Trump Calls for Ban on Muslim Immigrants
polls - more proof that trump has the uneducated vote.
I think you should look in the mirror because you're the uneducated one. I already corrected my mistake. Read before you make stupid comments.
Can we tone down the calling each other stupid comments. This topic seems to spark passion in people, which is understandable as it concerns the future of a superpower state. However, let's not descend into a quagmire of angry feelings.
Pardon me, androbot01, but when someone says something rude I'm going to defend myself, so "NO" I won't "tone it down". I suggest you take it to Cathylynn who opened her mouth in the first place. Many other rude comments have been said in this thread and you haven't said one thing about them "toning it down". So I suggest you stay out of it.
Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.
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I wouldn't expect someone not to.
It's just sad when a thread degenerates into base namecalling.
Who started it is irrelevant.
I know, I've been reading it.
Oh, okay I'll do that then.
Such anger ... I understand your passion, but not your anger.
I do disagree with you regarding Trump's ability to lead the country. I like him, he's someone who gets things done. He's a motivator and a quick thinker. I suspect that as President he would do great things for the economy. I don't, however, think he has the moral compass necessary for leading the military. I fear he would act rashly and cause a worse situation. But who knows, he really hasn't been tested in this regard yet.
As for banning Muslim is an inherently a bad idea. Religion is not the descriptor that should determine threat. It's too wide a net. Pretty much the only thing that would alert me to a neighbour's illegal behaviour is to see them doing something illegal. Why bring religion into it?
polls - more proof that trump has the uneducated vote.
Are you saying using polls makes people uneducated? You've used them in pass to wrong,y support gun control. Left only likes their own biased polls.
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And incidentally, is it to be believed that millions of Americans are just chewing at the bit so they can work as migrant workers? Hours are long, the work is oppressively hard, and the pay is unacceptably low. Illegals take those kind of jobs because Americans won't do them.
As for the notion that foreigners are taking away our jobs - no, it's big business who are giving them away. The enemy is not the desperately poor undocumented Mexican worker, or the slave labor in China, but the greedy, cheap captain of industry who holds unelected power over all of us.
Americans don't do those jobs because these businesses skirt American labor laws with essentially scab workers, it hurts our most poor and disadvantaged while benefiting the very rich. I do not see exploiting illegal labor as compassionate and we don't owe anybody in any other country a 1st world life, we have to worry about our own. The greedy cheap captain of industry IS EXACTLY WHO SUPPORTS INCREASED IMMIGRATION, legal and illegal. Not everybody believes the propaganda that immigration is always a net positive, maybe for those on top but for us on the bottom it will destroy our quality and way of life.
As for Trump having racist supporters, so does Hillary and Bernie, so does everyone. This is a silly leftist tactic, you shouldn't repudiate anybody as its a never ending game they use to discredit you that would never be used against them. It's silly, you can control who supports you. Even ISIS and al-Qaeda have given endorsements.
Actually, James O'Keefe started something of a trend of by Conservative activists using the same manipulative moralizing emotionalism that the left uses and oh do THEY HATE IT!
You have no argument from me that the kind of jobs illegals do lack basic labor protection or wages, or that the captains of industry are the s.o.b's who are bringing illegals in. Trust me, I never thought it was an act of kindness to subject any workers to those conditions. My point is, such as things are, Americans will avoid those crappy jobs, with their crappy pay, and conditions like the plague.
But Hilary and Bernie have racist supporters? Like who?
And I personally wouldn't praise O'Keefe for any heroics, as he's a serial liar, and all around sleazebag.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
At this stage of an election it is what people are against.
The last debate, the democrat position, has all been about how Trump is wrong.
Trump calls for a ban on ISIS on the Internet. It is something we did for kiddie porn. No one could support either.
Trump says it, suddenly he is shutting down the internet.
The only intelligent other side was the NSA, FBI, who said we should not, because they are tracking everything, and it is the only thing that exposes the terror network.
Also NSA, FBI said they could not vet the people Obama wanted to bring in from the Middle East.
Trump agreed with them, and said we should have a temporary ban.
Trump says, Deport all Muslims.
We have very good domestic and international intelligence. Reports about the Saudi involvement in 9/11 we did, submitted to Congress, but what has been released is heavily blacked out, or just missing.
We have the Military ability to win in combat. We also have civilians with no combat experience who know nothing about the area running political/media wars from Washington.
The National Debt has doubled under Obama, which is enough money to build a brand new Interstate system, and high speed rail going to some built new cities. None of that happened, and the money vanished.
Trump is running for the Republican nomination, the real issues come out when he runs against the Democrats.
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Getting slightly back on topic, whenever Trump says that he can "make America great" again, it's probably his way of saying that he wants to make the US into a dystopia.
Perhaps he's read Animal Farm too many times?
Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!
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Just because somebody is AGAINST something doesn't make someone viable.
Just because he is an "alternative" doesn't make him someone viable. Hitler was an "alternative," too.
He has to offer viable solutions. He offers simplistic solutions, plus he's losing credibility in the international community. He talks nonsense.
I'm no "bleeding heart." But I don't like the idea of somebody excluding a whole religion for "national security" reasons.
Spain did the same thing with the Jews in 1492--in the interest of "national security."
The United States, contrary to many opinions, cannot be an isolationist entity in the world. We live in the world. We have to adapt to the world.
Who else is offering solutions let alone viable solutions? Hillary has no credibility in foreign affairs, she was the worst Secretary of State of all time and if our laws are fair should end up in prison. Bernie Sanders is pretty much a one issue candidate and refuses to talk about anything else, he could be interesting if he spoke more authoritatively on the subject but politically the Democrats want a Warrior-in-Chief just as much as the Republicans and Hillary is the biggest neocon they have after Joe Lieberman. I suspect Bernie probably is somewhat more reasonable than the average Democrat on the subject but he isn't Dennis Kucinich or Cynthia McKinney, he's more of a controlled opposition who is despite being an "independent" is for the most part beholden to his party leadership. Hillary doesn't take a position on anything without months of polling, she's an incompetent and a criminal that stands for nothing to boot.
Trump wants to deny entry to non-citizen Muslims until we can, in his words, "properly vet them." That is his stated position, not to ban Islam or to deport all Muslim. Legally it is our right to decide who does and does not enter this country, I would restrict and reduce immigration across the board then pick/choose which refugees I see fit. Christians, Druze, Shia, Alawites, secularists for whatever reason, probably aren't much of a threat and have a better chance of integrating. Trump said he wants to "shut down parts of the internet" which sounds like censorship but what he is talking about is shutting down or "infiltrating" the internet in the areas of Syria and Iraq which ISIS controls, I do believe we have the technology for this and we likely saw an example of this in North Korea last year when they got blamed for that Sony hack. How effective will this in combating ISIS supporters and recruiters online? Probably not a terrible amount since so many ISIS supporters are from the West but it would probably mess their logistics up on the ground. We could probably send them back to the stone age if we wanted to with some sort of EMP, they might actually like that however. If we are to fight these terrorists then we must fight to win, surrendering to the police state and accepting this as the new normal is not the answer.
Trump isn't a one issue candidate? What is trump planning to do about growing poverty, healthcare, federal marijuana policy, rising costs of living that wages aren't keeping up with and things like that. Seems he is entirely focused on ISIS and keeping the mexicans out, of course now keeping refugees out and requiring ring a religious test to enter the country. Also his hateful rhetoric is problematic we don't need politicians encouraging racism, discrimination and mocking the disabled.
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I'm probably gonna be forced to vote for Clinon in the general. Reframing it as voting against Trump will make that easier.
Why not Bernie Sanders? Hilary is probably the worst person running for the democratic party...she just says what she thinks people want to hear and doesn't really stick to positions plus she has plenty of billionaire funding. At least Bernie Sanders has a political track record that shows he stands by what he says. I also fear trump would for sure win if Hilary is nominated as the democratic candidate.
We won't go back.
I will keep this very short, as I would very much like to see lunch time.
I normally don't care very much about American politics, and have never had anything more than a passing thought about any of it's former Presidents. This time around I'm of two very strong minds about the American Presidency.
If Trump becomes President it will be a massive boon for America, it with pave the way for a brighter, more prosperous future for all the Great Western Nations. In the short term however, my country (Scotland), will suffer immeasurably, and may not fully recover by the time America gets into a position where it can readily save us, and the rest of Europe, from the very real and serious Islamic threat.
If he fails, America will become a very ugly place to live, especially for Atheists and minority religions, those that will not have the collective unity to stand against, and weather incoming storm. However, the mounting bottleneck in Scotland will at last be broken. Millions of immigrants en-route to the United States, that got stuck on the last stepping stone, will finally continue their journey, spilling forth from our country like a great flash flood. We'll be left to pick up the broken pieces of our nation left in their wake, but in the short term, our survival would be guaranteed.
Extreme right-wing nationalism is a far greater threat to Europe than Islamification. Imagine a continent with Putin-clones leading the UK, Germany, and France.
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I'm probably gonna be forced to vote for Clinon in the general. Reframing it as voting against Trump will make that easier.
Why not Bernie Sanders? Hilary is probably the worst person running for the democratic party...she just says what she thinks people want to hear and doesn't really stick to positions plus she has plenty of billionaire funding. At least Bernie Sanders has a political track record that shows he stands by what he says. I also fear trump would for sure win if Hilary is nominated as the democratic candidate.
Hey, I'd love to be able to vote for Bernie. I just don't think he'll get the nomination.
I loathe Hilary, but at least she's competent. Can't say the same for Trump.
I love what Jeb Bush said about where Trump gets his foreign policy info...
"I won't get my information from 'the shows.' I don't know if that's Saturday morning or Sunday morning," Bush said. "I don't know which one..."
I don't know how you can watch Trump in the debates and not realize how lost he is most of the time.
If he gets the nomination, Hilary will totally humiliate him in the debates... It probably won't matter to his followers.
No man is free who is not master of himself.~Epictetus
Imagine if he were at a summit meeting? Imagine the offense he could cause?
Talk about international incidents!
Trump didn't turn his daddy's millions into billions being stupid.
Trump is GREAT at reading his audience and pandering to them.
I don't think Trump is Hitlerian, but what he's doing right now, manipulating the mob by scapegoating muslims, comes rigth out of the fascist playbook.
trump isn't all that good at making money. if he had invested his dad's fortune in a stock index fund and not touched it, he would have four times as much as he has now.
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I will keep this very short, as I would very much like to see lunch time.
I normally don't care very much about American politics, and have never had anything more than a passing thought about any of it's former Presidents. This time around I'm of two very strong minds about the American Presidency.
If Trump becomes President it will be a massive boon for America, it with pave the way for a brighter, more prosperous future for all the Great Western Nations. In the short term however, my country (Scotland), will suffer immeasurably, and may not fully recover by the time America gets into a position where it can readily save us, and the rest of Europe, from the very real and serious Islamic threat.
If he fails, America will become a very ugly place to live, especially for Atheists and minority religions, those that will not have the collective unity to stand against, and weather incoming storm. However, the mounting bottleneck in Scotland will at last be broken. Millions of immigrants en-route to the United States, that got stuck on the last stepping stone, will finally continue their journey, spilling forth from our country like a great flash flood. We'll be left to pick up the broken pieces of our nation left in their wake, but in the short term, our survival would be guaranteed.
Extreme right-wing nationalism is a far greater threat to Europe than Islamification. Imagine a continent with Putin-clones leading the UK, Germany, and France.
What is so bad about Putin? He is the greatest Russian leader since Catherine the Great, Russians love him for what he has done for their country. Why is he a boogeyman again? His "gay propaganda" law? Well our friends the Saudis sentence homosexuals to death by stoning, those are Islamic values.
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The same kind of idiocy that allowed the Nazis to come to power, not all bad people....but bought into propaganda and stood by as jews where systematically rounded up and eventually gotten rid of, of course they targeted other groups to like the disabled, political dissenters and anyone they didn't like.
Blinded by nationalism and fear.
We won't go back.
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