zer0netgain wrote:
makuranososhi wrote:
This is the problem with looking at history with modern eyes; when that document was written, what little "healthcare" that existed was mostly folk medicine or outright quackery. You presume that these gentlemen would know the future of medicine? The Constitution was not designed to be the inflexible cutting board that it has become in the past century, in my opinion... a healthy government develops with its' citizenry; those which become rigid eventually fracture and collapse under their own weight.
And the failure of your approach is that the created the Constitution with a LEGAL way to MODIFY it to reflect such changes.
You want government in charge of health care? PASS AN AMENDMENT! Anything less is the government seizing power not legally granted to it. If the people feel in sufficient number (must be a super majority) that the government should have this power, they will grant it via the amendment process. If they don't, well, the people have spoken and that is that.
You can not argue law and ethic in the same line.
The law says there is NO POSITIVE DUTY to do something for someone unless codified in law or contract. Ethically, you may feel otherwise, but what right do you have to impose your sense of ethics on everyone else? That's infringing on other people's rights to their own conscience. You might as well craft a state religion, but oh, that's right, such is prohibited in the Constitution as well.
You have no duty to rescue a person, but should you choose to and do them harm, it is possible you could be held accountable for negligence because once you commit to do something, you accept the responsibilities that come with it.
Actually, Good Samaritan laws make doing nothing a crime in Arizona - there are similar laws on the books in other states. The government has already seized power that does not belong to it under the terms of the original documents; while I agree that the method is built it, it too was not designed for a future that could not be foreseen. Similarly, there have been radical changes is the rights of states vs. the federal government which has made making regional changes more challenging. So I appreciate your argument, but suggest that there is more than one perspective on this.
Yes, I can argue law and ethics; just not as part of the same argument. Ethically, I believe that we have a responsibility to each other; legally, I think we are fatally flawed yet still have a duty to those around us. One can make their own choice; support the whole of society, or watch until it reaches a breaking point and starts to self-consume. I prefer the former... others, the latter. I've not demanded that you feel as I do, but I will argue that your position is not humane or effective.
My thanks to all the wonderful members here; I will miss the opportunity to continue to learn and work with you.
For those who seek an alternative, it is coming.
So long, and thanks for all the fish!