slowmutant wrote:
Human nature being what is, all forms of argument and confict are inevitable. Is this obvious to anyone else? I mean, I certainly can't explain war. I don't excuse it. I make no apology for it. I can, however explain its causes.
Was WWII a just war? Yes. If the Allies had not stopped Hitler, the Nazis would've surely destroyed the world. But if the Nazi aggressions had not taken place, no one would have had to kill & die in response to them.
Defense against an unprovoked aggressor, IMO, is permissable. But only if the defending force does not use excessive measures or engage in any unlawful activity. An army may great purity of purpose, but when it trickles down to the level of individual fighting men, disputes, enmities and power-plays are the creeping cancer within.
Is it possible to have an army or fighting force with total purity of purpose? Not with human soldiers, I say.
Too much contempt for human beings and to much respect for their institutions is one of the problems many people have that leads to the perpetuation of war. War is evil. War is unnecessary (unless our beliefs make it necessary).
Nun: I believe I am God.
Meister Eckhart: Praise be to God!