Tequila wrote:
The point of it is that Muslims may well find depictions of Islam's Prophet Mohammed offensive, disgusting and so on. They should even protest about it peacefully if it angers them - no threats of violence, no harassment and intimidation of people and so on.
Define "intimidation".
I do actually wonder if Islam can be reformed at all. I think Muslims can and probably will be, but Islam can't. The unquestioning fanaticism seems to be built into the thing. That's why countries like Saudi Arabia still have a medieval mindset with modern communications and technology.
It's not built into the religion, it's built into common modern interpretations. Ijtihad used to be encouraged a lot more, IIRC.
AspieOtaku wrote:
Too bad we cant round him and his followers along with all of the Westboro Baptist church and deport them to Antarctica so all the extremist nutjobs can freeze to death.
You're kidding, right? Even if you are, this really disturbs me. If you think that's funny then your sense of humor is worse than mine.