Whats with the leftwing bent of Wrongplanet?
As a religious socialist, I am actually almost as far as one can be from what appears to be the normative stance on Wrong Planet.
That must be why I find your words profound: they elicit fresh thinking for me.
davidred wrote...
I installed Ubuntu once and it completely destroyed my paying relationship with Microsoft.
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Thank you very much.
Mark A. Foster, Ph.D. (retired tenured sociology professor)
36 domains/24 books: http://www.markfoster.net
Emancipated Autism: http://www.neurelitism.com
Institute for Dialectical metaRealism: http://dmr.institute
As a religious socialist, I am actually almost as far as one can be from what appears to be the normative stance on Wrong Planet.
Heh, that's where I used to be (though a different religion from yourself). Now I've moved more towards right libertarianism though. Still not secular.
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Ghastly. Do you KNOW what had really happened in the USSR owing to Trotsky? Define yourself somehow else, this word even sounds disgusting. By the way, where are you from?
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My views have moved from liberalism (1960s), when I was active in anti-Viet Nam war and other protests, to a more-or-less orthodox Marxism, to more of a poststucturalist deconstructive view with a nonfoundationalist communism and socialism. The main shift for me has been from being a foundationalist (neoplatonist) to an antifoundationalist.
Mark A. Foster, Ph.D. (retired tenured sociology professor)
36 domains/24 books: http://www.markfoster.net
Emancipated Autism: http://www.neurelitism.com
Institute for Dialectical metaRealism: http://dmr.institute
Lumping people together or dividing them into two dichotomous groups seems very suspect. If your belief system requires you to fault your loyalties based on the bipartisan system of government you may want to consider a new religion.
personally how "conservative" or "liberal" I am depends on the issue at hand.
Building a series of cars is a bunch of organized individual efforts. To assert a collective is to assert common purpose, and that does not exist.
How can one gain capital through the efforts of previous workers if the entire relationship is established by capital??? The idea does not make sense. X + C --> +C, but X + 0 --> +C? Does that mean that X = X + C, and thus that capital exploitation is independent of capital? You simply aren't making sense. The proletariat work due to game theory, if they fought, they would likely only lose, if they work together all parties win. Nothing is equal, it is decided by supply and demand though, and that is efficient. Capital must belong to somebody.
Coordination means some level of effective ownership, especially if one seeks effective ownership. If there is no reward for good coordination, then why coordinate at all? The investment came from past labor, you are obfuscating the issue by denying that labor was necessary for the first capital and I can only take that as intentional and ignorant. Something cannot come from nothing, and exploitation cannot be done without the capital relationship, therefore the original capital must have been from labor of some form and then perhaps grown. There is no nonsense going at all, only a fundamental failure to understand the system. The reason is that it is not unnecessary at all, in fact, the capitalist system is extremely simple, just very counter-intuitive. It logically follows though. The investors originally had the capital, they got it from somewhere originally, and this original place must be labor for nothing else can create capital without capital. Because they already have saved labor, they possess it rightfully(as rightfully as rightful can be, for if they did not, then no saved labor could be respected and a war against all would occur, so it is a matter of the game theoretical thing that society really is).
Ok???? Um.... that proves absolutely nothing. You can't control people that easily, the environment is not that controlled. Industries are just being smart because psychology is useful to them, as psychology is useful to others as well.
And a unified society is a false idea. Individuals, as they are heterogenous and filled with different interests are all that mean anything. Frankly, the collectivization of industry will end up with the inflexibility of industry.
Umm.... yeah.... Look, I don't think much of counter-intuitive conspiracy theories, especially since they could do a better job of reducing these things and even choose different spokesmen than Bill O'Reilly. I mean, censorship can be done very surreptitiously so this still just sounds like a Christian apologist arguing that his God ordained the best of all possible worlds. I mean, it is just post-hoc rationalization for an already accepted conclusion. Heck, what would you even accept as proof that corporations had less control than you say? I mean, if they were in control, they could manipulate the heck out of the current ideology to the point where you couldn't even think of anarchism.
Capitalism is individualism, plain and simple. Unevenness of compensation is natural for a system where talent, drive, and all sorts of other traits are uneven.
Where does the industry get the capital other than the collective? Not only that, but a collective that always allows new efforts would be a seriously impaired idea as well, what about ideas that flat out suck? Not only that, but what if demand is *expected* to increase? How can such a rigid algorithm account for such an instance? Finally, how do we handle the individual capital pools? Like, we have 2 very productive industries, but one has a *ton* more growth potential than the other, and could be the biggest thing ever if given the investment capital needed now. Not only that, but if the capital *is* collective, then what if the porn industry workers want something that a lot of people dislike. How do they get contrained?
The entire division of exploitation and non-exploitation is false from my view, and that is why I say your system is unfree. The issue is that all parties are always somewhat accountable to each other under the capitalist system, at least, in so far as the contracts between all parties exist.
Involvement will always mean some power, but ideally industry is the servant of demand and demand alone(otherwise, why can't the workers simply say they hate black people and refuse to have anything to do with them?), and thus growth needs to be incentivized, and capital needs a good reason to go to areas where growth will occur. Individuals have a say in capitalism, even if the say is quitting.
The issue is that the rules that govern people will necessarily follow from this control. Now, your decentralization if pressed will either end up being communistic or capitalistic with pointless regulations.
Well, the issue is just that my desires need to be separate from those of my fellows. That is the reason I establish points like this. The individual is ultimately what is important, and the economics allow for individuals to work to their own ends through working together, the focus being on the former and not the latter.
Well, the issue is that how will you get individuals to pick the right places to work. You cannot guarantee spots everywhere, and not all people are suited for all jobs. If you want to maintain that freedom then you may need a market for jobs, so that way the people who want the jobs more can give up more for them, otherwise you will have people take all of the good jobs and never give them up, even if other people want or need them more.
The problem I have is that ownership is a special privilege, and should belong to those who have earned it. Capital ownership is a good way of showing that, as it shows past savings towards this control. A moneyless society is just a plain stupid idea, I don't even think I need to discuss that in depth, as the notion only deserves laughing and scorn, for money is simply a label for the productive efforts of individuals and the amount of society's goods they deserve, and is simply a limiting factor on greed. Finally, interests should be divided in society, divided interests mean competition and further pursuit of the good of others, for the sake of increasing the welfare of all.
It does not seem like a good system for promoting the public good.
Property is freedom, I don't mean to own it, but to be able to own it. Property is the right to own your own labor, and a society that denies people their own labor is hardly a free society. You may bring up the issue of "capital!!" but, once again, I state that capital does not arise ex nihilo, it originally arose from something, that something must then originally be labor, and if capital is derived from labor, there is nothing illegitimate about it no matter what it does. We can say that this capital power should be constrained by other interests, and it probably will, if the law itself is privatized, then any liberty can theoretically be denied, but competition of powers is the best way to freedom in a world full of bastards.
Would you allow child abuse? How about murder in the home? Both are purely domestic issues. The issue is that easy divisions are nice, but ultimately false. Few societies would allow you to murder your children and get away with it, and to assert that children should not be murdered is a violation of the sanctity of the home. Therefore there is a difficult trade-off that law would have to make.
I can understand your idea somewhat better now. I still think it contradicts itself, and that anarcho-capitalism is the fullest expression of individuality, simply because it has the ability to recognize the relationship of the individual to society in a very complex manner depending upon a number of subjective factors. It is still individualist, simply because an efficient system would give individuals freedom, however, it is freed enough to pursue any path if individuals demand for it stands, for even if you consider other constructs to be false, that is an ideological construct in and of itself. No system escapes constructs at all, but at least anarcho-capitalism allows freedom to pursue one's path through all constructs.
And upon it's death, how will you set the portions of goods for each person, and their exchange rates? How many computers is a car worth? How many pencils is a piece of paper worth? The abolishment of money does not eliminate the problem of scarcity, some people just think it does.
Exactly, this is why it is impossible to argue with many Libertarians, they are trapped in the web of memes that frame Capitalism. Basically they are stuck in a vicious cycle of circular reasoning.
Well, the issue is one of figuring out presuppositions, terminology, and so on and so forth, in order to figure out how the systems are constructed, and then take a step back beyond that. Basically, all people are stuck in vicious cycles of circular reasoning as all philosophies have to deal with the regress problem.
1. Suppose that P is some piece of knowledge. Then P is a justified true belief.
2. The only thing that can justify P is another statement – let's call it P1; so P1 justifies P.
3. But if P1 is to be a satisfactory justification for P, then we must know that P1.
4. But for P1 to be known, it must also be a justified true belief.
5. That justification will be another statement - let's call it P2; so P2 justifies P1.
6. But if P2 is to be a satisfactory justification for P1, then we must know that P2
7. But for P2 to count as knowledge, it must itself be a justified true belief.
8. That justification will in turn be another statement - let's call it P3; so P3 justifies P2.
9. and so on, ad infinitum.
Now, ultimately, in order to answer certain questions, because infinite answers are impossible, the holder of the idea will have to either have to refer back to nothing, or a pre-existing presupposition. The issue of circular reasoning also is an argument against certain variants of Christian apologetics, the presuppositional apologists. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presupposi ... _objection Now, perhaps it is odd to refer back to them, however, my position is that the presuppositionalists are engaging in a valid method regardless of whether they are right or wrong.
Now, it is probably true, that it is pointless to argue with many Christians, especially the presuppositionalists, but that is probably more so due to the nature of the Christian faith in it's fideism than just their apologetic method.
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The Calvinist presuppositionalists who follow Van Til are especially problematic to dialogue with. Personally, I don't mind their sola fide approach (fideism). It is their rationalist foundationalism which bothers me.
This website is a good example of it:
Mark A. Foster, Ph.D. (retired tenured sociology professor)
36 domains/24 books: http://www.markfoster.net
Emancipated Autism: http://www.neurelitism.com
Institute for Dialectical metaRealism: http://dmr.institute
This website is a good example of it:
To me, rationalist foundationalism is the basis of meaningful dialogue, as without rationalism there is not much to truly speak upon, and without foundations there is not a lot to rationalize. Without reason, dialogue reduces to arbitrary statements, and without foundations it reduces to nonsense.
To be honest, I don't have a problem with anything I have found with the website either. A major problem I can see is if the apologist spends too much time trying to debunk something that is not wrong, than anything else.
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Well, I am an antifoundationalist. However, aside from that, my objection to rational apologetics (Van Til) and rationalist foundationalism in general is that they reduce a religious system to a series of rational postulates. Rational apologists, in particular, insist that their framework alone is rational. (That was Cornelius Van Til's view.)
Mark A. Foster, Ph.D. (retired tenured sociology professor)
36 domains/24 books: http://www.markfoster.net
Emancipated Autism: http://www.neurelitism.com
Institute for Dialectical metaRealism: http://dmr.institute