If there was an Autistic state would you migrate there?

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Would you move to a state for ASD people?
Yes 32%  32%  [ 28 ]
No 55%  55%  [ 48 ]
Maybe (state why) 14%  14%  [ 12 ]
Total votes : 88


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05 Feb 2015, 9:11 am

eric76 wrote:
Sigbold wrote:
o0iella wrote:
Yet somebody has successfully claimed territory and founded a state that was sandwiched between those two countries. Don't believe me? Google Jeremiah Heaton!

And how many states have recognized his claim? Or have taken in serious.

Him and his "princess" would might be arrested if they actually made a serious effort.

By who?

Yes, an Autist state could conduct business without having to pay taxes, but you could get that benefit by registering the corporation in a low-tax jurisdiction. I'm still not seeing why sovereignty is required to start with (though it would be a good thing to achieve later, perhaps by purchasing a small plot of sovereign territory off a tiny South Pacific island, such as Nauru or Palau).

As for King Jeremiah, I wish him well, and I'm willing to help him. But he does need to bear in mind that he's probably going to be attacked by militants from Sudan, so I advise he maintains an escape route to Egypt.


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05 Feb 2015, 10:05 am

**full-body shudder**

I had forgotten it, but I do remember reading about that a couple of times. In a history of the Romani, I think, and for sure when the stuff going down in Bosnia and Kosovo was getting a lot of attention in the US media.

Ethnic cleansing in return for ethnic cleansing in return for ethnic cleansing, ad nauseam. Gotta love the bastards. NOT.

I'm not arguing that there weren't people as bad as, or worse than, Hitler. None of them would have done those things if it weren't in human nature somewhere to do it. Moreover, none of them COULD have done those things if it weren't in human nature somewhere to do it. There wouldn't have been enough willing participants to carry it out, or enough people who were willing to stand by and permit it to allow it to happen.

But that's WHY establishing an autistic state isn't going to help the situation. As much as I'd like to live in a place where I don't have to deal with boatloads of neurotypicality (and I really would, qv my constant dream of moving back up a holler (for those unfamiliar with the term, an Appalachian/Ozark colloquialism of the word "hollow," which refers to a relatively small, usually narrow piece of low-lying land with mountains or hills on three sides, basically a very small, closed valley) , planting an orchard, getting a hog and some goats and chickens, and essentially working 18-hour days 7 days a week for the rest of my life in exchange for seriously minimizing how much I have to depend on "people"), all attempting to establish an autistic state is going to do (aside from the dysfunctional crap that happens to any relatively homogenous society) is reinforce the idea that we're in threatening competition for resources.

It's going to bring on the genocide, not protect us from it. And there would be a lot of us concentrated in a relatively small place-- it'd be like hanging a "Carpet Bomb Me" (or "Nuke Me," if there was nothing terribly prohibitive nearby/downwind) sign on our collective backs. "Deposit sarin here." I realize that there are other, cheaper, more insidious weapons of mass destruction, but you get the idea.

Consider the amount of money and effort Israel has to spend on its military, how aggressive it has to be (or feels it has to be anyway) toward its neighbors, and the amount of outside support it has to have, merely to continue to exist.

Could we muster that level of aggressive force and have it constantly available to use on a moment's notice?? Could we garner a backer the size of China or the US??

I really don't think so; furthermore, I have very little (and nurture absolutely no) desire to do that to anyone.

Would the "good people," the ten Booms if you will, of the rest of the world be motivated to give a flying purple rat's hiney about people who are not "My neighbor, [name], who I know," but "Those people a third of the way around/across the mountains/on the other side of the river over there"??

I really don't think so. I have my doubts that they'll give a crap if we ARE "My neighbor." Whether they will or not, basically, depends on how different/dangerous they perceive us as being (whether we're seen as Alex Plank or Sheldon Cooper, or seen as Vladimir Putin or Adam Lanza), how scarce they see resources as being, and how much they see us as consuming those resources in disproportion to what we return.

I see absolutely NO reason to believe that we'll be allowed to survive if we're a separate state, in effect a separate people. All that's going to do is reinforce the "us/them" dichotomy.

"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"


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05 Feb 2015, 10:50 am

thomas81 wrote:
Janissy wrote:

You had better stop detesting the policies of the state of Israel in a hurry because those policies are what is needed when you create a country out of land other people are already living on. That the governance over those people is obscure because it doesn't officially belong to a country makes it more dangerous, not less.

There is no one currently living in Siga, not only that, neither of the neighbouring countries want it because to exert a claim represents a conflict of interest as i said.

The same cannot be said for Palestine at the time that the Israelis invaded because both parties very much wanted the land and it was inhabited.

Show us on google maps.


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05 Feb 2015, 11:11 am

thomas81 wrote:
If a country for ASD people was formed and without any animosity or ill wishes of any nearby peoples, would you migrate there?

Just out of curiosity..


What is so dam bad about living in Ireland.

I mean, at least there's no potato famine anymore...

The United States is a great place to live for people who are different.

Even in my area, as science shows is the most difficult area for different folks to live in, I can stim like this everywhere I go and completely get away with it, except for one 'snooty' mall.


I assert and exert my own relative free WILL, and don't give an F what anyone else thinks.

A person can do that in a free country, IF they simply exercise their freedoms, within the boundaries of the LAW.

There are reasonable accommodations that MUST BE MET FOR DISABILITIES, AND I have exercised that right and achieved my goals in life, time and time again.

I do not let anyone else rule me.


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05 Feb 2015, 11:15 am

Well, Google Maps agrees with Croatia on the issue of the border, putting Siga in Serbia - but Wikipedia claims the Serbian border claim represents the actual line of control. So Google is telling me that Croatia doesn't control Siga, because it's Serbian territory, whilst Wikipedia is telling me the Serbians don't control Siga. As for the map itself, it's just blank where Siga is, there's no information re. population.

See the map here.

Unless you wanted a map of Israel?


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05 Feb 2015, 12:06 pm

Magneto wrote:
Well, Google Maps agrees with Croatia on the issue of the border, putting Siga in Serbia - but Wikipedia claims the Serbian border claim represents the actual line of control. So Google is telling me that Croatia doesn't control Siga, because it's Serbian territory, whilst Wikipedia is telling me the Serbians don't control Siga. As for the map itself, it's just blank where Siga is, there's no information re. population.

See the map here.

Unless you wanted a map of Israel?

This is a border dispute between two countries, the area you talk about is merely a bargaining chip to extol Croatia's position which Serbia rejects.

If you honestly think you can move there and set up a state unchallenged, you are kidding yourself.

Also even if you could move there it has no ingredients to become a independent state.

This only about 3x3 miles, with little going for itself. ASD represent something like 1% of the world population which is a lot of people. If 10% of that 1% moved there that is 7 million people, as population density goes that is pretty high.

The reason why those small financial principalities do well is because of low population, and shipped in workforce. Few actually can afford to live in them. I also doubt you and Thomas will share political vision.

Last edited by 0_equals_true on 05 Feb 2015, 12:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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05 Feb 2015, 12:15 pm

And, for the record...

I'm not even going to bother saying that I mean you no offense, because it's such that offense is immaterial.

The idea of attempting to found a state that would make a lot of people anxious under the best of circumstances in the middle of a disputed boundary, in an area that represents a boundary between groups of people who dislike each other, in what though the western media has gone quiet on the subject still remains in effect a war zone, in one of the current and historical hotbeds of ethnic cleansing just isn't smart. It's foolhardy. Ridiculous. Ludicrous.

I admire your spunk, but the idea of trying to locate something like that in someplace like Siga defies adequate verbalization.

You might as well try Africa, on the grounds that between the Arab Spring stuff in the north, Ebola and Boko Haram on the coast, continuing racial crap (Mandela notwithstanding) in the south, Mugabe in the middle, Muslim terrorism NOS in the area of Somalia, not to mention all the other stuff going on, you'd be ignored.

Ignored, my tailfeathers. If you were unlucky, they'd all go after you. If you were very fortunate, you'd ONLY get killed in the crossfire.

Siga?? Same thing. There's a reason why it resembles terra nullius. Because EVERYONE WANTS TO GET OF THERE!! !

Yes, Israel has been good for the Jews. Look what it took to ESTABLISH IT. Look what it takes to maintain it.

"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"


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05 Feb 2015, 12:46 pm

Well, I don't intend to go settle Siga. Gain sovereignty, yes, but by purchasing it from the government of Nauru. Just 100 sq.m on which to put a government building, to register corporations and ships, and issue passports. That'll cost, ooh, $10-20 million?


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05 Feb 2015, 12:59 pm

you should also be aware of the high floodrisk around Mala Siga - last year that whole area was so heavily flooded that many had to be evacuated for a while. There is even EU project devoted to Danube flood risk:


http://www.icpdr.org/main/publications/ ... iver-basin

Croatia – ruptured embankments.
Although Croatia was not as badly affected as Serbia or Bosnia and Herzegovina, rivers in the area ruptured embankments, most critically in southern Slavonia. The Sava River breached the embankment near Rajevo Selo and Rac’inovci and evacuations were ordered. Water levels on the Una River hadn’t been that high since 1955, and the river caused flooding in the towns of Hrvatska Kostajnica and Dvor in the Banovina region.

Serbia – devastating floods and landslides.
Only the exceptional efforts of citizens and the army prevented the collapse of the levees near Sabac, and saved the vast lowland from flooding. Many communities were flooded, but the city of Obrenovac was hit hardest by flooding from the Kolubara River. The city was inundated by water several metres deep in the city centre. Krupanj in western Serbia was devastated by torrents and landslides that destroyed dozens of houses and washed out roads there, cutting off the town for three days. The heavy rains in the Drina River Valley caused landslides that cut off villages and closed roads.



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05 Feb 2015, 1:05 pm

and, with lots of water come mosquitoes - Slavonia is so heavily infested by them, that that whole area was sprayed on several occasions. And, when those floods happened, the problem with mosquitoes became worse than ever.

http://dalje.com/en-croatia/pusic-infor ... nia/512871


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05 Feb 2015, 1:15 pm

Well, I don't intend to go settle Siga. Gain sovereignty, yes, but by purchasing it from the government of Nauru. Just 100 sq.m on which to put a government building, to register corporations and ships, and issue passports. That'll cost, ooh, $10-20 million?

I calculate the area to be around 3.94 km^2 or 1.52miles^2. that is pretty small by any standards.

Liechtenstein is 160km^2
Andorra 468 km^2
Luxembourg 2,586 km^2
Singapore 714.3km^2

The Vatican is 0.44 km^2 but is it well resourced and staffed from outside, and has money coming if from all over the world, and low population


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05 Feb 2015, 1:56 pm

0_equals_true wrote:
Well, I don't intend to go settle Siga. Gain sovereignty, yes, but by purchasing it from the government of Nauru. Just 100 sq.m on which to put a government building, to register corporations and ships, and issue passports. That'll cost, ooh, $10-20 million?

I calculate the area to be around 3.94 km^2 or 1.52miles^2. that is pretty small by any standards.

Liechtenstein is 160km^2
Andorra 468 km^2
Luxembourg 2,586 km^2
Singapore 714.3km^2

The Vatican is 0.44 km^2 but is it well resourced and staffed from outside, and has money coming if from all over the world, and low population

The "block" I live on is 2 square miles.


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05 Feb 2015, 2:55 pm

You'd do better to resign yourself to genocide, avoid offspring or avoid allowing any offspring you have to be formally diagnosed, make peace with any higher power you believe in, and enjoy the time remaining before the pogrom begins in earnest.

Or start building a hidden shelter, or cultivating a network that might shelter you and yours. TBH, that's what I'm doing. My own life is void. I don't care any more; I have no desire to die but nor will I fight to save my own life. At best, I will pass into the Kingdom; at worst, I will simply pass into nothingness. About the only feeling I have for my life one way or the other is that I will gladly sacrifice it if, with my death, I can cover my kids' tracks and give them a better chance of escape.

In that vein, I invest a great deal in making sure that my children will be able to provide for themselves, as I imagine anyway that the extermination rolls will be based mostly on who's on the dole (hence the push to get as many of the disabled and mentally ill on disability benefits as possible). I might be wrong; they very well may choose to pull medical and educational records and exterminate anyone who was ever tagged with any mental, behavioral, or neurodevelopmental condition...

...but that's honestly enough people-- enough "my friends," enough "my neighbors," enough "children I babysit," enough "my students," enough "my uncles," enough "my co-workers" to cause a significant "WE WILL NOT" in response.

I will not, now or ever, discuss it in any detail whatsoever, but I am also working on preparing places with families with no known atypical members where they can be hidden. Once that's done, I will figure out how to build a plan by which they could, if necessary, get out of the developed world and into a place where they could disappear and take their chances with living or dying in the maelstrom.

I hope they never have to use any of it. I think there's still a good chance that they won't have to. If I didn't, I wouldn't be sitting on a computer in a living room in America having this conversation with you right now. :mrgreen:

"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"


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23 Apr 2015, 8:54 am

If this is in the spot that Thomas81 wanted to found his Autistic state then someone else has beaten him to it. Considering it highly unlikely that he and his associates would found a state based on the principles of libertarianism :

Business Insider

The world’s newest microcountry wants to become its foremost tax haven.
Liberland, which sits on 2.7 square-miles of land along the Danube River between Serbia and Croatia, was founded earlier this month and plans to have only voluntary taxes.

"We don’t want the state to take money from the people," Vít Jedlička, a native of Prague and Liberland's new president, told Business Insider in a phone interview. "We want to have voluntary taxes."



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23 Apr 2015, 9:12 am

oOiella was there a few days ago, and it's a scam. Police doesn't allow anyone to enter that area...they are just soliciting money for citizenship.


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23 Apr 2015, 10:53 am

Booyakasha wrote:
oOiella was there a few days ago, and it's a scam. Police doesn't allow anyone to enter that area...they are just soliciting money for citizenship.

I have to wonder just how many people had already fallen for the scam.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer