Fox boss ordered staff to cast doubt on climate science

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03 Jan 2011, 1:59 am

{Rove} said that {reporters} were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." ... "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

As reported by Ron Suskind.


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03 Jan 2011, 3:39 am

ikorack wrote:
LKL wrote:
Facts have a well-known liberal bias; therefore, inuyasha will not accept facts.

I hope that was a sorry attempt at humor.

I'm afraid not, it's something "clever" that I want to say Colbert originated that's taken on an unfortunate life of it's own. I say that because it's not only smug and condescending, but reinforces those very stereotypical "liberal" traits, which I'm sure is not something desirable to the people that tend to repeat it. I've learned to avoid attempts at cleverness like the plague, they seldom are as funny as the author thinks and tend to have a high penalty for missing.

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03 Jan 2011, 3:42 am



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03 Jan 2011, 4:54 pm

To quote David Rees,
""East Coast elitist?" f**k it, sure -- is that what you call it? Fine. All I know is I'm from New York City, I can think on my feet, I can actually string two f****n' sentences together without notes, and I could answer some motherf***ers' questions about a war without just spitting out eleven different permutations of the same goddamn "goo-gah boogaloo freedom" phrase! So sue me -- that makes me elitist? Good! If "elitist" just means "not the dumbest Motherf***er in the room," I'll be an elitist! "

Except I would be a West Coast elitist.


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03 Jan 2011, 5:21 pm

ikorack wrote:
LKL wrote:
Facts have a well-known liberal bias; therefore, inuyasha will not accept facts.

I hope that was a sorry attempt at humor.
If it was an attempt at humor it was hilarious.

The best kind of humor, it is hilarious because it is true.



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03 Jan 2011, 5:31 pm


Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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03 Jan 2011, 10:07 pm

Global Warming is a Fairy Tale. 2000-2009 was not the warmest decade. Total BS. There was a cyclical warming trend from 1980 to 1999. The 1990-1999 period saw a strong warming trend. So did 1920-1939. And 1300-1830 Ad saw a massive global cooling (lesser Ice Age).
This winter has record cold in many parts of the world. north America, Europe, Asia. Several years ago saw record cold in Middle East.
There have been many cycles of cold and warm throughout history. The 1990 s were warm. Nothing new. Global Warming is justan excuseto raise taxes and raise prices.
By the way, I'm not just a Republican or conservative hack. I thought the War on Terror was alarmist crap too. Global Warming, Lefty crap. War on Terror, right wing crap.


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03 Jan 2011, 10:27 pm

Vexcalibur wrote:
ikorack wrote:
LKL wrote:
Facts have a well-known liberal bias; therefore, inuyasha will not accept facts.

I hope that was a sorry attempt at humor.
If it was an attempt at humor it was hilarious.

The best kind of humor, it is hilarious because it is true.


I suggest you stop drinking the kool-aid and wise up. Facts generally contradict the left's view of reality.


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04 Jan 2011, 2:36 am

Who is it that uses the phrase, 'stop drinking the coolaid' that Inuyasha parrots over and over (remember how proud he was when he first started using it, and had to explain it each time as though we didn't already know where it was from?)? Is it Beck, or some other nutjob offering one flavor of coolaid while warning against another?

Sorry, I know this is a little cruel... it's just getting a little annoying.


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04 Jan 2011, 1:24 pm

LKL wrote:
Who is it that uses the phrase, 'stop drinking the coolaid' that Inuyasha parrots over and over (remember how proud he was when he first started using it, and had to explain it each time as though we didn't already know where it was from?)? Is it Beck, or some other nutjob offering one flavor of coolaid while warning against another?

Sorry, I know this is a little cruel... it's just getting a little annoying.

Thanks for proving my point you have absolutely no clue about anything to do with Fox News. The phrase was used by Bill O'Reilly long before Glenn Beck quit CNN to work over at Fox News.


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04 Jan 2011, 2:45 pm

Inuyasha wrote:
Thanks for proving my point you have absolutely no clue about anything to do with Fox News. The phrase was used by Bill O'Reilly long before Glenn Beck quit CNN to work over at Fox News.

This may be, but it is certainly not the origin of the phrase.

The earliest published reference to Kool-Aid in the sense of political or economic suicide listed in the OED is found in The Washington Post of 14 January 1979. The specific phrase, "drink the Kool-Aid," as a metaphor for blind obedience first appears eight years later, again in the Washington Post of 17 July 1987.

Bill O'Reilly was a late arrival.



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04 Jan 2011, 2:47 pm

visagrunt wrote:
Inuyasha wrote:
Thanks for proving my point you have absolutely no clue about anything to do with Fox News. The phrase was used by Bill O'Reilly long before Glenn Beck quit CNN to work over at Fox News.

This may be, but it is certainly not the origin of the phrase.

The earliest published reference to Kool-Aid in the sense of political or economic suicide listed in the OED is found in The Washington Post of 14 January 1979. The specific phrase, "drink the Kool-Aid," as a metaphor for blind obedience first appears eight years later, again in the Washington Post of 17 July 1987.

Bill O'Reilly was a late arrival.

I am aware he was a late arrival, but he is also the one that turned it into common knowledge phrase.


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04 Jan 2011, 6:42 pm

No, Honey. He might have turned it into a common-USE phrase for conservatives, but I would bet money that everyone on this board knew the origin of the phrase before you started parroting it.

as far as limited awareness of Faux News, I catch it here and there at my Grandparents' house and at the Tire store; listening to O'Reilly scream and foam for that much is plenty for me, thank you.


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04 Jan 2011, 6:45 pm

LKL wrote:
No, Honey. He might have turned it into a common-USE phrase for conservatives, but I would bet money that everyone on this board knew the origin of the phrase before you started parroting it.

Well start paying up cause you obviously didn't.

I was aware of the fact about Kool-aid being used to by a religious cult to commit suicide, after they had murdered a US Senator if I remember correctly. I merely answered your question as to who on Fox News uses the phrase, which is Bill O'Reilly.


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04 Jan 2011, 6:59 pm

Honey, I'm 34. I learned about the Jim Jones cult in High School. Knowing the origin of the phrase is not the same as knowing which Faux newscaster is trying to appropriate it for their cause.

Incidentally, I continue to find it supremely ironic that right-wing fascist theocrats have started using a term that was originally meant as a warning against cult-like obedience to charismatic religious authority figures.


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04 Jan 2011, 7:10 pm

LKL wrote:
Honey, I'm 34. I learned about the Jim Jones cult in High School. Knowing the origin of the phrase is not the same as knowing which Faux newscaster is trying to appropriate it for their cause.

Sure, whatever. :roll: You're not that much older than I am.

LKL wrote:
Incidentally, I continue to find it supremely ironic that right-wing fascist theocrats have started using a term that was originally meant as a warning against cult-like obedience to charismatic religious authority figures.

Thank you for demonstrating why you do not have a good sense of judgement when it comes to Conservatives. Cause if you had payed any attention at all to Fox News instead of the bull the mainstream media spews you would know that they pretty much always have a theme that you shouldn't have a blind cult-like obedience to charismatic people whether they be religious authority figures, politicians, etc.