Zeno wrote:
Check out what Mikey is saying. In many ways Michael Moore is a vanguard of the anti-corporatist and anti-capitalist movement having actually staged and filmed his own solo protests of Wall Street years ago when the American financial crisis first broke out. There are several things to note:
a) He is incoherent
b) He believes that capitalism is evil
c) He states that there is a lot more to come in the OWS movement
d) He has obliquely justified rough tactics
As Moore is an insider who is probably viewed as a hero figure by just about everyone in the incredibly diverse OWS movement, it would be wise to take what he says seriously. If OWS has a leader of spokesman, that would be Michael Moore.
given that moore is derided by many within the wider field of "anti-capitalism", your argument here is very weak and ultimately fatally flawed.
as another example, the attendant occupations taking place here in the uk appear to have a strong "zeitgeist movement" contingent, however it would be imprudent to connote from this that the principles and beliefs of the "zeitgest movement" represent those of the wider movement. again, in many quarters they are derided.
?Civil government, so far as it is instituted for the security of property, is in reality instituted for the defense of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all.?
Adam Smith