jekenai wrote:
ValentineWiggin wrote:
I can empathize with the hang 'em high approach as much as anyone.
The reality is, people who are sexually-attracted to children are genuinely-sick people.
I had a human sexuality professor (psychologist on parole boards, that kind of thing) who had done extensive work with rapists and child molestors, and she said in her experience, and in her clinical practice, there was next to no success in successfully-rehabilitating a pedophile- the sexual attraction would likely always be there, unless they agreed to chemical castration.
Just thought I'd share. I'm certainly glad the little girl didn't come to any harm.
And I have data, that say something different, at least for true pedophiles that has abused a child, not the sexual offenders, that aren't in fact pedophiles. For them recidivism rate is low. That doesn't mean that they lose their attraction to children. Even chemical castration can't stop them from being attracted to children, it just suppress the sexuality. Also I know about people, that are sexually-attracted to children and who I definitely wouldn't call genuinely-sick. I know about pedophiles who have never abused a child, some of them work with children. Some of them are afraid that they could abuse a child even when there are no signs that they shouldn't be able to control themselves.
A "true" pedophile is not de-facto a child molestor.
Many of them are sickened by their inclinations, and some commit suicide.
Since sexual-attraction to children is considered a pathology ("pedophile"), people who are, are sick BY DEFINITION.
"Such is the Frailty
of the human Heart, that very few Men, who have no Property, have any Judgment of their own.
They talk and vote as they are directed by Some Man of Property, who has attached their Minds
to his Interest."