Misslizard wrote:
^^^Glad you liked it.Amazingly he turns into a ok fellow at the end.And she is stunning.
It would be difficult for a guy to watch this film without thinking "Wow. I wish I could have a wife like that."
Feminist reviews are quite predictable.
http://silentspeaking.blogspot.com/2006 ... eview.htmlBud Rose wrote:
...Maxwell Bright...has a big problem. Actually, he has several problems, but in order to avoid giving away some important drama from the film we'll stick to the central issue. Maxwell Bright is a rampant misogynist. Completely incapable of feeling empathy for women, Max lives in a state of perpetual angst, waiting for the next affront to come from "bull-dyke feminist pigs". Not surprisingly Mr. Bright lives a life devoid of feminine relationships...
http://shebloggedbynight.com/2010/recen ... ht-2005-2/Stacia wrote:
....“The Civilization of Maxwell Bright” is a movie that tries hard to do the right thing, but it falls back on the old, lazy, entrenched bigotries so prevalent in Hollywood that, despite being an indie film, it might as well have been a $10M studio film for all the cultural “good” it does.
Maxwell Bright...is a f*****g as*hole. He’s an entitled, white, well-off, misogynist electronics salesman who we first see running naked out of his house, chasing his girlfriend who has just hit him on the head. It wasn’t a debilitating blow, obviously, because he’s capable of violently screaming at her about how she wants to spend a selfish 45 minutes having sex. Also, she doesn’t give him enough blow jobs like he deserves. The police arrive and both officers think he’s the aggressor, which Max blames on them being female and irrational. The girlfriend then jams a garden implement into his chest....
...That night, Arlis and other friends join Max at his house for poker. They all slam women in extremely stereotypical, sexist ways, and then Max has an “epiphany”. I wish there was a better word for it, because he didn’t so much have an epiphany as come up with a stupid, paranoid theory that he thinks explains why his life sucks: Women in the U.S. are taught to be manipulative b*****s in college, while Asian women are taught to please men and do anything for them. Therefore, he decides to get an Asian mail order bride.
This opening act is the perfect example of why the film fails. The encounter on the lawn with the police officers is an illustration of the failed post-sexist rhetoric that pervades allegedly progressive entertainment, media, and most especially Internet discussion....
...Mai Ling, who is nothing more than a caricature of the obedient Asian woman, puts up with everything Max does....