When the riots begin
http://occupywallst.org/article/ows-vic ... obal-day-/
...The early morning announcement from the Mayor’s office in New York came after 300,000+ Americans signed petitions to stop the eviction, and flooded the 311 phone network in solidarity with those in Liberty Square. At 6 AM this morning, 3,000+ New Yorkers, unions, students, and others joined the occupiers in the square to send a clear message to the 1% who want to silence this peaceful assembly of the 99%. Donations poured into the protesters from Italy, England, Mexico and many other countries by everyday people hoping to help the movement grow.
ha ha!
Without the incitement of violence, Occupy Wall Street will peter out and become a sour joke. Movements that claim to represent just morality tend not to inflict violence on others first but to provoke attack from their opponents instead and then use the injury they suffer as proof of persecution. The sense of injustice and the need to defend against a larger and more powerful aggressor allows the movement to close ranks and take shape as people are inspired to be selfless for the benefit of the greater good and a just cause. The Indian independence, anti-Apartheid, free Tibet and free Burma movements, which claimed varying degrees of non-violence, can be seen in this light. In fact, the development of the Jesus movement was almost entirely dependent on such tactics in its early days.
Like in Egypt, Tunisia or Syria, I expect that it will be the authorities that will move first to clear out the Occupy Wall Street protesters because at some point the continuing presence of large groups of protesters becomes such a public nuisance that it is intolerable. When that happens, there will be those in the movement who will see a provocative reaction to the government’s benign actions as an opportunity to inject coherence to an otherwise unwieldy group. No one needs to issue an order. Such ideas are deeply embedded into human nature.
Without the incitement of violence, Occupy Wall Street will peter out and become a sour joke. Movements that claim to represent just morality tend not to inflict violence on others first but to provoke attack from their opponents instead and then use the injury they suffer as proof of persecution. The sense of injustice and the need to defend against a larger and more powerful aggressor allows the movement to close ranks and take shape as people are inspired to be selfless for the benefit of the greater good and a just cause. The Indian independence, anti-Apartheid, free Tibet and free Burma movements, which claimed varying degrees of non-violence, can be seen in this light. In fact, the development of the Jesus movement was almost entirely dependent on such tactics in its early days.
I am curious: do you see this as a legitimate or illegitimate tactic?
It is not a question of legitimacy but that of efficacy. It works because everyone has had to deal with bullies in their life. When the aggressor is seen as powerful and overwhelming while the victim is weak but courageous, people will instinctively seek to protect the victim because subconsciously they see it as a way of protecting themselves. The outpouring of support when news spread of impending eviction from Zuccotti Park is an example of how short circuiting the emotional wires of people can create popular support for a movement that actually still does not know what it stands for.
Whether or not it is justified to use such tactics would depend on your view of the social system you live in. The early Christians, who saw themselves as God's people and viewed the world in apocalyptic terms, did not accept the legitimacy of the Roman system of governance. Using such tactics to garner further sympathy and support was to them entirely justified as Jesus had clearly delivered himself into the hands of his would be persecutors and then provoked them through outrageous acts. Those who believe that the present system of corporatism or capitalism needs to be done away with would likewise feel justified in winning public support by inviting self injury, like the many that have already been arrested attest to, because corporations and capital transactions are fundamental to how modern society is organized. If you see the world as so rotten that it needs to be uprooted and reorganized from the ground up, then getting fed to the lions, burnt at the stake, crucifixion or even strapping bombs to your body becomes a small price for an individual to pay to realize the greater good.
Their provocations are becoming bolder. They have actually physically entered a bank en masse to force the issue. To get the validity they crave, it will be necessary to ratchet up the ante to put on more daring and possibly more violent displays. The police in their riot gear and with their horses actually only adds to the delectable drama as these otherwise bored and unemployable deadbeats revel in their delusions of grandeur. As cold weather approaches and the number of arrests rise, I expect the situation to deteriorate.
Your characterization of whom the protesters are is not accurate for the majority of them.
I would agree but it is the exceptional few who will decide how the Occupy Wall Street protests will be characterized. Some of these people really do believe that corporations are evil and that capitalism has failed. Is there anything you think these radicals will not do? Even if most have peaceful intentions, when the police is forced by the actions of a few to respond, what do you think the reaction of the crowd will be?
In Washington, author, commentator, civil rights activist and Princeton University professor Cornel West was arrested while protesting on the steps of the Supreme Court about corporate influence in politics, a legal advisor to the protesters said.
The diversity is striking. The only thing binding these people together is the opportunity to take their "grievances" public. Without an avenue that makes civil disobedience seem so cool, there would be no reason for such a disparate group to gather.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/rig ... _blog.html
This is very funny. A couple of years ago, in a thread of the same title on this board that was deleted by pricks-against-freedom, I wrote about how Jewish domination of the financial system would become a problem. The statement that Jews were heavily represented in finance was enough to send some people over the edge and the suggestion that certain groups would look to use Jewish success in finance against them led to charges that I was a racist.
As a former banker serving the sub-prime mortgage industry, I can attest that almost all the major players in the industry were Jewish. From the originators, packagers and distributors of now toxic sub-prime products and securities, Jews were the dominant players. And having spent time investigating the alleged plutocratic conspiracy theories mostly revolving around how a small elite is hell bent on enslaving the world through their control and manipulation of the financial system, it has long come to my attention that certain fringe, extremist groups are spreading the mantra that the destruction of the American way of life is the result of Judeo-Capitalism. Many of the ideas promoted by Occupy Wall Street have in fact been expressed in various forms years ago by White supremacist movements. Even relatively benign ideas like reforming the banking system to make it more stable can be very useful to the extremists because it turns people against the system.
But now that Barrack Obama has endorsed the Occupy Wall Street movement, can we still say that many of the people who promote the idea that the financial industry is corrupt and corrupting are actually racial extremists whose real agenda is to cleanse America of undesirables?
Don't worry, the next U.S.A. General Douglas MacArthur won't have any short-sighted
Truman to stop him in his desires to make the entire World occidental.
No gentiles in the business? I suspect you were too busy counting Jews and you failed to count the gentiles as well. Furthermore you have not counted the Jews who have nothing to do with the banking or financial trade. You know, the Jews who are too busy inventing new physics and mathematics and making major advances in medicine. Those Jews.
This is very funny. A couple of years ago, in a thread of the same title on this board that was deleted by pricks-against-freedom, I wrote about how Jewish domination of the financial system would become a problem. The statement that Jews were heavily represented in finance was enough to send some people over the edge and the suggestion that certain groups would look to use Jewish success in finance against them led to charges that I was a racist.
As a former banker serving the sub-prime mortgage industry, I can attest that almost all the major players in the industry were Jewish. From the originators, packagers and distributors of now toxic sub-prime products and securities, Jews were the dominant players. And having spent time investigating the alleged plutocratic conspiracy theories mostly revolving around how a small elite is hell bent on enslaving the world through their control and manipulation of the financial system, it has long come to my attention that certain fringe, extremist groups are spreading the mantra that the destruction of the American way of life is the result of Judeo-Capitalism. Many of the ideas promoted by Occupy Wall Street have in fact been expressed in various forms years ago by White supremacist movements. Even relatively benign ideas like reforming the banking system to make it more stable can be very useful to the extremists because it turns people against the system.
But now that Barrack Obama has endorsed the Occupy Wall Street movement, can we still say that many of the people who promote the idea that the financial industry is corrupt and corrupting are actually racial extremists whose real agenda is to cleanse America of undesirables?
Your first sentence was accurate (at least I had a good laugh). The rest explains most of your previous posts (paranoid fantasies based from bigoted ideology). Maybe Stephen will share his atone phone line with you so that the Jews may call you personally to apologize for their shortcomings. "Judeo-Capitalism" lol.
Ahh... here we go again. Anyone who says that Jews are heavily and disproportionately represented in the financial services industry is labelled a racist even though he speaks the truth. How it came about that a banking and financial system which had been dominated by White Anglo Saxon Protestants elites ended up succumbing to Jewish control is of great interest to me not least because the narratives of the White Supremacists tend to use ideas surrounding Judeo-Capitalism with great effect. Let’s just say, for the time being, that the myths about Jewish intellect as an explanation for why Jews win employment on Wall Street (already introduced obliquely by a few people here) is actually very offensive because it suggests that other ethnic groups like Blacks, Hispanics and Whites are more stupid.
Asians too have a representation on Wall Street that exceeds their proportion of the general population, but the over-representation is not quite as dramatic. And Asian faces are increasingly needed as Wall Street seeks both investible opportunities and investors from Asia. Nonetheless, if the Occupy Wall Street movement grows and develops in the direction it appears to be heading towards, I do not think that Asians in America can escape the maelstrom.
But fret not, there is hope. The Anti Defamation League has swung into action and major news media outlets throughout the country have begun to denigrate the Occupy Wall Street protests. It remains to be seen if the “persecution” will hurt the movement or help it.
I do not know about other fields, but I can tell you that Jewish and Asian over-representation in finance has nothing to do with their supposed intellects or love of learning. Finance is really not that difficult. In 2008/9 after the collapse of Lehman, thousands of bankers were made redundant. New Jersey actually came up with a program to train ex-bankers to become needed math teachers, but they had to pass a test. After a few months of classes, many of the former finance professionals who signed up did not make the grade. Basically, they were able to succeed as vice-presidents of an investment bank but could not qualify to teach middle school math. So really, it is not an IQ thing. There are other less savory reasons why these groups succeed.