cannotthinkoff wrote:
What do you mean by this, Kuku? I have trouble understanding sarcasm
Kuku, do you think that sexism ever existed?
Gee, it's almost like Kuku forgot where he was for a moment...
Kuku dismisses anything that isn't a 'fact' or 'number' as an assertion of faith, hence the references to 'religious people'. That he himself says things without any kind of back up, and has constantly evaded my own requests to describe what he would need to see before agreeing there is sexism, marks him out as insincere. I don't think there is a single thing that could convince him of the reality of sexism in, say, the UK or US or Europe.
From what he's said, Kuku seems to be of the opinion that sexism is real, but only in, say, Afghanistan. Not in any 'western' country. For him, there is no sexism, only individual 'as*holes'. His mind is quite made up on the matter, and anyone trying to convince him otherwise would do as well to bang their head against a brick wall. At least the brick wall wouldn't offer pissy, sarcastic retorts.
Of course, it's probably quite a bit more complicated than that.
You know sometimes, between the dames and the horses, I don't even know why I put my hat on.