Trump Calls for Ban on Muslim Immigrants
If a NATO nation calls for an Article V, all NATO nation must come to the aid of that country.
Only problem is, the USA and our NATO allies will all be glowing, too, if we get into a nuclear war. And are you sure you want to survive in a bomb shelter? Think about the desolation and death awaiting you when you finally emerge. Think of the burned, walking skeletons dying of radiation poisoning, some of whom you might recognize as friends and family. And then, there's the trouble with finding edible food. I'd rather just prevent a nuclear war, and avoid all those horrors.
If Russia wants a fight give them one. We are supposed to use them if Russia launches a first strike. That is why it called Mutual Assured Destruction. This philosophy has worked since the dawn of the Atomic Age.
In the old cold war Americans had enjoyed superior nuclear force, an unchallenged economy, strong alliances, and a trusted Imperial President to direct his incredible power against the Soviets. In the new cold war, however, Russian forces achieved nuclear equality. Each side could destroy the other many times. This fact was officially accepted in a military doctrine known as Mutual Assured Destruction, a.k.a. MAD. Mutual Assured Destruction began to emerge at the end of the Kennedy administration. MAD reflects the idea that one's population could best be protected by leaving it vulnerable so long as the other side faced comparable vulnerabilities. In short: Whoever shoots first, dies second.
Last edited by frenchmanflats on 15 Dec 2015, 11:28 pm, edited 3 times in total. ... iety-22972
The way the American left, and part of the right, is talking about mr. Trump makes me remember how the Dutch left, and part of the right, where talking about Pim Fortuyn. So I hope he has arranged for very good private security for himself and his loved ones.
And the difference with most politicians whether they call themselves right or left is?
We are not taking Syrians after paying to mess up their country for five years.
Hillary wants to pander to the Islamic vote, just as making illegals legal panders to the Latin vote.
Obama bypasses Congress, and writes an order for several hundred thousand.
The FBI and NSA say they have no way to check on who these people are.
Trump says we should hold off on the open door program until we can figure out who we would be letting in.
Headline News, Trump calls for gassing all Muslims in concentration camps.
According to the Media, Trump supporters have shown they are not intelligent enough to vote.
Obama should write a Presidential Order barring Republican Racists from committing further Hate Crimes, such as voting.
Dangerous Right Wing Radical Terrorists are the greatest threat to America.
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If a NATO nation calls for an Article V, all NATO nation must come to the aid of that country.
Only problem is, the USA and our NATO allies will all be glowing, too, if we get into a nuclear war. And are you sure you want to survive in a bomb shelter? Think about the desolation and death awaiting you when you finally emerge. Think of the burned, walking skeletons dying of radiation poisoning, some of whom you might recognize as friends and family. And then, there's the trouble with finding edible food. I'd rather just prevent a nuclear war, and avoid all those horrors.
If Russia wants a fight give them one. We are supposed to use them if Russia launches a first strike. That is why it called Mutual Assured Destruction. This philosophy has worked since the dawn of the Atomic Age.
In the old cold war Americans had enjoyed superior nuclear force, an unchallenged economy, strong alliances, and a trusted Imperial President to direct his incredible power against the Soviets. In the new cold war, however, Russian forces achieved nuclear equality. Each side could destroy the other many times. This fact was officially accepted in a military doctrine known as Mutual Assured Destruction, a.k.a. MAD. Mutual Assured Destruction began to emerge at the end of the Kennedy administration. MAD reflects the idea that one's population could best be protected by leaving it vulnerable so long as the other side faced comparable vulnerabilities. In short: Whoever shoots first, dies second.
You're still young enough, you can enlist if you feel so passionately about dying. Why do you oppose Russia? What moral high ground do we have with Russia that makes us universally good and them universally bad? They do some things you disagree with? They do far less wrong than Saudi Arabia who beheads more people than ISIS and Turkey who buys ISIS's oil but both are our supposed allies. What purpose does NATO have in the 21st century? The Cold War never ended, the US has had an aggressively expansionist foreign policy since the collapse of the Soviet Union and it's not about making the world safe for "democracy" it's all about world wide American hegemony. Russia is not going to roll in Germany any time soon, they're not a threat to the continent. What are we doing with all this expansion of NATO? Almost all members of the Warsaw Pact, it's ridiculous and blatant aggression towards Russia. Georgia who was ruled by the idiot Mikheil Saakashvili was well on its way to becoming a member of NATO until it attacked Russian peacekeepers and tried to blitzkrieg them out of South Ossestia, that idiot is now a "Ukrainian" and works in their fascist radical anti-Russian government. We're not the good guys here, we're not the good guys
Russia has expanding its influence into the middle Asian states. They have held joint naval exercises with China. Putin is clearly has mandated his military to re-arm and modernize their nuclear weapons. With Putin at the helm we cannot trust them. They have always cheated on every treaty we have signed with them. The Crimea has always been traditionally been Russian territory. We cannot neglect of "ally' with Saudi Arabia because the control the flow of oil to the West unless you want to pay $10 per gallon of gasoline.Concerning South Ossestia, Ossetian separatists committed the first act of violence when they blew up a Georgian military vehicle on August 1,2009, wounding five Georgian peacekeepers. During the evening, Georgian snipers retaliated by attacking the South Ossetian border checkpoints.Ossetian separatists began shelling Georgian villages on August 1 2009t, with a sporadic response from Georgian peacekeepers and other fighters in the region.Both during and after the war, South Ossetian authorities and irregular militia conducted a campaign of ethnic cleansing against Georgians in South Ossetia. Russia had no choice to step in. NATO still has a purpose especially reassuring our NATO allies in the Baltic States. They do not want to be under any foreign control ever again. It also keeps countries like Poland who never want to remain under Russian control by being apart of NATO
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If a NATO nation calls for an Article V, all NATO nation must come to the aid of that country.
Only problem is, the USA and our NATO allies will all be glowing, too, if we get into a nuclear war. And are you sure you want to survive in a bomb shelter? Think about the desolation and death awaiting you when you finally emerge. Think of the burned, walking skeletons dying of radiation poisoning, some of whom you might recognize as friends and family. And then, there's the trouble with finding edible food. I'd rather just prevent a nuclear war, and avoid all those horrors.
If Russia wants a fight give them one. We are supposed to use them if Russia launches a first strike. That is why it called Mutual Assured Destruction. This philosophy has worked since the dawn of the Atomic Age.
In the old cold war Americans had enjoyed superior nuclear force, an unchallenged economy, strong alliances, and a trusted Imperial President to direct his incredible power against the Soviets. In the new cold war, however, Russian forces achieved nuclear equality. Each side could destroy the other many times. This fact was officially accepted in a military doctrine known as Mutual Assured Destruction, a.k.a. MAD. Mutual Assured Destruction began to emerge at the end of the Kennedy administration. MAD reflects the idea that one's population could best be protected by leaving it vulnerable so long as the other side faced comparable vulnerabilities. In short: Whoever shoots first, dies second.
We and they certainly don't want a fight if it means we all die. And for that reason, we and they can and must talk rather than fire nukes at one another.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
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I personally quite like Trump. I've even got an official Donald Trump T-shirt, and I'm British.
Can't stump the Trump!
I think Mr. Condell states well the basic reasons for Trump's appeal to a large segment of the core Republican voters.
I think it is wishful thinking to think this voting group will see suddenly the light and Trump will lose a 20+ point lead and become the 2016 version of Howard Dean. The only hope is that people are trolling the pollsters and when it comes to actual voting the will vote "responsibly" but that is a slim hope.
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity
“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman
Last edited by ASPartOfMe on 16 Dec 2015, 1:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
Joined: 10 Dec 2007
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This doesn't answer many questions, Russians are evil because they're evil! We should neglect our "ally" Saudi Arabia because they're our ally! Very circular logic. Mikheil Saakashvili is a neocon tool and fugitive in his own country, he goes to Ukraine now to fight against the Russians. How long until Saakashvili is wanted in Ukraine? Georgia attacked Russian peacekeepers and Russian citizens so Russia responded, that is the truth. Shellings happen all the time in these frozen conflicts, it is the Georgian military that launched the offensive into South Ossestia and fired upon UN-mandated Russian peacekeepers and Russia was completely justified in the amount of force it used and anything less would of only prolonged the conflict. It is a farce that our hearts bleed so much for the the self determination of Bosnians and Kosovars where many of the jihadists that want to kill us now cut their teeth back in the 90s because they oppose Serbia who is an ally of Russia but this principle of self determination does not apply anywhere where we the regime is our puppet. Crimea should have every right to declare their independence and joined their brothers in Russia, I believe that is the will of the people. Russia would be a better ally than foe, we have no reason to fight and plenty reason to work together.
The Saudis are waging economic war against the not only Russia but the US, they are directly attacking our ability to achieve energy independence and stop our "shale revolution". Cheap oil is nice for us as individuals but the Saudis profit margin is much much lower than most of the world's oil producing nations and shale is not profitable under $70 or so a barrel at this time but it is only a race against time until the costs of extraction are lowered to a competitive level and we rely more on alternate energies. The Saudis are flooding the market with their cheap oil, they could probably remain profitable at $20 a barrel but so the question is who can hold out longer. The Saudis are the source of all this terrorist filth, that is where almost all the hijackers on 9/11 came from, they spread their hateful anti-western Wahhabism world wide by funding extremist mosques and madrasas. Why should we fear the "Shia Crescent" again? What Shia terrorist groups have attacked America? There are none. It's the Sunnis, the Shia don't pose any threat with their hereditary hierarchical structure whereas anyone can be a Sunni imam and make fatwas if there are people that will listen to them. Iran poses zero threat to the United States whereas Saudi Arabia and Pakistan pose huge huge threats. Maybe we're taking the "keep your enemies" closer advice too literally.
I think it is wishful thinking to think this voting group will see suddenly the light and Trump will lose a 20+ point lead and become the 2016 version of Howard Dean. The only hope is that people are trolling the pollsters and when it comes to actual voting the will vote "responsibly" but that is a slim hope.
The blue collar / middle class / non-college educated are experiencing a lower standard of living.
Trump is saying he will make their lives better.
Trump's says he ...
wants to end NAFTA
wants tariffs on imports
shift taxes away from the poor/middle class to the rich
curtail "cheap labor" immigration programs
keep out illegals (from taking their jobs)
He is arguing Socialist policies will make their lives better.
Most other candidates tell these people: "Suck it up. The word is globalized now".
Last edited by LoveNotHate on 16 Dec 2015, 1:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
If anyone has evidence of this ever happening please post here.
Am I being unreasonable? Wouldn't you think that with all the stabbings, bombings, and killings going on attributed to "different" Muslims that some one of their neighbors, relatives, friends, business associates would notice the preparation for these events? Why don't they say something? Why don't they prevent these killings?
I was once told the reason for this may be that in Islam you can not demonize another's interpretation of the Quran if they are one of the faithful. You can disagree with it, but you'll not hear of a fatwa (or any other punishment) called down on them by religious leaders.
Certainly the average believer does not feel THEY are undisciplined killers and so they tell us to not judge all Muslims by the actions of a few.
I say they should be judged by the inaction of the many and should be treated as agents for these killers, and also held directly responsible for these killings.
a quick google search found this. i've heard of others. search it yourself. ... p_cbc.html
sorry, angela. i saw your correction and came back to delete my post when i saw your rude comment. i happen to have an MD. so your comment is as off-base as mine was. i still think supporting trump is ignorant. if trump should win, we would be in ten wars so fast your head would spin. the constitution would mean nothing. the world would be narcissist trump's playground and he wouldn't hesitate to try to remake it in his warped image.
Last edited by cathylynn on 16 Dec 2015, 2:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
polls - more proof that trump has the uneducated vote.
I think you should look in the mirror because you're the uneducated one. I already corrected my mistake. Read before you make stupid comments.
Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 83 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 153 of 200 You are very likely neurotypical
Darn, I flunked.
polls - more proof that trump has the uneducated vote.
Wait, because I'm not done with you. This is just more proof of how the Left works - nothing of intelligence to say - just hitting below the belt as usual.. Go taunt someone else and quit wasting my time. I'm not about to sink to your level.
Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 83 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 153 of 200 You are very likely neurotypical
Darn, I flunked.
polls - more proof that trump has the uneducated vote.
Wait, because I'm not done with you. This is just more proof of how the Left works - nothing of intelligence to say - just hitting below the belt as usual.. Go taunt someone else and quit wasting my time. I'm not about to sink to your level.
you already did.
polls - more proof that trump has the uneducated vote.
Wait, because I'm not done with you. This is just more proof of how the Left works - nothing of intelligence to say - just hitting below the belt as usual.. Go taunt someone else and quit wasting my time. I'm not about to sink to your level.
you already did.
Wrongo. You're the one who started it. Oh, and don't bring a knife to a gun fight. Wait, you probably would since you believe in gun control.
Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 83 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 153 of 200 You are very likely neurotypical
Darn, I flunked.
This doesn't answer many questions, Russians are evil because they're evil! We should neglect our "ally" Saudi Arabia because they're our ally! Very circular logic. Mikheil Saakashvili is a neocon tool and fugitive in his own country, he goes to Ukraine now to fight against the Russians. How long until Saakashvili is wanted in Ukraine? Georgia attacked Russian peacekeepers and Russian citizens so Russia responded, that is the truth. Shellings happen all the time in these frozen conflicts, it is the Georgian military that launched the offensive into South Ossestia and fired upon UN-mandated Russian peacekeepers and Russia was completely justified in the amount of force it used and anything less would of only prolonged the conflict. It is a farce that our hearts bleed so much for the the self determination of Bosnians and Kosovars where many of the jihadists that want to kill us now cut their teeth back in the 90s because they oppose Serbia who is an ally of Russia but this principle of self determination does not apply anywhere where we the regime is our puppet. Crimea should have every right to declare their independence and joined their brothers in Russia, I believe that is the will of the people. Russia would be a better ally than foe, we have no reason to fight and plenty reason to work together.
The Saudis are waging economic war against the not only Russia but the US, they are directly attacking our ability to achieve energy independence and stop our "shale revolution". Cheap oil is nice for us as individuals but the Saudis profit margin is much much lower than most of the world's oil producing nations and shale is not profitable under $70 or so a barrel at this time but it is only a race against time until the costs of extraction are lowered to a competitive level and we rely more on alternate energies. The Saudis are flooding the market with their cheap oil, they could probably remain profitable at $20 a barrel but so the question is who can hold out longer. The Saudis are the source of all this terrorist filth, that is where almost all the hijackers on 9/11 came from, they spread their hateful anti-western Wahhabism world wide by funding extremist mosques and madrasas. Why should we fear the "Shia Crescent" again? What Shia terrorist groups have attacked America? There are none. It's the Sunnis, the Shia don't pose any threat with their hereditary hierarchical structure whereas anyone can be a Sunni imam and make fatwas if there are people that will listen to them. Iran poses zero threat to the United States whereas Saudi Arabia and Pakistan pose huge huge threats. Maybe we're taking the "keep your enemies" closer advice too literally.
The Saudis let us use their airbases.In fact there are three of them . In all of the Middle East there fourteen bases that the United States leases.Their airbases are with striking distance to Iran in case war go to with Iran. The country of Bahrain lets station the United States Navy Fifth Fleet is stationed their. Those ships also carry nuclear weapons in case of a war turns into a nuclear one.The US wants a presence in the Middle East because they do not an out of control race for nuclear weapons.The second reason is the United States needs the oil flowing. You are right, we turn a blind eye on their internal customs but its all about the dollars. The entire Saudi Arabian peninsula makes money and the Western oil companies make money. But that is life.Its all about the dollars.The Crimean has always been Russian territory. They are being watched by the Turks under the obligations of the Montreux Convention. I am sure they report the Black Sea fleet movements to NATO headquarters in Brussels. Even though the Russians lost the Crimean War, that war caused them to be more xenophobic. Putin is an old KGB agent who wants the old Soviet Union back and he is willing to do anything to rebuild it.
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