Why should the government "help" people with Aspergers?

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01 Apr 2015, 11:34 pm

Canadian1911 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
$2.45 EACH? :o

yup, and you can only buy them from government approved outlets - friggin liqour control.

in usa you can't buy liquor or hot food. I get the liquor, but hot food. its meant to encourage parents to make home cooked food, but for single people its lame, still you can buy hot food that stores put in fridge. o.O

oh dear gosh you mixed the hotdogs with the mac

disturbs me.


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01 Apr 2015, 11:35 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
sly279 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
Canadian1911 wrote:
noodles - 25 cents, mac n cheese 78cents, microwaveable pastas, mac n cheese etc - $1. f**k I love it.

please take it from this old fart, aspie to aspie- if you continue eating such foods for much longer, you WILL have health problems later in life, I know because it happened to me and nobody [sufficiently] warned me.

I eat a lot of cheap food too. is it just that he mainly only eating pasta that concerns? i eat $1 tv dinners, pizza, hamburger helper when i can afford it. hamburgers, chicken patties, nuggets, strips, chickens bit cheaper then beef, potatos lots of potatos. lasagna once in a while. only have 150ish each month for food.

from one brother aspie to another, I have only about that amount to spend on food each month also. what I was saying, is that the choices one makes in what food one eats, has real health effects that I experienced. I ate a typical SAD [Standard (north)American Diet] for decades until I was about 50# overweight, high blood pressure/cholesterol/triglycerides/arthritis/fatty liver/CRP/metabolic syndrome/chronic infections etc. came to a head about 5 years ago. was on the edge of having ticker trouble/heart attack. the choice in front of me, was keep on going and start on having heart attacks and all the rest and end up just like my dear old departed dad [who had 5+ heart attacks until he had quadruple bypass surgery which almost killed him], or change my diet. I opted for the latter because it was cheaper and easier than bypass/chronic disease which is very costly here south of the border. so out went the ramen and white rice and white potatoes and white sugar/starch/wheat of any kind/white anything, for that matter. replacing such with brown/wild rice, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, veggies, veggie juice, inexpensive nuts and seeds, tomato sauce [contains lycopene]. within a year my overweight, hypertension/cholesterolemia/chronic infections went away. and it didn't cost me any more food money than I was spending before, I am just spending more discerningly for healthier food choices. healthy doesn't have to cost more. and it will save in the long run via avoidance of typical middle-age diseases like I just mentioned.

I've been doing a bastardized version of the Paleo Diet, with mostly meat, and salad (I do cheat more than I ought to with sweets, but not nearly to the extent that I used to). Gone are the fries that I used to have with every meal, as is pizza, and I hardly ever touch chips anymore. When I got married almost fourteen years ago, I was close to 350, while today, I'm about 244. My doctor tells me I have cured myself of diabetes, which I had been developing during the days of my bad eating habits.

see now i'd starve on that.

what's your height?
I'm 260 at 6'2" still waiting on gym to open.

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01 Apr 2015, 11:44 pm

sly279 wrote:
Canadian1911 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
$2.45 EACH? :o

yup, and you can only buy them from government approved outlets - friggin liqour control.

in usa you can't buy liquor or hot food. I get the liquor, but hot food. its meant to encourage parents to make home cooked food, but for single people its lame, still you can buy hot food that stores put in fridge. o.O

oh dear gosh you mixed the hotdogs with the mac

disturbs me.

What do you mean you can't buy liquor? like they wont let you? or what?


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02 Apr 2015, 1:18 am

sly279 wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
sly279 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
Canadian1911 wrote:
noodles - 25 cents, mac n cheese 78cents, microwaveable pastas, mac n cheese etc - $1. f**k I love it.

please take it from this old fart, aspie to aspie- if you continue eating such foods for much longer, you WILL have health problems later in life, I know because it happened to me and nobody [sufficiently] warned me.

I eat a lot of cheap food too. is it just that he mainly only eating pasta that concerns? i eat $1 tv dinners, pizza, hamburger helper when i can afford it. hamburgers, chicken patties, nuggets, strips, chickens bit cheaper then beef, potatos lots of potatos. lasagna once in a while. only have 150ish each month for food.

from one brother aspie to another, I have only about that amount to spend on food each month also. what I was saying, is that the choices one makes in what food one eats, has real health effects that I experienced. I ate a typical SAD [Standard (north)American Diet] for decades until I was about 50# overweight, high blood pressure/cholesterol/triglycerides/arthritis/fatty liver/CRP/metabolic syndrome/chronic infections etc. came to a head about 5 years ago. was on the edge of having ticker trouble/heart attack. the choice in front of me, was keep on going and start on having heart attacks and all the rest and end up just like my dear old departed dad [who had 5+ heart attacks until he had quadruple bypass surgery which almost killed him], or change my diet. I opted for the latter because it was cheaper and easier than bypass/chronic disease which is very costly here south of the border. so out went the ramen and white rice and white potatoes and white sugar/starch/wheat of any kind/white anything, for that matter. replacing such with brown/wild rice, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, veggies, veggie juice, inexpensive nuts and seeds, tomato sauce [contains lycopene]. within a year my overweight, hypertension/cholesterolemia/chronic infections went away. and it didn't cost me any more food money than I was spending before, I am just spending more discerningly for healthier food choices. healthy doesn't have to cost more. and it will save in the long run via avoidance of typical middle-age diseases like I just mentioned.

I've been doing a bastardized version of the Paleo Diet, with mostly meat, and salad (I do cheat more than I ought to with sweets, but not nearly to the extent that I used to). Gone are the fries that I used to have with every meal, as is pizza, and I hardly ever touch chips anymore. When I got married almost fourteen years ago, I was close to 350, while today, I'm about 244. My doctor tells me I have cured myself of diabetes, which I had been developing during the days of my bad eating habits.

see now i'd starve on that.

what's your height?
I'm 260 at 6'2" still waiting on gym to open.

I'm five feet, eleven inches, and weigh in at two hundred forty four pounds. And in all honesty, I get more than enough to eat, as meat fills you up pretty well.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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02 Apr 2015, 1:51 am

Canadian1911 wrote:
sly279 wrote:
Canadian1911 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
$2.45 EACH? :o

yup, and you can only buy them from government approved outlets - friggin liqour control.

in usa you can't buy liquor or hot food. I get the liquor, but hot food. its meant to encourage parents to make home cooked food, but for single people its lame, still you can buy hot food that stores put in fridge. o.O

oh dear gosh you mixed the hotdogs with the mac

disturbs me.

What do you mean you can't buy liquor? like they wont let you? or what?

with the money the gov gives for people to buy food you can only buy cold food. I can't even buy vitamins or tums.

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02 Apr 2015, 1:53 am

sly279 wrote:
Canadian1911 wrote:
sly279 wrote:
Canadian1911 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
$2.45 EACH? :o

yup, and you can only buy them from government approved outlets - friggin liqour control.

in usa you can't buy liquor or hot food. I get the liquor, but hot food. its meant to encourage parents to make home cooked food, but for single people its lame, still you can buy hot food that stores put in fridge. o.O

oh dear gosh you mixed the hotdogs with the mac

disturbs me.

What do you mean you can't buy liquor? like they wont let you? or what?

with the money the gov gives for people to buy food you can only buy cold food. I can't even buy vitamins or tums.

Ah, I see. I just get a flat rate monthly for everything so I budget accordingly.


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02 Apr 2015, 11:01 am

Those people who advocate for doing away with food assistance to poor and disabled people should be reminded just how financially disastrous that would be for business, as businesses have become so dependent on the buying power of people using that very assistance.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

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02 Apr 2015, 12:20 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
Those people who advocate for doing away with food assistance to poor and disabled people should be reminded just how financially disastrous that would be for business, as businesses have become so dependent on the buying power of people using that very assistance.

True, as well as how it keeps crime at bay. Without assistance, crime would rise because poverty would rise. I'd commit suicide, but im sure others would probably "do what must be done".


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02 Apr 2015, 12:41 pm

...Well...I have said about myself , " I suppose , in some people's ideal Ayn Rand/Chuck Norris/Ted Nugent society , I would be cast out in the wilderness/told to fend for myself/culled/left out on an ice floe " - Super-ultra-mega " libertarian land.........


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02 Apr 2015, 1:09 pm

ASS-P wrote:
...Well...I have said about myself , " I suppose , in some people's ideal Ayn Rand/Chuck Norris/Ted Nugent society , I would be cast out in the wilderness/told to fend for myself/culled/left out on an ice floe " - Super-ultra-mega " libertarian land.........

now now , some how out right said we'd be lined up and shot in a mass genocide to rid the world of those deemed to not contribute to society. others think this but don't want to see or hear about it. probably similar to germans in ww2. "just get rid of them but we don't want to know how"

its why I don't like the far right but I also don't like the far left.

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02 Apr 2015, 1:40 pm

sly279 wrote:
ASS-P wrote:
...Well...I have said about myself , " I suppose , in some people's ideal Ayn Rand/Chuck Norris/Ted Nugent society , I would be cast out in the wilderness/told to fend for myself/culled/left out on an ice floe " - Super-ultra-mega " libertarian land.........

now now , some how out right said we'd be lined up and shot in a mass genocide to rid the world of those deemed to not contribute to society. others think this but don't want to see or hear about it. probably similar to germans in ww2. "just get rid of them but we don't want to know how"

its why I don't like the far right but I also don't like the far left.

That's why im ordering whatever chemcial it is they use for lethal injection, and having it stored somewhere, in case something liek that comes. I'd rather give me one needle and just goto sleep and never wake up, then get shot, like I committed a crime.


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02 Apr 2015, 1:48 pm

...I'm extremely homeless (and have been since Bob Dole was running for President .) and sick and not-much-" extra " helped (Tho I do get SSI/D ~ weirdly , in " by the week " slices , which , admittedly , do guarentee I'll be able to get something purt' much (part of) every week , but also makes it hard to put a payment down on something " ambitious " :-() ~ I've been writing (& writing) about my illness :( :cry: .
I guess I'm banned from traveling to your country (Which is where I was conceived by my Yank parents , too !) ~ Australia , also :( .

Canadian1911 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
two out of three ain't bad, as they say :) much of life is like that. reminds me that w.c. fields like to say "all the good things in life are either illegal, immoral, or fattening."

ha ha, accurate enough. I am thankful for my disability support money (not for my disability, but the support) I can pay my rent, my phone, and possibly a bus-pass and still have money for food and random things. I also have my parents who are just in their mid 50's. But If I didn't have my parents then: me + disability support = sheltered and fed, me - disability support = homeless.

I do also have cousins who are studying to be lawyers and teachers so I think if worse comes to worse they would take care of me, I don't want to assume but I wouldn't see why not. I have a ahrd time imagining them being like "you're my autistic and stuttering cousin - go and starve and freeze: :P

Thanks to disability supporrt I live on my own an hour away from my parents in a historic town and I can get everything I need. I'm good and am learning fiscal responsibility. Sleeping in, wasting time online and doing nothing is not as galmorous a life as thought though, it does drive you crazy sometimes which is why once my semester ends, Im gonna look for a part-time job.

So while on the original topic, the government should "help" people with aspergers/autism because some like me, can actually be helped by the support - Unfortunately drug addiciton is supported by income as well here, which I see as a problem because, well, what do you think a drug addict will do with $1000-ish dollars a month? (over 1000)

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02 Apr 2015, 1:52 pm

ASS-P wrote:
...I'm extremely homeless (and have been since Bob Dole was running for President .) and sick and not-much-" extra " helped (Tho I do get SSI/D ~ weirdly , in " by the week " slices , which , admittedly , do guarentee I'll be able to get something purt' much (part of) every week , but also makes it hard to put a payment down on something " ambitious " :-() ~ I've been writing (& writing) about my illness :( :cry: .
I guess I'm banned from traveling to your country (Which is where I was conceived by my Yank parents , too !) ~ Australia , also :( .

I get a little over $1000 a month in one sum. So I can rent a room no problem, like I am now. Maybe try to get them to just do one monthly sum?

Canadian1911 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
two out of three ain't bad, as they say :) much of life is like that. reminds me that w.c. fields like to say "all the good things in life are either illegal, immoral, or fattening."

ha ha, accurate enough. I am thankful for my disability support money (not for my disability, but the support) I can pay my rent, my phone, and possibly a bus-pass and still have money for food and random things. I also have my parents who are just in their mid 50's. But If I didn't have my parents then: me + disability support = sheltered and fed, me - disability support = homeless.

I do also have cousins who are studying to be lawyers and teachers so I think if worse comes to worse they would take care of me, I don't want to assume but I wouldn't see why not. I have a ahrd time imagining them being like "you're my autistic and stuttering cousin - go and starve and freeze: :P

Thanks to disability supporrt I live on my own an hour away from my parents in a historic town and I can get everything I need. I'm good and am learning fiscal responsibility. Sleeping in, wasting time online and doing nothing is not as galmorous a life as thought though, it does drive you crazy sometimes which is why once my semester ends, Im gonna look for a part-time job.

So while on the original topic, the government should "help" people with aspergers/autism because some like me, can actually be helped by the support - Unfortunately drug addiciton is supported by income as well here, which I see as a problem because, well, what do you think a drug addict will do with $1000-ish dollars a month? (over 1000)


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02 Apr 2015, 1:53 pm

...That's ~ um , a lot , AB ?
I am such a minimal drinker , I am suprised how cheep booze (at that level) is , compared to the sody pop (sugar and " sugar/caffeine/taste-free " , ha ha , as my daddy did say it) that is (one of) my downfall/s :?
It's just six-packs (No , Black Flag ! NO QUOTE !) in Wa ? When I moved to the upper Midwest (GB , WI) in the late Eighties I first saw TWELVE-packs :lol: ...........

auntblabby wrote:
$2.45 EACH? :o

Last edited by ASS-P on 02 Apr 2015, 1:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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02 Apr 2015, 1:56 pm

...BTW , I recall IIRC that " illegal , immoral..." statement credited to Alexander Woolcott , not (hey , Jack Parr) W.C............
Is there a comment by you among all those quotes that didn't go up ?
It seemes like there is , but I haven't gone back to check the earlier version admittedly...........

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02 Apr 2015, 1:59 pm

ASS-P wrote:
...BTW , I recall IIRC that " illegal , immoral..." statement credited to Alexander Woolcott , not (hey , Jack Parr) W.C............
Is there a comment by you among all those quotes that didn't go up ?
It seemes like there is , but I haven't gone back to check the earlier version admittedly...........

Yes, it was "try to get them to make it a monthly sum" It would be no problem to make a monthly payment to rent a place then. I'm sure if you say it's so that you can afford shelter - they would, it's not like it's more money, just one instalment instead of 4 smaller ones.