ironpony wrote:
One movie example I can think of is when Hollywood remade the Japanese movie Ghost in the Shell, they cast white actors in the major roles, and people complained about this since the filmmakers bought the rights from a Japanese movie and manga source. So a lot of people complained about this.
But when Japan bought the rights from Hollywood to remake Unforgiven, the Japanese filmmakers rewrote all originally white and black characters from Unforgiven, into Japanese characters. No one complained about Japan doing this for a remake. But when white filmmakers do it then it bothers people.
That's one major way how people who are vocal about those things massively sabotage their own cause (I mean, assuming they ever actually cared about it). Because that stuff just
doesn't matter. Meanwhile, things that actually matter (which aren't as visible as movies, like access to education, or the issue of selective law enforcement), just keep going on unnoticed.
I guess it's no wonder that there are lots of people out there who are hostile toward the cause of better treatment for minorities in society, when they're bombarded with messages (from the alleged "left" itself) that the problem is as petty as "who gets to portray a character in a movie". There are always actual racist jerks, but I don't think that's the case of the majority of people who end up in that hostile camp.
earth is just a tiny ball