Nobody interested in the Russia-Ukraine conflict?

Joined: 17 Feb 2013
Age: 42
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I think that the fait of the world may depend on it.
Fortunately, I really think that the mobilization is already backfiring in major ways and that it will only become more obvious with time. I just hope that the regime falls before it uses WMDs, well, more than they normally do already such as targeted assassinations with novichok.
Russia’s greatest weakness is it’s leadership style.
Rather than creating a leader of a party around a political class that offers continuity in the long term.
They favor the old fashioned strong king type, so when the king dies and is replaced by another strong king he may do something very different so the country lurches from one direction to another.
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends upon the unreasonable man."
- George Bernie Shaw
^ Not only this aspect of their leadership style is a weakness.
There's long tradition of something I'd describe as "the tsar has spoken - screw the reality" system. Putin, who has zero military experience and is far away from the matters, tells the battlefield officers what decisions to make. That's why this invasion even started.
Currently, the officers were calling for withdrawal from Kherson region and Putin forbid them to do it. So, let's expect Russian army in Kherson region to be grinded.
Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.
<not moderating PPR stuff concerning East Europe> ... ord-stream
Both Nord Stream pipelines disabled by unidentified forces. Almost certainly the U.S. or one of their proxies.
Behold! we are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory, Farewell!
Remember: Hitler was no military strategist, either. He did many things against the advice of his generals. This is one of the main reasons why the war turned against the Germans after 1943.
A dictator's Achilles heel if he/she is not a military person----thinking he/she is a genius military strategist.
Fortunately, I really think that the mobilization is already backfiring in major ways and that it will only become more obvious with time. I just hope that the regime falls before it uses WMDs, well, more than they normally do already such as targeted assassinations with novichok.
Yeah. Protests. Thousands fleeing the country. And Ukraine has even set up a helpline/hotline for Russian soldiers on the front who wanna know exactly how to...surrender to Ukraine!

But Putin has already shown 'nuclear negligence' by having his troops actually camp IN the abandon radioactive ruins of Chernobyl, and by waging ground battles around extant nuclear plants in south Ukraine. Am not a fan of the US military, but our military would probably draw lines around nuclear power plants and designate them as "no fire zones". So Putin is THAT negligent then maybe he isnt bluffing about actually using nukes. Scary.
Fortunately, I really think that the mobilization is already backfiring in major ways and that it will only become more obvious with time. I just hope that the regime falls before it uses WMDs, well, more than they normally do already such as targeted assassinations with novichok.
Yeah. Protests. Thousands fleeing the country. And Ukraine has even set up a helpline/hotline for Russian soldiers on the front who wanna know exactly how to...surrender to Ukraine!

But Putin has already shown 'nuclear negligence' by having his troops actually camp IN the abandon radioactive ruins of Chernobyl, and by waging ground battles around extant nuclear plants in south Ukraine. Am not a fan of the US military, but our military would probably draw lines around nuclear power plants and designate them as "no fire zones". So Putin is THAT negligent then maybe he isnt bluffing about actually using nukes. Scary.
Not only that, but they even installed heavy weapons (artillery, missiles launchers, ect.) in between reactor vessels of active plants. They also apparently rigged some of the plants with explosives.
Also, the troops who occupied Chernobyl didn't just camp there. They actually dug trenches and fox holes in the Red Forest. Additionally, there were cruising around in their vehicles kicking up huge amounts of radioactive dust. Last I heard, at least some of them were starting to suffer the effects of radiation sickness when they were pulled out along with all the other russian troops occupying northern Ukraine.
There is a genuine threat that they are crazy enough to use WMDs in this conflict, including nukes. They are trying to frame it now as the temporarily occupied territories are part of russia just as much as st petersburg and as they have pointed out, russian military doctrine calls for the use of ALL of the weapons systems at their disposal in the event their territory is threatened. They may well think that nuking Ukraine would not actually receive a real response from NATO, especially if it was just one or a couple "tactical nukes". As a quick aside, little boy and fat man (the nukes dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki) would be considered "tactical nukes", not strategic nukes by today's standard.
russia may also consider detonating a nuke in low earth orbit, either just to take out satilities, or to also use EMP against a target area on the ground( ie Ukraine). This they may also feel would not illicit a real response from NATO.
Additionally, they could use some of their massive chemical weapons stockpiles to try to gain an edge on the battlefield or simply as a terror weapon against the civilian populous.
Another terrifying possibility is that they could use their bio-weapons program, which includes small pox, drug resistant bubonic plage, anthrax, and much, much more.

Joined: 17 Feb 2013
Age: 42
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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
IF they use nukes I do wonder what the US/Nato response would be.. eye for an eye? Rearrange Moscow into Glassnow? *melt melt*
I mean, I can't exactly see there being a whole lot of talk and no action if the russians go ahead and use nukes.. if talk didn't prevent it, it's not going to stop it from continuing to happen kind of thing.

I mean, I can't exactly see there being a whole lot of talk and no action if the russians go ahead and use nukes.. if talk didn't prevent it, it's not going to stop it from continuing to happen kind of thing.
Yeah, the only thing russians understand is force. They also love to test the limits. If they do end up using nukes and receive an anemic response, they will see that as basically a green light. And then they will continue to test where the new limit is and push that.
The US apparently spelled out in no uncertain terms exactly what the US response would be in such a situation in direct communications with the highest levels of the kremlin.
Last edited by Worthless on 27 Sep 2022, 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Am aware of this baddy. Russia , behaving like a Monster under Putin, but am getting a feeling that this is becoming more a War of Politics , Now it is more seeming like Bidens Military Industrial machine, against the Putin Military Industrial machine . Great testing ground for everybody’s latest and greatest man killing weapons. Then after using up old stockpiles of various weapons that they were not able to dump on the international market .
So afterwards the Great Moguls of the Military complexes on both sides will have excuses to ramp up , renew , replace older outdated equipment . Thereby keeping the greater amounts of people employed by the respective countries mega military businesses . And promoting more research and development of making more efficient methods of mutual destruction . As well as keeping suppliers of the components in business to build such things .
If researched throughout history the USA has a wartime based economy .
“War is Bad for Children and all Living things”
Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
Words and NATO art 5 are just words and paper but currently attacking Poland would mean attacking US Army - and that is something entirely different.
Russian decision-making system is crazy enough for us to need a plan for any scenario. No panic. Just a plan. I'm sure there are several being worked on in NATO headquarters.
Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.
<not moderating PPR stuff concerning East Europe>
So afterwards the Great Moguls of the Military complexes on both sides will have excuses to ramp up , renew , replace older outdated equipment . Thereby keeping the greater amounts of people employed by the respective countries mega military businesses . And promoting more research and development of making more efficient methods of mutual destruction . As well as keeping suppliers of the components in business to build such things .
If researched throughout history the USA has a wartime based economy .
“War is Bad for Children and all Living things”
As if that's not bad enough, am I the only one who suspects something fishy was going on when Pelosi traveled to Taiwan basically just to rankle China's feathers?
Don't get me wrong I do feel bad for the people of Taiwan right now, but I now feel Pelosi's little polical stunt was risky and stupid. It's like she WANTED to dare China to invade this island that Biden has made no real promise to defend.
Why are our leaders so determined to start World War 3 now?

So afterwards the Great Moguls of the Military complexes on both sides will have excuses to ramp up , renew , replace older outdated equipment . Thereby keeping the greater amounts of people employed by the respective countries mega military businesses . And promoting more research and development of making more efficient methods of mutual destruction . As well as keeping suppliers of the components in business to build such things .
If researched throughout history the USA has a wartime based economy .
“War is Bad for Children and all Living things”
The problem is, what anyone who have been living under Russian rule knows, "Russkyy mir" can be not really better for children than a war - but it can last much longer.
You know results of investigations on what happened on the occupied territories. This is one of the rare cases when weapons do save lives.
Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.
<not moderating PPR stuff concerning East Europe>
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