The US is heading toward a grave historical mistake.

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Christians have never been as violent as extreme jihadist Muslims we try not to use violence but the old testament laws give us a bit of a reason to fight against any form of a political regime that wants to oppress Christians we will and often do stand up and fight I am basically a christian Malcolm X.
4 crusades. Unless you don't count Roman Catholics as Christians.
The Church Militant has been as brutal and cruel as the Jihadis.
The Church has also treated dissenters just as badly as Muslim extremist treat people who falter in their faith. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition! And look what happened to Bruno and Galileo.
The Crusades were a political campaign plus the Jews have a history of Violence all the children of abraham have been violent its a double standard.
The Crusades were a massive failure. ... political imperialism masked by religious piety.
still doesnt change history
The crusades were also several hundred years ago, everyone that participated in them are deceased, so it is kinda pointless to start blaming modern Christians for the actions of people several hundred years ago.
Here, here, Agreed 100% I call for the same for things the Muslims as well.
Uh, 9/11/2001 was 10 years ago, and there have been numerous other terrorist attacks (some were unsuccessful),
JakobVirgil makes a very good point but they still attack us and are relentless in the destruction of America and the Western world.
Not to mention the recent attacks on peaceful christian protesters in Nigeria by radical Muslim jihadists who want to enforce Shari law.
Middle eastern Christians are more peaceful then the ones in the western world I think all Christians should live in the middle east since that's where Christianity started.
I swear I often compare the religious wars in the middle east by Jews Muslims and Christians to star wars if you think about that it will make since if your a star wars fan.
Which I am.

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Christians have never been as violent as extreme jihadist Muslims we try not to use violence but the old testament laws give us a bit of a reason to fight against any form of a political regime that wants to oppress Christians we will and often do stand up and fight I am basically a christian Malcolm X.
4 crusades. Unless you don't count Roman Catholics as Christians.
The Church Militant has been as brutal and cruel as the Jihadis.
The Church has also treated dissenters just as badly as Muslim extremist treat people who falter in their faith. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition! And look what happened to Bruno and Galileo.
The Crusades were a political campaign plus the Jews have a history of Violence all the children of abraham have been violent its a double standard.
The Crusades were a massive failure. ... political imperialism masked by religious piety.
still doesnt change history
The crusades were also several hundred years ago, everyone that participated in them are deceased, so it is kinda pointless to start blaming modern Christians for the actions of people several hundred years ago.
Here, here, Agreed 100% I call for the same for things the Muslims as well.
Uh, 9/11/2001 was 10 years ago, and there have been numerous other terrorist attacks (some were unsuccessful),
JakobVirgil makes a very good point but they still attack us and are relentless in the destruction of America and the Western world.
Not to mention the recent attacks on peaceful christian protesters in Nigeria by radical Muslim jihadists who want to enforce Shari law.
Middle eastern Christians are more peaceful then the ones in the western world I think all Christians should live in the middle east since that's where Christianity started.
I swear I often compare the religious wars in the middle east by Jews Muslims and Christians to star wars if you think about that it will make since if your a star wars fan.
Which I am.
to me to even equate 9/11 with the crusades is isguided,
one was done by a small group of fundementalist the other was a pope sanctioned endeavor spanning decades.
there are a lot of muslims condemning al qaeda for tarnishing their name
//through chaos comes complexity//
the scent of the tamarillo is pungent and powerfull,
woe be to the nose who nears it.

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Christians have never been as violent as extreme jihadist Muslims we try not to use violence but the old testament laws give us a bit of a reason to fight against any form of a political regime that wants to oppress Christians we will and often do stand up and fight I am basically a christian Malcolm X.
4 crusades. Unless you don't count Roman Catholics as Christians.
The Church Militant has been as brutal and cruel as the Jihadis.
The Church has also treated dissenters just as badly as Muslim extremist treat people who falter in their faith. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition! And look what happened to Bruno and Galileo.
The Crusades were a political campaign plus the Jews have a history of Violence all the children of abraham have been violent its a double standard.
The Crusades were a massive failure. ... political imperialism masked by religious piety.
still doesnt change history
The crusades were also several hundred years ago, everyone that participated in them are deceased, so it is kinda pointless to start blaming modern Christians for the actions of people several hundred years ago.
Here, here, Agreed 100% I call for the same for things the Muslims as well.
Uh, 9/11/2001 was 10 years ago, and there have been numerous other terrorist attacks (some were unsuccessful),
JakobVirgil makes a very good point but they still attack us and are relentless in the destruction of America and the Western world.
Not to mention the recent attacks on peaceful christian protesters in Nigeria by radical Muslim jihadists who want to enforce Shari law.
Middle eastern Christians are more peaceful then the ones in the western world I think all Christians should live in the middle east since that's where Christianity started.
I swear I often compare the religious wars in the middle east by Jews Muslims and Christians to star wars if you think about that it will make since if your a star wars fan.
Which I am.
to me to even equate 9/11 with the crusades is isguided,
one was done by a small group of fundementalist the other was a pope sanctioned endeavor spanning decades.
there are a lot of muslims condemning al qaeda for tarnishing their name
Yes and they should al qaeda only uses the shrai laws not the religion its self I wasn't comparing it to the crusades that would not make since I was just giving a opinion.

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Yes and they should al qaeda only uses the shrai laws not the religion its self I wasn't comparing it to the crusades that would not make since I was just giving a opinion.
im very sorry, my post was meant for inuyasha
yours was only a comnt.
//through chaos comes complexity//
the scent of the tamarillo is pungent and powerfull,
woe be to the nose who nears it.

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The Crusades were a political campaign plus the Jews have a history of Violence all the children of abraham have been violent its a double standard.
The Jews in the Diaspara were in no position to wield force. They learned to adapt to their difficult environments primarily by being smarter than the Christians who gave them a hard time.
At the time of the Crusades the Catholic church and the pope led a army that was bringing christendom by force to this day its something many Catholics/Christians often have to deal with as a history of their faith it was a dark era in the history of Christianity.
The Crusades brought tremendous change in the political, economic, and social structures of Europe.
Thats why you cant change history but you learn from it which is why Christians today support Israel.
Those uncouth, bloodthirsty Crusaders who had invaded the Middle East returned to Europe with the Islamic world's luxuries and their collected intellectual achievements. What had started out as a terrible, fanatical idea eventually led to the Renaissance.
I'm afraid I still don't follow why that leads to the West's support of Israel, as most Christians of that day were terribly Antisemitic.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

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The Crusades were a political campaign plus the Jews have a history of Violence all the children of abraham have been violent its a double standard.
The Jews in the Diaspara were in no position to wield force. They learned to adapt to their difficult environments primarily by being smarter than the Christians who gave them a hard time.
At the time of the Crusades the Catholic church and the pope led a army that was bringing christendom by force to this day its something many Catholics/Christians often have to deal with as a history of their faith it was a dark era in the history of Christianity.
The Crusades brought tremendous change in the political, economic, and social structures of Europe.
Thats why you cant change history but you learn from it which is why Christians today support Israel.
Those uncouth, bloodthirsty Crusaders who had invaded the Middle East returned to Europe with the Islamic world's luxuries and their collected intellectual achievements. What had started out as a terrible, fanatical idea eventually led to the Renaissance.
I'm afraid I still don't follow why that leads to the West's support of Israel, as most Christians of that day were terribly Antisemitic.
Because today most Christians are against antisemitic teachings we are learning from the past so we do not make the same mistakes in the future.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
ruveyn you cannot spend your whole life hating all Christians for brutalizing you your whole life. Anyone who claims to be a Christian and does that is just all word and no deed. According to Christianity the Jews are the chosen people of God.
According to prophesy in the old testament the Jews would kill the Messiah and that would turn God to the Gentiles but not only the Gentiles. God basically grafted them in with the Jews according to the new testament. Not only that but the very first Christians were all Jews and the Christian movement started in Jerusalem. It was not until Peter had a vision in which he saw a great blanket laid down with all kinds of meats that the Jews previously could not eat in which God told Peter to rise, kill and eat. Peter responded "No lord I have never touched anything unclean. God responded with "What I have made clean is clean indeed. This happened three times. The meaning of the message was that the gentiles were to be accepted into the church. Acts 10:13.
Just because you suffered at the hands of a few hypocrites does not mean you should throw in the entire lot.

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According to prophesy in the old testament the Jews would kill the Messiah and that would turn God to the Gentiles but not only the Gentiles. God basically grafted them in with the Jews according to the new testament. Not only that but the very first Christians were all Jews and the Christian movement started in Jerusalem. It was not until Peter had a vision in which he saw a great blanket laid down with all kinds of meats that the Jews previously could not eat in which God told Peter to rise, kill and eat. Peter responded "No lord I have never touched anything unclean. God responded with "What I have made clean is clean indeed. This happened three times. The meaning of the message was that the gentiles were to be accepted into the church. Acts 10:13.
Just because you suffered at the hands of a few hypocrites does not mean you should throw in the entire lot.
He never said that he hated Christians

When have I said I -hated- Christians? I simply recognize Christians and Christianity for the defective and foolish thing that they and it are. I simply have low expectations from Christians and Christianity. That is not hatred.
When have I said I -hated- Christians? I simply recognize Christians and Christianity for the defective and foolish thing that they and it are. I simply have low expectations from Christians and Christianity. That is not hatred.
ruveyn if I was present when you were attacked, I would have been doing my best to pull those attacking you, away from you. The Jewish people are not to blame for what a bunch of corrupt individuals did.
ruveyn if I was present when you were attacked, I would have been doing my best to pull those attacking you, away from you. The Jewish people are not to blame for what a bunch of corrupt individuals did.
Thanks, but no thanks. Any blow that does not kill me makes me stronger.
ruveyn if I was present when you were attacked, I would have been doing my best to pull those attacking you, away from you. The Jewish people are not to blame for what a bunch of corrupt individuals did.
Thanks, but no thanks. Any blow that does not kill me makes me stronger.
Unless it leaves you comatose...
Opportunities multiply as they are seized. -Sun Tzu
Nature creates few men brave, industry and training makes many -Machiavelli
You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do

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ruveyn if I was present when you were attacked, I would have been doing my best to pull those attacking you, away from you. The Jewish people are not to blame for what a bunch of corrupt individuals did.
Thanks, but no thanks. Any blow that does not kill me makes me stronger.
Ah, I see you're paraphrasing Nietzsche, who I'm happy to say was a German (of Lutheran upbringing) who despised Antisemitism.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Ah, I see you're paraphrasing Nietzsche, who I'm happy to say was a German (of Lutheran upbringing) who despised Antisemitism.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Which is why he had a falling out with Wagner. By the way, it was Neitzche's sister Elizabeth that made her deceased brother into an icon of Aryanism and anti-Semitism.

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Ah, I see you're paraphrasing Nietzsche, who I'm happy to say was a German (of Lutheran upbringing) who despised Antisemitism.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Which is why he had a falling out with Wagner. By the way, it was Neitzche's sister Elizabeth that made her deceased brother into an icon of Aryanism and anti-Semitism.
Yes, I'm aware of his falling out with Wagner, and how his sister almost ruined his historical legacy. In fact, the Nazi understanding of Nietzsche was very superficial to say the least.
Nietzsche had actually sent a letter to Kaiser Wilhelm II, asking him to exile all Antisemites from Germany. The Kaiser himself was raised with a degree of Antisemitism which he had clung to till his later years, when he learned what the Nazis were doing to Germans of the Jewish faith. A crestfallen Wilhelm, then living in exile in the Netherlands, said: "For the first time in my life, I'm ashamed to be German."
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

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I happen to enjoy Friedrich Nietzsche.
Will to power is a very good book.
The Übermensch idea is very interesting.
"I teach you the overman. Man is something that shall be overcome. What have you done to overcome him? … All beings so far have created something beyond themselves; and do you want to be the ebb of this great flood, and even go back to the beasts rather than overcome man? What is ape to man? A laughing stock or painful embarrassment. And man shall be that to overman: a laughingstock or painful embarrassment. You have made your way from worm to man, and much in you is still worm. Once you were apes, and even now, too, man is more ape than any ape.... The overman is the meaning of the earth. Let your will say: the overman shall be the meaning of the earth.... Man is a rope, tied between beast and overman—a rope over an abyss … what is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end."
Otherwise know as Joker
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