Oooh, Leviticus! This should be fun...
Chapter 5 addresses the various things for which one may become guilty inadvertently, including touching an unclean animal (beetles are unclean - if you touch a ladybug, you're a sinner!) or human waste (be really careful when you wipe, then), or "swearing an oath carelessly" ("I promise I'll respect you in the morning", perhaps?), and the means for expiating one's guilt. We're gonna need more goats...
Ch 7, verses 22-27 - no animal fats, and it had better be well-drained of blood, or you go to Hell for eating it.
Ch 11, verses 9-12 - there go clams, oysters, shrimp, and lobster. ("Anything living in the water that does not have fins and scales is to be detestable to you." - Lev 11:12, NIV)
Ch 11, verses 29-36 - a list of unclean lizards. Eating them is forbidden; so is touching them, or touching anything they've touched. If a gecko, for instance, is overhead, and falls onto your clothes, they're unclean, and if you touch where it fell, so are you. Back to the goats! Maybe we should switch to the backup sin sacrifice - I'm pretty sure the supply of pigeons is adequate...
Ch 12, verses 1-5 - if a woman gives birth to a boy, she's unclean for seven days, and her boy gets circumcised on the eighth. If she has a girl, they're both unclean for two weeks, and can't be repurified for another 66 days. What a great neonatal plan! How very moral!
Ch 15, verses 1-12 - if you have a bleeding wound, you're unclean! So is anything you touch, and anyone. The "emission of bodily fluid" doesn't have to touch anything - the mere fact that it happened makes you and everything near you unclean.
Ch 19, verse 13b - "Do not hold back the wages of a hired man overnight." Standard pay methods are an abomination unto the LORD!
Ch 19, verse 19 - no growing two kinds of crops in the same field (even though soy can fix nitrogen in the ground, and increase the corn yield). And no cotton/poly blend clothing - wearing cloth made of two kinds of fabric is a sin!
Ch 19, verse 27 - no haircuts, no beard trimming.
Ch 19, verse 28 - no tattoos. Boy, this chapter doesn't like anything!
Ch 20, verse 10 - adultery is a capital crime. That should keep the executioners busy for a while - but we'll run out of government officials before long...
Ch 21, verse 21 - no one with any physical imperfection whatsoever is permitted into the temple.
Ch 23, verse 17 - anyone know how many ounces in an ephah? We're supposed to sacrifice a certain amount of flour every so often (fifty days after seven weeks after the first Sabbath of the year - and I thought Easter was hard to figure out!).
Ch 25, verses 8-14 - so, every fifty years, all real-estate deals are null and void, and everybody gets their original property back. Any home sales must be based on how long is left until the next Jubilee. And you thought housing prices were volatile now!
And I'm not even going to get into the exacting specifications for the sacrifices (which come in three basic categories, and are further defined according to the degree of offense or gratitude involved). I don't see anyone advocating the establishment of any of the above into law, so why should be pick out the one offense that creeps you out personally?
Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.