Jacoby wrote:
The House represents the will of the people.
The Repugnican majority in the House of Representatives is the result of extremely partisan gerrymandering, and frustrated the will of the people.
http://www.emmetcounty.org/pzcr/Jacoby wrote:
Not only is the House right to stand up to executive tyranny
"Executive Tyranny?"
Jacoby wrote:
Obamacare is unconstitutional.
Oh, and you know more about constitutional law than the Supreme Court?
Jacoby wrote:
If the individual mandate is not a valid exercise of the commerce clause and a tax as they say it is then it did not originate in the House and the law is void.
Stop reading those silly Libertarian tracks already.
Jacoby wrote:
Harry Reid and Barack Obama refuse to negotiate,
There ain't nuthin' to negotiate. Obamacare is a done deal, and is rolling out on schedule.
Jacoby wrote:
they're spending more money to "shutdown" non-essential parts of government than it costs to run them normally while .
So, the Repugs aren't gaining anything then, are they?
Jacoby wrote:
They're punishing the American people, what is the point of shutting down open air monuments, parks, even the sections of the ocean, its a joke.
Aw, boo-hoo.
Jacoby wrote:
Obama is not king,
No, he is President.
Jacoby wrote:
he does not rule by decree much to his disappointment.
We are counting on the President to stand firm for a change.
There is no point talking to you, don't respond to me any longer.