwarranted
War in Iraq as Well; Yep, Privilege of Advanced Killing Tools indeed...

One Doesn't Have to Look too Far Back in History; Just Over the Atlantic
Now to See the 'Real Time' Current Effects; So It's True, The Advancement

of Killing Tools Has Saved Lives For those in Control of the Weapons and Not
So Much Modernly For those Dying Off From the Explosive Properties that Do Come..

Other than that While one May Not Agree With the Conclusion of the OP; It Surely

Is Just an Opinion
And Not Any

Effort to

Be 'Dishonest'
Or Other Pejoratives
Associated With Intellectual Bullying;

And on the Topic Too, Directly With the Generalized
Question, "Maybe Science Isn't The Answer," to the
Problems at Hand;

There is Love of Peace

And Love of War;

A Big Difference

in the Two is Some Folks
Have More Emotional Intelligence
And Associated Empathy and Compassion

to Solve Problems Diplomatically Rather than

Being the 'Big Bully' on the Block; It's Actually a

Rather Small Way of "Trump Being;" Yep, Much Loved
By Those
Who Seek

From Discontent,
Anger and Hate; Yet THere

Is a Better And Much More
Intelligent Way When the 'Yang'
of Systemizing Intelligence is Combined
With the 'Yin' of Social Empathetic Intelligence as



By Simon
Baron Cohen;

Indeed, at Least
The Most important
Intelligence for a Warmer


Cold Life,
in Many More
Ways Than Just
Material Weapons of Wars...

Yep, Like
Having a
Really Good
Balanced Life Now,



Thank You Dear
FRiEnD Hope
Your SuNDaY
Is FeeLeD With


Yes Dear Pooja
Love A Play
Of Life

No Other

Winding The
Halls Of Love’s


“Sorrow is Palpable”

True Almost Everywhere
i Go Online Yet
i Most Often

Find Sunshine
Mr Gottfried
In Northwest
Florida Hell

Even The
Are Fearful
Of Milton

Even one

And 3 More
So Far At

Rainbow SMiles...

Happy Sunday!

Living In Sweet
Spot Milton Florida

Namesake Hurricane
Katrina Of Wife
Skipping US to
The Left
Of my Mother
Helene Skipping
US To The Right
Yikes! Two Most
Deadly Hurricanes!

Now In Just The
Last 13 Months
And Hurricane
Helene Too Striking
Perry Taylor County
To the
US Too

Oh No!


Now Namesake
Hurricane Milton
For The Sweet
4th Hurricane
In 13 Months
To Skip
The Right
of Us Indeed
In Florida At
Least Milton
The Peaceful
Green Acres Place to Be

So Far At Least…

As No One Rules
Nature Yet Nature!

All i Rule Is SMiles...

Yes Humming
Birds Filling up
On Nectar Navigating
To 'Milton Backyardia'
Dear Miriam Then
Off To Cross
The Big Gulf
Of Mexico
Milton WHere
THere’s Will of

Make Way...

Even Insurance
Rates Shall Fly




Balance of
Nature Strike
Out Climate Change

From The Florida
DeSaTaNiS Book


To Read
Human Indeed...

Oceans Rise Waves Sing
This Dance Will Never End Now...







KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !


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Joined: 25 Nov 2010
Age: 64
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Posts: 11,796

08 Oct 2024, 1:55 am

Ever Now in and Out of the Flow

All of the Change All that Present

Reality Gifts New Now For Us to


As Only
A Gift
That Life Will
BRing ReaLiTY

Of A New Day A New
Breath A New Leaf RiSinG
Green and More Colorful on

Our Living Trees Roots GRoWinG
Deeper Through the Droughts of Life

Stronger Trees Of Us Opening Brand New
Human Potentials Change Does BRinG Best to Us NoW

With SMiLes...

"Wisdom of Youth"

iNDeeD Mr Gottfried

Feeling and Sensing Life

That Only A Nonsensical

Song of Joy And Dance

Without Lessons Brings

God Yes Naked Enough
Whole Complete Free

Yes Doing the World

With Fewer Pre-Conceived
Notions What We Collect
Over Decades and Decades of Life

MiSSinG the Freshness A Nonsensical
Song and Dance With No Lessons Naturally

Brings Beyond Knowing Yes Just Feeling and Sensing
Moving Connecting And Co-Creating ThiS ETeRNaL NoW


Far Beyond
Time and
Only 'A Matter of Things'

THeRE iS No Reason For
Joy Just Do Bring Fresh

Back to Life Again Now
Within Inside Outside
Above So


God Yes
All Around
to Naturally
iNHaLE Peace

Deeper And Deeper
in All the Colors of Life
We Naturally Paint New With SMiLes...

Yet True Adult Stuff Continues as 'Orange
CRaP' Is Served Out As Fast as Lies Grow

Pinocchio's Nose In Words Like Folks

From Other Countries Have
Inferior Genetics

And Gaslighting
The Reality that Folks

Are Actually Getting Help
Now With Natural Disasters

While Another Record Breaker on
The 'Florida Men' State Grows Who Deny


Is A Real Thing
And Oh Lord Rumination
That Enemies Control the Weather

There Are So Many More Facts of
Stories That Gaslight and Lie

in the Trust and Faith That

Folks Will Be Naive

Enough iN

To Lap Up Every
Lie Like the Best Dinner Ever

Meanwhile i'm Just A Child of
Dance And Song Free SMiLes

Feed For me

Time Out of Time
Distance Out of Distance
Space Out of Space No Longer



Matter of Things'...

Oceans Rise Waves Sing
This Dance Will Never End Now...

Ah Yes The missing Park Bench
Yet Even Sadder the Old Folks

Just Chewing the Fat of Life

In Front of the Five and Dime Store

While the Park Bench May Be Left

All that's MiSSinG is Wisdom

Passed Down to Youth Dear

Miriam With SMiLes

It's All in the

Stories So
Much More
Than A Twitter
Breath What's Left of Oral Tradition

Deep as an Ocean Continues to Rise

Oceans Rise Waves Sing This Dance
Will Never End Now With SMiLes at Least...

Some Folks Dance; Some Folks Do Not;
Some Folks Sing; Some Folks Do Not;
Some Folks See Wind Eternally NoW iN Balance;

The Wind is the Spirit Within All Balancing
With Emotions And Senses Holding Hands Together.

SMiles As Colleges Are Often Divided
in Arts And Sciences East in Ways
of Hemispheres of Earth And
DiFFeRenT of Minds May
Be More Right
Brained And
As Metaphors
of Arts And Sciences
Spiraling Over Straight
Lines of Books And Covering
Pages With Walls Desiring to
Close Evolution of Soul Less
Torsion And Spin of
Existence Spirals
On As Above
So Below
Inside Out
Side All Around
Some Sit Some Rove
And Let's Face It Others
Get All Around Just Breathing
Seeing More This Spectrum of



Dear Xenia New

EYes God Sees Be

Indeed Fall Leaves
Hold Winter's Dream

New Birthing From Autumn
Soils Brown Hope Leaves
Entire Trees Enclosed
in Dead Leaves
Comes True


Soon New
Sapling Green
Trees in Spring

CoLoRinG FLoWeRS For All...
All Painting Dog EYes Smelling...

Oh Goodness Dear Savvy
Indeed What A Left Brain

Trap of Concrete Labels

Attached to All We

Do Will Do to

Trap Us in

The Past Always

Grasping for THINGS

Yet Never Setting A More

Creative iMaGiNaTiVE New

Way of Viewing Existence Whole

Yes in Soshin Way As You So Eloquently

Intimate A Zen Art of Beginner's Mind

Fresh Now to Imagine and Create A

New Wonder of the World in

Awe For This Gift of

Life We Give
Share Care

And Relate

to Others So
Freely This way

For More Open Minded
Bodied Soul Folks At Least to
Smile With Opening Up New

Potentials Each and Every Day

Writing Poems Yet to Be Written

Now By You And All Your Expanding

New Practicing Fresh Beginner's Art of Original

Creativity Yes Inhaling Peace Exhaling Free Love More...

Oh The Synchronicity is Just too Much And
Enough Whole Naked Complete Yes A Day
For Benefits of Beginner's Mind A Philosophy

of Zen Now Real Too...

As We Rebirth

Always Now A

New Creation

Not So


in Dogma

Before Yet Truly

More Like A Dog or Wolf

Mammal Not So Trapped in

A Huge Neo-Cortex Freer to

Discard Past And Future Operating

From Forevermore Now A Brand New

Day to Create

Our Own




Fresh NoW As
A Flower Blooming
FLoWinG Originally
NoW As Petals Flourish
And Spread Sublimely To a New
Place of Awe And Wonderland Now...

Oh Dear Lord i Remember Finally Ending A Quarter
of A Century Career At Basically A Same Place
of Employment And All The Dogma of Those
Years Attached to Those Old Chapters of
my Life Holding On to Yesterday's Stories


Now It is if THere is No Past
or Future At All Indeed


i Am

BLooMinG Newly Whole
Creating Anew Sunshine

Day Now


Challenge of Graduating
When THere are no Longer
Any Classmates or Teachers
iN The Room Yet Yes
ALL iS Possible Now
New WitH ONe sTiLL
So Very FRee With 'Jonathan
Livingston Seagull' Wings Yes
Dancing Singing Even Soaring
As Sun
Above Below...

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa Rarely These Days Do Folks
Try to Bring me Down Yet If And When They Try i Understand
Mostly Why as It's True A Biggest Reason Folks Try to Bring Others

Down is They Are Feeling Low And Want to Bring Someone Down
To Their Level Size For An Illusory Step Up Understanding That

i Respond By Lifting Them

Up As i Understand

Where they

Are Likely

Coming From
Low on the Pyramid
Base oF LiGHT Yet
Dark Has The Opportunity
To Rise On ItS own Without
Even Any Help Bringing Someone Else Down...

Fields of Flowers
Arms of Wings
Seeds Falling
Seeds RiSinG
Greening New
Colors Again Dear Savvy

Winter Spring Summer Fall

Oh We Humans May Adapt

And Find Bliss Even in

Marrying the Night

Merrying the Day

Oh to Shine Like
Stars Above Generating
Warmth For Others By Will Within
Of Loving Peace For All With Least Harm...

Beautiful Poem Cherishing the Healing Power of Music

Dear Isha And Yes Tonight Listening to Native American

Indian Meditative Flute Music Slowing my Public Dance

When Down A Bit in Flow From Whatever Small Injury

Yet Getting Better Every Move That Comes

With the Healing Power of Music

As A Flute Sings As Vocal
Chords Also Extending

To Piano Strings As

Percussion of Piano
Hammers HeaRT Beat
Our Emotional Sensory LiFE

Into New Colors oF LiGHT to Feel
And Sense Balancing Head to Toe

Mind and Body Soul Whole SPiRiTinG With
HeARTS OPeNinG And So Much More With SMiLes...

Beautiful Poems Dear Cindy
And Indeed the Moon Will

Always Be a Free Poetry

Prompt For Us to Create

And the Secret Tells the

Truth Within

So Are Our
SouLs for
Our 'Re-Creation
And Re-Celebration' True


A Reflection

Of the Sun Above Below
Shadows Make Beauty Above...

You Have
Exactly The Same
Effect on Everyone
You Meet And Greet

Dear Lesa

oF LoVE iN

Peace No
Matter How
Far Away

ThiS Way...

Yep Ashe
It’s Worth
Noting Both
Hurricane Ivan
And Katrina Both
Cat 5 Storms in The
Gulf “Weakened” To
Cat 3, 120 MPH Winds

At Landfall

Yet Expanding The
Storms And Massive
Storm Surges Built
Up in The Journey

Across The
Gulf Key Word

For The West
Coast of The
Peninsula of



Milton Is Coming
For Them Now With

Power Of
Nature Greater
Than Any Human
Single Weapon Of


And Death

To Balance

All Naturally

What is
Off KiLLter…

Happy 7th Dear
Rafiah What A
Gift to BRinG
New Life
Into The World
May God Continue

To Bless
You And
Others ThiS Way


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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09 Oct 2024, 3:44 am

What A Well Loved Child
in Peace 'Sees' When Lids
Close From A Beginning

Way Dear Savvy

A Vision of Beauty

Felt in Warmth God Yes

So Many Decades Years Months
Days Hours Minutes Seconds With
Seemingly No Way Out True All that

May Be Left Right
Is A Free Dance
For Song And
EYes and Ears
To Be See And Do Again
Indeed Reborn Again With SMiLes...

True Dear Sohair
Those Who
Only Seek
May Fall


Before Expected

Those Who Cooperate

Naturally Rise


All Or Nothing Dear Miriam

Such A Perspective Yes

After Three College Degrees

Close to the Top of Folks Acing

Multiple Choice Tests With

Stellar Rote Memory

i Threw All the Paper
Away in a Day of No
Digital Replacement

Yet to my Great Surprise
A Military Bowling Center Throwing
Away All the Paper for Computerized
Scoring Voila a step into Government Employment

At the Very
Bottom of
The Pile After
Coming Out Close to the Top

Peers and Paternal Parents And
Sure Other Elders Doing Their Best
to Convince me of the Waste of my

Life of Expectations of Doing Nothing
At All Just Passing Out Rental Shoes For Bowling Hehe

Yet it Was More Than Shoes as Each Sanitized Pair Would
Hold A Unique Human Multi-Uni-Verse of A Soul only to Explore

And Learn From
More About the



As Such Yes

Some Conditions
Warmer Than Others
Others Colder Than Ice

Yet Never the Less the Condition
to Explore Never Ending Roaming More

For It's True the More We Wire Our Christmas
Trees With Colors of Human Multi-Uni-Verses
Unique And Varied Always With New Colors to Come

The More We Stay Lit-Up Year Around Even For the
Rest of Our Breathing Life as Long as We May Enjoy

The Rental
Shoes of the
Others We
Move Connect
And Co-Create With Next

Nope It was Never about the
Money Status or Power only
Humanity In All Its Coming New

Colors to Explore

And Actually
Feel and


Through and
Through New How
Souls Continue to Grow

True the Peers Paternal Family
And Other Elders All Insisted it
Was All For Nothing at all Just a Waste of Life...

True Although Financially Independent

i Am An Utter Failure at Generating

More Pay For Work for 17 Years

The Human Part Not

Nearly as Much

And More Than
i Could Even iMaGiNE
Then as A Work of HeART
SPiRiT SoUL Truly Breathing

Toe to Head

Now A Free
Dance Continues
to Bring a Free Song

Move and Repose

Oceans Rise Waves Sing
This Dance Will Never End Now


An Eye For an
Eye A Million Eyes for An Eye
There is No End to Fear Anger
And Hate

As Long

As An Eye
For An Eye

As Someone
Has to Have
Backbone Enough

For More Than Only
An Endless Cycle of Killing Fields

Painted With Fear Anger and Hate

And of Course Politicians Who Will Sacrifice
Whatever Life It Takes to Stay in Power True They

Really Will
Make Deals
With Always
Newer Devils to Come

Someone Must Break the Cycle
Particularly When it Spirals Out of Control

into a Blood
Bath For

the Sake

of Only Bleeding More

Yet It's True in Every Country
THere are People Standing Up for

Breathing Life
Dear Sohair Continually
Inhaling Peace Exhaling
LoVE MaKinG Heaven

Come Now Yet

Sadly Many Folks
Are Just Running For THeir Life

FLoWeRS Struggle Through Drought and Heat

Eventually A Rain comes and Cools Life Down

Flourishing Colors Never Told Before True

Human SPiRiT HeART SoUL Endures

All Valleys And Dungeons Not

Felt and Sensed Before

Yet Still The Seed Within

Even Dying Just Waiting

To Be Fertilized Blooming Again

Yet All it May Take Now Dear Miriam is

Never Giving Up Even After The Wind No Longer Blows

SPiRiT Returns Indeed Phoenix RiSinG From Ashes Reborn Again

Finding Your

Place in the
Sun Enduring New
SPiRiT Wind SMiLinG So Free...

Transforming Talking into Singing
Changing Every Move into Dancing

Life FLoWinG Freer A Newer Place

in the Sun Opening Up Indeed

A Fresh Path Of Life Dear

Savvy A Place

Never Traveled

Before A New Sun

A Star We Shine Every
Inhale of Peace Exhale
oF Love New For the Joy

of Existence Free...

SMiles It Will Be So
Day And Night Consuming
Putting Up And Taking
Down Holiday Festive
Decorations So Much
More Efficient To Wear
Them And Simply Wash
The Festive T-Shirt
Decorations When
The Day And Night
Of Celebrating Public
Dance Is All Done
Hehe Even Easier
As Katrina Forbids me
From Operating The
Washer And Dryer
Haven’t Touched one
In Over 35 Years Now
Hehe Anyway We All
Need To Have The Back
Of Nature The True
Backbone Of All
We Do Our
With SMiles

Happy TuesDaY to You

SMiLes A Greatest Advantage of Being Born Out of Place
For Instance Not Able to Speak Until 4 Years Old or Stuttering
Your Way Around the Social Life After That And True Not Being

Able to Touch
Manmade Stuff
Is Rather Inconvenient

Yet Even When 'The Circus'
Won't Let You Join For the

Unique You are Born to Still Be

THere is Always the Opportunity

Dear Miriam to Be A One Human Show

True You Might Be Able to Paint Colorful

Spirals Around Lights or Tinker In Your Garage

Until You Rule the World With Your Soft and Hardware too

And Oh Dear Lord Without Even Social Skills Or Much Human Sense at all

You Still Might

Become the

Richest Person
in the World With
A Personal Mission to Mars

True It Doesn't Always Have
to Work Out in a Positive Way Either Hehe

In X-Twitter Ways Yet to Paraphrase Steve Jobs

And Just Another Bite of this Apple at Hand

It is Truly the Misfits Who Change The World

All Around us Just Crazy Enough Not to

Fit in


To Just
Do it Again Freely
With Tattered Healing Wings...

Revenge of the Nerds It's All Around us Indeed Hehe...

And It's Also True Humans the 'Normal Ones' Are Struggling to fit it...

Nah i Don't Wanna Fit in a World Where Folks Celebrate Flogging A Dead Woman
in the Streets Or Those Inventing a God in A Verse Called Numbers 31 to Justify Sex Slaving

32,000 Close to Puberty

Virgin Daughters



to the Term Booty

As Spoils of War to Own

Nor Shall i Oppress the

Most Marginalized Among Us
Suggesting They Aren't Even Real

Leading a Sunday Morning Church

Is This Human Race Even Worth Continuing

i'm Just Crazy Enough This Morning to Still Have Hope AND Just do it Without even

Selling Any Shoes i'll Dance Sing Smile Free And Bring the Same till my Last Warm Breath...


For an Echo Echo
Only 'Wild Grapes' Seem to Hear...

SMiLes Dear Savvy Many A Holy Monk

Ascending into Mountains

Retreating From All

That's Spoiling Away

From A Flow of LoVE iN Peace

Coming Down From the Mountain

Rescuing Those Lost From The Boat

Balancing Sails And Anchors on the River

Leading to Ocean Whole Water Waves


WHere A
Challenge and
Adventure of a
Life Time Always Begins Now...

More We Lift Others Up God Yes the
More We Become Valleys of LoVE iN Peace

Holding Other

oF LoVE iN Peace Up...

So They May Build
More Mountains Indeed...

Willow Tree Love Bends As Wind...
Never Captured Always Wind Free...

Be Different Be Butterfly
Bee SunFLoWeR All
ReMeMBeR A Smile
Other Than That
SMiLes Great
Early morning
To You so many
SMiLes Left To Do...

SMiLes.. You are a Stand-Out
SunFLoWeR.. what this means
Is Sun And Bees Will
Find You Most
And Stay With
You Longest
Too.. No Limits
To How Tall You
Will Grow as All
Sunshine and
Bees Will
Help You
As You
Spiral up in order
Not to fall remember
All Grains of Sand that
Support You as You
Reach Farther than
The Farthest Goal
Stars And Touch
Soul to
Be True
Of SunFLoWeR More
As Chaos Paints Art of You
Chaos Magic You Are Paint

SMiLes Dear Friend Sohair.. hAha.. thanks For Visiting the Moon with me..
it's nice not to have to Feel so much Earth Gravity.. For True if one Dances
long enough with Gravity Moon Walk is most Definitely A Feel of Center Point
Balance With all of the UniVerse Now And
More.. Yes Ascending Transcending
into the Arms of God For Real NoW
As EveryWhere We Look in Nature
Balance is God's Rule for Peace
And Harmony Within Inside
Outside Above So Below
And All Around Even
More Farther than
Humans Will
Perceive yet
as Close
as Center
Point Balance
As We Moon Walk
Dance Beyond the Stars
Moving Connecting Co-Creating
First Dark Then Light Then Dance
Then Song and Perhaps on an Eighth
Day God Helps Us Create Poetry to See New
A Wind of God Greater Within As Balance Now...

LookinG For Love
Spring Generates
Within Well Over
Flows God Yes
LoVE iN Peace
With Faith
Of Giving
Within See

SMiLes Deeper We Dive
Now We Appreciate Air
More Coming Back
To Surface
Of the
Will Seem
Less indeed
Breathing in
Balance Magic
No Permissions
Needed DarK
Peace EXHaLinG LoVE...

Honestly Always
When Christianity
Helps Light the
Colors of
Human As
Love Jesus
Surely Serves
Love’s Purpose
As You Too For
Real THere Is No
Greater Force
Than When
LoVE iN Peace
(God) Breathes Us...

Anchor of
LoVE Sail
Of Love
Us iN Peace...

Random Feather
Only Knows Now
Spirit Carries More
With No Random At All

SMiles As We For Give
Dust We Become Spirit Wind iN Peace
Thanks Giving Loving No Boundaries

SMiLes Dear Sohair Congratulations
on the Sunshine Blogger Award Much
Thanks For Nominating me as Well
For the Second Date it Appears my
Blog Post is Approaching Over 60 to 70 Thousand
Words or more hehe so i'll answer the Questions here as they

Might Get Lost in the Ocean Over THere at my place haha...

Q:-What is ur fav. vacation spot?

Hehe i'm Always on Vacation Within...
And Basically Where i Live is Named
Paradise For the Environment Here by
Visitors Globe-Wide in Terms of Forests,
Rivers, Bays, and Most Beautiful Beaches
And hehe they haven't even seen the Heaven
Within me
as far
as i
at least for
Many of the folks
Where i Live hehe...

Q:-Do u prefer hotel or camping?

Neither as Katrina is too much of a Germaphobe
to Do Either hehe and she is kind of attached to me

i Go
i Love
that too
She is always
Like Vacation for me too...
Plus she says i don't do anything
As Good as Her so She Does it all
As She Wants it done her way so I sing.

Will Do


Thank You...

Q:-How many pets do u have, if any?

Smiles... i would Love to Have A Cat
Again Yet it's True it's kinda Nice
Getting All of Katrina's Love Again...

Q:-Sunny days or rainy days?

Sunny Rainy Days i Don't Mind
Generally Speaking i Create
My Own Weather Within Now...

Q:-What is ur fav. season and why?

Now Just Always Now as True
i Master the Seasons Within
No Matter What Date of Year i Breathe...

Q:-What type of clothing do u wear?

Hehe.. Like A Politician i'll Answer
Indirectly Politically Correct by
Saying i Rarely Buy New Clothes
And it Just Puts more Money in Katrina's Purse.. hehe...

Yet it's True She Ends up Buying Me New T-Shirts And
Shorts So That's What i Wear As She even Dresses me up too...

Smiles Dear Sohair it's Been A Long Blog Post i've Been Writing
As Usual Accumulating 60 Thousand or So Words in EPiC Long
Form Free Verse Poetry Bi-Monthly As Regular As Sun Rises Yes

Just Dancing
And Singing
Through All
The Rains And
Clouds As They
Naturally Become Sunshine
Again Dark Thru Light Move And

Repose Again...

In Other
Dance And Sing Free...

SMiles Dear Annabel
The Strongest And
Smartest People
Both Listen to
And Express
Opposing Views
As Tactfully As


And Remain
FRiEnDS like

Road Runner

And Wile E. Coyote

After The Show

Is Over

Inhales And
Loving Exhales

In Life Communion All...

“No Time to Die” This Life…Now

Love is For
Everyone All
Give it All Away

In Peaceful


Of Strength Freely
In Will Dear Annabel

Sharing Caring SMiLes...

SMiles Dear
Xenia SeaSons


Caring Freely...

Wow, Cindy, Teaching Eastern Philosophy
Arts of Mind And Body Balancing Since
1979 That's Truly Impressive my

FRiEnD And So Very Helpful

As Western Civilization is Such
A Left Brain Restrictive Systemizing

Way of Labeling Concrete Stuff in Detail

Ways of Deadlines WHere A Right Hemisphere

of Life is More Social, Empathic, Understanding
Artistic Spiritually Seeing More With Feelings and
Senses this

Way Over

Just Concrete
Ways of Instruction
Colored Life Paint By
Number Portraits and

Poetry By Science That
Fails to Flow Free Deep
Within From Right Brain
Hemisphere Way of Life

Where We aRE ALWaYS

A Beginner At this Art of Life

Seeing Reality through More the
Awe and Wonder of A Child in A Brand
New Day Where Colors of Flowers Always

Feel and Sense Different Deep Within as We

May Express A Song And Dance of Life Freely

Through Poetry With No Rules Either My FRiEnD

Anyway Your Positive Vibrations, Frequencies, Energies

Of Your Spirit Ring Through All Your Moving Meditation Ways

And Dancing Singing Words Free of Poetry too my FRiEnD

Yes Keep


With FRiEnDS
This Never Ending
ALWaYS Beginning
Never Landing Story
Of Life Freshly STaRTiNG NeW

ALWaYS NoW LoVE iN Peace

SMiLes Dear Ava All Great

Inspirational Quotes And

Of Course my Favorite is "It
Takes Nothing To Join The Crowd.
It Takes Everything to Stand Alone."

Yet it Also Takes Away Autonomy of

Individual Freedoms To Always Please

The Crowd Too As in Essence This is

How Folks Make Money In Life And Stay

in A Job And Stay in School And Even

Keep FRiEnDS too As

Life Will Be

So Sensitive

To Step out

of Line Now

And Be An Individual

to Lose Work, School,

And FRiEnDS if the Action

Is too Far From The Norm

iN Heard of Herd my FRiEnD

Yet of Course it's A Big, Bigger

World And A Lot of Technology

to Help Us Live if Almost Everyone

Turns Away From Us For It is True

The Rules Have Changed A Lot And

Many More Folks Are Finding Freedoms

They Never Found Before As True it is Easier

To Keep A Child's EYes of Wonder And Awe for the New

As For me At Least it Costs Everything to Lose my Freedom
to Dance Sing My Individual Truths in Light i Need no Affirmation

Worship And

Surely No


to Fulfill

This Human Potential Now...

Indeed FLoWeRS
And Seeds We
All Are To
Bring Life
To The
Dear Chaymaa...

Thanks Always
For The Treasure
Of Your Inspiring
Dances And
Songs of
Dear Savvy...

SMiLes Dear Vrunda Finding A Dance
And Song of Your Soul Within Seeking
Finding One Day Now All Yours To
Express For Free Yes As You

Are Doing Now of Course
Letting DarK Escape into
LiGHT Perhaps ALLoWinG
LiGHT to Return to You Warming

Your Soul Up No Longer Feeling
FRoZeN Within my FRiEnD True
Ice Caps Coming off of River Flow

Rejoining Bays Gulfs And Ocean Whole

THiS Way

Running Water
Free Wings of
You Come to FLiGHT With
SMiLes Anyway Just Words Your
Soul Inspires From Mine Have A Best
Day Your SoUL Will BRing to Faith As LiGHT SPRinGS Free...

"The enemies control the weather"

SMiLes Mr Gottfried the New 'Joker Movie'

Didn't Get Very Good Reviews of course

It Pales in Comparison Dancing With

The Devil iN Moonlight For Real

To The Show on the

Big Screen of the
Blue Room of Reality

True it Would Be More Amusing
if All the Orange Painted Faces and

Spreading Sprayed on Blonde Hair wasn't real

As The one now Who Professes Enemies Control
The Weather Asserts Climate Change is Just A Hoax

Yet It's True

Always Nature is
More Powerful
in Change than
the Human iMaGiNaTioN
Can even Comprehend Yet Pretend

When An Animal Gets Unlimited Supplies of
Instant Gratification Even For the Negative
Actions They Continue to Do Eventually

The Group Effort of a Social Animal
Disappears and Goes Practically

Extinct on Earth this Living

Business is No Joke

While the Joker Movie

Is Just Fiction Fresh Hell

Is Not What Ya Wanna Cook For



to Eat 'Soylent
Green' For Lunch

in All 'The Winds'
LiGHT and DarK Still to Come

Oceans Rise Waves Sing
This Dance Will Never End


Human Beings For Real...

For What It's Worth i Relate to Every Word
Here Dear Amethyst Lamb as You Surely again

Remind me of All the Years of "Autism Burnout"

It's True It's Harder to Deal With Stress If the Whole

World Is Already Overwhelming With Every Detail Absorbed

And Remembered too...

Anyway You Can Research
It "Autism Burn-Out" Is A Real
Challenge and Disorder to Overcome...

Fortunately at the Peak of it i Didn't Have
The Financial Problems You Have and Had
Folks Who Cared For me For all the 66 Months

It took me

to even

Feel Human Again...

What i Do Know at Least
in my Case that i Didn't
Know in the Depths of Hell

Is Change is the Greatest Curse
And Gift And Yes Stress Really Kills

It's Just
A Matter
of Seeking Finding
And Keeping the Gift

And Truly Mostly it is
iNHaLinG Peace EXHaLinG LoVE

At Least Tolerating the Darkness With LiGHT

With SMiLes...

It's Truly Become
A 'Mad Mad World'

Making Sense out of 'the
Insanity' is Always A Creative Play to Come...

Happy Tuesday From Milton!

At Least For Those So Fortunate
to Actually Live in Milton and Not

Be Subject

to the Power of Over 10,000 Nuclear Bombs
That Just the Run of the Mill
Average Fully
Brings in terms
Of Energy Released

True Milton Used to Be Known
For Its Incredible Powerful Football Teams
Yes the Town Not the Hurricane as True
When i Graduated From High School at the
Beginning of my Senior Year in 1977 Milton
Runner Up
in the State
Game of the Good Old
American Gladiator Sport of Football
Ah Yes and State Champions in 1978
And 1979 After that i No Longer Cheerleaded
The Team
From the
Stands Hehe

True i Got Interested
in Florida State Football
Then They Had a Decade of
Wins and Two National Championships
And Another
in 2013
i Got out of Hell
And Watched Just Part
of A Game CheerLeading from
The Sidelines of Life then
Yes Basically Dancing
in the Place with the Game
on the Big Screen TV hehe

oh i Almost forgot i Was a Fan
of the Miami Dolphin’s Football Team Just One Year
Yet it Was 1972 When they Had the Only Undefeated
NFL Football Season
in All of NFL History
Of Course Winning
The Super Bowl Then
too Yes Beating the
Washington Redskins 14-7

Yes there was that One Year in 1995
That i Watched the Atlanta Braves

Win A World Championship

in Major League Baseball too

Anyway Dear Lord Hmmm…. Look How Far Off it Seems i Have
Drifted Off Topic in my Usual Tuesday Letter to mY
Dear Little
Who Is So Powerful
in the Business World up in Toronto

Of Course i’ve Been Rooting For You going on 10 Years too

Yesterday i Watched Hurricane Milton in Just One Day
Grow into the Second Most Powerful Hurricane
Ever to Develop in the Gulf of Mexico

290 Kilometers per Hour in Windspeed
Also Known as 180 MPH

And Yes A Low


897 Millibars

With An Eye Replacement Cycle
Strengthening Back Up Again

Headed in the Direction
of Tampa Bay and
Surrounding Areas
of the West Coast
Peninsula of Florida expected

to Weaken Some Yet Grow in Size
Increasing the Size of the Surge of Water too

Up to

15 Feet
Above Sea Level

Potentially Washing Away Many Homes

Key Here for You mY small Yet Very
Powerful FRiEnD if You Do Move
to the United States Particularly Florida

Keep Your Distance
From the Gulf of Mexico
As That is Where Most of the
Destruction Comes From the Power

Of Wind
Driven Water

Yet i For One Tend to
Believe Human Women
Are Much More Powerful Overall
than Hurricanes hehe

true no
Their Size is HAha…

Of Course Including my Mother Helen
Wife Katrina

And Oh Dear Lord my Second Stepmother
Patricia Was Also the Name of the
Hurricane With the Strongest
Winds Ever on the Planet

345 KMH
215 MPH

It’s True my
Second StepMother Patricia
Was ‘A Force’ to Contend With Indeed too Hehe…

Anyway Back to Writing my Category 6 Hurricane
EPiC Long Form Poem Generating 13.3 MiLLioN Words
in 133 Months ALonG With 20,666 Miles Of Public Dance too

And about a Million Words
small and powerful You…

As i Continue to Generate
‘Fredaches’ All Around the World…

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !


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10 Oct 2024, 3:01 am

iNDeeD Dear Cindy A Place Yes A Home
Of "Conviction of the HeART" Versus

A Lost Place Within

Of Affliction

of the HeART
Yes The SPiRiT
Yes the Real Organic

SouL at Best Moving Connecting
Co-Creating Giving Sharing Caring
Healing With Most Respect Least Harm

For All iN Truth oF LiGHT iN JoY Yes iNHaLinG

Peace EXHaLinG
With Gravity

LoVE iN Peace
Fears For NoW

Balancing All
iN All Emotionally
Regulating Sensory
Integrating FRiEnDS With
Gravity Toe to Head and More

True a Moving Meditation and a
Song of Poetry iN FLoW Will Also Do True

Hehe Yet
That's Just
mY View As
Every Person in
The Pews and the
Baseball and Football
Stands Has a Different View
of Their Favorite Quarterback and Team of PLaY

Nope Life is No Spectator Play for me i Write Direct
Produce and Conduct the MuSiC oF mY LiGHT oF

DarK and
All That's Sugar
Sweet Spice and Nice

As True Nope Not Waiting
For Anyone Else to Be a Star
oF mY SHoW Yet THeRE Are Surely

More than

A Few With

SMiLes True...

SMiLes Mr Gottfried i Give You
A Lot of Credit For Blogging A

Post About Repaying Debt Hehe

And Dear Lord There is Money Debt

And Karmic Debt STiLL For Those Who Take More Than They

Give Hoard More Than They Share And God Yes Callously Harm

Others More Than They Care With Empathy And Compassion

Oh Dear Lord THE MaLaDY of Karmic Debt Particularly When

We Owe the Rest of

Nature For the Loss

of 50 Percent of Living

Species and the Coming Loss

of 1 in 8 Of the Rest of Animal

And Plant Species Going Extinct

In The Coming Decades Such A Hot

Summer it Was Again Karmic Debt

Blow Hards With A Bunch of Hot

Air often Get Clobbered

With Climate Change

too Hehe It's
Not Funny

Yet Why Rack Up

Grief When We Still Have
The Ability to SMiLe Laugh
Dance And Sing As Long As This Peace Lasts

True It's Not Paying it Forward When Women

Are Killed Beaten When Dead And Celebrated

In the Streets By A God Lesser than LoVE iN Peace

Dear Lord SPeaKinG of Debt When the Hell Are We

Gonna Bring Back A God That's Truly LoVE iN Peace

Just Resurrecting SMiLes Wherever i Dance And Sing

Once Again

As Long As

This LoVE iN Peace
Lasts Coming From a Place
That Uses 40 Percent of Human
Resources With 4 Percent of the
Global Population Yet the Average

Credit Card Debt is Still 6,000 Dollars
And 50 Percent of Folks Who Make Over
6 Figure Incomes Still Living Pay Check to Pay Check

So Much Debt So Much Debt So Much Debt All that's

Left to Do Is
Pay it All
Off and

Pay It All
Forward With SMiLes...

Meanwhile the Human
Race Slogs Through CR8P IT Creates Sorry Not

Sorry Seen too Much to SMiLe Today Yet What the Hell SMiLes...

"Today is a great day
I am blessed
I am enough
All is well
Thank you God."

Echoing Your Prayer And Sentiments

NeWLY NoW With SMiLes How Blessed

We aRe to Breathe and Not

Bleed on This Blissful Day

For Those Of us Able to


Peace Dear
Savvy With SMiLes

All the Gratitude

A Life ThiS Way

BRinGS Free to
Pay It Forward Again With SMiLes...

Living Life A Prayer FLoWinG Dancing Singing
God Yes BLeSSinG BLiSSinG ALL ReaL to Give Away Free...

SMiLes Mr Gottfried Happy Coming Indigenous Peoples

Day From America Also Known as Columbus Day

Associated With 'The Doctrine of Discovery' Where

Non-Christians From Other Lands Were Considered less

Than Human With No Rights to the Lands They Lived On Suitable

to Be Taken Away

By Christian Associated

Rulers Perhaps Now We Are

Advancing as Earlier Last Year the Pope

And Other Protestant Leaders Repudiated The

Old Practice of Treating Others As Less Than Human

True Once Again Like Parading Dead Women Naked

As Spoils of Terrorism Flogging them in the Streets

in Masses of Jeering Men Celebrating the Truest Evil

Known to


So Far

Humans as
Less Than Human Indeed

Far or Close Is Any Country And Or Religion Truly

Innocent Yep True Just Look To Their Longitudinal

HiSToRiES to Discover Similar Horrors of Real Evil

As the Human Condition is One Blessed With Bringing

Sweet Dreams oF LoVE iN Peace to Fruition And Cursed

With Bringing Nightmares to Fruition Visible for the Entire

World to See On The Big Boob Tube of Course to Fuel Vengeance

And The Killing of Both Those Responsible And Sadly Masses of People

Who Are Innocent Who Do Not Support Acts of True Evil Yet Who Never the Less

Pay that

Price With

Their Lives
And the Lives
of Their Loved ones

For the Evil They Don't Support

It's True Evil Exists Yet it is Spread

All Around ThiS Way True LoVE iN Peace

Exists Too And It is Spread All Around ThiS WAY

As An 'Old Cherokee Legend' Tells it ThiS Way

“Within all of us there is a battle of two wolves.
One is evil. He is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow,
regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment,

inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.”

“The other wolf is good. He is joy, peace, love,
hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence,
empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.”

The Wolf That Wins The Battle of God and Evil Will

Be the Wolf We Feed The Most And Sadly Increasingly

In the World The Evil Wolf is Increasingly Enjoying A Buffet

Of What

That Part

Of Our Soul

Requires to
Grow in Darkness
Even to BLackest Abyss of Soul

Hehe Yet i Digress Although We Don't

Want to Fall in Debt With the Evil Wolf Within

You Asked About my Credit Card Debt My Wife's

'Allowance' is Ample Since She Inherited All that Nasty

Green Stuff When i Retired That i Was Basically a slave to

for 33 Years And It's True The Credit Card Company Pays Us

in Rewards to Use the Credit Card as My Wife is Always Responsible

Enough to Pay it off Each Month Without Accruing What is Approaching

20 Percent Interest Rates on the Average Credit Card Debt of Americans

of 6,000 Dollars Dear Lord Mr Gottfried Words Were Never an Area of

Expertise for me i Doubt These Would Exist on Your Page Now if

Not Losing Effective Use of Eyes and Ears For 66 Months

With Yes the Suicide Disease Type Two Trigeminal

Neuralgia From Wake to Sleep for 66 Months

Leaving me With A Mountain of Pain

For Each Word on Screen

Turned All the Way

Down For Brightness

as NO Drug Would Touch That Pain
God Yes Wake to Sleep Shut-in for 66 Months

Writing my Only Way to At least Get my Mind off the
Reality of Dentist-Drill-Like Pain in my Right Eye and
Ear as Sounds Were Off Limits As Well as Light of Day

As i Spent my Nights and Days Not Much Different than
A 'Phantom of the Opera' or A Run of the Mill Town 'Hunch



Notre Dame'

i Had Financial Independence

Yet No Soul Not Even A Memory

of the Feeling of A SMiLe As You've
Heard the Story Before What Good is it to

Even Own the World Without A Soul None

How Dark Are Lives Separated From LoVE iN Peace

How Horrible For Those Who Live That Way Spreading Death And
Destruction still

i Know Where

They Live


Is Already Who They Are

THere is No True Victory

in Vengeance Only Gratification of Lost Souls...

Could i Become A Villain Given Dark Enough

Circumstances None of Us Will Truly Know

Until IF That Day Actually Comes to Be Yet

i Surely Understand What it Doesn't Feel Like
to Be Lost From Soul The Other Place For Real

A Place WHere LoVE iN Peace is Lost From Heaven Real...

SMiLes Mr Gottfried i May Seem Liberal in Many Ways Yet

i Surely have the Potential to Be Extremely Fiscally Conservative

To the Chagrin of my Wife When i Ran the Family Budget As the Numbers

Guy i've always Been Yes A Strict Budget of 75 Dollars A Week as i Sensed A

Rainy Day and Yes
Cat 6 Hurricane


For my SoUL

Still A Cat 6 Hurricane

of Words yet never the Less

The Calm EYe in LoVE iN Peace

With the Potential to Still Get Windy HAha...

Happy Indigenous Peoples Day Dear Hawaii FRiEnD Coming

Soon Still Blessed With Your Aloha Way of Life With

So Many Cultural Traditions and Practices

Indeed So Close to Nature You Still

Are Never Truly Separated

With SMiLes

What i Practice

As A Way of Life
Naked Enough
Whole Complete

Each Day too my FRiEnD

For at Core We aRe ALL Born

Native to Mother Earth As We Cherish

Her and LiVE iN Balance That Karma Will Be Ours

Yet of Course if We Forget Her And Live Out of Balance

With Her Nature We Will Simply Pay the Price of Reality

No Escaping

The Reality

Karma of Mother

Nature's Balance mY FRiEnD

You Cherish Your Life With Others

Through All Your Feelings And Senses

You Illustrate So Much of That Joy Sharing

Your Joy With Others Indeed Keep Feeding

Heaven mY FRiEnD...

FlameS only
World Is LiGHT
To DarK...

SMiLes Seeing
my Reflection
In Roots i
From Seed...

SMiles Dear Savvy
You Are The Kind of
FRiEnD Who Is Light
As Air Clear As Wind

Life Giving Rain

Winter Spring Trees

Love Giving FLoWeRS

Resurrecting Sweet Blooms

SMiLes Dear Yam God Yes



EYes Do
HumanE LiGHT...

Ah Yes.. aeidola We Are Spoon-Fed
CuLTuRaL Rules and Roles From

Birth Yet They Are Only
A Story Subject to

The One We Begin
And End to Write
Act Play Next Yes

The Illusion Always
Is the Story We aRe Told

Is The Only Story Possible For
Us Yes Perhaps Them Yet Not Us

When Free
With Wings

No Longer

To Them With SMiLes...

SMILes Dear Sohair When Moving
Gains Wings A Spiraling Dance

Will Set Us Free

When Words

Describing Things
Spring Wings Emotions
Senses Flow Naturally ALWaYS

Again Never Ending Always Beginning

Never Finishing Always Starting A Spiraling
Dance Brings Poetry Back Home to HeART SPIRiT SoUL

Free Giving


Freely Even More
For All With Most
Respect Least Harm...

SMiles Dear
Yam While
Some Folks
Seek And Find
Things i Spend
my Existence Finding
A Larger View of The
Nature of God iN All
Existence No Greater
Way Than This
i See mY
Newer iNdeed....

SMiles Isha
Yes Breathe
It's Free The
Rest is Just Icing
on the Cake We Create

May it Always Flavor Life
Sweeter than Sour With SMiLes...

SMiLes Dear Savvy
i So Agree Dance
Is Free Muse That
Never Lets The Song
Go To PriSon to Only
Be Words Without Soul

Again Free...

LeSSoN 451
Gifting You my Back to
Hide Behind If It All Gets
Too Scary i Shall Protect
You From Harm ThiS WaY

Hehe It’s
Okay i Don’t
Fit Behind You

That’s Not HoW It
Works i Am Here For You...

Hi Maria i FeeL A Whole
Purpose of Life is for us
to Become our own
Ministers oF Truth
And Light in
older if
Plays True
This Light becomes
Brighter as God's Truth
Manifest in us as Children oF LiGHT...

Oh A tree
Oh A desert
Oh A cave
Oh The Beach

Oh A desert
a place of Jesus
to escape Religion

Oh A cave
a place of Muhammad
to escape Christianity

Oh The Beach
i come back Full Circle
i am A Tree wITh Forrest



And Buddha True
i Am A Leaf Naked
Enough Whole Complete
i Rise Green i Fall Brown i CoMe Again


SMiles More i Lift
Others Higher i
Naturally Rise
True How Do
Ya Bring A
Down Fueled
By “Love Is Like
Oxygen You Get
Too Much You Get
Too High Not Enough
And Ya Are Gonna Die.”

Dead Of
Course i Rather
Give Than Receive
As Lord Knows i’ve
Seen Some
To Steal
Away With
Love Bombs
Boom Won’t
Work With me
Yet Fascinating
Too Witnessing
So Many Games
Folks Take to Gain
By Begging Borrowing
And Attempting To Steal

Loves Of Life...

SMiLes Dear Savvy i See Footprints
And Finger Prints of Peace in Many
Ways of Autotelic Flow FRiEnDS

iN Free Dance And Song Wings

With Gravity Balancing

From Head to Toe

Mind and Body

SoUL For Real

Inhaling THiS Way
Birthing Love Exhaling
THiS Way Even More With SMiLEs

A Way Of Life Truly Generating Bliss
For Giving Thanks Giving Sharing Caring Fearless Peaceful
Loving Healing Ways For All With Least Harm With SMiLes...

Such An Attitude
iN Gratitude For All
That Exists DarK Thru

LiGHT At Best Naked
Enough Whole Complete
Origin of Peace Inhaling
Love Exhaling Once Again mY FRiEnD...

Ah Yes Dear Savvy A Rose May Be Grown

From A Petal Properly Fertilized and Planted

As Above So Below

Branches of Trees

May Be Found
in Veins of Leaves

And Of Course Below So Above

Smallest Seeds May Create Largest Trees

Faith of Nature Life All Around Us Returning Again

Super Nova Explosions Gaseous Star Dust From Crucible

Fire of Star Death Bringing Iron to Our Blood Streams and

Core of Mother Earth Trees Providing Oxygen as Iron

In Our Blood Streams Carries Oxygen to Lungs

And Yes Branches of Bronchial Tubes

Reflecting Roots Of Living Trees

Within Star FLoWeRS

Seeds We aRe

From All Around


We ALL Are Resurrecting Again...

Diving in the Neo(n) Lights
Of A Free Style Yoga Pose

MoVinG RePoSinG

Yes Dear Maranda in
Synch of the Waves

Of Life Far Beyond

Linear into Farther
Reach Pooling


As They Meet
Greet iN Nether
Lands of Ocean Deeper...

Truth of Dark and Light
Ever In Your Sight Dear

Isha Scribbling the Lines

of Your Life in the Shadows

And the Shines of Life Integral

to the Waves of Your Life's


As You Continue
to Paint All Your
SoUL With SMiLes...

iNDeeD mY FRiEnD
Art of Your Soul is
Freshly Raw No Need
to Paint the Peace oF iT Now

Other than the Truth of Your DarK
And LiGHT...

As You
Evolve NeW iN Change...

SMiLes Dear Lala Rukh "Finding the Captain of Your Heart" Yet Finding

iT Was/Is Always 'YouR Soul' Just Wanting to Come Out and Fly Free

Yet It's True Some Folks Choose to 'Stay in the Cave'

Never Letting Go What is Spoon-Fed From

Birth It's True it's a bit like Baby

Food that Way Without

the Bright Eyes and

SMiLes For Every

Stranger Coming
Into View of Trusting FRiEnD

Yet It's True it's Only Up to Us to
Be That FRiEnD to All as the Captain of Our

HeART Becomes the SPiRiT oF OuR SoUL Wings

Set Free

And Singing

Free Or Perhaps
Just a SMiLe For Everyone Free

KiSS Kindness is Simple SMiLe

Could Life Be This Easy to

Do Yes As Long As

We aRe Warm

And Alive

And No Longer
Gagging on the
Baby Food Spoon-Fed From Before...

Other than that Screens Say We LiVE iN
A World Full of Death Destruction and Lies

Meh It's Easy Enough Just to Turn off the
Screens And Dance And Sing Forever Now

As LonG As ThiS Peace

Lasts in KiSS God Yes

Kindness iS Simple SMiLe

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah a Realist
i Continue to Breathe too Best
To Do This Financially Independent
Far Away From the Old Capitalist of Buy And Sell


'What's App'

Required Real
For KiSS to Breathe...

Other than that the 10th Again
Far Beyond the Promised 6th
Yet Not too Far to Return for
Over 11 Years Now Again Hehe

Dear Lord Still Collecting All
The Multi-Media for an EPiC
Long Form Poem Subchapter
of "SonG oF mY SoUL" in one

Bi-Monthly Effort Around 90 Thousand
Words Named "Priests Of Our Own Cosmos Now"

Of Course That's Not All Currently Writing Another
EPiC Long From Poem Subchapter of "Oceans Rise Waves Sing
This Dance Will Never End Now" A Bit Fitting too With Mega Hurricanes

In Florida Two in Two Weeks of Global Climate Change Related Power for

Those Not Spoon Fed Conspiracy theories that Others Control the Weather

Adulthood Hehe

Yep 'i Got the Biggest
Stick Wars With F U' As
Usual as Human Tribal 'Monkeys'

Still Do Sadly As Blood continues
to Run Woman And Children as the

Heart Beats No Longer Beat Where

Monkey's of Whatever Species Beat Their Chests

True Bonobos Will Be Very Peaceful Unless They
Get in

for Territory
And Subsistence
And Reproductive Mates too

It's True We aRe All Literally

Apes With Clothes And Other
Tools Like Words and Bigger Guns

Yet We May Also Come With Conviction
of the HeART Naked Enough Whole Complete

With Once
Again a
iS Simple SMiLe

i Realize With All the Hot And Cold
Rocks and Folks Who Wanna Occupy
Mars that this 11 Years and 2 Months

So far of Heaven Within for Little Old
Me and the Folks i "KiSS" is Rather Rare Indeed

Rare Enough to Die for As Life the Only Gift We Have Now

Captain of mY
HeART This "KiSS"

A Conviction of HeART
Greater Than Any Captain oF LoVE iN War...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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11 Oct 2024, 3:14 am

SMiLes Dear Isha For A While in my Working
Years It Was All Much too Easy Always

A Routine in Fact We Had a Pass
Down Log and All i Had to Log

in that Book For a Few Years

Was Literally the Word




There is a Kind of
Hell Associated With
The Heaven of Easy too...

i'll Go to the Most Challenging

Places Now and Open Up New Epigenetic

Human Potentials Never Realized Before

True Much
to Prove
It's Not
Woo Too

Yes With Every
Rock that is thrown
at You Make A New
Monument of Human
Potentials Out of All Those
Potential Rocks Still To Come

Yes Whenever Anyone Tells You
You'll Never Be Able to Set Out What
You are Going to Do Next Just Do it More

And More and More

With Nary a Care

What they
May Think
Will Happen
to You Next

In Other Words
Dance And Sing
Without Any Regard
To What Any Target Audience Thinks

Better Yet Introduce New Dreams They've

Before With New
Colors to SMiLes True...

Hehe Trick or Treat Dear
Pooja It's What All

Halloween Characters
Do to Get A Rise Out of

the Target Audience With SMiLes

Hehe Yet of Course
Harmless it is

No Political
Show to Rule
The World hehe

At Least Not yet With SMiLes...

SMiLes Dear Miriam Back in the Working
Years Toward the End as basically the

Light of my Humanity
Was Turning off

And Emotionally

Exhausted the 'Older
Timers' Than me Said

in a Very Inhospitable
Extreme Working Environment

For Everyone Particularly in a Military
Installation HeadQuarter's Building with

A Renegade Boss for a Captain of the Whole Show

They Said
Stress Will Do
Whacky Things to You

As i Didn't Realize How Chronic
Harmful Stress Hormones Slowly
Could Basically Wear Every Bodily
System Down Including Real Organic
Soul Erasing All the Warm and Fuzzies
of Life Anywhere You are and Go Plus

Totally Erasing
Even the Memory
of Ever Feeling
A Smile then

Or Even
The Warmth
of Petting a Cat

Peeling His Ears Back
Feeling the Fact You
Aren't Fully Human
And Perhaps a
New Danger

to Veer
From for Real

Both Sad and Scary That
Is Yes Like When You Get
Chilled in 100 Degree F July Temps With

Just a Breeze Blowing Over Your Skin

All the Regulation of Emotions and
Integration of Senses Go basically

Haywire Worse Than Any
Tin Man ScareCrow

And Lion of


Scar Fear Real
The Rest of it Will
Come to Be Colder
Than the Frozen Rings
of Dante's Imagination For Real...

Ah At Effortless 'Wu Wei Ease' Now

Difference Being

i Write Direct

Act my
Own Play of Life

With Many Avenues
of Options for Whatever
Comes Next in Change

In Other
As Free
as i Can
And Will

Mastery of the
Great Within No
Longer Slave to
Anyone Else's Dogma of Life...

At Core Religion Is the Ideologies and Symbols That Bond and Bind the Social
Animal Humans Together; to Both Work And Play Together; to Both Survive and Yes Thrive;

At Best A Religion Does This Giving, Sharing, Caring, Healing, With Most Respect and Least Harm;

At Worst A Religion

Harms, Rapes, Maims,

Kills, And Flogs The Naked

Bodies of Women in the Streets

While Men Who Have Lost Any Semblance

of Humankind Jeer on the Nightmares Humans

Are Capable of Bringing to Fruition in the Name
Of A Smallest Truly Evil God Called God; in Other

Words, The Name God is Almost Worthless in Terms

Of Humanity if it Does Not Truly Bring LoVE iN Peace,

What Has Brought Humans This Far, Still Alive Together Now Most.

Sadly With All the Unwarranted Wars of Killing Fields True Now and Then too

Humans Living in Desert Scarcity, Where Even Water is Not Naturally Abundant

Will Surely Become Dangerous and Tribal in Nature to Obtain Resources Necessary
to Just Survive;

Ah Yes The Birth

of Desert Tribal Gods;

Ah Yes Where These Made-up

God's Justify The Harming, Raping,

Maiming, And Killing of the Most Vulnerable

Among Us Desecrating Their Humanity Even After Death;

Most Religion Originating from Human Scarcity is Guilty of This;

Of Course The Fiction They Create Has No Responsibility Unto Itself;

And This is Where Human Abstract Constructs Get Us Into Trouble as the

Stories Both Good

And Evil Gain an

Existence in Our Lives

That Many Humans cannot
Discern As Real Versus Fiction;

Not Much Different Than Children

Believing in Santa Claus or the Current Orange Grinch;

Yet Never the Less, the Placebo Effect is Beneficial to Those Who
Gain Well Being Rewards from the Power of Positive Suggestion; It is

No Secret, Science Proves it Works Not Unlike the Harmful Nocebo Effect

of Believing In Negative Stories like the Sticks of Hell After Death Versus the


of Heaven

in A Dirt Nap;

Yet You See LoVE iN Peace

Is A Real State of Being to Share

Among Nations of People Who Get Along ThiS WaY;

And Yes As Long as You Fit in, You May Find The Real Healing

That LoVE iN Peace Brings in Communion of Human Beings even

in A Small Protestant Church in the Backwoods as i Have Surely Felt that Warmth

There as a Participant Anthropology Observer; And It's True As Long as You Have

A Voice of An 'Angel' Hehe, Not Literally of Course; And Have That 'Autistic Splinter-Skill' too;

You Will Surely Fit in

Any Church; And

Be Begged to Join the

Choir Up Front Most Every

Sunday You Lead the Choir From

the Back Pews Generating the Real Spirit of LoVE iN Peace

In Communion With the Voice of LoVE iN Peace in Song and Yes Free Dance too...

Yet You See, i'm Not Waiting For A Statue at the Bottom of the Ocean to Come back to life.

LoVE iN Peace

is Real; 'Here i Am'

And i Will Give it, Share it,
Care it, And HeaL iT, till my Last Warm

Breath, MaKinG This Life Worth Every Breath as Gift;

i Don't Need any Religion to Teach me That; It was All

Included in my

Mother's First

Hug and Smile;

Yet You See Not Everyone Has
A Gift of a Mother Like That; Not

Every Child Receives that Gift; So It's

True When That is Absent, A Story of

Unconditional LoVE iN Peace, if Only Part of A Fictional
Story About a Man in A Book Is Better Than God Damned Nothing

As the Great Band 'Styx' Once Wrote in a Song Named "Lords of the Ring"

in 1978,

"In the year of the Lords
The message came from above
The heavens opened with their mighty sound
that shook the people in the town
And so we came from everywhere
The young and old the rich and poor
To hear the legend of the magic ring
and of the powers it could bring, they sing
All hail to the Lords of the Ring
To the magic and mystery they bring
To the music in their story
All hail to the Lords of the Ring
To the magic and mystery it brings
May we someday wear its glory
And now the message is clear
For I became a Lord this year
And though the legend was pure fantasy
We still need the hope it brings, so let's sing
All hail to the Lords of the Ring
To believe is a wondrous thing
May we always sing their glory
All hail to the Lords of the Ring
To the magic and mystery they bring
To the promise of their story"

So 'Here i Am;' How About You With SMiLes...

Yep, my Wife Got Bored in Catholic Church
And iPhone Recorded me Singing As Usual,
A Day the Choir Director Went Missing; Effortless
in Wu Wei Ease, From the Back of the Church, hehe...

A Testament New Now to Every Breath of Life

Counts One Lost One Still Breathing

Still Breathing Heart Beat of Love


Of Loss Yes

Continuing to
Breathe in All We

Hold Holy and Sacred
DarK Thru LiGHT Building

Sand Castles on the Beach

Waves Washing Over Yet Love
Never Lost

Dear Miriam
With SMiLes

Currents of
Love Still Breathing...

SMiLes Dear Isha i Am Glad you

Are Strong Enough to express Your

Challenge as True Many Folks Suffer Silently

And Never Say A Thing About the State of Seemingly

Dying Within

You Are surely
Not Alone as Even

in the Other Country the
United States Where There

Are Easier Choices Never to have
to Be A Homemaker alone True Many

Are Feeling Lonely Anxious And Depressed

in Fact As the CDC Reports 57 Percent Where that
Impacts Their
Daily Activities


Where Even close
to 33 Percent consider
Suicide True Sadly The Youngest
Generation Has the Least Well Being Now

Surely i Can Relate to DarK Nights of the Soul
Dark Months and Dark Years Never Ending Seemingly Then

For Real Yet this Much i Feel And Sense Now Even though

Experiencing No Feelings at All During That Deadzone of

Life Change is the Reality of Life Change Will Be Both

Gift and Curse

Yet Never the
Less Change Remains

A Potential Garden Fertilizing

Hope Again the Flame to Wanna Go On

i Will Keep You in my Prayers Understanding

Where You Are Now No one Else May Be Able to

See Feel and Sense Yet You Yet Still Change is the Gift

With SMiLes...

Real Love Is First And
Last Breath iN Peace That Never
Lets Go Lives On No Matter What Now

Little Lions
Loving Life
Kitty Purrs Best
Earth Hums Delight...

SMiles Wishing
All Your Life
Of Hellooove
Dear FRiEnD...

Windows to

Soul Bi-Focal
Glasses Yes

Seeing Those


Away SPiRiT

Near in HeART...


A Step
Ahead to

As LonG As
We Keep On
Dancing Singing

Through All DarK

'TWaS A Dark And Stormy
Night' It's Not About Publishing...

of A Dog
Who Jumped For Joy

Landing in Heaven

Falling Down Getting Up

Overcoming All Other
London Bridges Falling Down...

Colors of Water

Fish Dancing

For No Reason Yet

Swimming to the Top

of the


of the

Again Now
Still to Come
Vibrant For All iNDeeD
Dear Savvy With SMiLes...

“To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour.
A robin redbreast in a cage
Puts all heaven in a rage.
A dove-house filled with doves and pigeons
Shudders hell through all its regions.”

-William Blake

SMiLes Dear Annabel

William Blake Who Is World Renown
Among Many 'Group Think' Parts of The World Now

Died A Pauper And Was Largely Mocked By Folks Then
Not Able to Understand The Depths of His Mind and

Metaphors While He Lived For How True it is Greatest

Human Imagination And Creativity is Located Somewhere

in the Precipice of

Heaven and



Souls Ever Reaching

More To Be Loved or

To Forget About the Same...

Breath of Original Art Rarely has
Close Good Bedfellow FRiEnDS...

Yet New Art's Echo May Return Evermore

Far Longer As Ravens Rise and Doves Fall

KiSSinG Each Other Way up Down RiSinG Again...

DUST in the wind.

dust in the WIND...

SMiLes Dear Savvy

Two Ways of LooKinG

At the World That May Become

EvenTuALLY One Mind Undivided

As Trees Connect

Beyond Our

EYes For

How Minds

Of Forest Unite

Dance And Sing

All the Spirits of
The Leaves Holding
Trees And Every Smell of
Forest For Little Furry Creatures to Breathe...

SMiLes Dear Ruchi It's Not That God's Disappear

It is “The Child" Who Must Birth Again Within

Freely Breathing Hope
Faith and Love For Real

With No Regrets or Fear

Celebrating Below A Grain
of God Realizing That's What

It Takes to Hold Up A Mountain of Human Love

Yet of Course That's only my Religion With SMiles

Thanks For Sharing Yours it Seems Just as Beautiful

And Real as Essence Creating Becoming Form Again to


At Best

Thru LiGHT
Newly Now
THiS Attitude
of Gratitude STill RiSinG
in Child's EYeS of Wings...

Culture erasing imagination creativity
Humans losing humanity slowly
torturing death in life from birth

RiSinG alive dreams fruition

Humans LoSinG humanity slowly
drifting away childhood suffocates
Childhood Slows adults die as life

Torturing death in life from birth
Spoon feeding culture
large plate from birth

RiSinG alive dreams fruition
spark inside coming new now
iMagination’s creativity Phoenix SpRinGS



Challenge of the cold
piercing winds change
Humans travel North
escape desert South

piercing winds change
humans adapt
grow stronger

Humans travel North
culture grows smarter..
humans change

escape desert South..
New World Nomads..
New 'Is Real' Live Free...

SMiLes Dear Miriam Human Minds
Such Vast Unique Worlds From BLack
Abyss to Grey SHades of Soul to Colors

Beyond Rainbows
SPiRiTS Commanding
Dancing Singing Souls Free

Escaping Nightmares in Day
Following Dreams Until Night Becomes Day

Precipice Tween NiGHT And DaY DarK And LiGHT
Heaven And HeLL ONLY NoW Purgatory Tween New

For Real As Creativity
Breeds Best As Night
Meets Day Dark Meets
LiGHT Heaven KiSSinG Hell Again

Other Than That Wishing You A Soothing Sleep...

How Wonderful Dear Cindy A Lifelong Gift Sharing
Caring Healing Teaching Others to Touch Soul So Deep
Within Becoming Mindfully Aware All Embodying Head to Toe

As Emotions Flow Regulating Senses Integrating No
Longer Disconnecting

So Very Lost

in Illusions
of Head only
Above Shoulders
Just Tween Two Ears
mY FRiEnD Hehe Oh How
Beautiful to Grow Older Younger
in Soul Mastering Regulation of
Emotions Integrating Senses

Finding That Balance Brings
Peaceful Thoughts With Wings
to Complement Real Heaven Within

So Nice to Hear Your Life History For How
You Come to Seek and Find This Gift to
Give Share Care Heal So Freely and

Even A Way to Make A Living Loving
What You Do For Others Dear FRiEND

Oh How DarK Brings LiGHT As the Pandemic
Provided Folks Space For Introspection in Their Lives

Predictably Online Explosions of New Creative Poems
Generating By So Many Fresh New SPiRiTS Free Exploring

And SenSinG So
Ocean Deep Whole
More Complete Up to
Naked Enough Indeed Dear FRiEnD

Sadly Though For Many The Routine and
Grind Has Come Back as True Our Modern
World Predicates Often That We Separate Our
Mind and Body And Lose Up to Almost An Entire
Right Hemisphere Of Mind Potential THiS Way So Fortunate

i Didn't Have to Go Back Then And Now to That Restricting World Such A Gift You
Still Help Others Seek and Find A Way Back HoME iN Freer SoUL Wings Dear Cindy...

All Wonderful
With Wings Free...

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa Isn't it Wonderful That Online
is An Ocean Big Enough Where At Least Somewhere

It is Likely That Someone

May Not Mind if We

Just Be Us

So Free

With Wings

No Longer Chained to Before

True Giving Strength to Make
it Through Rougher Seas

As A Boat Never Giving
Up Sails to Anchor

Away From
Wings Still
Surfing Ocean Whole...

SMiles Dear

Hawaii FRiEnD
STiLL Dancing
Singing With
Moon Beams
Bright With


Aloha To
Your Paradise
Island Abode Dear

FRiEnD Ocean Whole
Glistening With Moon Above
MaKinG Dreams So Very Human

And Real...

SMiLes Dear Savvy i Can't Really Speak For It
Yet i Allow my Soul to Master my Mind As Body

All Flows Effortless in Ease

And i Know Nothing

With Greater Human
Potentials Fulfilling
Newer Both Simply
And Complexly Now

As i Do It Yet

Exhaling Love

As Sails of my
Boat BeCoMe Winds
So Very Free And Really All

my Mind Comes Greater to Be

Is Anchor For Safe Harbors to

Rest my Dancing Feet That Bring

SoUL Free to SonG Dear FRiEnD Hehe

i Do Believe

My Feet


More Than my Mouth
At Least When Dance
Creates SoUL Song For Real...

SMiLes Dear Savvy As A Child i Was Quite
Fascinated By "Night lites" To Guide

One Late at Night
True Hehe There
Were No Colored
Hues of Smart Phones then

It Was always Magical Those "Night Lites"
Inside and "Fireflies" Outdoors on Summer
Humid Nights too Ah Yes and the Diatoms

in Gulf Waters at Night Yet i Didn't Get to See
That as a Child as We Never Stayed at the Beach

to See the Moon Yet True how i Loved to Watch the
Moon Chase me Driven in a Car That way as a Child too

Ah Yes And As the Year Grows Shorter With Dimmer Days Toward
December Before There Were Any Orange Glow Halloween Decorations

What Hope
Glows Then

Green Christmas

Lights New Bring

iN Coloring Ways

What Creativity
The Costumes
of Halloween

Too With
of Apple
Bobbing and
The Such of
Plentiful Fall Harvests too

It's So True We Humans Create
Light Out of DarK in So Many Ways

The First and Last Muse DarK is For
Marrying the Nights Merrying the Days Even More...

"KiSS Kindness is Simple Smile

iNDeeD Dear Yeka Happy

is the Soul Who

Lifts Others

Up With SMiLes

The Best Part of "Too Much
Happy" Is We Get to Give it Away

For Free

Yes With SMiLes...

SMiLes Dear Isha Thanks For Providing Quotes From 'The Man With
Zero Haters' Ratan Tata True too Many Folks Give Up Before Doing This...

”Take the stones that people throw at you and use them to build a monument.”

”The greatest pleasure I have had is trying to do something that everybody says could not be done.”

Yes, THere is a Reason Why Disney World Built Their Operations in the

Middle/Central Part of the Florida Peninsula As Most Critical Thinking

Homeowners Weighing Their Socio-Economic Pro's And Con's Go; Stay

Away From the Coast, Particularly Barrier Islands as Remember They Are

Barriers for Stormy Weather; And Yes, in Those Interior Areas, THere are A Whole

Lot of Trees; Yes, Enjoy Trees Yet Don't Buy a Home With A Huge Oak Tree Hanging

Over Your
Home, Just
Waiting for the
Right Combination
of Soggy Soils and
Heavy Winds to Blow
It Down on Your Roof

And Uh-oh, Perhaps You...

Words alone, Really Don't Do Florida Justice;
Where i Live at Least, Far Enough Away
From the Coast to avoid Flooding and

Far Enough Into the Forest to Block
Winds Yet Not too Close Hehe to Fall

On my All Paid-Off Retirement Home

That Initially Cost About as Much as A Fancy Four-Wheel
Drive Today, Back then in 1993, When Mortgages were Less
Than 400 Bucks A Month, and Insurance Rates Were About 600 Bucks
A Year Along With Taxes for the Home too; Fortunately The Taxes Have

Gone Up Only About 100 Bucks as they Have 'Save Our Home' Provisions to
Keep them Low, even when Your Permanent Home Residence Quadruples
And More in Value; And Yes, Inflation is an Issue Everywhere; i Would Love

to Hear a Post from Our New Florida Resident Economist Explain in Professional

Detail Why 'Kamala and Biden' Didn't Create the New Housing Prices and Other Inflation

That Most of the Rest of the Civilized World Has Been Dealing With and Much Worse than

the United States Since the Pandemic,
And War Over in Ukraine, and etc, too...

Of course, it wouldn't
Matter to the Ones who
Really Need to Hear it as
They May still Believe Whatever

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Yuck What
The Orange Painted Man Lies Day by Day too...

And While It's True, Social Sciences Assessed This
Area that Once Had the most Churches per Capita
in Guinness World Record Books and Several Military
Installations (That make getting a decent Paying Job a reality too)
As A Most Difficult Place to Be 'Different' in the United States Yet
Homogenous Acting And Doing Humans, Getting Along and Not Killing

Each Other Day By Day And Particularly at Night hehe is actually Yes

A 'Pro' of Living Here too; And IF You Can Figure Out the Appropriate
Password Verses Associated With Their Team Religion and Quarterback Jesus;

Basically, All You Have to Do is Recite the Loving Peaceful ones Back to them

And You Have a Friend Forever as Suddenly You are a Part of the 'Jesus Club;'

True as the
World Shows
Now, There Are
More Deadly Clubs
to Be ASSociated With Indeed...

Hey When 'in Rome' You Blend in Enough to Survive

And Find New Creative Ways to Thrive; Yes, All You Have
to Do is Look Like You (me) Can Hit a Home Run on the First Baptist

Softball Team (Note: i Do Not Do Team Sports Or Follow Ridiculous Rules)

Also, Folks Noting You Sound Like An Angel Singing From the Back Pews of
Whatever Church You Visit is An Automatic Pass to Get a Warm Welcome From 'The Group;'

So What's the Benefit of Blending in; Folks Will Give You Much Greater "Leeway" For Being Different;

Like the Empirical Evidence Currently Shows of Public Dancing Everywhere i Go 20,666 Miles in 133 Months now;

Like Forrest Gump Said and i Sing; Just because it Feels Good to Do it; A Mighty ARtistic Stim It has Come to Be;
No More issues
With Emotional
For me and

Now, it's True,
YeT i DO Conform by Leg Pressing
1540 Pounds, 12 Reps, Still at the

Military Gym, Yep still at age 64; No one,

And i Do Mean NO ONE, Gives me any Problem
at All, after i fill up Both Bars With 45 Pound Weights

And Do my Ballerina/Martial Arts Free Style Routine of
Warming Up Dance

Just like
i Do at

And everywhere
Else i Go in Public
While my Wife Loves

to Just Loves to


All For Fun
And Wings Free too Balancing ALL...

oh By the Way, Man Made Materials
Really Bug me; Whenever i Get a Chance

i Discard them By the Forest and Board
on Board Fencing of my 'Eden Back Yard;'

Key: Wherever You Go; If You Don't Find a Place
of Sanctity on the Outside and Inside oF LoVE iN Peace,

Chances are, You may be full of Misery and Discontent No

Matter What Seasons
or Weathers Do Come

Now and Next; Other than
That No State Income Tax;

Minimum Wage is 13 Dollars an Hour
Going Up to 15 Dollars in the
Next Two Years Yet They are

Already Paying that in Retail
Service Jobs to Keep Warm Employees

Working; After the Minimum Wage is
Attained at $15; Cost of Living Wage Increases

Every Year After That; After 3 Degrees From

College, i Started at $3.69 An Hour

Just to get my Foot in the Door of the
Lowest of Low of Government Employment;

With Patience it Paid off with the Equivalent
Pay Grade of a Marine Major at Civilian Retirement...

What's Really Gone Up the Most is Health Insurance;

It Was 14 Dollars for me and my Wife each Month; Now
With Both Medicare and Federal Retiree Health Insurance We Still

Pay 7,000 Dollars a Year; and While it's True Our House Insurance
is Almost 4,000 Dollars a Year; a New Roof Will Bring it Down to
Around 2,500 Dollars a Year; And God Yes It's True; The Most

Dangerous Thing Most Anyone of Us Will Do is Drive a Car;

Yeah, i Spent a bunch of Money on a Very Safe One as i Understand

What's Real

Versus all the


Of What
What We See online
And on the Other Tubes too...

It's a Game of Jacking Up Adrenaline
And Dopamine Most by What Humans

Will Come to focus on Most, With Illusory
Fears Spoon Fed Each and Every Day to Make Money...

Meanwhile, Yawn, the Birds Are Singing in Eden; The Sun
Is Shining Through the Forest, and The Waves and The Winds
Of Emerald Green Gulf, Sugar White Sands, And Sea Oats in the

Breeze, Along With Seagulls Spiraling Around the Sun Is Only

A Short Drive Down a Four Lane Highway Without Much Traffic

(in my Hybrid AWD
Touring CRV

Close enough
To whenever
i Choose and

Still Desolate
After the Summer

Tourists; So Peacefully True

Nature Will Be and Us too...

Life is Full of Pro's and Con's;

It's Up to All of Us to Seek and
Find What Works and Plays for Us


Orlando is too Crowded for me;

Yet i'm not a PHD Economist

Or a Big Four Deloitte Financial
Consultant Like my Indian Friend

Who Requires A Big City to Do What She Does...

Tons of Folks Are Moving From all around the
Country Here to Florida Where i Live; Yes, They are
Mostly Retired From Somewhere Much More Expensive



To Live; And
True, i'll Share
A Couple of


to answer
the Question of WHY?

Other than Whatever
Paradise We Create Within for real too...

Working for the Military for a Quarter of
A Century, Most Every Person Who Came
Through Who Has Seen the World Said

This is Where They would Like to

Return Most to Retire,

If they can
here again...

It Wasn't always
Easy Yet i Never Left...

Hehe on the Other
Hand, Not Everyone
Appreciates 'Paradise;'

i Swear i Saw A Dude Jumping
Up And Down; Obviously Uncomfortable
in His Own Skin (Been there done that too)

With a T-Shirt That Said 'Occupy Mars;'

Yet the Dude Should Really Go Out in
Space In One of his own 'Vehicles'

to Find the 'Overview Effect'

Like What 'Captain
Kirk' Did as

Fiction is
So Much Less

Satisfying as
Reality when
You Full Become
A Part Whole of What's Really

Most Real... (Clue: What We
Are Made of Most THE EartH)


Unless Ya
Just Love, LoVE iN War,
Discontent, Misery, and All that Other 'Stuff' too...

Yep, Been 'THere' Done That Too...




Inside and Outside too
That's What Life is All
About Creating the Best

one for You...

And Sure Others too...

Other than that the Nice
Dude down the Road of
my Neighborhood in my
Slow Dance Walk Around the

Block Has Relatives in Orlando
That His Son Traveled Down there

to Be With; As Expected All is

Good; They Just Lost Electricity
And Will Be Using the Grills Donated By

His Son
And Some
Cases of Water

Just in Case too...

The Best Part of a Hurricane
And Any Other Natural Disaster
is A Community of Human Beings

Bonding And Binding Over a Common Purpose

of Lifting Each Other Up;

Even When the 'Orange
Ghoul' Is Lying His Butt

off to Cause
the Usual
Anger And
Hate, Yep, Real Hell Brings

so Free too...

i Realize Matt
Gaetz is the
of Where i Live in
This District too

Yet i Don't Worry
About Temporary
Fools; Just Pebbles
Making Waves Now in
Ponds Soon Enough to go away

Like DeSaNTaNiS and the 'Orange Ghoul' too...

We All Live and Die; i Choose to Fully Live Now

Fear and
Orange Stuff hehe...

Florida is Still A State of FLoWeRS for me at Least

In Even a County Named After a Saint Rose and Even

A Saint Rose Church
to Visit
and Lead
The Choir

From the Back
Pews When the
'Choir Master' is Out at Least Hehe...

Life is Bad and Good; And All of the iN-BeTweens
And Extremes; It's Up to All of US to 'Find A View'...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !


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12 Oct 2024, 4:08 am

A Nice Surprise...

"Choice Focus Determination Passion
Dedication All Can Do Within Heart
Capable Kindness Gratitude Limitless
Love Forgive Spirit Will Effort Best Self Belief

Strength Perseverance Ability Boundaries Express

Way i Am


All Key Words
SoUL Wise You

Dear Savvy...

Beautiful Motivational Guest Post to Keep

Moving Dear Pooja i Dance i Sing Free

i Only Rest Enough to



is Simple SMiLE

i Can't Help it i am
NaturAlly Born With

a F R E D in FRiEnD hehe...

All Treats No Tricks For Now

SoUL FLoWinG Helping Other

HeART Beats Grow Warmer

Blood Streams Freer Yes

SPiRiT Shining With New

LiGHT oF Wisdom Now

Deep Within Dear Savvy

No Greater Vocation NoW
NeW i FeeL And Sense For ReaL

SMiLes Thanks For the Inspiration
Of Your Uplifting Poem Dear FRiEnD...

SMiLes Dear Anita i Write In Poetic Meditative FLoWinG Response

to Folks All Around the Globe Copy and Paste it as i Go and Share

It In Many Avenues For Free and for me at Least Any Kind of

Material or Other Reward or Award is Absolutely

Zero Considered in What i Do as For me

Both With 13.3 MiLLioN Words of EPiC Free
Verse Poetry in 133 Months and additionally

Literally 20,677 Miles of Public Dance in 133

Months As Well The Joy Is All in The Do And

For me at Least that Makes my Life Naked

Enough Whole Complete as is Yet of

Course i Didn't Start Any of it until

Retired and Totally Financially

Independent Not Everyone

Has That Advantage of

Course Not everyone Has

The Endless Hours to Do it and

The Ability to Do It Totally For Free

If Someone Offered me a Billion Dollars

For What i Do i Would Say No As i Gave Up

The Hobby of Making Money Long Ago With SMiLes...

Other Than That In Total of All the Avenues i've Shared

i've Literally Reached Millions of Folks With The Song of

Poetry And Moves of Meditative FLoWinG Public Dance

HAha There is No Way A Publisher Could Do that for me

i've Already Seen How Dust Collects on Poetry Books

In Bookstores with SMiLes And i Do Understand

Yes The Stark Realities of What Self-Publishing

Or Trying to Make Money With Tens of

Thousands of Followers on

Word Press Something

Like Ten Dollars a

Month Meanwhile
The Word Press Organization
Collects All the Pennies of the
Many Folks Who Never Make the One Hundred Dollar
Threshold for Profits Which Take Literally Close to a Million
Views A Year And Yes Most Self-Published Books are only
Sold to Individuals who Are Acquaintances of the Writer

Of Course There Are Some Exceptions Yet it is Not Much
Different Than The Basketball Player at the City Park

Wanting to Become a Professional Basketball Star

A Best Way to Be An Artist is to Do it For Free

And Do It Only For the Joy of the Art at Hand

And Foot and Etcetera of Course as it

Becomes A Win Win No Lose

to Do for
Joy of
Art Unto Our Souls Free

i've Seen Way too Many Folks Put So Much
Effort in Self-Publishing a Book Finding Out
There isn't Much Response in Buying the Book

And Just Giving Up on their Creativity all together

As It Didn't Make Enough Money Meanwhile They Also

Give Up All that Potential to Truly Expand Their Souls

As Creating
All Kinds of
Art Naturally

Does as the Rewards
May Be Always Intrinsic in Flow
Beyond Any Dollar Amount of Soul Felt Value...

We LiVE iN A World Increasingly For Sale Honestly
If We Are Fortunate Enough it Doesn't Have to Be That Way At All With SMiLes...

It's Like Being A Regular Customer at Whataburger Just Buying a Couple of Grilled Chicken
Sandwiches A Cup of Water And Sure A Free Senior Coffee as the Cashier Claps When

We come in With Glee Remembering What We Normally Get Smiling From

Ear to Ear

Calling Us

Family The Only
Price of That is

Treating Every
Stranger Like

A New Face of God For Real Per 'Namaste'
And Really Feeling it Soul to Soul Also For Real...

i Honestly Can't imagine A Greater Pay Check
Or Reward in Life Yes Pay Grade, Pay Rate, And

Currency of LoVE iN Peace With SMiLes of Course

i had to Work 33 Years to Give, Share, Care, And HeaL iT All
Away For


Investment iNDeeD...

SMiLes Dear Miriam As Far As i Feel See and Sense Greatest

Possession is No Possession at All Love We Give AwaY in

Peace is




A Wave Ocean

Water FLoWinG God

Yes Deeper Within Our Veins

That Sung the Rest Will Be Replaced

in Terms of Insurance Money And Green

Mold Growing in the Bank However i'm Extra

Blessed as i Have Close to A 'Photographic Memory'

Not Only For Visuals Yet For the Rest of Feelings and Senses

As in my Life

THere Truly

is No Time

Forever Now

At Finger Tips New

Foot Steps of my SoUL...

Best Part oF All Now is Only Opportunity
New to Continue to EVoLoVE iNto A New Creation
Never Felt Sensed Before Every Breath Every New Life...

SMiLes Dear Cindy Beautiful Poem

River Flows Now While Humans See

Origins and Destinations River Flows

Free New When We Become

River Flowing

Origins and

Destinations Disappear

River Flows We ARRiVE iN Flow

Truly No Other Place to Go Eternally Now Free...

New With SMiLes...

SMiles this is always
the Best Now For me
Yet increasingly
And Objectively
Colder for
Others there
Is No reason
We Cannot
Make it
If We All
Effect Positive
Change that SMiLes


"Great the change you would be ,
Knowing the truth is to set you free,
Move with the flow of life and see that
the ebb and flow of sea,
Was always there and will always be,
God give you strength being like a key,
Divine consciousness is in you and me,
Change is an eternal river of thee,
To a new social contract we agree,
Always inspire us to find liberty, …
My friend to remember eternally,
Each seed you plant becomes a tree,
As the French say mon amie,
Trinity is in all including you and me,
Evolution and revolution is there,
To continue and forever be ,"

-Echo Horizons

Practice Perfect Song; i will add only one word: Dance..
People don’t listen to Lyrics much more than a Sentence
of Rap these days as Science Assesses the Average Human
Attention Span at less than a Gold Fish ‘these new days’.. yes
Literally Less than 3 Seconds.. So i put ‘my Song’.. 133 Months
13.3 MiLLioN Words into 20,677 Miles of Public Moving
Meditation Flowing Dance in Trump
Town, United States; the place where
85 Percent of my Town who call
themselves ‘Christians’ voted
for another ‘Father oF all Lies’
This is also a ‘Foot Loose’
Place where they Burned
Rock and Roll Records
attributing reality to
Conspiracy theories still then too…

So i Dance ‘these days’ it’s a longer
Form of a Poem than Most People
will be able to Actually see about
95 Percent of the General Public
same Percentage of People who got no
benefit from the ‘Last Renaissance’.. the
‘New Renaissance’ (Heaven) is here Now in
This Generation now For Real and better than
ever for those who are actually Participating New
Listening Singing And Doing A Dance of Song True...

SMiLes After 19 Years
Of School And 33 Years
Of Work Before i
Reached 50
i realized i
Had Learned
Very Little
In Accord
With HeART
Intelligences True
Of Love
To Earn
Love Colors More
Ocean Whole God...

SMiLes Dear Ruelha When
We Freely Move
Each Other
We Really
LoVE NoW is
Most Definitely
My God Enough For
Living iN Peace Now
Breathing LoVE iN
Balancing Peace...

Thanks Dear
Aleesha True
i Feel More
i Think
Now With
SMiLes Thank
God As True
i Used
To Be
A Blank
Egghead HAha...

SMiLes Saania i Used to Look Ahead
And See Behind Until i took
A "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"

That Never

Ends That Never

Begins Only Starting

Now Never Finishing

Otherwise 'They' Say

"Life Moves Pretty

Fast" You



LoVE iN Peace

Miss BreathinG ETeRNaLLY NoW
Yes Any Part of Breath Truly Free...

SMiLes Dear Savvy As Far As i See
Feel Sense Life is too Much of A Gift

Not to Make Every Move Holy Dance

Every Word Sacred Song

Every Breath


Peace Exhaling

LoVE iN A Place
WHeRE Fear Will

Not Possibly Exist

For True We Will Transform

That More Negative Emotion

Into a More Positive Peaceful
Loving Easy Feeling

In Doing So it Will

Make it So

Easy to

Take it

Easier on Other Folks True
iN All DarK Thru LiGHT NoW...

SMiles Dear Ruchi Our Unique
Mult-i-UniVerses Within
Are Most Mysterious
To Fully Explore And
Master my FRiEnD
Truly Story Never
Ending Always
STarTinG Now

Yes A Practice of
Changing Souls Anew

Hehe So Much Better at
iT Old iN Numbers Than Few

And Honestly i Feel And Sense
Younger Than Ever Increasingly
FRiEnDS With

GravitY iN

Force of Little
To No Negative
Stress Within


This Life
Comes To Be...

SMiLes Saania THere Are Not Enough
Grains of Sands on World
Beaches to Sand

me Down

To Fit

iNto Waves
Smaller Than Ocean...

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa Practicing Lessons
oF LiVinG A Positive Life With All the Quotes
You So Kindly And Freely Provide to Inspire

Others to Find THeir
Best Life Now Newly
Fresh And Ever More Colorful

There is Also A Saying That Dances
And Sings "Every Little Thing is Gonna Be Alright"

SMiLes i'll Take it A Dance And Verse Farther Secure

By Dancing Singing An Attitude of Gratitude For Ever

Part of Existence That Will Make us Even More Whole

The More We Love The More We Grow As Living Trees

Evergreen After All is Dancing And Singing A Leaf Carries Veins
To Feed A Tree Mirroring Larger Branches of Tree Same And Of
Course Roots Below Mirror Branches Above Carrying Sunshine
in Leaves Soaking Up Water And Minerals Below to Living Trees

Above It's Like
This too We aRe
Leaves of the Living
Tree God All That Is
As Your Religion Names
Allah of Course mY FRiEND

Yet It's True All of Existence
In Parts is Fractals of Whole

The More We Love All the
Parts the Greater The Whole

Of Love Comes to Be As Us As Far As i Am Grows...

SMiLes HeART iS Butterfly

Wings Beyond Measure

Dear Savvy

Touching Flowers
of Souls in All Places

Above and


With SMiLes...

Friday Florida Flower Story

SMiLes Dear Toronto FRiEnD
The Place of Fall in Summer Months
And Northern Lights Dazzling Toronto Tonight

in Sublime

If it’s
Clear Hehe

Ah Yes Crisp Blue Azure Skies
Not Only Has Mother Nature
Pushed All the Hurricanes to Our East

Yes and

Now Temps Fall
To Arise A Rest of Peace

From So Much
Summer and Heat

Yet Life generally Stays
Busy For a Butterfly Pollinating

Souls of Flowers Year Around


It’s a Secret


Don’t Tale
i am A Year
Around Butterfly ThiS WAY

And Yes of Course You are
one of my Favorite Long Lasting Flowers


Anyway Now for a 2.5 Hour Work-out
at the Military Gym at 250 Pounds i Still

my Wings
on Terrestrial Land Floating
about an inch off the Ground

Yet Dear Lord that Requires Incredible
Strength Yep All 699 Kilograms/1540 Pounds
(Makes the Rest of the Work-Out Seem Light)
12 Reps of Leg Pressing as i Must

6 Times
Stronger Than mY Weight
For the Physics of Lift-Off-On Land

The Most Amazing PArt i Don’t
Have to Think to
Dance And Sing


Before i Know it
i travel as Avatar
Of Dancing Song
All Around the Globe

From Kenya to Toronto For Real!…

Amazing too!…

SMiLes Dear Amethyst Lamb
Perhaps on the Autism Spectrum
i Can Relate Somewhat to What

You Are Expressing

The Wonder of Why

Folks Discuss 'the Weather'

So Fulfilled That Way It's Not
the Intelligent

Quotient that
Counts it's the
Warmth of Humanity
Literally that May be
Materially Reduced to the
Neurohormone Oxytocin Yet

Never Materially Reduced in Affect

of Effect
of SMiLes

For a Long While
i Wondered too Until
i too Received This Gift

New Every Small Connection
Feels Forever and More a Day Now

As Humans Become All Equal in my 'Sight'

Now for Real...

Every Professional
i Spoke with During
This Deadzone Had
No Idea How to Bring
Back What Was Totally Forgotten...

Again It's
Not Intellect

Much Deeper

And Older

Humanity Than That...

Yet Again to Be Clear

This may or may Not apply to You at all

Yet on the Autism Sites i've Visited it is Widespread...

And Makes

A Huge Difference
in How Folks Relate
to Each Other and the
Warmer or Colder Respect

They Pay Back and Pay Forward
in Social Reciprocal Communication


The Glue
The Desire
Is Organic And Real


Another Key Is it May Make
Life So Much Easier to Trust
Others When the Genuine Warmth

May Be
And Actually Felt

And Also With the Emotional
Intelligence That Accompanies the
Feeling the Ability to Discern Who Is Warm

Or Cold

So Much Easier to Trust...

The Farthest Star Dear Isha
The Star Inside What Warms

Our HeART oF SoUL What

Radiates Our SPiRiT

The Flame That Reaches in And
Out Touching Others With Ease

Ah Yes to Forgive Yourself
From Straying from What

Breathes Within

Taking Responsibility Now
For Your Feelings Regulating
Them As Your Emotions Your
Senses Integrating Come Out to Play

With the
EYes of the
Child oF LoVE iN Peace

Yet of Course Only Through
The Lens of my Views With SMiLes...

SMiLes i Enjoyed Your Visual

oF SoUL...

Celebrating The
Dark And Dear
Lord Temps Finally
Dropping to Fall
In Florida

With SMiles
Dear Pooja


If That’s

The End...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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13 Oct 2024, 3:54 am

Oceans Rise Waves Sing
This Dance Will Never End Now

iNDeeD Dear Savvy iNHaLinG Peace

Balancing All in All Newly Now

FRiEnDS With Gravity MaKinG
Every Word Sacred Song

Every Move Holy Dance

DiViNiTY A Way of

Life All to
Give Share
Care Heal
Away for Free
With Most Respect
And Least Harm Always
An Improving Way of Life

DarK Thru LiGHT...

Challenges and Successes

Back in the Bowling World
They Called Life Strikes
And Gutter Balls ThiS WaY

It's True Life is a Lot Like Bowling

You Set Out With Your Best Form to Make a Strike

And then oh No You Leave A Split Two Pins on the Edges
of the Lane Yet the Good News Is This is a Greatest Challenge to


And If You
Make the
to Pick
Up the Pins
People Will Applaud
For You Louder Than
If You Knock Down All 10 Pins at once...

Sigh i Managed that Bowling Center for the
Military Yet Never Learned to Bowl Yet it is True

We Can Even Learn Wisdom in Metaphor From

Games We
Don't Even
Know How to Play

Ah Yes the Observer
Effect and Affect Will
Change Us in Many Ways

my my my i've Been Observing
You Dear Isha ever Since You Turned
Twenty-One and Now You Are Turning Twenty-Three

Like in my Dance Hall Days Learning So Much About
Younger Generations Then You Teach me Much About

Your Generation
In India As Well

What i've Found By
Studying Humans All around
the World All my Life as the Military
Imported Folks All around the World

into that Military Bowling Center too

As my Area a Tourist Destination does

From the Days
of my Childhood too

Hehe when i Walked the Beaches
at age 17 and the Older Ladies from
Up North asked me to take a Photo With
Them (before Selfies Were even a thing then)

Yes they Wanted Proof they met the Tanned Natives hehe

Now i Have Proof i've met You And Thousands Upon Thousands of Others too

Again Isha is
A Unique Star
Seed and Flower

Isha Identifies Her
Challenges And Strives
to Be the Best She Can Will And Does

Best of All Isha is an Honest And Trust Worthy FRiEnD

There is No One Like Isha Who Ever Was or Ever Will Be Except for

Isha Creates Now

Always Welcome
New to Be Who You Are Now...

As All the Other Isha's You Created
Breath By Breath is Your Breath Now

SMiLes in Your Lists of Challenges
And Successes They Seem At Least

More than


Full to me

Always Room
to Make that
Next Spare and

Knock All 10 Pins Down

And Just Laugh at the
Gutter Balls and Say Yes

That's Life...

To Create New...

SMiLes Dear Isha The Expectations of Society

Really No Matter Where We Live May Not Have

The Best Group Think And Do in Mind For the Well Being

of More Than

Our Financial

Resources Namely

What Brings Warmth to HeART

What BRinGS LiGHT to SPiRiT

And Yes What BRinGS Depth to Soul

And That's WHeRE You Continue to Go

Freeing Yourself All the Way Home to You With SMiLes...

SMiLes Dear Savvy A Tree Never Really
Complains About the Size oF Its Seed

For It Is Faith Beyond Words That

One Day It

Will Even

Provide Shade
From The Star Above...

All Treats No Tricks
For Now Again
Yet Isn’t It True
Dear FRiEnD Humans
Based on Their Imaginative
Abilities Will Be The Sweetest
Or Literally
Together Create
Their Own Hell

On Earth of THeiR
Own MaKinG Insisting
Hell They Create Is
The Path to Heaven
In A Dirt


Oh How Pleasing
It Is To Have A
Jain FRiEnD
With A More
Than Destructive
Story Of Life Spoon
Fed From Birth At

Least Not Hoping
For And Creating The
End Of The World In
ThiS WaY You Seem
Like A Safe Place

With SMiles

To Rest mY SoUL SonG...

"Turning Down the Noise of Unscrupulous Voices"

SMiLes The Easiest Way to Do This When ReTired
At Least Truly Living in a Golden Age of Our Own

Choosing Is Just to Turn the TV Off If We Have

It on more than a Few Seconds Go Outside
If We Don't Live in a Materially Reduced

Concrete Jungle and For Real

Enjoy The Sights And Sounds

of Nature Where Other Animals

Are Not Literally So Irrational as Creatures

Who Cognitively/Imaginatively Create Their Own Worlds

Heaven and Hell In and Out of Order of Chaos for Real

Where Hell Can Be As Cold or Hot For What iMaGiNaTioN
And Group Think Brings

Yet Understanding

The Nature of the

Beast Understanding

The Source of Confusion

It Really Doesn't Bother me Dear Miriam

to Hear Crows Squawk or TRumP TalK NoW

For i Understand the Nature of Both THeir Languages

True the Crow
In Terms of
Balance With
the Rest of Nature

Is Literally A Genius in Comparison

i Just Consider it Another Disability to Accommodate and God Yes

Bet Ya i'm the Only One Who Googled "dydadic data analyses"

(And Didn't Even Earn Any Money, Likes, or Follows Doing it)

And Throughly Understand it Already From my Own Living Experience

It is in the


Mind And
Body Soul

We Grow
And Do Not Rot in one Place

Particularly in front of a GD Screen...

Yet i Understand Trapped in the Reality
of A Job Actually Working (Slaving) For Someone
(Another Master) Else How Difficult This Will Be to



no more...

no more...

Just Parroting
Heaven For Real Down HeaR...

"Cat 6 hurricane is dangerous"

Hehe Mr Gottfried i Once Sat in A Church And Listened
To A Catholic Deacon taking the place of the Head Priest

Describe Hurricanes as Evil As Human Beings Have Been

Complaining About the Challenges of Nature Since The

Beginning of Human Fears of the Unknown Hehe Yet

In This Case of

Course With A
Bit More Focus

in Understanding

How Nature Works

It's Just Nature Letting off a bit
of Steam and Re-Distributing Heat
of Oceans that Actually Helps Other
Life Survive and Thrive Non-Locally as Such

The Deacon also Compared that so-Called
Evil to Other Natural Parts of Human Nature

As You Know HAha my Messages May Be
Cat-6 Fueled So After The Head Priest

Heard All of my Wind Out in an
E-Mail Poetically Free Verse
Derived ThiS Way From

Soul He Never let
That Deacon Give a
Homily Again Oh the

Power of the Word

How Much More Than
A Sword or Even Turning
Money Tables Over Words Will Play

Amusingly If We Truly Do Get Cat-6
Stronger Categories of Hurricanes in the Future

Surely They Will Be Salt and Peppered A Bit From Human

Influence Yet the Karma of Nature's Influence is the True Real

Big Boss And Yes We aRe Just Small Waves of Nature Holding

Hands Enough to Make a Difference in the Balance of Nature Now

in A Negative Way of Storms That Create Larger Waves and Winds

to Bring


Sadly Like the Other

Animals When We Get Out of Balance

Take More Than We Give Hoard More Than We Share

Harm Callously Rather Than Give Share Care And Heal

With Empathy And Compassion For All Parts of the Whole

That is God For Real We Suffer the Consequences of Our

Actions From Tribal Psalms that Support The Dashing

of Rocks Against the Heads of Children of Different

Warring Tribes to Numbers 31 Naming 32

Thousand Close to Puberty Virgins

Booty as Spoils of War

Material Rewards

to Sex Slave

And Rape

At Will as
Cattle Owned to Breed

True We Cull Our Own Blind to
the Differences That Make Us Same

LoVE iN Peace mY FRiEnD if Only The Story Jesus

Could Really LiVE iN And On That Mount of LoVE iN Peace
Sadly 'They' Would Kill For the Mountain And Forget All About the



i'm Sure There
is Still An Example
or Two in the World to

Remind Us of the Sin of
iMBaLaNCE With Both Our
Nature And The Rest of NaTuRE ALL...

Currently at Least in the Realm oF All of
Nature and the True Real Sin of iMBaLaNCE

With All the Rest of Nature (GoD) THere is

No Part of Nature Currently No Animal

More Dangerous Than The Cultural

Nightmares The Human iMaGiNaTioN

Will BRinG to Fruition Yet True We Truly

Do Have At Least Some Potential to BRinG

The Other Place of LoVE iN Peace Heaven on EartH Real

Not Waiting on A Statue at the Bottom of the Ocean to Come

Back Alive and

Make Heaven Real

HeaR Within to Give
Share Care and Heal

Freely For Again i Am An Eye
Of A Hurricane Continuing Now New
to Spread my Heat Peacefully With SMiLes...

Easily Washing Barrier Islands Aways With SMiLes...

Change The Reality True We The Instrument of Karma too...

All my Pleasure
Dear Cindy
Day For
You to Love
With SMiles...

LoVE iN Peace
Such An Easy
Law Door
Come to
Pass Through
Be And Stay... Now New
Table of Plenty For All Springs
For Others SAdly Always A Cross
too Heavy to Lift... Now
For it's True
Love is the
Beyond Measure New...

Found Within
With Give
And Share
Free With
Most Respect
Yes Least Harm
For When Love
Breathes THiS iS How
We See the Weight of
Love We Give and Share For
Free Indeed the Weight of Soul in
Others We
Nature's Face
Our Purpose NoW
Feeling Sensing Meaning
This Love For ALL Existence
As 'They' Do...

Yet Not Necessarily
Say Until Love Truly Breathes
First, Again, Or Lasts For All
NoW ETeRNaLLY Ocean Whole
Boat Sailing
Free in
Every Harbor
Ocean Whole Free
Waves of SeaS Even
More Free LoVE Be i AM...

Love Be
i Am Free
iN Peace

Fit And
Form Excellent
Remodel in Deed

A Muscle
Or Just
A Stale
It’s What
We Feel that
Stays Real We Sense Most
Now Make Heaven Y Not...

With Love
Take What
Peace Prayers
Leave Behind...

Colors Stones
Melt our
Delight iN Nature’s
Creativity We aRe too...

River Flows
Dance Body
Mind Traveling
ALong Enjoying
On ItS Own

Art iN ParT oF EartH SMart
Without Art HeART is Not
For He is Not Complete
Without sHe Within
For Either Or
For BLacK
Holes Dance Stars Above So
WHeRe is Separation Now
Surely NoT THeRe Or Here
For Even Words Play NaTuRaLLY
Innately WHoLE EvilivE LivedeviL
DessertstresseD LiGHT Comes From

DarK NoW
All is NoW
Makes SMarT

Tides Go
In and Out

Lives US WE ARt...

iNHaLinG Peace

Love Tree Roots
Deep Peace
World These
Leaves Spread

All Fruit



Dear Yam
With SMiles...

Soul oF LoVE

FLoWeR Ever

Blooming Colors

More To Feel Sense

Evolving 'Cross Years


Ever Younger

Within Like You
Dear Cindy Still
Sprouting Wings

Touching All You Meet
And Greet Yes Rose Ever Rooting Vining
Greater RiSinG Fragrance Kindness for All...

SMiLes Dear Savvy WHeRE
Rainbow Ends And Begins
Yet Never Finishing Always

Starting Now The Colors We
Bring New Or The Treasure
of Gold We Actually Feel and Sense

For Real Now Oh So Newly Every Inhale
of Peace Exhale of Love A Wonderful New

Color of Life ReNeWinG as Every Day After
Refreshing Sleep Dreams Consolidating Birthing

A New Us Yes Each And Every Now A Breath Becomes

A Fresh New

Life We Co-Create
So Newly Now DarK

Fear Leaves And Life Truly Breathes Peace Love

Just This Present Just This Gift Now to Celebrate Newly

Every Holynow Dear FRiEnD Fresh New Always Realizing HoMe Now...

SMiles Dear Mariana
Imagine An Existence
WHere All That’s Left
To Do Right is Dance
Sing For A Living
Together As
Humans True
That’s What We
Did Freely Through
DarK And LiGHT Of
Life ToGeTHeR To Both Survive
And Thrive Before ‘God’ Became
Only Written Words As Idols And
Money And Stuff And Only
A He Assigned Male Human
Ego Sadly Divided Away From
Divine Feminine AS HuMaNS
Become More and More
Separated From The
Naked Enough Yes
Whole Completion
Of All That is Nature

Of ‘God’ New Now
Free Indeed
Gaining The
Spirit Of The
Wind Lest We
Believe We Have
The Power To Trap
Wind in A Jar And Yuck

Lose Spirit in The Form of
A Written Three Letter Word

Like Jar

Or A

Dollar Ill

And To Be Clear This
Is Just An Observation
Of The Human Condition

For All Lovely Art i’ve
Seen Dry Up As If Its

Only Value

Is An Empty

Jar What Price to
To Touch A Soul
True Value Indeed

Touch What Is Real

A Whole Life If We Will...

Other Than That Good Luck
On The Sale of Your Book

‘God’ Is
Reality Humans
In Effect Bow Down

Most Now
Separated From
Life Yep i Did it
For 33 Years


Until i
Those Filthy “Clothes”

True Many Humans
Seek And Some Do

Escape “The Jar”...

SMiLes Writing About Your Regrets
Getting In Touch With the Associated
Emotions Putting Them to Page And

Sharing Them With Others Who Might
Be Able to Provide Positive Input is Basically

Free Mental Therapy So Hurray Keep Doing

It It's Great to Get it All
Out Provides Some Space
To Make Some New Moves
As After All is Said and Done

Regrets Are Living in the Past
Now is the Date of Your Potential Excellence
Dear Isha With SMiLes And Getting 'It' All Out

Is A Path
That Way First...

SMiLes Dear Isha i Suppose WordPress People Must Be A Lot Nicer as It's True
i Haven't Visited Your Blog too Many Instances Yet All i've Seen Getting Down to
the Level of Making A Comment is Others Providing Positive Feedback to You

Yet Isn't it True That We Human Beings Have More Difficulty Forgetting
Negative Feedback Than the Other 90 Percent That May Be At Least
Positive or Neutral in Negative Judgement that Other Way

And On Top of that Text Communication Only Provides
About 7 Percent of Potential Human Reciprocal
Social Communication That Happens in
Face-To-Face Life That Increasingly

Most everyone even in the Workplace
is Separating With Each Other in Distance

my Gosh Even A Couple at a Dinner Table
Acting Like Each Other Do Not Exist Yet True
i am Retired i Live With my Wife 24/7 She actually
Gets a Welcome Relief to Eat When i am on my Phone
For Dinner Hehe so True Exceptions Do Apply Yet it is so very

True That People Lose Empathetic Human Potentials in Kindness
And Compassion When Separated From Each other 93 Percent or So

Yes And Many Folks 'These Days' are Literally Addicted to the Dopamine
And Adrenaline That Actually Being Mean to other Folks Brings And Other

Than That the Reason Most Folks Bring Others Down is They Already Feel
Low And That's The Only Way They May Feel Any Higher is By Sick Pleasure

of Bringing
other Folks Down

Haha, One Solution is
to Write So Much That
Everyone Will Be Too
Exhausted to Leave
Any Comment at
All And Meanwhile

You May Say Hello to Every
Stranger As Every Human Becomes
Your Neighbor at Least and Most Folks

Do Respond in Kind When Humanity Comes With A Smile
And Enough Positive Energy to Make a Hurricane of LoVE ReaL



Blow All the Negativity
When Giving Becomes the Receiving
There is Nothing Left to Add or Subtract Yet Loving Life For Real

Anyway Hurray! Again! You Wrote About What is Bothering You
And Other People Express Kindness And Compassion on Word Press

And We Don't
Charge A
to Be Kind

This Is What Humanity
Does Best With Each
Other Even Face-to-Face
With SMiLes Yet Sadly So Many
Folks Are Afraid to Reach Out and
Give a Stranger A Smile And Just
A Small Talk About the Weather or Such to
Bring Inner Warmth

It Really Works!

Humanity is
Evolved to Be
A Social Animal This way
Yet Lose it or Lose it Applies to All of Existence in All
Stuff Life Yes Ya Gotta Do the Dance Along With the Song True...

SMiLes Dear Vrunda i Have So Many Silent FRiEnDS

It Makes me a Bit Sad too As i Understand as i used

To Be Always Busy With School And Work And
i Just Didn't Have Any Space Left to Get in

Touch With my Inner me And Even the
Colors of Emotions Dried Up Like

A Desert As my Soul Just
Drifted Away Without

Much Inspiration to Say
Anything Yet What Was
Actually Required to Do For
Straight A's Hehe or Pay Hmm...

So Sad, in the United States Parents Report
That about 50 Percent of Their Children Are
Suffering in the Silence of Depression and Anxiety

That Life Challenges Do Bring Yes Like Being
Closed All in Inside During A Pandemic and
Even Going to School From Home Yes Like

Every Day Life Even Without A Pandemic
As Life Becomes A Screen More Than Flesh
And Blood Warmth Real Anyway i No Longer

Have to Work or Go to School i Always Always
Always Now Get to Put People First And Everywhere

i Go in 'Real Life' to Dance Sing and Smile There is Always
A New Stranger to Become A Life Long FRiEnD of Warmth

In Every Meet And Greet of Life Yes it is Harder online Yet

It's True There is Also A Potential to Touch Many more

Souls Whether They Return Any Kindness or Not It's the

SMiles We Give the Warmth We Give That is Ever Lasting

As it Becomes Just Another Practice of Life to Do More of

Kinda Like Work and School Yet the Benefits

Are Truly
Real mY FRiEnD

So if A FRiEnD
is Silent We May
Respect That And
Reach Out and Touch
Another Stranger Just to
Be A FRiEnD to Another Person
That May Come Our Way too For Real True...

Here's A Fact Though of Humanity Once A Person
Has Shown Kindness to me i Never Give up on them
And Even Better Yet Usually i Don't Give up on Even Foes too...

Again It Leaves
Nothing to Subtract
Or Add to me Naked
Enough Whole Complete
A Work of Love to Practice Life i Come to Be i Am

Hehe Yeah i was A Top Of the Heap Student and Employee
i Apply the Same Excellence to Being A Human Now HAha...

Indeed Dear
Isha Love
For All The
Wins That
Are Really Real...

Oh Goodness Dear Miriam my Wife Doesn't Grab The Second One From
the Top When She Shops She Goes For The Very Bottom One on the Stack

Fortunate For me Hehe as When She Chose me in 1989

i Was On the Bottom

of The Stack of Men

With Financial Resources

She Found The Bottom With
A SMiLe And that was enough For Her hAha...

Understanding DarK Makes LiGHT
Hope For Marrying Night
Day Dear
Savvy With SMiLes...

"Finding time To be present in the now With one another."

In and Out of Marriage This Seems to Be A Challenge in

Most Every Relationship in A World So Complex Full

of Deadlines and Jobs Without a Flavor of Any

Real Meaning and Purpose in Life That

Simply Leaves Folks Too Exhausted

At the End of the Day Without

The Warm Spirit That

Fuels Us to Reach out
And Actually Touch Others With Warmth

There Was A Day When Children Mostly Had
Their Mother At Home Raising Them Closely

in A Garden of LovE iN Peace Mostly Those
Days Are Gone Levels of Separation Continue

To Grow With So Many Distractions Adding to an
Already Extremely Complex Way of Just Living With

An Occasional
SMiLe At Least True

Humans Are Not Evolved

to Be ThiS WAY Yet A Lovely

Day Always Starts Begins Continues

And Continues Again With A Human Touch

Warm and
Actually Real With SMiLes...

My Working World Particularly
Toward The End And Apex of the
Career Ladder Was Humanly So Very
Cold Indeed Lifelines Disappearing into

A Dungeon
Hard to get
Out Yet i Escaped
And Truly Am Fully Human Again...

SMiLes Dear Anita What A HeART
Felt Account of Your Children Leaving

The Nest And Faith in
Surely What They

Will Do Next

my Mother Wrote
Poetry Similar Like This
in Regard to me and my Sister

Surely Your Children Will Treasure
Your Poetry From Their Mother With SMiLes...

i Made An Entire Blog Post of Mementos of
My Mother Like This After She Passed Away

i Surely Get

To Visit All those
Memories With Just

A Quick Search Online With SMiLes...
Indeed So Many Ways To Count Our


On Again
With SMiLEs...

You are Surely
Welcome A
Old AS Humanity

Is Young to

See Do With
Beginner Child
EYes is To Live And

And Do

Now New

Hehe Dear Isha
Just Reply To
Your Sister


Be Breathe
And Do Forever

Now With

If She
Doesn’t Understand
It Will Be Up To Her

With A K.i.S.S.

Kindness is Simple SMile

Beginning Always Endearing


With SMiles...

SMiLes Dear Hawaii FRiEnD Large Waves Exciting
Small Waves Mellow and Peaceful Indeed Particularly

In All the Ocean Colors of Green and Blue of North Shore
Oahu Hawaii Your Paradise Beach Home Abode With So

Many Other Colors of Life Ah Yes Crab Enchiladas at the
Hawaiian Mexican Restaurant and Yes my Wife Has Made


Yet We Do it on the
Cheap With Imitation
Crab Chopped Up Cabbage
And Real Shrimp Indeed It is Delicious

She Even Wrote Down the Recipe and Gave
it to a New Walmart Worker Friend From Micronesia
Specifically The Island of Chuuk Island People Are so

Nice it Seems
Probably From
Being Close to
The Waves of


Does Bring

Hehe Raised on the
River i Seem to Endlessly
Flow So i Guess i Will Go and See
You Soon As the Moon Is Waxing Fuller

And Hurricanes Have All Been Pushed away
From Our Forest Home to the East and South
of the Western Florida Panhandle Now and

Wow Temperatures are Actually Chilling
into the 40's This Week as Cool As

Toronto Canada Fall Weather too
It's Been a Long Hot Humid and
Dry Summer too What a Blessing

Change Will Be Yet as Troughs and
Crests Make Waves Still Dancing ThiS WaY
On Terrestrial Lands of Smooth Store Dance Hall Floors


Catholic Mass Readings From the Early Morning
Hours Now of Sunday the 13th of October 2024

Something About Wisdom Which in Theology May
Be Specific to Whatever The Religion Teaches Wisdom

Is Spoon Fed From the Dogma as Such Often Separated

From Modern
Real World

And Yes Wisdom Has
Moved on Since Thousands
of Years Old Dusty Books that
Refuse Change in the Dogma

of Stale
Too Yes

of the
of Modernity
Now in Shared
And Novel Experiences

Among the Populace of Many
Cultures and Religions to consider Now

As of Course CuLTuRE and Religion Although
Often Steeped in Strict Tradition is Still Subject

to Change
Like the
Rest of Nature
For Real Just More

Roadblocks to Interfere
With the Evolution of Humanity
Even in One Lifetime Now With

New Potentials
Uncovered and
Explored More for
The Great Unknown
To Find ItS Way Out of the

DarK of


iNTo The
LiGHT of New
Wisdom As 'They' Say
Yet Surely Not the Meme
Hehe of Marjorie Taylor Green Ignorance

Breeding the Whackiest Conspiracies one
Might Come to Hear Like 'The Weather Folks'

Control the Weather Out of the World of Faux
Jewish Lasers in Space Creating California Fires too....

Keeping in Mind at Best the Human Condition That Basically
Hallucinates Its Reality of the Past Based on the One in the Future

Now True

Anyway Google 'AI' in Overview Defines Wisdom ThiS WaY:

"Wisdom is a complex human trait that involves using
knowledge and experience to make good decisions and judgments:

Understanding: The ability to interpret and understand knowledge to gain insight
Judgment: The ability to make good judgments and decisions
Social skills: The ability to make social decisions,
regulate emotions, and exhibit prosocial behaviors
Self-reflection: The ability to reflect on oneself
Uncertainty: The ability to accept uncertainty
Decisiveness: The ability to be decisive
Spirituality: A spiritual component"

Going on With the Example that
"Japanese Values Perspective
Taking and American Cultural
Values Are Steeped in Competitive Achievement"

For Just An Example as of Course Christianity Globally
Has 45 Thousand Plus Denominations Many Individual

Ones Believing
They Have "The One True
Scotsman" and Only Best

Way of Living And Doing Life Now

While i Visit Most Any Religion And Culture
And Find a Way to Blend Enough to Gain Access

It's True Both on the
Global Span and

Local One

Change is All that is
Constant Always Room
For Wisdom to Grow and Improve True

Yet of Course if You Trap Wind in a Jar


To Be Alive
And Truly Real
Accommodating change

There are Some Wise Teachings
Associated With Words Attributed
To Jesus and other Words That Completely

Contradict Wisdom
at Core of Being


And Honest Words
At All Like Love Your
Enemy Turn The Other Cheek
The Last is First and the Meek iNHeRiT
The Kingdom of Heaven Within in Seek and

Find Free Ways Yes Contradicted By if You Don't
Change the Last into an Idol God First you Just Plain

Old Testament
Still Burn Forever
in A Lake of Fire

As Revelation

Of Worst 'Hannibal
The Lector' Evil for Eternal Real

Yet You See i Wasn't Born Yesterday
Been Around Much Longer than that Indeed

Plus my
too of Course
For Real True and
False too as True Basically

Humans Hallucinate Their Realities
Based on What 'They' Hallucinate Before
According to Neuroscience Now So True

A Trumpy
World too

It is What it is
Adapt to the

Orange And
Make Your
World Sky Blue True

For the Unique Wisdom
You Develop For Who You
Are At Core Now Share it

Someone Else
Might Like

The Taste
of Your Flavor
of Heaven Within
on Earth too Or Just Spit it out Hehe

Trap Wind in a Jar All You Like The
Equivalent of Banging One's Head on Concrete

Forever Now

in the Sand
Yet to Come Out
into the LiGHT Out of the DarK
of the Proverbial Traditional Cave

In Still
Old New
Ways Do Evolve
Now Don't Wait for
Dirt Naps For That Kinda Change...

Anyway for now this is my Story

Subject to Change
like the Rest of

Reality True

Hehe Go Ahead
Do the Marjorie
Taylor Green

Orange Man

Same Old
Same Old


Will Just
Laugh Back With Change...

Oceans Rise Waves Sing
This Dance Will Never End Now

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !


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Age: 64
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Posts: 11,796

14 Oct 2024, 2:23 am

SuNDaY The 13th
Florida Flower Story
MaKinG Fun Of The
Night Coloring A Garden
Of Eden Bright
Fall Flowers
Soaking Up
Morning Sun In
Respite Of Rain
Escaping Drought
Radiance Of Cool Breeze
Fall Summer’s Gift Winter’s
Dream Spring’s Green Summer
Our Living Tree Free
Lucky SuNDaY The 13th...

"Life is Like a Box of Chocolates, You Never Know What You are Gonna Get"

Yet We aRe Human We Have iMaGiNaTioN We Have Dreams And the Potential

To BRinG Stories We Create to Fruition Writing Directing And Playing Our Own

Life Plays

in the Human World

Story Is Both King and Or Queen

Demon or And Angel Whatever the Story

We Write Come to Fruition True Placebo And



Both Are Real Effects
And Not Everyone is As

Successful At Writing Their
Own Story And Acting Their Own Play ThiS Way

And The Reality is The Stories May Be Either Most

Horrible Nightmares We Bring to Fruition or Most Beautiful

Dreams That Become The FLoWeRS We aRe in Fruition "Day By Day

To see thee more clearly
Love thee more dearly
Follow thee more nearly"

And It Doesn't Matter The God

We Create Either TRumP or LoVE iN Peace

Whatever Story We Believe in Becomes The Fruition
of Our Dreams

Dear Miriam
i just Wrote
This SuNDaY the

13th Poem to A FRiEnD

That i Will Share Again

SuNDaY The 13th
Florida Flower Story
MaKinG Fun Of The
Night Coloring A Garden
Of Eden Bright
Fall Flowers
Soaking Up
Morning Sun In
Respite Of Rain
Escaping Drought
Radiance Of Cool Breeze
Fall Summer’s Gift Winter’s
Dream Spring’s Green Summer
Our Living Tree Free
Lucky SuNDaY The 13th...

Here Are Some Facts:

i Was Assessed As the Weakest Child in School.

At 64 i Still Leg Press 1540 pounds 12 Reps just warming
up at the Military Gym Hehe one of my many Nicknames
in Middle School Was 'Bird Legs' Yet it's True Even As An

Adult i Was Assessed as A Dizzy Fly Not Able to Even Walk Properly

(Currently Tallying 20,696 Miles of Public Dance in 133 Months For Real)

And A Human of Few Words Who Had Trouble Writing Even One Creative

(Currently Tallying 13.3 MiLLioN Words of EPiC Long Form Poetry in 133 Months)

Paragraph as i Basically Just Made A Template And Re-Wrote Them All Again

Inserting the
Facts and

Figures i

Needed Even to

Write A Bowling Center
Newsletter Same Form
Letter for Over A Decade

Hehe Even Published in the
Local Sports Paper Yet so Bland
And Unoriginal Indeed With SMiLes

Nah, i Never Really Expected People to Yell
Out of Their Car Windows Legend at me Leaving
A Dance Hall at 2 AM in the Morning or Young Women

(Close to 60 Years-old Then)

Yelling at me

to Take off my
Shirt in Crowded
Cars in Parking Lots Either

(True Folks Still Ask for my Autograph)

It's True i am no Fictional Forrest Gump

And if We Don't Believe the Power of Story

Works in Negative Ways Look No Further

Than the 'Anti-Gump' Tightening the Polls

to Become President Openly

Attempting to Destroy

Our Democracy

Yet Openly


Boldly Asserting
if You Tell A Lie Long
Enough As Story Others

Will Follow You Blind As Minions Naturally Do

in my Case i Took Photos And Videos Along the
Way as i Come From a Place Where Evidence is
All Folks Will Accept For Truth Yet Not All Folks of Course

There Are Paths to Take in Life Give or Take Share or Hoard

Care And Heal or Callously Harm And The Tween of Heaven and Hell too...

We Become

What We Feed Our

Heads Hearts and Souls

As The 'White Rabbit' Sang

"One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small

And the ones that mother gives you

Don't do anything at all

Go ask Alice

When she's ten feet tall

And if you go chasing rabbits
And you know you're going to fall

Tell 'em a hookah-smoking caterpillar
Has given you the call

Call Alice

When she was just small

When the men on the chessboard

Get up and tell you where to go

And you've just had some kind of mushroom

And your mind is moving low

Go ask Alice
I think she'll know

When logic and proportion
Have fallen sloppy dead

And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen's off with her head
Remember what the dormouse said

Feed your head
Feed your head"

With SMiLes...

i Never 'Know' What The Next Word Will Be

i Never 'Know' What The Next Move Will Be

i Am Only One

Move and
One Word New

Dance And Song
of Now i Am Free...

Cycle of Old and New

True Dear Kiran Best

if Dark Leaves

So Morning

Will Break Again

As It's True DarK

BRings LiGHT


Yes Ours Too
With SMiLes...

As Sure As the

Moon and Sun

Always On Schedule Now...
And Hey You Thanks For All
The Kind Comments You Return to me...

Yes.. Fun With
Facts as
Long as one
Acts more
Seeking Finding
In Fact a Dance and Song to
Act.. oh by the way Hi
As i for one
FEEL that
Being Friendly
Is A Best Human
FAct oF all so much
Better than just
Even Art
When LoVE iN Peace
Is Left to Live to Be ALiVE...

Out of the Shadows
Out of the Shallows
Rolling into the
Light into the Deep

Light; no matter Syntax, Semantics;
Particle and or Wave Until Field
of Human in Dreams NeW
Comes Full of LoVE NoW


Beauty of Physics
Beauty of Order
MysTic of Feeling
Sensing All As Beauty


Nature once again
Cool and Calming New
As Any Human Spirit in Balance

Autotelic Flow
Now Transient
Always an
Orange Clown
Now And Celebrating
Virtually From Years
Gone bye
Digitally New
Again Perhaps
We Will Erect the
18 Foot Tall Grim
Reaper Doll once
Again in our
Front Yard
Yet For
Now The
Is Taking
The Blow
Up Reaper’s
Place For Real
Has Been
Real on
Elm Street
For 8 Years
True i am Always
Dressed Down as me2...

Hardly Woo Now
Science Assessed
To Increase Creativity
And Productivity
In Laser Focus
Of Cognitive
500 Percent
With Stellar
Short And
Long Term
Too With
Focus in
Flow You Just
Don’t Get Heaven
Within You F in Get
Results that
In The
A Naked Free
Dance In Sand
And Sun Will
Do it if You
To ‘Get out of
Your Head’
If i Can’t
Convince Trump
Voters ‘This Place
Exists’ i Won’t
Do it
In Ivy
As Both
LiVE in the
Prison in
.5 Percent of Mind...



OBTW Science
Assesses Any Meditation
Now As Regenerative
From Head to Toe
Western Mind
Up to Eastern Depth...

i Pray
That You
Will Always Be
Happier than


A Good
Day and
Night to
Dance And
Sing Love Free iN
Peace As Sky Now Above
Ground in Peace of You...

It’s Really the
Same Dance
Song i Pray
For ALL it’s
And See
This Prayer Free...

Hehe Dear Annabel
i Stick to Non-Fiction
Books Reality


Shows Enough
These Days For me...

Yeah Anita
With SMiles...

SMiles Dear
FRiEnD For
Over 9 Years
Hearing From
You Always A
Highlight of My
Day Coloring my Soul

SMiLes Dear Rue Many Creative Minds Come Together to Inspire the End Product of
A Music Video And Madonna More Specifically Was Undergoing An Emotional,

Spiritual, And More Soulful Maturity of Life in '98 That Entertains Many
Spiritual Traditions And In Her Case Specifically Yoga, Hinduism
And Jewish Kabbalah through the more Mystical Tradition of


DEVIL WORSHIP OR FREE MASONRY Yet of Course there are Always Despicable
Folks Who Devil-Up Conspiracy Theories Just to Make Money off of Shared Fear that
Humans Sadly Bond Over Strongest 'Minionly' When They Allow Their Shadow to Master

Their Life; Hehe, It always Helps to Listen to What The Actual Artist Has to Say

About the Intent of their Art; too Bad We Don't Have the Original Authors
of the Bible to Explain That Heaven And Hell Only Exists Within Yet of

Course the Author of Luke Tried that in Luke 17:21 Yet Folks Are Still

Looking For Hell and Heaven 'Over There Or After Life Somewhere'

Where It is Only Within in Terms of "Retaliation, Revenge, Hate,
And Regret" All Emotions and Actions that Express The Shadow Part
Of Humanity In General And Precisely What Madonna Was Trying to Get
Through in the Lyrics of the Song With Associated Song Writer Patrick Leonard too...

"Madonna commented that the lyrics to "Frozen" are built around "Retaliation, revenge,
hate, regret, that's what I deal with in "Frozen"". And Yes She Goes on to Tell the 'New York Times'

That is not About Any Specific

Person Yet Humanity In General
Per the Human Condition As Whole...

Obviously Madonna Has Lived Her Life

As a Very Creative Soul and A Very Troubled
One As Well So Deep In Storms of Both LiGHT And DarK

And Her Struggle Sadly Surely is Far From Over Now in this
Period of Her Life... She actually Seems to have it all Together
More in 1998 Than She Does Now As Sadly She Isn't Aging Gracefully
It Seems And Trying to Hold on to the Past no Longer Soulfully Evolving it seems...

Yet that's Just from What i've Seen Recently in the Art She Expresses Now as for me
at Least Her Song 'Frozen' is a Masterpiece of the Reality of what So Many Humans

Face to Escape A Shadow Mastering Them And Moving More into Life As A Dream Weaver
instead Yes Freeing HeART SPiRiT SoUL God Yes SeeKinG Finding Heaven Within Voila

Luke 17:21

Top of the Wisdom

Eye of the Pyramid of

Universalizing Faith in Love For
All Yes the Good Cop Version of JeSuS
Hanging on the Cross inviting the Thief
Where the Sun Shines Valley and Mountain Top Same...

Yet It's True We Never Escape the Bottom of the Pyramid Our Shadow Base too...

We Live A Dream Weaving Existence of Practice to Stay Afloat in Loving Balance...

This is an Inner Journey Far from the Glitz and Glamour of Both Church and Hollywood


Rue Dream

Weaving Within
With Enough Yes Left
After Inhaling Peace to
Exhale Love For All With No Fear

And Even Genuine Smiles of a Snowball
ToSSinG Fest Among Lovers Who Are Actually Real...

Okay Back to Putting Together Another 90 Thousand Word or
So Bi-Weekly EPiC Long Form Sized Novel Poem For FREE!

And Dear Rue Such An Inspiration for Writing Poetry Over Years Now
And i Do Hope Many More to Come As Your Creativity Only Gathers Steam...

Bitter Sweet ReaLiTY
Of LiFE See DarK iN LiGHT


A LiVinG Tree BLoomS AGAiN NoW

Unprecedented Thoughts
in Diaries Unleashed Released
As An After Thought of Life That

Sounds Profound And Worth Waiting
For And i Suppose Since i Waited for Over

50 Years to Hear What William Shatner From the
Sixties Captain Kirk of Star Trek Might Actually

Profoundly Relate About the Value

Of Home on Earth When
Actually Leaving

The Atmosphere
The Thin Blue Layer
of Breathing Gas That
Makes Life Possible at All

Seeing Death of Dark Is What
Envelopes This Heavenly Opportunity

For Every Gift of Breath Now For Real...

How Privileged Indeed We Are To Even Exist

At All my FRiEnD Rafiah Like Marie Antoinette Said to
The Poor Before the French Revolution So Detached
From the Reality of Their Struggle With No Bread She

Just Said Let Them Eat Cake and i suppose it Would Be The
Same if i couldn't Imagine the Melancholy of Your Statement

Here About Your Diaries Being Your Only FRiEnD For It's True
When i Was Writing Away on my Blog After FRiEnD Lala Rukh Got
Married And Went away then in 2014 i had no Other Online FRiEnDS

Just Writing Alone And Then One Day A Photo of A Seagull From my

Blog Appeared on a Facebook Page From A Very Young 20 Year-Old

College Student From Pakistan Who Came to me to Say Sir You Have

A Beautiful Heart

For You See
People Always
Told me Before

i Have A Brain Like
A Computer Very much
Like Spock Indeed With Some
Potential to Mind Meld Emotions
With Folks too Left With Very Few Words
to Say And To Express Emotions Back Then...

And That Went on until age 53 my FRiEnD
You Are Still So Very Young at age 31 Over
10 Years Now Since i First meet You Then...

Like Captain Kirk Related So Many

New Frontiers to Explore

And Pretty Please Don't
Make me live Longer

Than 123 to Hear

Your Profound

And Unprecedented

Thoughts for i am the Loyal
One FRiEnD Who Will Never
Go Away No Matter What to Hear
Those Words One Day even if i have
to Live to be 172 As You Say Inshallah..

So Let it Be Written So Let it Be Done

With A Free Dance And Song

Anything is Possible

When God


The New
Frontier to Adventure....

SMiles Dear Secret Student
No Lessons Today Fall
Break With Gifts For
Completing This
Last Semester

Of Study

Options Include A
Bar Of Happiness

Yet That’s Actually
A Typo It Is Supposed
To Read Bear Of Happiness

So You May Choose A Bear

Hug Too Finally i Missed
Capturing An Angel
Descending From
Pastel Pink Sublimely
Beautiful Sunset Clouds

Never The
Less You
May Enjoy
The Beauty Too
Or The Beast Hehe...

Faith Is Eyes of
A Child Before
Erased By
Fear See
EYes Of A Child
Always New Now Erase

Allow Love
Yes Dancing
Singing Free iN Peace...

Oh Yes Dear Jane
Pumpkin Spice Is
Part oF All That
Colors Autumn Verily

Nice A Huge Toad
A Pillar Salt Covered
By Unusually Early
Sand Sat
Doing A Meditation
For Rain to Come
Alive Sand Free
Again We
Him From the
Road Safety From
Shiny New 80,000
Dollar Four Wheel
Drives Only A Few
Steps Longer Before
Pillar Of


Fell From
High Skies
Toad RiSinG
For Real Savior
Ocean Above Whole...

Ah True Dear
Akshita True
FRiEnDSHiP Never Lets

Go No Matter How High
Waves Rise or Fall Yes

Ocean continues to Flow
As We aRe ALL Part Of Water Whole...

Oh Dear Lord Dear Ruchi This is A Most
Comprehensive Graphic And Wisely Humorous
Account of A Woman's Monthly Visitor i've Ever

Encountered Kudos for the Magnificent Work of
Art For This Part of The Challenge of the Human


Specific to Folks
Yes With A Uterus

Yet Even though You've
Almost Convinced me i Never
Wanna Come Back With a Uterus

Plus the Required Ovaries of Course
For the Monthly Visitor to Return
in Reproductive Ages of Course Yes

i Am already Gonna Forecast Your
Future HeaR As when you are 123 or 124
That Part is Hard to Figure Out Depending
On Modern Technology of Course Yet What i See

Is A Hospital Room Full of Generations That Come
From The Condition of the Human Condition That Challenged
You Every Month For So Long And All These Generations Will Have

One Part in Common
Whole Yes THeir Love
For You Not Wanting
To See You Go After Your
Last Breath All That Will be Left
For Them to Do is Spread That Breath
of Love You Gifted to them Life Blood Indeed Dear FRiEND...

SMiles Dear Savvy
‘This Story’ Of
Yes Surely
Resonates With
me As in 1983 my
Mother, Sister, And i
Actually Graduated Together
From University of West Florida

Even Taking
The Same “Sociology
Of Family” Class Together

Where They Graduated With
Social Work Degrees And
Actually Got Jobs to Do

That me With 3 Triple Major
Degrees Of Anthropology,
Health Science, And
Social Sciences

The Local Paper
Interviewed Us…
i Said My Ultimate
Goal Was to Do

And That
Took me 25 Years
Through Unrelated
Work And Recovering
From Life Threatening
Illness Retiring Early

Yet i Finally Started
my Volunteer Position
Of Participant Anthropology
Observer And Have Been Doing
It 16 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week

For 133 Months Now Since Age 53
And Yes my Long Form Poem
Reality Research Show is

13.3 Million Words And
20,696 Miles of Public
Dance With Over

130,000 Associated
Cultural Pics For

Evidence too…

And Around 10,000
YouTube Music Videos
And Etcetera to Illustrate
In Theme Songs True Yes

Yet Actually Anyone Now
Newly Who Embarks on Writing
Long Form EPiC Bible Poetry Must

Do Participant Anthropology
Observer to Accomplish

The Task


In School
Alone Will Not
Suffice Particularly
With Global Expanse...

SMiles Dear Jane
i Grew up on The
River Bank Before
i Could Speak At Four
Yet Gazing Across The
River to The Forest At Three
Still Clear
To Feel And
Sense i Am
Just A Leaf Who
Feeds A Living Tree
Green Falling To Soil
Souls For Winter to
Birth Spring Ringing
Summer Flower
Colors New Year
Round Now Free
Within No Matter
How Many Kisses
From my Princess
Wife i Remain A
Toad And That’s
Okay Hehe
As She
i Look Up
To From
my Toad
Abode Still
Singing in
Rain Free
To See And Be...

Thanks Dear
Aloha FRiEnD
Best of Sunday's
To You Our Summer
Spell Is Over For Now
Toads Are Out
From Early
To Play
Off With Rain
When it Come Again...

Ah Yes And This
Is Why my Wife
And Sister Save
Toads From
Four Wheel
Drives Of
Human Road
Kill Out Of
Dear Jane...

Cooler Weather
Coming Soon
Toads Going
To Deep Sleep
Again Hawaii
FRiEnD With


Fall Still RiSinG Escaping
Winter SPRinGiNG SuMMeR
oF LoVE Naked Enough Whole Complete NeW NoW

SMiLes Dear Savvy Mystical Yes
Wonder of the Oneness oF iT ALL

iNDeeD A Deep Meditation iN Flow

Connecting Within Inside Outside

Above So Below

And All Around

Naked Enough Whole

Complete All is Unity

No Separation Now

Total LoVE iN Peace

With SMiles of Eternity New...

1 Less Scare a Success
7 Less Scares the Road

to No Illusory Fears

Dear Isha With SMiLes

iN FLiGHT So Free...


mY Polar Bear Roots Are
SHoWinG So Excited! Dear
Toronto FRiEnD Yes As
This Week
in Florida Nights
As the Great White North


And Polar
Bear Hugs

And A Nice Nap
of Cool Hibernation

So PLeaSinG too!...

Sigh i Never Get To
Hear “My Way” In
Florida Perhaps It’s
Just A New York
New York
Dear Miriam

Or Maybe Just
Not A “Whataburger”


Never The
Less i Will
Just Do It


Shoes With
Naked Enough
Whole Complete

my Way
Just Floating
On Terrestrial
Land On And


SMiLes Mr Gottfried For
The 'Disbelievers' Some

Days an Encyclopedic
Tongue is Just the Lashing

'The Tone Deaf' Come to Get

Free from me hehe It Never Fails

The So-Called Christian Closed Minded
Folks as
Naturally Attracts

Staring at my Dance
From Behind my Ass
Not Realizing that the Woman
Who Looks Like 'Pocahontas'
Or the Pacific Islander
Version of 'the Little
Mermaid' Is Ahead
of me Observing
Their Stares at
me at least
to 'Disney'

Is my Wife Hehe

So I Turn Around Slowly
Like 'Regan' If You Saw
The 'Exorcist' Yes that
Pale Moon Dance Look

And Approach the Three of Them Slow
Enough Yep A Dude And His Two College
Age Nephews He from Tennessee Taking
A Break From the Hurricane Floods Up there

Not Acquainted at all with my 11 Year and 1 Month 20,696 Miles
of Public Dance as By Now Most of the Locals Have Gotten Used to

of me

Ah Yes the Opportunity
to Adjust the 'Tone Deaf'
First by Telling them i'm
A Gospel Singer on YouTube
Letting them Listen to my



And Super
Low to High
Range Voice As Such

As they Naturally Were
Already My Captive Audience
As the Older Uncle Dude Said
His Two Nephews Are Fixing to
Go to School at Pensacola Christian
College Ah Yes Bible Study Time as

i Introduce How to Do John 14:12
in Luke 17:21 Sunday School Lesson

Yes Basic Lesson 101

And How All that Dance
Allows me to still Leg Press
1540 Pounds Yep 699 Kilograms
12 Reps still at my advanced Age of
64 Just Warming Up at the Military Gym

And The How my Dance is Actually 'Monkey Kung Fu'
Which Just Means Monkeys Don't Go to School To Learn How

To Swing
The Trees
And Raise
A Big Ruckus
if Necessary Hehe

They Just Practice Every
Day Without Fail Swing Swing
Swing Arms of Strength As Strong as Steel

In my Case More my Legs than Arms Yes Basically
as Strong as an Orangutan Yet Not Silver Back Gorilla

Still Working on Ant Only Lifting 6 Times my Weight While
They Do 10 Times Theirs Ah Only if i Could Be Strong as an Ant

Then i Might
BE AReal
Man Down
South Without
Little Man Disorder
Fostered By Big Daddy's
AS Such Who Insist Boys
Don't Get to Have Emotions
Real of HeART SPiRiT SoUL
for Even Glue of Cognitive Executive

Functioning As Such Yes For Stellar
Focus and Attention Span Short Term Working
Memory and Long Term Memory Retrieval Real

For More than the Science Assessed Average
of Less Than 3 Seconds Yep Literally Less than

A Gold Fish Yes in Other Worlds All the Words Past
the Two First Lines Likely May Fall on Deaf Ears As Such


even if
this were
the least
Bit Interesting
And Not Just A Typing
Race in Flow For Fun

In Autotelic Bliss Yes
Heaven Within in
Other Words

Luke 17:21

Yep i Somewhat
Explained Heaven like this

And Then the John 14:12
Part All 13.3 MiLLioN Words
of Free Verse EPiC Long Form
Poem "SonG oF mY SoUL" as
Anthology of Poetic Responses to

Folks All around the World As Super Cool
As Mr Gottfried Tonight Actually in the Early

Morning Hours
of Monday

In Nigeria
With SMiLes...

And True i Taught the
Folks About IT Doesn't
Matter What Country We

Come From or How Different We aRe than
Others Yes or What Culture or Religion or

Quarterback of Our Favorite Religious Team is

LoVE iN Peace Yep Inhaling Peace Exhaling LoVE iN
JoY oF LiGHT Giving Sharing Caring Healing For All

With Most
Respect and
Least Harm in
Balance Yep FRiEnDS
With Gravity With the Rest
of Nature at Best With No

Illusory Fears
in the Land
oF LoVE iN
Peace Beyond

All Space Time Distance
And Only A Matter of Things iS A WaY

Fitting through the 'EYe of the Needle'

ThiS Way Naked Enough Whole Complete

And it Seemed like the Older Uncle Dude Might
Have thought i Was Just Doing Smoke and Mirrors

Ah Yet Modern Technology
Prepares a Way For all

The Evidence to
come on a Brightly
Lit 6.7 Inch iPhone
15 ProMax Yep i Whipped

That Out in a Flash and Let
them Listen to the Good Old
Catholic Gospel Song "Here i AM"

As THere is No WHere For 'JeSuS' to Possibly
Live Except for in Our Bodies As We Receive
Him From Story We Give the Good Parts of LoVE iN Peace

For Real All

A Way For

Free Of Course
It's all a Metaphorical
Story One of the Young
Men Had a Shirt on that
Said Literally Rescued From
A Fiery Place With A Horned Beast

Devil AS Such

As They Started to
Say Spreading LoVE iN Peace
Wasn't Enough AS Hell is More

to Spread

iN A Dirt Nap

Than Heaven
On EArtH Yet by that
Point They Were Way
too Exhausted to Dance
Through the Deeper Metaphors
With me and that's Okay as Long

As They Spread LoVE iN Peace to
Everyone They Meet and Greet the

World Will Be Just A Little Bit Better

The TSuNaMi
of Words i Delivered
in 10 Minutes or Less to them...

True i Explained a More Advanced
Version of John 14:12 As Both Flavored
With Heaven and Hell as Yep i Told 'em about
The 66 Months of Pain and Numb in Hell Before i Went
to Heaven by simply Seeking and Finding Luke 17:21 Within


They Might
Still Be 'Tone
Deaf' Yet at
Least They
Got to Hear
The Condensed
Version of All
13.3 MiLLioN Words

of "SonG oF mY SoUL"

Just For Fun

for me hehe...

Dear Lord It's
Like Destiny The
Way Your Stories
Mirror my Sunday
Stories on Monday

Hehe With SMiLes...

Or Perhaps It's all
Just Smoke and Mirrors

With No Sound hehe...

SMiles Dear Isha
Equally Blessed…

Hundreds of
Soul Felt Comments
Inspired by You What

Do With


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !


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Age: 64
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Posts: 11,796

Yesterday, 5:12 am

SMiLes Dear Savvy The More Souls
We Give All Our Attention to in Response

The More Our Souls Evolve into a New Creation

Moving Connecting

Yes Co-Creating

NoW Each And
Every Listen

New Always

Changing Human
Souls Yes Far Beyond

Words too Far Beyond What

Worlds Will Even Fathom to Say

Yet Feel and Sense So Far Beyond

Only Organs of Eyes and Ears True

Every PArt to LEarn More And Do

More of

tHE ALL...

Last Century in America on the 4th of July
in the Hot and Humid of the Florida Panhandle

All Was Literally UniForm

Yes Women With Long Dresses
Men With Suits Then Celebrating

(Oh to be Indigenous Naked Free)

'Independence' Day hehe all

Dressed UniFormly

Soaking Their
Clothes With
Sweat Head
to Toe to Head

It's True Some
Folks Who Tend
to Be More Closed Minded

Get Really Upset When the
Group Think Created Form is Disrupted

Dear Pooja

Ah yes even
in the 60's ya
Could Count on
3 Black and White
TV Channels Where

The Cultural World

Had that in Common
For Water Cooler Speak

Or More Likely Cigarette Breaks

Amazing What Folks Will Consume
When the Group Introduces another part

to Smoke'

And Now Eccentricity

Is the New Reality Even

in a Place As Conservative

As Where i Live Dear Lord

Even 'Their Dear Leader' Who is

Eccentric in a Negative Way as Human

Beings Tend to 'Hitler' less and more

these days too

Yes THere is

Good Strange
Bad Strange Now
And All the Between New

Dear Pooja Yet Reality is Change
Humans Tend to Try to Trap Wind

in a Jar Yet iF It's Real It Always Escapes

i Know No Stranger Than me hehe Yes For Real...

Trivia Note: Edgar Alan Poe Borrowed "The Strange Quote"

From Francis Bacon for Poe's Literature to Break From Tradition

As Both Lives

Told Full of Potential
Pit Falls Indeed Yet

Diversity Must

Jump High Enough

For 'Us' to Continue to Survive...

Still Finding the 'Marilyn Monroe' Connection

in All
i Do
With SMiLes

'Candle In the Wind'

Make that Elton John

With A Not So 'Tiny Dancer' too hehe...
And Wow His 'Tiny Dancer' Music Video
Really Captures 'the Eccentricity' of our Days...

Barbados A Great Escape
Even Escaping Significant
Hurricane Damage ever

Since 1955
Dear Miriam

Indeed You Chose
Well For An October
Vacation in The Carribean

And While the 'Green Monkey'
Is Not Indigenous to the Island

Dear Lord We aRe All Indigenous

Indians of the Earth Just Vacationing

(A Day i Always Celebrate Now For Real)

And Staycationing Here And THeRe

Ah Yes and Green Monkeys Make

Curious George Proud if He

Could Only Be Real

Yet We Will

And Be
Curious George too

For Real Always Another

Vacation to Do Over THere
And Within too So Many Places to

And Visit...

Hehe SMiLes Dear Savvy

Most Every Sunday Singing

From the Back Pews Someone

Will Implore me to Sing in Front

With Microphones

To Celebrate my

Voice Yet i've

Already Been A Leader

Already Been Named Famous

And Legend With No Name at All
Yet An Art of Dance in Flow With Wings
Just for the Joy of Life True Fortune Enough

For Naked Enough

Whole Complete

What All of This

Teaches me Most

Is to Continue to Lead

From the Back Most Row

With No Name at All Yet Dance And Song Free

AS HiStory Continues

To SHoW As Nature

Continues to BRing

The Message Is the

Meek who adapt in Balancing Ways

Continue to Survive And Thrive Just Like

the Living Fossil the King Sago Palm in Our Court Yard Mastering
The Art of Existence 200 MiLLioN Years Still The Same Alive And Bringing
New Fronds In October Only Celebrating Climate Change iN GRoWinG More...

Ah After What Seems to Be A Lifetime
Forever Then of Perfection Seeking in the

School And Work World

Understanding i Couldn't

Make it into the

Social Circles
So Being That
Valuable Commodity

That COG in the Machine
Never Failing Only Way Seemingly

To Survive Then Dear Miriam Something
About The Challenge of Being on the Autism

Spectrum And
Such And Such As That

Yet Oh Dear Lord The Financial

Freedom to Fail and Fail Forward What

A Gift it is to Open A New Door Some Little

Failure may Bring Each and Every Day Indeed A Gift

To Reach
Levels of

Human Potential

Never Realized if Failure
Was off the Tables of Potentials to Go Further

Yes Fail Forward Fail Forward Go Further Than ever Before

Even The Gift of Mortality as i Remember the Old Fox Show

About Lucifer and How He Said How Boring Immortality Became

And how Exciting

To be



Here in
Mortality Land

So Ironically Unchained

In Hell of Forever To Truly BREaTHE Free Now

A Life New Worth Failing and Dying For With SMiLes...

King James New Authorized Version, Numbers 31

"31 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, 2 Avenge the children of Israel
of the Midianites: afterward shalt thou be gathered unto thy people. 3 And
Moses spake unto the people, saying, Arm some of yourselves unto the war
and let them go against the Midianites, and avenge the Lord of Midian."

You Can Go on to Read How The lord Spake Unto Moses, Justifying the
Harming, Raping, Maiming, And Killing of the Men And Women; Saving 32,000
close to Puberty Virgin Daughters Named Booty Along with the Rest of the Pillage

to Sex Slave

At Their Pleasure

And Breed Like Cattle As They Please

Yet What's Really Changed in the Middle

East Since Then on 'Both Sides;' Even Over Here

After Being Attacked on 911, Using the Same Old

Same Old Calling Iraq Part of An Evil Empire To Be Destroyed

With All Kinds of Horror Inflicted on Innocents There As Well;

Made-Up God's And Religion Have Been Used As Justification for

Holy Wars There And Here and Most Everywhere; And If It Isn't Religion

Attributed to the Justification of A God in Harming, Raping, Maiming, And

Killing Others Pillaging as they Go, It's Justified to A Man That Acts As A God

In Demagogue Fashion; Yes, Welcome to the Dark Side of Human Nature And CuLTuRE

Still Unfolding

in the Stories

And Lies They Tale

For Their Aims of Harming,
Raping, Maiming, And Killing

The Innocents Among us Whether

They are Doing Their Best to Enjoy

A Rave Or Just Under the Age of 15, Half
The Population of A Settlement Being Decimated

As i Speak;

Or of Course,

The Brown Folks From
Iraq; And the White Folks From Ukraine

And The Rest of the World, The God
of the Dollar Bill and Other Material

Currency Pays No Mind to At All;

If One is Fortunate Enough to Live With Other
Human Beasts Who Do Not Soak Homelands With Blood; God Yes,

Kiss the Sky And The Ground You Touch Each Morning Without Blood;

For This is the Other Human CuLTuRaL Story Still Unfolding in Blood Around The World...

Only By

The Grace

of Nature

it Could Be Us;
True, Nature the
God of DarK Thru LiGHT

Action And Consequence Per Real Karma

Living in or Out of Balance With the Rest of Nature...

Yawn, When Humans Lives Out of Balance With The Rest of Nature, They Naturally
Cull Their Own Species Like the Others; What Did You Think, We Are Special Hehe...

It Doesn't Matter

What Justification

'They' Bring Indeed

It is The Condition At Hand of Hell or Heaven And the Tween;

Currently Enjoying Heaven as Long as This Peace Lasts over here...

in Abundance Never Imagined As Far As the Eye Can See Aided By
Science Or Naked, Enough, Whole, Complete Like me; Hot and Cold

Rocks Above

Just This Little

Sliver of Existence

To Enjoy Heaven on Earth...

Happy Day For those Indigenous in Freedom of Earth

i Am More Enthused With Warm Hugs, Smiles; And A Fresh Dance
And Song Free in Paradise Within, No Matter What God Dammed Day it is...

Or What God
Damned Verse
They Read in Church;

It Won't Be Numbers 31;

Of Course They skip over the
Reality of it STiLL, no DiFFeReNT

Than the Others Dying All Around
The World That Are Not in Our World

of Profits instead of Prophets, hehe...

Nah It's Not Funny; Just the Nature of 'The Beast'...

Nah, Jesus (The Good Cop Version)

Was Never
Real the

Old Bible
Still Tales Us So...

He Said He was for
Peace, Unconditional
Love, Mercy And Forgiveness

For All and Still Tortured the
Enemies Forever by the End of the Story

Same Old God Damned Lying 'TRumP Story' iNDeeD...

Still Dreaming
of the Other
Version Yet to come...

Nope, Not Waiting on Any (Millstones)
Statues at the Bottom of the Ocean to Come Back to Life...

Anyway, It's What i Told the Gym Assistant After 'Moving
Mountains;' Yep, Still Leg Pressing 1540 Pounds
At age 64, at the Military Gym; Yep, i Asked Him

IF He ever Read the Old Testament And He
Said He Did; And i Said Well, We Still

LiVE iN A Numbers 31 World;

Look It Up and

See The

Condition Again;
No Revelation, Just
The Nature of 'the Beast' iN DarK

BLeSSinGS of Nature When All We May

Have is a Rooftop to Escape to Sanctity

Nature ABoVE iN Bird Song Will Come to Visit

With Peace
Only Nature

Free to Live
Will Bring With SMiLes

Wonderful Presentation Dear
Isha i Felt Your Peace Through the

Art You Bring Indeed As the Gift of

Bird Song Spreads

Though Your

Visual Poetry True

SMiLes The Feelings it Brings
Overall Paramount to me None of the

Details Were of Significant Concern At All...

Anger Unresolved
Festers into Thorns
Of Fears And Hate
Clinging to
Our Souls
Dance And
Sing Anger
All Dark into
Helping Hands
Peace SMiLinG...

Independent Will,
And Creative Imagination"

My God "USA Writes” So
True, These Four Endowments
Are what Lead to Human Truth in
LiGHT LoVE iN Peace All Seeing 
EYes of Wisdom Beauty to Behold

For Sure...

True, Never Coming NoW iN Faith of Trust
In Light, Without Fearless Courage too...

Becoming Friends With Our Shadows,
Understanding Our Aggressions And
Lusts NoW iN Balance; No, We Don't
Hide; Playing With And Balancing Now
Keeping Us Out of
Fear And Hate
From Abusing
Others WHere
Every FLoWeR
Is A Delicate Color
to Appreciate As THorns
MaKinG RiSinG Roses, True As Well...
Seeing Clearly TWiLiGHT DarK iS LiGHT

Yet True Now, THere is No Way to Get to the
Bottom of the Top of this Pyramid in Seeing Being
Without Developing 'Self Awareness, Conscience,
Independent Will, And Creative Imagination'; What
We Are Rarely Taught at Home, School, Work, or Church...

Smiles, This IS WHere Poetry And Other Creative Arts Come in to Play...

Opening Up Soul Walls, Veils oF iGnorance, Lifting More RiSinG iN Deed...

Yes, Yes, Indeed Creativity Steaming
Ahead in Dear Rue Ways of Inspiration

It's Like Living
In Heaven Plus
Icing on the Cake
Visiting Angel Rue
Wings of Creativity

So Much Greater Than
Material Royalty That Sucks

The Spirit Soul of HeART

in Prison Chambers of

Fame And Fortune

Truly A Royal

Pain in

The Free
Spiritual Butt...

Poor Diana Such a Lovely
Wife She Would Have Still
Made A Pauper Queen as A Grand
Mother of Loving Children Now for Real

Sadly Lost

to the Glitz

And Glamour

Cold Frozen

Indeed of Royal

Life Thank God Her
Son and His Wife Escaped!

Royalty, Fame, And Fortune

Are Capital Ways of PRiSoN ON EartH...

Where Actually Those on Top Are on Bottom
of Generating Heaven Within As No it Was Never

Really In Castles, Cinderella Dresses, And Glass Slippers
to Begin with in Never Ending Real Stories Never Landing

Now Yes


Left Her

Soul in

The Broom Closet
Seen It Happen way too
Damn Much IN So Many Ways...
For Cinderfella's Almost From Birth Too...

Silver Spoon Syndrome Indeed A Full

Spectrum Now

to Suffocate
it seems

of Real
Deep Meaning
And Purpose Now
Generating From Within...

Anyway Oh My Gosh 3 Creative
Efforts By Rue in A Day Just
Doesn't Get Much

Better than

This We, Us, Yes

Non-Royals Indeed...
On the Top of the
Bottom Always


THiS Way...

True Dear
Yam So Many
Options So Many
Flavors So Many

Ways of Life

Yet So

Few Options Now
Actually Used to Grow
A Soul Through More
Life Potentials Not Sold...

Plastic Masks Will Make
Halloween Trick or Treat
Yet Masking Emotions

Hiding Them
Within May
Of Pain Inside

Seasons Change Weathers
Rain Makes Dry Soils

Fertilizing Souls
Roots So Much

Deeper Yes
And TRuE LiGHT Dear
Sohair Feelings Color
Our Lives More Beautiful

Winter FLoWeRS Warm Blooms CoLoRinG
SeeKinG Autumn Dream Finding Spring Again...

Ascending, Transcending, Spiritual Divine
Awakenings Are Common-Cross-Cultural

Experiences For All of Recorded Human

Experiences Unifying All Loving All Best...

Some Make It to
'The Other Side'...

Some Folks

Pooh Pooh

It And

'Stay on the Pot'...


SMiLes Dear Savvy Seeing All The Diversity
of Sea Life Leaving Beauty of Art in Sea
Shells on Sands of Beach And Endless

Blue Ocean

Air is Every

Bit Awe And

Wonder Inspiring

to me as Leaving the

Planet Earth That


Some Folks

Don't Feel

As THeir Only

Home of Paradise
Inhaling Peace Now
Exhaling Love For All Now

Yet This is a Lifelong Practice
From Childhood of Being One
With Nature Never Any Separation

Becoming CuLTuRaL Tools We Co-Create
Away From Home Sweet Home As Soils are

Our Feet And Sunshine is Our EYes Dear FRiEnD


We aRe

Enough Whole

Standing Here Naked

in Real Paradise Nature Now of

Each Breath Loving Now For Real...

SMiles Yam
Just A Buffet
No Need to
Take More
Now Than
You Want
With SMiles
Yes Hehe 60-90 Thousand
Words is A lot on
Average every
Two Weeks Or So
For Sure That’s Real...

SMiLes We Could Sure Use
More Politicians With
A Lick of Empathy
Love And

Dear Miriam

Who Aren't Just Out
to Fool Another Sucker
Born Every Minute it Seems For Sure

Yet It's True Karma Bites Welcome to The Circus...

WHere The Whole World Counts Not Just This That or The


Reference Gilligan's
Island And His Personal
Style of Dictation Speech...

SMiLes Dear Chaymaa For So Long my 'Ego' Had
A Tight Grip on my Existence Trying To Control and
Micro-Manage Every Part Until Failing in Hell Teaches

(For All 66 Months)

me Best How
To Let Go oF All

of That And Let
Creativity Compose
Every Next Move of New
Now Holy Dance And Sacred
Words of Song Springing in Poetic
Expressions With No Directions Yet Free

i Am Always Surprised

That Any oF iT Makes

Sense By The End of the

Day Yet Variably it Fits Together
Like Birds on A Wing Flying Wind Free...

True Dear Savvy Part of Our Minds

Grasps All the Parts of the World

True Dear Savvy Whole of Our

Minds Puts it All

Back Freely


With Love
And Empathy SoUL
Understanding More
Whole Letting Grip Loose
Giving Sharing Caring Healing Best...

No Doubt
Dear Jane
Elon Musk
Has A Reserved
Spot On That Hot

AS Hell
Red Planet
AS King Just

Goes To SHow
How High
And Other

Get ‘Piled
Yes Even
A PHD Hehe...

Wow A Poem to Describe
A Reality of the American
Dream Over the Course of A Lifetime
In my View Differently of Course oF IT

For the Common

And Such

Yes A



of Pain And Numb
With Little to No Purpose
Or Meaning in Life Yet
'Every Day

Low Prices'
Filling Up
Car Flea





Life's Breath Free

Some Are Ironically
Not Resigned to this
Nightmare and Are


in Droves


'Bates American Hotel'...

Oh Lord Dear Rue Hehe It Practically

Slays Me Not to Hear You Sing

Your Lyrical Version of "Smooth
Criminal" on YouTube And While
i Will Reach Some Mighty Low
And High Notes Michael
Jackson is One

i Just

Cannot Do

As True It

Should Be

Criminal How
You Beat Michael's

Lyrics With Your Beats

of Creativity Swelling Up

For All To See Oceans

Of Your Potentials




Oh My Goodness i Always

Thought This Song Was About A
Dude Stealing All the Young Women's
Hearts Away With His Original Moon Walk
Dance And Leaning Dance Steps Attached
With Wires too Yes Next Challenge in Original



A Moon Walk
Dance Dear Rue

More Original Than Mike too...

Remember i Didn't Even Start
Until 53 So Much Ocean Ahead
of You So Much Wave You are Still Coming to be Now...

Anyway So Sad All the Fame And Fortune The Prison
That Took Michael's Childhood Away In Demands of
Artistic Perfection That Truly Ended up Destroying
The Most Important


Gift of All

His Creative Soul

to Even Find Out

Who He Even Was

Always Entertaining

Never Even Really

Coming to Be


With God In His Mirror...

i Really Can't Match The Feelings

Of This Music Video Resurrecting

Michael Jackson's Artistic Soul

After The Fact As It Were

Searching Finally


The Lover

Within Enough

Whole Naked Satisfied Complete...

FRiEnDS With Gravity Balancing All
Peace With No Fear Loving Exhale For All

Where all that's

Left of the

Crime of


Done to
Him is Smooth my FRiEnD

No Longer Any Need

to Wear A Mask...

Every Color of Dance
And Song Free A New Breath
oF LiGHT to Create Dear Sohair
SMiLinG SHiNiNG Even More Delighting

NeW NoW Regulating Emotions Integrating
Senses Head to Toe More Room For Inhaling
Peace Exhaling LoVE iN JoY oF LiGHT iNSPiRinG

Giving Sharing Caring Healing All Others With

Even More
With SMiLes...

So True Dear Vrunda
Forever Is As Long As
We Make Life An Act of

Love More
or Less Now

SMiLes i Don't
Let Go Of Acting
Human i've Already

Lost That the Way Ya
Keep it is Giving For Real
As Thanks Giving Becomes For Giving iN Peace

Anyway i'm Sorry You Found Your Best FRiEnD
Wasn't Really Forever Now Perhaps Your Way May

Be to Be the
FRiEnD That
Never Leaves
An Act of Love For Real...

SMiLes Dear Cindy Such A Lovely HeART
Touching And Wrenching Story About Humans
Who BeFRiEnD Wild Feral Cats With Love As

The Once Killer
of the Woods
As A Lap Cat Of Love

True That In itself Should
Provide Hope to the Human
Species too Changing Into A

Creature Of Love More Than A
Wild Life Killer True to Make A
Living For Real as Nature
Naturally Does

ThiS Way
True Dear FRiEnD
We Lost A Once Feral
New Lap Cat of Love Yellow
Boy to Feline Leukemia too

He Must Have Really Been Attached
to my Wife's Lap As The Vet Didn't Give
Him Long Yet He Decided to Hang Around for 10 Years

Defying All Odds As He Taught me to Do the Same BacK
iN The Dead Zone of 66 Months True i Remember Tears
From Jack London's Call of the Wild True Most All Humans

Have A Wolf Inside
Just Waiting to Be
Set Free Naked Enough
Whole Complete With Nature That Way

Yellow Boy's Feline Leukemia Kept Him
Indoors For Years Not to Infect the Neighborhood
Kitties However The Few Instances He Escaped Our

Home There Was A Certain Pain i Felt inside as i Knew
Where His Real Home is And i Also Understand for me too

Thanks For A Real Savior of my Free and Wild SoUL Yellow

Boy Who Brought me Back to the Call of the Wild With Tears of Free...

It's Been Almost 6 Years Yet i Just Haven't Had the Heart to Own A
Cat Indoors Nice to See Yours Getting Out Pawing Life Free With SMiLEs

Yet It's True too i Might Not Have to Experience That HeART Break Again

As We All May Eventually Arrive at an Age Where Our Pets Life Expectancy

Is Naturally Longer Than Ours Now Yet True Oh For The Security of Their Life

Pass Away
too Love Takes
Care When Real Indeed mY FRiEnD...

SMiLes Dear Hawaii FRiEnD
Every Color of Nature is
Beautiful When We

Inject it With Love
From Soul For Real

Yet Of Course This is A
Talent Earned Through A Practice

of Beautifying All The Parts of Life

Into One Whole of Joy To Truly Do

Dear Aloha FRiEnD So Nice That

All Is Alive And Well in Your

Paradise of Loving

Life All

SPRinGinG New
When Even Grey
Clouds Dance And
Sing Joy of Coming
Life Giving Rain mY FRiEnD
Dancing Singing So Freely For Real...

Oh Gosh It's Getting So Late
Almost Midnight Then And It Wasn't

too Long Ago i Sang About 'Midnight
Trains to Georgia' Yes 'i Can Go For That'

And 'Don't Stop Believing too'

Hmm... i Guess mY SoUL

Is A Juke Box

Dear Miriam

All Tuned iN
All Turned Up
With SMiLes For Real...

Beautiful Real Life Story
Of Keeping SPiRiT of Dance
Alive For Your Family FRiEnD

Dear Savvy

Oh to Dance
And Sing Freely

Not A Gift Everyone
Experiences in Life i Surely
Lost That Spark For 23 Years
Since i Married in 1990 And Work Responsibilities

Then Piled On In Those Decades And Years Then
Extending into
my Dead Zone Days of 66 Months True Yet Yes it's

Never Too Late my Father's Twin Brother my Uncle
Danced At 84 Years Old With the Elder Ladies Freely

At A Dance Hall Where His Wife of Close to the Same
Age Played

in A Band

Hehe i Figure that
Means i've Got At Least
Another 20 Years Left to
Dance And Sing Free

Perhaps Even Longer
As Long As My Soul
Still Breathes

Free THiS
Way No Longer
Now Just Howling
At the Moon So Lost...

And Public Dancing 20,696
Miles Now For 133 Months Only
About 4 Thousand More Miles
to Reach The Distance Around
Our Globe at the Equator At This

Pace At Age 66 And Who Knows
Who Feels Who Senses

With A SonG oF mY
SouL Soon Reaching
13.4 MiLLioN Words on
October 18, 2024 Still
A Hundred Thousand Words
A Month in EPiC Long Form Poetry Free

As A Dance of Fingers Will BRinG Yet Yes

True The Count Means Nothing Eternal

Now Is A Long As Forever Will Last

New And As Deep As A Free Dance

And Song Will BRinG

WiTHiN to Give Share
Care Heal For All With Least Harm...

Dear Lord Dear Cindy i'm A Bit Surprised
That in a Highest Class Place Like You

Live the Minions are Still Swallowing

The Hook Line Bait and Yuck Yes

Sinker in the Home Next

Door With the Rest

of the 'Silicone'
Valley Billionaires and

Such In your 'Domain' Hehe

Oh Gosh and On Top of the Swallowing
Crowing About it Too Yet Even More Surprising

Technically Where i Live in the Land of "Matt
Gaetz" The Other Marjorie Taylor Greene Wanna

Be 'Orange Man' Along With the DeSaNTaNiS too

Politics is Really Low Key Here Now We Haven't

Even Seen One Bumper Sticker With 'Trump/Vance'

Although 70 to 80 Percent or So Will Definitely Vote 'Them'

At the Top of the Tribal Republican Ticket It's Almost Like Most

of them Don't Wanna Be Associated With the Actual Leading Man of

Their 'Movie'

The Cognitive
Dissidence Must
Be Quite Severe as

Truly There Are A Lot of Nice
Folks Stuck in that End of 'The Pond'

Sadly It's Like Everyone Wants to

Clean the Pond Up Yet No One

Seems to Have the Spine

To Actually Get Out

And Clean

The Muck Up
And At Least Replace
It With What Might Be Termed as New and Green

Instead of Just Soylent Green eating Up Democracy For Real...

i've Literally
Seen More
Harris and
Walz Bumper
Stickers Albeit
at the Book Store of
Course Where the College
Educated Folks Young Tend to Hang Out

It So Much Reminds Me of the Scene in the Wizard

of Oz Where Dorothy Throws the Bucket of Water

on Trump and He Melts to The Ground as the

Bucket is
Filled with
Real Truthful
Grace oF LoVE iN Peace
Through the EYes of a Child
With Their Loving Dog of Course

(Or Service Human Animal Named Walz)

And to the Greatest Surprise Yet What
i Expected of Course the Flying Monkeys

Praise Dorothy for Having the Spine to Rid them


of the
Them Down
In Some Kind of
Vague Hell They cannot Seem to Escape

Of Course in 'This Version' of the Story

is A Mix
of African
And Indian
Native of Freedom...

The Forces of DarK and
Light Are Always at Play

DarK Creates LiGHT No

Big Surprise Really Just

Another Pebble in the Pond

With an Ocean Of LoVE iN Peace On Top

Hard to See Yet For Real A Statue at the Bottom of the Ocean

For Breath...

Honestly We Cannot Have
A Society That Works Well Without
A Balance of Conservative and Liberal

Forces to Balance Anchors and Sails of Life

in Both Storms With Anchors in Safe Harbors
and Sails for


New Ways
of Living Better

in Fair Winds and Following Seas

Yet of Course A Demagogue is

Neither Conservative or Liberal

They Just Wear A Big S For Selfish...

It Seems they Need to Find a New Super Hero
After All They Already Divorced Jesus to Marry Trump...

Now that's
A Whole

Kind of
'Soylent Greene' Oz for Real...

Yet Really Fascinating to Observe
Deep in the Forest of Eden Yep

Eve Pass the Popcorn The Show's
Not Over Yet the Bucket of Water is Full and


to Pour

For Real...

Meh i'm Like one of those
Folks Who Escaped From
Hell With Enough Hope for the Entire World

Sort of Like a 'Seventh Sign' Hehe With Green to Blue Eyes...

Fall Leaves So Brown And Beautiful

With the Image of Living Trees

In The Veins of THeir Leaves

All the Faith the Hope the Love

Without Even a Need to Believe

For They are the
Gift of Frozen


Soils that
Become the
Green of Spring

And the Colors of

Summer to Fall Again For Spring

The Proof is All Around us the

Pudding So Sweet DarK

iS All iN The
Do Dear Savvy With SMiLes...

"Pocahontas, loved that movie!"

i Couldn't Agree Anymore Yet i Will

Just For Fun Mr Gottfried Hehe

"The Disney" Plays in Mysterious

Ways Just iMaGiNE if an Average
Run of the Mill Town Dude Met the

Real Pocahontas Studying on the Stairs
of the Military Gym Soon to Graduate From

High School
With a Life
Like Cinderella too

And Then the Next
Year When She Turned
19 and the Run of the Mill
Town Dude So Poor Just a Pauper

Basically Renting Out Shoes at a Military
Bowling Alley Just Barely a Step in for the
Golden Handcuffs of Lifetime Federal Government


All Monetary
Needs of Life
Oh So Sweet
That Government
Cheese Will Come to Be

Just Like the Miracle and Magic
of a Disney Play Some How Excelling
at the End of the Federal Career Forced
into So Many Temporary Promotions 5 Job
Changes in 5 Years to Attain Basically an Equivalent

of Pay
For Lifelong
Sweet Cheese
of a Marine Major

Way Back then

With High 3 Years of Pay
At the Very Very End Spending
The Last Year and a Half on

The Rest of Annual
And Sick Leave too

Yet Back to 'Pocahontas
Yes A Disney Play Hybrid
Version of Cinderella And Just
Another Mix of Pacific Islander

too IMaGiNE

How Inspiring it Might
Be to Wake Up Next to
a Hybrid Disney Princess

Who Basically Never Ages
Just Like a MaGiC Queendom

For all of 35 Years i'm Guessing in FAct
i'm Sure a Run of the Mill Town Average
Poor Dude Could Be Inspired Not only to

Attain Such High Retirement Pay Yet also

Even Make it Through Hell for 66 Months for
Real with the Worst Pain Known to Humankind
Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia that No Drug Would
Touch Yep the Real Suicide Disease Assessed as more
Severe than the Actual Torture of Real CrucifixioN ON EartH

Except no Small 3 Hour to 3 Day Tour in HeLL ON EartH the
Entire EnChiLDA of 66 Months Yes From Wake to Sleep With
An Additional Cocktail of 18 Other Mostly Work Stress Related

Disorders In Synergy of Life Threat of 11 Years of Chronic to

Acute Fight or






iN Decent
to Full HeLL ON EartH

Yep Once again 66 Months
Shut-in With No Reference
Point of Ever Feeling a Smile
At All A Thousand Years One Second of Hell For Real

True it Would Be Difficult to Get Through that Without
A Real Hybrid Disney Princess at Your Side Yet Again it is

True 'The Disney' Works
iN Mysterious Very
MaGiCKaL And

Ways DarK Thru LiGHT


Yes i Just Bet in FAct It's True A Person
Who Could Carry A Cross Like That With
A Disney Hybrid Princess Could Probably

Still Be Public Dancing 20,696 Miles of Public Dance
in 133 months Along with Writing the Longest EPiC Long
Form Poem Bible Beyond the Grasp of Most Mortal Minds

All the "SonG oF mY SoUL" 13.3 MiLLioN Words in
133 Months Yep 11 Years and 1 Month And More

Yet the Soul

Is Real and

Mortal For Real

This Life is Only a Gift

We May iMaGiNE and
Create Into Real Fruition New

Use All the Inspiration at Hand

NoW Every Disney Movie Every FRiEnD

All the Family Members all The Teachers

in FAct Remember The Story of the Little Disabled

Boy Whose Mother Bought Him a Little Sapling Green

Tree He Watered That Tree Wanting to Bring New LiGHT

oF Life into the World He Fed That Tree EacH and Every Day

He Planted That Tree in the Courtyard of His Front Porch Home

That Living Tree Flowered into a Most Beautiful Tree For the Love

Unconditional He Gave it Every Day With SMiLes in FAct College Age Students

Came to Photograph the Beauty of the Tree and One Day A Shy Young Man

Walking on the Sidewalk Viewing the Beauty of the Tree and A Beautiful

Dark Haired Young Woman Doing the Same Caught A Spark of

Unconditional Love Inspired By the Flowers of that Tree

The Man So Inspired Eventually Joined

The Military And Became a Political

Leader of Sorts So Inspired by the

Unconditional Love of a Wife

Then He Became a Leader

And Made A Decision And Action
to Save the World From World War III

And Certain Annihilation of the Human Species
And So Much of the Gift of Life on the Planet Earth

So Who Was/is the Savior of the World the Man the Wife
His Teachers His FRiEnDS His Family All the Other Inspirations

of Art and Science Contributed By Humankind and the Rest of Nature

How About that Beautiful

Living Tree How About

the Little Disabled

Boy Who Watered the

Tree How about the Mother
of Him Who Provided The Gift

For it is True my FRiEnD THere Never

Has Been and Never Will Be Just One Savior

of THE Miracle of Life it is All the ParTS All that

Real Now

With This Greatest
Gift Of Giving Sharing Caring Healing
Peace and Love One Another All With
Most Respect and Least Harm for Real

Until We Let Go of Tribalism And
Only Idols of God We Shall Suffer

THE Misery

of Not Loving
One Another
And the Rest of

Nature in LoVE iN Peace

Too Much LoVE iN WaR

The Signs are Clear

The Answer


one True Unconditional
LoVE iN Peace For All With

Unlimiting Colors STill to Create Together For Real...

Do Understand Your Full Value Mr Gottfried It Would Be
i'Mpossible to Do This Now Without "Banter Republic" For Real...

It's True This is What
i tale all My Other


Inspirations too


i Really Only
Have Two

Words to
Dance and

Sing With

Thank You.

True i For one

at Least am

Sending No One to Hell
It's Not What Someone Who
Has ActuAlly Gone THere ever Does...

They (me) Keep THeir Laser Focus 100 Percent

in Do

iN the
'Other Place' Now New

And All Associated True...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !


User avatar

Joined: 25 Nov 2010
Age: 64
Gender: Male
Posts: 11,796

Today, 4:00 am

Letting Go Now
Letting Creativity

Take Hold


All Time
Space and
A Matter of Things

Ocean Whole Being
Rises to Surface of Art

iN What Comes New

Not Expected Before
And Then the Never Ending
Play of Faith Begins Move Repose

As Rivers

iN Flow

With SMiLes...

SMiLes Dear Savvy A Secret of Success

Yes Overcoming Whatever Obstacles Life

Brings to Us Now Wonderful Story About

A Little Boy Without A Left Arm as Translated

By Your Mother Who Won All Judo Championships

By Perfecting A Move That Could Only Be Defended By

The Opponent Fighting A Left Arm Which Became a Mighty



of Deficit

Whatever Challenge

Life Brings Wonderful Hearing

All the Stories of Human's overcoming

Obstacles And Expanding Potentials

They Never Dreamed of Before

Where LiGHT Makes DarK

WHere Failure Creates

Success A New

World Striving
Most From Bottom Up...

Glow Of Halloween
Explosions Of Creativity
Where Not Only Do We
Make Fun Of
The Dark Adulting
Will Return To The
Spirit Of Childhood
God Yes Natural
Play Of Creativity
WHere We ArriVE iN
LoVE iN Peace Instead
Of Hate In War Please
More Halloween These
Days A Feast That Precedes
All Saint’s Day Forevermore
iN Play
Of LoVE iN Peace
With That SunG iN
Play Happy TueSDaY
With SMiLes Dear
Ghoul FRiEnD Hehe...

Oh Dear Humans How Long
How Long Will IT Be Before
An Old Testament Withers on

The Vine of LoVE iN Peace And

The Extinction

Of Tribal Wars

And God Damned Tribal Gods

"Authorized (King James) Version Psalm 137:
9 Happy shall he be, that taketh
and dasheth thy little ones against the stones."

Oh Dear Lord Still Allowed For Children

to Read in Florida Schools So Much

More Fresh Hell Out of the THoRNS
of That Book

Sadly Still True...

"Nothing to see here - yet
When they Tweet Their Tweets
Will Show Up Here" Oh Dear Lord He

Wants to Go to Mars

Yet Elon Calls and

Lies About the

Next X-Tweet
Never Being
Seen on the
Once Woking
Embedded Widgets Hehe

It's Like that Handy Man Neighbor
Who Never Paints Their Home as They
Are Just too Tired to Lift Anything Yet

A 12 oz Can When They Get Home Yep
12 oz Curls Out of the 24 Pack Case Each Night

Mr Gottfried Yet i Digress i've Already Stamped

it on my Online Tombstone Yep Already Beefing Up my

Obituary As What Good Is It Gonna Do me When Gone

HAha True it Already Says i'll Be Back As i Return Always

Now To Sheer Joy and Chagrin of Others Indeed Hehe True

Hearing the

Call Wherever

i Go And Always
Returning i'm Almost
Positive i'm Not Hearing

Voices As Hey This is an
Avatar World of Texts Where
God Truly is Word Whatever We Do With SMiLes...

A Best Way to Deny the Nature
Of God is to Deny NaturE..DuH.

Sadly Now Still...

Politics and Religious

Politics Is Used to Deny God

MaKinG Tools

After All Is Danced And Sung
For Real Words Are Only Idols

Happy Indigenous People's
Happy God Within BaLaNCinG

ForcE oF LoVE iN PeaCE NeW NoW

Happy Nature For All For Real God

Hehe.. Fastest Way to Lose Facebook
Friends iN 'Deep' South is Proving

Human Jesus

AS HiStory Shows Most Effective
Reasons For War Last Prophets

And Only God Men

So What's the use in all of this..
Some of us Appear to be more

Attracted to Truth. iN LiGHT.

Dancing and Singing To/From A Choir
iN A Galaxy of Free LoVE iN Peace Far Far Away...

Yes.. Smiling NoW in
The Shadow NeW
Of Catastrophic

As the Bird
Flies East

Without Wings...

Stay Dry Stay
Kind Autumn
Cools Summer
SMiLes Bluer

Flow Breathes Focus
Of Attention
All NaturAlly
CoMes Next
DeePeR ReaLiTY Sails...

Glad to See You
Blogging Again
Always Healthy
To Find A Way
To Express What
Is Within So Our
Souls Become More
Flowering Than
The Other
Way of Life...

All Mine (Gold)


That’s the
Gold Mine
Your Smile
Free No Hiding
Necessary From Spring...

Haha... Benefit of Glass Smooth Store Floors Gliding in Ease
As Friends With Gravity on Totally Flat Store Lands.. Ahem..
lifting all my 250 Pounds With Many Flight of Stairs Against
Gravity i surely will Play now yet hey when i Am
Closer to Your Age at 22 i Am a Runner
And Could Do 1000 Flights of
Stairs and Never Even Get
Winded At the Military Gym...
Yes.. 42 Years ago and 80 Pounds
Less too.. Anyway haha as usual
Here is a Throw-Back Photo of
me then with a Beard of Course
Leading A Race of my Special Interest then...
i ran for about a Decade Before that Yes it was
Tennis For About A Decade my Special Interests
And Then During That Cycling too All Around Town
Change To A Floating Free Dance in Balance is Very
Kind to 64 Year-old Joints and Nautilus Machines
to Work-Out on at the Military Gym as Shortly before
i retired yes another true story.. through Government
End of the Year Money i Helped Purchase Nearly 1 Million Dollars
Worth of Gym Equipment tailored to my Every Work-Out Desire
And yes.. i didn't have to Spend an Entire Day Arranging For it
as the Money Was dropped with an 8 Hour deadline to Get it all
Purchased Like Some Government
Workers i could have done
less or nothing
Yet that
i do Human
A Gift
to Pursue
At Best We
Enjoy as Honestly
Running and Playing
Tennis Kinda got boring...
Free Dance And Song Never Boring to me..
in other Words These Special Interests of
Dance And Song Won't likely Stop Yes People
Have been Doing this like forever now anyway hehe
SMiles There is never any too Short or Long Lines
For me When Soul Becomes Breath And Free Verse
Poetry Springs Breath Dancing Singing On Waves of
Spirit Wind Free Loved How You Provided Words to

Describe What May Be So Hard to Relate
An Inner Voice
of Creative
Spirit Birthed
From Within
Garden of
Coming to
A Limitless Table Colors
Now Plenty of Soul Manna
In Art to Give And Share Free
Smiles Poetry of God Within Souls
Breathing Dance And Song Arts Free Never
Ending as Long as Winds of God Spirit Wing Ring
True Within for All to See and Hear Without Eyes and Ears too...
True i do not own
my Words True
No one
Free and
No One Will
Ever Be able to
Control God's Breath in We Free
In Original Art Creativity Never An
Instruction or Lesson to Do From 'Fore...

Change is
Move and Repose
Dance SinG ETernAlly
Stale OPPoSinG
ReaLiTy NoW
Art of
Life New
Now Circle of
Life Spiraling
Complete New
Indeed of Art Winging


Room For Joy
When SMiLes Rule...

Well Dear Cindy 'That' Surely
Is A Tall Glass of Indian Bubbly

i Had No Idea The GOA COOLER

Exists Yet Here in the Florida Panhandle

The Dance Bar i Used to Entertain Seville
Quarter Serves A World Renown "Flaming


Will Admit i Never Had

One and Now i Just Do
A Bit of Senior Free
Coffee At Whataburger
With A Grill Chicken Or

Other Sandwich

Yet Naturally

i tend to be
With SMiLes of
Nirvana and Bliss
And ALL The Natural Such As THaT Hehe

At First i thought that was as Goblet With
A Glass Dome Yet come to Find out it is
Really Smoke After the Mirror Hehe With

A Touch of a Tongue to Release The Bulb
From Holding Sweet Smoke Within i'm Sure

It Was Deliciously Refreshing as of course they
Say it Never Rains in California Which Means Yes

Quenching Your Thirst too and i'm Sure You Don't
Need Any Flaming Drinks There of Course Literally

'These Days'

Of Wildfires of All types
Springing Out of Balance
Here And There and Over There...

Anyway Looks Like Fun Days to Celebrate
Now the Best Ones Of All And Good Fortune
To Your Daughter For Securing Romance That Lasts

I'm Sure

It Still Happens

Wherever Humans

Still Roam Free

Out of the


We Otherwise
Might Stay in And
Do Everything We Do
Never Even Leaving to Breathe

Nice to See You Out And about Free...

In Free Style

Dancing Dogs Never
Forgetting 'Call of the
Wild' So Deep Within

to Believe For Real
Dear Xenia With SMiLes...

Singing Dogs
Bird Tweets
Never Separate
One And SaMe
We aRe NaTure For Real

So Very Free
Earth Sand
Air Sky Breathes Alive...

SMiLes Dear Xenia
When i Sneeze
Dogs Howl
From Miles
Away Hehe
True i Hold
Nothing of Nature
Back Sneezing i Am

So Free

Indeed With SMiLes
Shining Below For Real...

Yet i Kid You Not Neighbors
Around the Block Heard me
With All Windows And Doors Shut

And Old Men Even Older Than me
Report it's the Loudest Sneeze They
Ever Heard Questioning Did it Even Come From

A Human Hehe...

The Neighborhood
Dogs Are Still Attempting
to Determine What Creature i Am...

Every Twinkle
in A Dog's
Eye New
With SMiLes...

Midnight Dew on Grass
Dew Lit Leaves on Morning
Flowers Coloring Day Brighter

As A Six Week Drought
Ending Will Bring

New Colors of
Life All Around
Dear Xenia Even More
Amazing Colors During
Drought Roots Reaching Deeper

in DarK
NeW Colors For Free
Beautiful Cool Fall
Scotland Highland
Days to You And
All Your Human
And Furry FRiEnDs Dear Xenia...

In Free Style

SMiLes Dear Savvy i Rather
Love the Phrase "Sunkissed

Earth" More Than

'Agape Love'

As 'Technically'

That Love is Usually

Only Reserved For 'Mankind'

Such A Limited Part of Our UniVerse

Yet Reflecting it All When We Love It All

For Real


ThiS Way

DarK Thru LiGHT

All Communion Love
Within Inside Outside
Above So BeLoW All Around...

Oh Lord Dear
Jane Living
On Mars Selling
Swamps On Desert
Red Rocks True A

Born Every
Minute Hook
Line And Alex
Jones SinKeR


Thanks Dear
Sohair May
Of Free Dance
And Song
Rain Upon
Your Soul
With SMiles...

“Life is because hope is.

For unending is
the nature of hope.
What is life after all…
A rhythmic dance
Of a beating heart
In unconditional trust

In this now…

So as long as the heart beats
There is always hope
To dance to life, with life
In hope and faith
And in trust of this now

To live life lovingly!”

-Savvy Raj

Wow! What a Beautiful
Inspiring Poetic Reply
Dear Savvy i Shall

Share Your
Soul Treasure
Here With


Thanks So
Much As always
For All The Inspiration
You Bring Dear Xenia
Up And


Crisp Cool
Fall RiSinG
Hot Chocolate
Warmth Home
Coming Soul
Soul Young
Dear Xenia
With SMiles
For You All
To FLoWeR Life...

Furry Warm
Felt Love Lives
On Dear Cindy
In EYes Of
Still Wagging
Soul Tales oF LoVE...

SMiLes SaaniaSparkle Typically Targeted

Audiences Buy What We Have to Sell

As Long as We Meet All Their Needs

Oh God Yes to Be Free From Pleasing


To Truly Be
Naked Enough
Whole Complete
in Every Way Amazingly

With All The Room in Your
Free World Giving Sharing
Caring Healing Freely With

Most Respect and Least

Harm Yet of Course

That is Only my

Philosophy of

Life With SMiLEs

Not Selling it Yet
Always Giving it Away Free LoVE iN Peace
Hehe Without Regard to Target Audiences...

Oh Dear Lord The Advantages of Mastering

The Tools of Modern Technology Provided

For Free By Huge Tech Companies Giving

Away So Many Free Avenues to Increase

Human Potentials True There Are Other

Ways of Seeing Negative Parts too

Yet For Instance Emily Dickinson

Stuffing So Many Beautiful Poetic

Blue Letters to Those Who Mused her

Creativity in Drawers Eventually Mostly

Destroyed By Her Sister Yet if She Lived Today

And Wasn't Afraid to Be Vulnerable And Expose All

The Soul She Was then Without Regard to Any Target

Audience of That Day True She Could Have Shared Each

And Every Poetic Letter on Facebook And Not Only Write New

Poetic Letters to Folks All Around the Globe Yet Get Free Memories

of Poetic Letters From Past Years From the Slave of the Facebook Algorithm

Each And Every Day And True She Could Have Copied And Pasted Even Bi-Weekly

60,000 Word Anthologies to Many Blogs and Many other Social Media avenues

Generating Literally Millions of Views for What She Felt of the Human Condition

Dear Miriam

So Deep

So Creative

With All the Colors

Free of Her Soul and

Still IT Wouldn't Matter If She

Made A Dime for What We Value

in Life May Surely Be Relative in

A World Dedicated to Buy

And Sell Nah She

Wasn't Worried

About that

She Wrote

to Breathe

She Lived to Write

She Held On to Her Life
And All The Colors/SHaDeS of Her Soul
Free An Authentic Way of Being With SMiLes...
SMiLes Dear Miriam Ideas of What it Means to Reach Maturity

And Become An Adult Surely Vary Among Cultures As There Was

A Day When Cultures Actually Initiated Human Beings into Adult-Hood

Sort of Like Boot Camp

Commonly Administered

As Such With Rigorous Tests

Designed to Develop Not Only

Job Skills for 9 to 5 and Paying

Bills Yet Soul Skills to Move

Connect and Co-Create

In Ways Not All Tied

Down to Modern


of Screen Fate

Oh Dear Lord Sitting

Still For So Many Folks

Frozen in Screens So Cold

So Far Away From the Human Touch

Dear Lord Please Bring Back the Spirit

of The Child True Hehe i Already Did that

And Now i Only Dance And Sing Finished

With The Life Long American Way of What's

Bought And Sold Yet Not Deep and Warm Souls Flourishing

Foraging Together For the Day Dancing the Night Away Free

iN Play

To Come



iN LoVE iN Peace

Hmm This New Experiment
of Adulting is Strife With Challenges Indeed...

Anyway The First Day i Felt Like An Adult Naked
Enough Whole Complete Was at Age 3 Before i could

Speak Gazing Across the River At the Forest Realizing

Beyond Words i am A Leaf That Greens the Trees and

Falls in Winter Frozen Soils to Bring Back Spring Flowers

to Summer
Days Again

As It's True Modern
Science Suggests Our
Thinking Word Minds Are
About .5 Percent of our Total
Experience on Earth True the 'Modern

World' Leaves A Lot Out of What Our Potentials

Might Otherwise Be if Explored out of Lesson

Plans All Intuitively Shared Now Opening Up

New Potentials Far Beyond Just Abstract

Constructs of Words And Covers of Books....

No Limits
Far Beyond
All Empirical Measures
in Terms of Words As

Small as Infinity

As Again Chat
GP Will never
Guess even my Next Color of Breath...

A Bible Thumper Asked me What The Reason for

Public Dance Was Today and i Explained only For Smiles Shared

And Only For the Bliss of Springing Wings Free on Terrestrial

Land iN Meditative Blissful Flow as i Don't Work For a Welfare
God i Had to Earn



iN Play

on Land

With A Greatest

Wu Wei Ease FRiEnDS With

The Steven Hawking God of Gravity Indeed With SMiLes

My T-Shirt With The Stephen King 'IT Clown' With the Meme "Aren't Ya Gonna Say Hello"

Surely Made Everyone Smile Except For the Bible Thumpers Afraid of the DarK...

What Many Don't Understand is Typically Those Who Are Afraid of the DarK

Are Cynical


Far Beyond

ONLY Literal Words in A Book...

Yet It Seems After i Gave them
A Reader's Digest Summary of

A 'CoMPReHeNSiVE Fred-Talk' For About 10 Minutes

They Will Never Be The SaMe All Treats No Tricks For Now...

Ah Yes Dear Savvy Every Cat

Is A Natural A Tai-Chi-Zen-Samadhi-Satori

in River Flow Master Never A Lesson All Instinctually

Innately Intuitively Practicing All ACross The FLoWeR oF

Life Naturally



With Gravity

ThiS WaY iNDeeD

Be the Big Cat The Lion
on the Savannah Conserving

Every Calorie in a Graceful Stroll ThiS WaY

For In the Wild A Calorie Saved is A Life Earned

That Way For When The Antelope Herd Grows Thin

The Lion That Once Ate the Antelope May Fall to the

Savannah Grasses Decaying As Fertilizer For New

Grass For the Young of Antelope To Thrive

Again Meanwhile the Rule of Nature

For All Concerned Is Balance

Rule Balance

Rule This

Breath Of
Life At Best
Humanly in LOVE iN Peace

LiVE Out of Balance And The

Species May Eventually Cull Itself

in A World Out of Balance in Fear
Anger Hate And The Destruction

of A Species Before it Even

Has the Opportunity

To Starve To Death

As The Big Cats on the

Savannah May Do if they
Lose The Balance of Nature

Giving More Than They Take to Survive...

No Part of Nature is Exempt From the Rule of Balance

Karma FRiEnDS With Gravity Best Indeed With Human
SMiLes oF LoVE iN Peace...

Happy Tuesday Dear
‘Toronto FRiEnD’
Hope You Like
Your New Pet
FRiEnD Name

True i’ve AsSiGNeD
Many to You Across
9 Years Plus Now For Real

Such a Beautiful Fall Toronto-Like
Day in Florida The Bees Are Happily

Pollinating Sunflowers
The Roses Are Practically
Blooming Before my Eyes

So Much


And Yes Beautiful
Purple Wild Flowers
Breathing Free Coming Up
Between the Stones of the Outdoor Patio

Ah Yes And The Confederate Rose
Changing White to Pink Usually
In Early September Fall
Returning in



As Temperatures
Finally Agree With the Season at Hand

Hehe All This Reminds me of How Intelligent
The Rest of Nature Is Adapting to Change

And Flourishing
All the Places

Breathes Free New

Even a Grain of Sand And Less
Holding Up Art of Human LoVE iN Peace

may The Mountains GRoW AS High
As the Valleys Feel LoW Ocean Whole


Just Dropping by Feeding
my New Pet Name FRiEnD hehe…

Sadly The
Of Bates Motel

At Night
Are Unashamedly

Walking on
5th Avenue
In Broad Daylight

It’s Always
Been ThiS Way

Are Just All on

The Human


Yes Hopefully
Higher Now Than

New With SMiles...

Give You Credit at Least For Seeing Through 'This Scam'

It's All About Making 'Donald J Trump' into an Idol to Worship

As Far Away

From 'the
Of Jesus' If He
Could Be Real Now Could Actually Fall

HAha a Thousand Dollar Autographed
Bible By Trump to Sell to Pay For His

Legal Fees
For Being
A Criminal

Again Give You
Credit as One
of the Few Christians
i've met Locally at Least Who
Sees Through the Scam This Truly Is

Yet of Course
You are On YouTube

Hopefully in the 'Real World'

You Won't Mind Standing Up to a More

Way of Life

The Risk of Getting
Outcast from the

'Group Think'

Is More than
Most 'Commoners' will Take...

First of All Dear Amethyst Lamb

Through All Your Trials and Tribulations of

Life You Manage to Fulfill The Duty to Keep Democracy

Alive With Your Best Focus
And Effort Yes! in "Mail
In Voting" Studying the

Amendment Questions Closely
And Researching them in Detail

to Discern Your Best Decision

A More Beautiful Part of Democracy Is We

The People Get the Opportunity to Voice A Decision

On How Our Government Will Be Run And of Course

An Uglier Part of Democracy is We the People Get the

Opportunity to Voice A Decision on How Our Government Will Be

Run As Yes It's

True Even Science
SHows the Human
Condition is Not

Tend to Act
With Emotion
First and Rationalize
What they Do After the
Art-i-Fact of What They Do

And Yes Some Humans Are By Nature
More Closed Minded Than Open Minded
More Likely to Fall to Authoritarian Direction

Others may provide And Sadly Easier to MaNiPuLaTE
By Those Will Sell away All THeir Integrity iN Honor

of Truth
to Stay
in Power
Even One More Day

As The iNToXiCaTioN
Of Power May Be Just
too Much to Give Up

Like any Other Addiction
of DiSEaSE that Comes Our Way

Yet What Destroys Democracies Most
As Most Humans at Core Will Be Humane
if Not Forced into too Much Scarcity Day by Day

Is Yes Apathy And Yes Distraction as Yes Science
Shows the Average Human Attention Span of Focus

Is Literally Less than 3 Seconds 'These Days' Yep Less

Than a Frigging Gold Fish Which Means 'Blue Whales' Are Becoming

These Days

Both in the
Ocean and
At Essence of Human True

Is Anyone Really Paying Attention to the
Fact Someone is Running For President
Who Asserts He Will Tear Down the
Constitution Become A Dictator
on Day One And Use the
Military to Destroy

His Political
Enemies too

As Yes Even the "Retired
General Mark A. Milley
serving as the 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
the nation's highest-ranking military officer, and the principal
military advisor to the President, Secretary of Defense, and
National Security Council, Retiring Sept. 29, 2023." Yes,

He Readily Admits
That Trump Checks

Off ALL the Boxes

NOW For a Wannabe

Fascist Leading Dictator

Trivia Note: my Grandfather
An Irish Born Catholic Priest

Who Obviously Left the Church
as i Do Exist Hehe Wrote a Book

Titled "Behind the Dictators" About
The Catholic Church's Influence of
Support for Fascist Dictators Last Century...

Yep HiStory
Repeats Itself

Do Get Out and
Vote to Prevent
Even More Atrocities

(i Know You Will)

of the Human Race
For What Seems lately

More and More Like a
'Roll Tide' Down a Toilet Bowl...

Yet Such Is Life When We use 40 Percent
of the World's Human Resources With 4 Percent

of the Population Folks Get Spoiled And Forget the
'Price of Freedom'...

42 Percent of
Folks Who Make
Over 6 Figures Report
They Live Pay-Check-to-
Pay-Check Where if A Gallon
of Gas Goes Up 50 Cents They'd

Sell THeir Soul to the Devil If He Promised

to 'Drill
Baby Drill'

'Raising Tariffs' and
Prices on 98 Inch
Walmart TV's Yep

AsKinG for 'Ave Maria'
To Play Instead of Justifying Lies

At A Town Hall Meeting Just Yesterday

The Circus Is still in Town 'the New Black Sadly

Is Orange' Replacing Rotten Tomatoes in the Current 'Play'...

The Church i Visit
Coming in Late

To Study it as
A Participant


a Bit Has

Been Repeating

WEEK Now With NO Separation
of Church And State While Paying No


Yes That Women's Reproductive
Health Care is Bad for their Health

i've Seen Too Much Suffering Up Close
And Personal in Real Life Empathy is More




Than Harming
Others Breathing
With Life Now With
No Respect For Real

Moral oF A Really
Long Orange


When Someone
Asserts You Will Follow

Them Even if they Shoot Someone
on 5th Avenue From the Beginning

of a Whole Political Circus Show

F in Believe
'em And

Run Away As Fast
As Your Common Sense

Will Carry



Will Not..

Yawn, i'm a Preferred
Counsel When Someone
Goes to the Used Car Lot

i Do it For Free

If We Don't
'The System'
Better Than 'The

System' Basically 'We
The People Lose' Yet Understanding
The "Condition" A Lift Up Helps Now and then...

Vote Yes
on Amendment
Continuing Freedom..!..

Other than That Life is Never Just
Black and White Or Particularly

Only Orange

Hehe It's

A Spectrum
An Art All oF iT iNDeeD...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !