nerdygirl wrote:
It is true that a belief in God brings a sense of meaning.
But, explain to me how atheists can consistently live as if there is no meaning in life.
<rub hands together>
I infer by your comment that your premise *may be* that a belief in god is the default in this life system...
Someone once told me that Christians ask "Why"...
And Buddhists ask "why not..."
Had I been brought up as an atheist when I was a child, I would have probably thought that atheism was the natural order of things...
As a hard core introverted atheist, here are some of my parameters influencing continued existence:
* Evolution has created survival instincts imbedded via genetic coding...
* Under normal/usual circumstances, it is easier to survive than not to survive...
* All organisms are driven by parameters created by it's genetic coding...
* The human psyche isn't dependent on only one particular aspect for the overall functioning of the "entity"...
* Metaphysical musing doesn't fill the stomach, for example...
* There are a number of areas that we find psychologically satisfying:
* "Religionality" <sic>...
* Spirituality...
* Sexuality...
* Intellectuality...
For me personally, it seemed that I had a "one or the other choice"...
I could continue to embrace religion (via faith), something that wasn't working for me (it failed me badly)...
Or I could embrace reason/logic to satisfy my inner cravings for the quest to understand: "life, the universe and everything..."
Believe me, for *me* personally, the satisfaction gained from concept/fact/data building would be, in all probability, as great as your desire for spirituality...