The US is heading toward a grave historical mistake.
ruveyn wrote:
Inuyasha wrote:
You do realize that it is okay to lie to infidels especially if it furthers the Islamic cause.
It is called taqiyya
Muslims are not only permitted to deceive to promote Islam, they are required to. Anything against the non-believer is kosher in their book.
Did they get that from Paul of Tarsus?
Be everything unto all men.
I am aware of the taqiyya
but it is dishonest of us to pick and choose what we think they believe and ignore
what they say they believe.
?We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots??
Gedrene wrote:
Okay, I'll rephrase it if you want to be like that. Israel currently doesn't have a reason to exist except to carry out an Agenda that is Illegal, which is the removal of Palestine from existence. George III's impositions on the Colonies were unfair, and to be honest what he considered Illegal I don't care.
Last time I checked, the raison d'etre for the State of Israel was to provide a homeland for the Jews. Unlike most nations on earth, it actually has a reason to exist. Most nations exist simply because they have always existed, from time immemorial.
ruveyn wrote:
There is no international law making body,
Except the UN and the Security Council.
ruveyn wrote:
and most important of all there is no international law ENFORCING authority.
Except the UN, and the International Court.
You have a very incorrect view of international law.
Neither the UN, nor any of its subsidiary organs have any lawmaking authority. Member states are not bound by any action of the UN, unless the voluntarily choose so to be, and ratify the instrument that they are signing onto through a process of domestic law.
The International Court of Justice has no jurisdiction unless states attorn themselves to its jurisdiction.
The UN cannot send in peacekeepers unless the member state concerned has requested them.
That does not mean that the UN does not have value--but its value lies in it being a talking shop, known to anyone with two clues to rub together as being toothless. That allows for a much fuller and franker exchange of views than could be possible if the body had any real power to effect change other than through collective persuasion.
ruveyn wrote:
That's so wrong I can't even laugh at it. Let's start with the Geneva Convention, which governs international law on war, which by the way is agreed internationally, just in case you want to worm out of that one.
Any signatory state to the Geneva Conventions can opt out of them.
Article 63 of Convention (I) (Amelioration of the Conditions of Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field), Article 62 of Convention (II) (Amelioration of the Conditions of Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea), Article 142 of Convention (III) (Treatment of Prisoners of War), Article 158 of Convention (IV) (Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War), Article 99 to the 1977 Protocol, Article 25 to Protocol (II) of 1977 and Article 14 to Protocol (III) of 2005 all permit a contracting party to denounce the particular convention or protocol.
There is no need to worm out of it--a state notifies the Swiss Federal Council that they are out, and one year later, out they shall be.
JakobVirgil wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
Inuyasha wrote:
You do realize that it is okay to lie to infidels especially if it furthers the Islamic cause.
It is called taqiyya
Muslims are not only permitted to deceive to promote Islam, they are required to. Anything against the non-believer is kosher in their book.
Did they get that from Paul of Tarsus?
Be everything unto all men.
I am aware of the taqiyya
but it is dishonest of us to pick and choose what we think they believe and ignore
what they say they believe.
ruveyn is correct, it is in the Quran that lieing to infidels is okay and even encouraged.
That is a fundamental difference between Judaism and Islam, it is also a fundamental difference between Christianity and Islam.
Lieing is generally considered unacceptable behavior in Jewish and Christian doctrine (there are specific exceptions but they are extremely narrow such as protecting someone that has been given sanctuary.
Inuyasha wrote:
JakobVirgil wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
Inuyasha wrote:
You do realize that it is okay to lie to infidels especially if it furthers the Islamic cause.
It is called taqiyya
Muslims are not only permitted to deceive to promote Islam, they are required to. Anything against the non-believer is kosher in their book.
Did they get that from Paul of Tarsus?
Be everything unto all men.
I am aware of the taqiyya
but it is dishonest of us to pick and choose what we think they believe and ignore
what they say they believe.
ruveyn is correct, it is in the Quran that lieing to infidels is okay and even encouraged.
That is a fundamental difference between Judaism and Islam, it is also a fundamental difference between Christianity and Islam.
Lieing is generally considered unacceptable behavior in Jewish and Christian doctrine (there are specific exceptions but they are extremely narrow such as protecting someone that has been given sanctuary.
Thank you Dr Yasha,
But of course being the arbiter of truth about Islam know that taqiyya is mostly a Shia thing and
only applies to hiding the fact that you are a Muslim when faced with death?
kinda like that sanctuary thang or Jews pretending to be Xtians to avoid the gas chamber.
?We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots??
JakobVirgil wrote:
Inuyasha wrote:
JakobVirgil wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
Inuyasha wrote:
You do realize that it is okay to lie to infidels especially if it furthers the Islamic cause.
It is called taqiyya
Muslims are not only permitted to deceive to promote Islam, they are required to. Anything against the non-believer is kosher in their book.
Did they get that from Paul of Tarsus?
Be everything unto all men.
I am aware of the taqiyya
but it is dishonest of us to pick and choose what we think they believe and ignore
what they say they believe.
ruveyn is correct, it is in the Quran that lieing to infidels is okay and even encouraged.
That is a fundamental difference between Judaism and Islam, it is also a fundamental difference between Christianity and Islam.
Lieing is generally considered unacceptable behavior in Jewish and Christian doctrine (there are specific exceptions but they are extremely narrow such as protecting someone that has been given sanctuary.
Thank you Dr Yasha,
But of course being the arbiter of truth about Islam know that taqiyya is mostly a Shia thing and
only applies to hiding the fact that you are a Muslim when faced with death?
kinda like that sanctuary thang or Jews pretending to be Xtians to avoid the gas chamber.
That is not what taqiyya means and you know it.
Inuyasha wrote:
JakobVirgil wrote:
Inuyasha wrote:
JakobVirgil wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
Inuyasha wrote:
You do realize that it is okay to lie to infidels especially if it furthers the Islamic cause.
It is called taqiyya
Muslims are not only permitted to deceive to promote Islam, they are required to. Anything against the non-believer is kosher in their book.
Did they get that from Paul of Tarsus?
Be everything unto all men.
I am aware of the taqiyya
but it is dishonest of us to pick and choose what we think they believe and ignore
what they say they believe.
ruveyn is correct, it is in the Quran that lieing to infidels is okay and even encouraged.
That is a fundamental difference between Judaism and Islam, it is also a fundamental difference between Christianity and Islam.
Lieing is generally considered unacceptable behavior in Jewish and Christian doctrine (there are specific exceptions but they are extremely narrow such as protecting someone that has been given sanctuary.
Thank you Dr Yasha,
But of course being the arbiter of truth about Islam know that taqiyya is mostly a Shia thing and
only applies to hiding the fact that you are a Muslim when faced with death?
kinda like that sanctuary thang or Jews pretending to be Xtians to avoid the gas chamber.
That is not what taqiyya means and you know it.
Do some research the verse is
16:106 Whoso disbelieveth in Allah after his belief - save him who is forced thereto and whose heart is still content with the Faith - but whoso findeth ease in disbelief: On them is wrath from Allah. Theirs will be an awful doom.
i.e. lie about being a Muslim if it saves your life.
It is not a blanket endorsement of lying.
but go to your anti-muslim hate sites and find more dissembling "facts".
?We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots??
Joined: 12 Apr 2010
Gender: Male
Posts: 48,631
Location: Spokane area, Washington state.
ruveyn wrote:
imcaptainkirk wrote:
Israel and Palestine need to be formed into one country, controlled equally by both sides. The constitution should outline half politicians have to identify as Jewish in religious beliefs or cultural attitude and half have to identify as Muslim in religious beliefs or cultural attitude. Until they live together they'll never learn to get along. If they have to live on the same streets, eventually each will tone down their own inflated sense of self worth and learn to be more collaborative.
That will be the end of the Jews in that part of the world.
The Palestinians will outbreed the Jews and they will also kill them or drive them out if they ever get the power. The struggle between the Palestinians and the Israelis is an iron cage death match.
Let's get ready to RUMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLE!
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
JakobVirgil wrote:
Do some research the verse is
i.e. lie about being a Muslim if it saves your life.
It is not a blanket endorsement of lying.
but go to your anti-muslim hate sites and find more dissembling "facts".
Sorry but the verse is still too vague for me to set the interpretation in stone. Maybe it's just the way it's phrased, I don't know.
Do some research the verse is
16:106 Whoso disbelieveth in Allah after his belief - save him who is forced thereto and whose heart is still content with the Faith - but whoso findeth ease in disbelief: On them is wrath from Allah. Theirs will be an awful doom.
i.e. lie about being a Muslim if it saves your life.
It is not a blanket endorsement of lying.
but go to your anti-muslim hate sites and find more dissembling "facts".
AceOfSpades wrote:
JakobVirgil wrote:
Do some research the verse is
i.e. lie about being a Muslim if it saves your life.
It is not a blanket endorsement of lying.
but go to your anti-muslim hate sites and find more dissembling "facts".
Sorry but the verse is still too vague for me to set the interpretation in stone. Maybe it's just the way it's phrased, I don't know.Do some research the verse is
16:106 Whoso disbelieveth in Allah after his belief - save him who is forced thereto and whose heart is still content with the Faith - but whoso findeth ease in disbelief: On them is wrath from Allah. Theirs will be an awful doom.
i.e. lie about being a Muslim if it saves your life.
It is not a blanket endorsement of lying.
but go to your anti-muslim hate sites and find more dissembling "facts".
Do you get Muslims are supposed to lie from it?
here is another translation.
Whoever disbelieves in Allah after his belief... except for one who is forced [to renounce his religion] while his heart is secure in faith. But those who [willingly] open their breasts to disbelief, upon them is wrath from Allah , and for them is a great punishment;
This "Muslims have to lie" slur allows Morons to discount anything they say and replace it with whatever they want.
It is a perfect situation for folks who think the building of straw men is the ultimate strategy.
Oh the Muslim said he wants piece but he must be lying.
it is sophistry.
?We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots??
JakobVirgil wrote:
Whoever disbelieves in Allah after his belief... except for one who is forced [to renounce his religion] while his heart is secure in faith. But those who [willingly] open their breasts to disbelief, upon them is wrath from Allah , and for them is a great punishment;
When you think about all those Christians back in the day, who martyred themselves by not renouncing Christ out of fear of eternal damnation, a line in the Bible like this would have been mighty convenient
Opportunities multiply as they are seized. -Sun Tzu
Nature creates few men brave, industry and training makes many -Machiavelli
You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do
Inuyasha wrote:
The crusades were also several hundred years ago, everyone that participated in them are deceased, so it is kinda pointless to start blaming modern Christians for the actions of people several hundred years ago.
Believe it or not. Most Muslims have no intention to bomb anyone, and most Palestinians would rather not do it either. So it is equally pointless to do the same with Muslims.
visagrunt wrote:
Gedrene wrote:
Okay, I'll rephrase it if you want to be like that. Israel currently doesn't have a reason to exist except to carry out an Agenda that is Illegal, which is the removal of Palestine from existence. George III's impositions on the Colonies were unfair, and to be honest what he considered Illegal I don't care.
Last time I checked, the raison d'etre for the State of Israel was to provide a homeland for the Jews. Unlike most nations on earth, it actually has a reason to exist. Most nations exist simply because they have always existed, from time immemorial.
Yes but you see the raison d'etre is a fallacy for two reasons.
1) What right do the Jews have to impose their control over another people's homeland?
2) Even if the Jews did not control the land it doesn't stop them from living there.
ruveyn wrote:
There is no international law making body,
Except the UN and the Security Council.
visagrunt wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
and most important of all there is no international law ENFORCING authority.
Except the UN, and the International Court.
You have a very incorrect view of international law.
Neither the UN, nor any of its subsidiary organs have any lawmaking authority. Member states are not bound by any action of the UN, unless the voluntarily choose so to be, and ratify the instrument that they are signing onto through a process of domestic law.
Yes, except that the UN has so far mandated and allowed the invasion of states that presumably chose to be part of the UN or indeed were not part of the UN. And from what I can tell this is as much of a piece of legislation as any act of parliament or US bill. Just because the UN doesn't impose taxes, its mandates are still a form of loose international government and are meant to uphold a standard of international law.
visagrunt wrote:
Gedrene wrote:
That's so wrong I can't even laugh at it. Let's start with the Geneva Convention, which governs international law on war, which by the way is agreed internationally, just in case you want to worm out of that one.
Any signatory state to the Geneva Conventions can opt out of them.
Of course, but that doesn't seem to matter when overwhelming powers defeat a foe committed of war crimes and they are brought to a war crimes tribunal.
visagrunt wrote:
[Article 63 of Convention (I) (Amelioration of the Conditions of Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field), Article 62 of Convention (II) (Amelioration of the Conditions of Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea), Article 142 of Convention (III) (Treatment of Prisoners of War), Article 158 of Convention (IV) (Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War), Article 99 to the 1977 Protocol, Article 25 to Protocol (II) of 1977 and Article 14 to Protocol (III) of 2005 all permit a contracting party to denounce the particular convention or protocol.
There is no need to worm out of it--a state notifies the Swiss Federal Council that they are out, and one year later, out they shall be.
There is no need to worm out of it--a state notifies the Swiss Federal Council that they are out, and one year later, out they shall be.
Great, so these things are optional in theory. But sometimes they aren't optional in practice and even if they were optional it's still a form of international legal agreement.
So yeah. International law and Internation Government. Tenuous but still commanding power, authority and order beyond that which any single state can provide.
visagrunt wrote:
Gedrene wrote:
Okay, I'll rephrase it if you want to be like that. Israel currently doesn't have a reason to exist except to carry out an Agenda that is Illegal, which is the removal of Palestine from existence. George III's impositions on the Colonies were unfair, and to be honest what he considered Illegal I don't care.
Last time I checked, the raison d'etre for the State of Israel was to provide a homeland for the Jews. Unlike most nations on earth, it actually has a reason to exist. Most nations exist simply because they have always existed, from time immemorial.
Yes but you see the raison d'etre is a fallacy for two reasons.
1) What right do the Jews have to impose their control over another people's homeland?
2) Even if the Jews did not control the land it doesn't stop them from living there.
ruveyn wrote:
There is no international law making body,
Except the UN and the Security Council.
visagrunt wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
and most important of all there is no international law ENFORCING authority.
Except the UN, and the International Court.
You have a very incorrect view of international law.
Neither the UN, nor any of its subsidiary organs have any lawmaking authority. Member states are not bound by any action of the UN, unless the voluntarily choose so to be, and ratify the instrument that they are signing onto through a process of domestic law.
Yes, except that the UN has so far mandated and allowed the invasion of states that presumably chose to be part of the UN or indeed were not part of the UN. And from what I can tell this is as much of a piece of legislation as any act of parliament or US bill. Just because the UN doesn't impose taxes, its mandates are still a form of loose international government and are meant to uphold a standard of international law.
visagrunt wrote:
Gedrene wrote:
That's so wrong I can't even laugh at it. Let's start with the Geneva Convention, which governs international law on war, which by the way is agreed internationally, just in case you want to worm out of that one.
Any signatory state to the Geneva Conventions can opt out of them.
Of course, but that doesn't seem to matter when overwhelming powers defeat a foe committed of war crimes and they are brought to a war crimes tribunal.
visagrunt wrote:
[Article 63 of Convention (I) (Amelioration of the Conditions of Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field), Article 62 of Convention (II) (Amelioration of the Conditions of Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea), Article 142 of Convention (III) (Treatment of Prisoners of War), Article 158 of Convention (IV) (Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War), Article 99 to the 1977 Protocol, Article 25 to Protocol (II) of 1977 and Article 14 to Protocol (III) of 2005 all permit a contracting party to denounce the particular convention or protocol.
There is no need to worm out of it--a state notifies the Swiss Federal Council that they are out, and one year later, out they shall be.
There is no need to worm out of it--a state notifies the Swiss Federal Council that they are out, and one year later, out they shall be.
Great, so these things are optional in theory. But sometimes they aren't optional in practice and even if they were optional it's still a form of international legal agreement.
So yeah. International law and Internation Government. Tenuous but still commanding power, authority and order beyond that which any single state can provide.
Gedrene wrote:
Yes but you see the raison d'etre is a fallacy for two reasons.
1) What right do the Jews have to impose their control over another people's homeland?
2) Even if the Jews did not control the land it doesn't stop them from living there.
1) What right do the Jews have to impose their control over another people's homeland?
2) Even if the Jews did not control the land it doesn't stop them from living there.
Neither of those make its raison d'etre fallacious.
And while we're at it, whose homeland? There was no such thing as Palestine until the Romans showed up and created the name for its merger of Syria and Judea after the last of the Jewish - Roman wars. If there is a displacement of a people from their homeland, it is the diaspora.
Today's Palestinians are not the Philitini of the ancient world. Today's Palestinians are Hashemites, and they have a homeland: it's called Jordan.
Yes, except that the UN has so far mandated and allowed the invasion of states that presumably chose to be part of the UN or indeed were not part of the UN. And from what I can tell this is as much of a piece of legislation as any act of parliament or US bill. Just because the UN doesn't impose taxes, its mandates are still a form of loose international government and are meant to uphold a standard of international law.
UN Mandates are binding upon no state which chooses not to be bound by them.
So cite me an example of UN lawmaking. Just one.
Of course, but that doesn't seem to matter when overwhelming powers defeat a foe committed of war crimes and they are brought to a war crimes tribunal.
You are confusing the actions of individuals with the actions of states. States are never liable to another state unless they voluntarily agree to be, or unless the other state conquers them by force. Germany was liable to the Allied Powers after World War I because she chose to sign the Treaty of Versailles. Even with a metaphorical gun to her head, it still took a signature on a roll of parchment to make her liable--and her government's willingness to honour that signature.
So yeah. International law and Internation Government. Tenuous but still commanding power, authority and order beyond that which any single state can provide.
Lovely rhetoric--but completely devoid of good sense, factual accuracy or a scintilla of intellectual effort. I'm glad you're not a member of your country's foreign ministry.
Kraichgauer wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
imcaptainkirk wrote:
Israel and Palestine need to be formed into one country, controlled equally by both sides. The constitution should outline half politicians have to identify as Jewish in religious beliefs or cultural attitude and half have to identify as Muslim in religious beliefs or cultural attitude. Until they live together they'll never learn to get along. If they have to live on the same streets, eventually each will tone down their own inflated sense of self worth and learn to be more collaborative.
That will be the end of the Jews in that part of the world.
The Palestinians will outbreed the Jews and they will also kill them or drive them out if they ever get the power. The struggle between the Palestinians and the Israelis is an iron cage death match.
This is fascist nonsense made by a monster who supports an evil state of affairs with no sort of real evidence whatsoever. And if anyone wants to call anything about what I said an insult, I want you to then try and justify wilful racist sentiment.
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