Vexcalibur wrote:
It is Holiday Season! Finally!.
As you all should know, the secular types care not about gifts, or chocolate or family dinner but about how to further remove Christianity out of our lives. That's the reason we started saying "Happy Holidays" or "Season's greetings" instead of "merry christmas". That's also the reason we use the word xmas sometimes. It is all part of a plan to remove Christ out of their Christmas.
Thus , as usual this year, I will be recruiting people for the war against Christmas. If you'd like to join, just change your avatar to a holiday themed one that does not say the word "Christ". It does not even have to be specifically "Happy holidays" or have text at all, just make sure not to include the word Christ, a cross or a halo.
Remember: Today Christmas, tomorrow the world!
I'd like to think that you're either serious or joking, but I think instead that you have managed to be joking seriously or to be serious jokingly.
Merry Christmas to my fellow Christians, Happy belated Chanukah to all my Jewish friends, and happy bickering for everyone who just wants to bicker.