Brehus wrote:
Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016 by appealing to a sizable portion of the electorate that politicians of both parties had either ignored or derided. Blue-collar workers watching their jobs disappear and their towns and neighborhoods face extraordinary pressures from the global economy found a voice in Trump, even as Hillary Clinton ridiculed them as “deplorables.”
I see it similarily.
There is a huge part of the society losing their place in the world - local working class of developed countries. The right tries to appeal to them, notice their existence, promise to stop the changes and bring back the old good days (likely impossible but that's another question).
The left, by what I can notice, either simply overlooks that group and their fears or focuses on their racism, (many different things)-phobias and other moral shortcomings.
How could they win their votes?
Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.
<not moderating PPR stuff concerning East Europe>