Tell me if you can figure out what’s weird with this picture.
eigerpere wrote:
I'm definitely for genocide of the psycho. Have met one psychopath too many.
I don't have compassion for certain segments of society
I honestly don't care.
As I said before I'm speaking merely from my person experience and observations and could care less
Like you said, most psychopaths don't break the law or commit crimes they can be punished for in most instances.
I don't see any purpose in people like that and I don't see any benefit to having them around. If there was a way to erase them from the face of the earth, I'd be all for it
If anyone takes offense to this, too bad.
The psychopath wants compassion and empathy even though they have none to offer
I said I have compassion for all people
I don't have compassion for people who have no regard for other human beings
I can't stand people like you
The world shouldn't have to put up with people like this. So yeah, I say exterminate them.
Abusers deserve to die.
Get over it and stop whining like a baby.
Get over it.
Manipulating as*holes are fair game too and should be eliminated.
the only real emotion appears to be anger and rage and typically doesn't take much to tip over into violent behaviors.
I wouldn't waste my breath on you.
You don't impress.
You're an as*hole.
Just grow up. You're truly pathetic. Enjoy!
You're the one doing the attacking, sh*t for brains.
I just think you're as*holes, just so you know.
And as*holes should be eliminated.
As long as as*holes are exterminated, that would work for me.
I'm definitely for genocide of the psycho. Have met one psychopath too many.
Did you spot it? Here is a hint.
Have met one psychopath too many.
Now, I don’t know if you are one or not…but whoa buddy.
You have no empathy for the difficulties of others. Check
You have no regard for the right to life of others. Check.
Easily tip over into anger. Check.
You could well be arguing for your own extermination.
Please reconsider how arrogant it is to think you have the ethical and moral superiority to determine that thousands of other people should be put to death. Please recognize the wisdom of caution, that this would be a slippery slope, the definition of psychopath is too open ended and charged with misconception. Whoever held power of deciding the label would hold the power of judge, jury, and executioner, and that power would inevitably be abused. And genocide is just plain out morally corrupt, regardless of the group of people you want to exterminate.
After collecting these quotes, having gone over this thread again, I am genuinely concerned for you. You might just be the thing you despise. And are openly hostile and destructive, at the verbal level at a minimum.
I think it is fairly ironic, now that I think about it. Anyone who voted yes in this thread is advocating for their own extermination, for only a psychopath could surely ask for genocide. And not your run of the mill functioning psychopaths either, one of the dangerous ones.
I am Ignostic.
Go ahead and define god, with universal acceptance of said definition.
I'll wait.