League_Girl wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
For that matter most accusations of racism do get explained unless it's something that's been pointed out and explained repeatedly in the past. This is an accusation that a few posters like to make over and over again but it's largely not true in practice even if it gets defended in theory. Further, posters who might ask naively insensitive questions tend to be given the benefit of the doubt when they seem genuinely interested in learning.
I definitely would not jump to someone being racist if they ask a racist question. eg. "if black people are more victims of a police shooting, why do statistics show it's more whites that get shot by them?"
I would give them the benefit of the doubt and they are asking out of good faith than trying to do a "gotcha" I am right" and argue with anyone who responds.
I would agree that your behaviour has always reflected that attitude.
Tempus Fugit wrote:
cberg wrote:
You can't "research" a made up slur that someone called a medical condition.
You are expressing distinctly cultist alt-right deny/counteraccuse behavior & citing your own "research".
Research is to be cited as a legitimate study, not what your choice of sites told you.
Thanks. That's such a quintessential example of what little it takes to be called a nazi here.
Because I Googled "Obama dictator" and "Obama cult" and mentioned I saw a lot of hits on those searches, that means I'm an "alt-right cultist" ie Nazi.
Alt-right isn't a synonym for Nazi.
Cultist might be a bit harsh, but you can't complain about overuse of the term Nazi when you're the one trying to conflate other terms to mean Nazi. Other people aren't using these terms as interchangeable for Nazi, you're just unfairly insisting they are. This complaint then gets used to try to eliminate any term that refers to the current crop of populist, reactionary nationalists because people sympathetic to that ideology insist that any term used to refer to them means Nazi.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
You can't advance to the next level without stomping on a few Koopas.