LIFE; What is it?
Your building blocks of life is the box Lego came in, but it is empty.
Iron exposed to air and water will rust, therefore it will produce life.
If it was that easy, it would have happened more than once in the last billion years.
Life appears once, all life is formed from the first.
The question being 'did life form only once and if so, why?'
Here are some possibilities:
did life form only once or several times?
Categorized like so:
1)life formed only once
1A)and then environmental conditions changed, no longer favoring it but existing life was "in before the lock"
2)life formed multiple times
2A)it formed multiple times but only one cell line survived to become our ancestor, sort of like how we are the only surviving hominids (but unlike single cells, the hominids that didn't make it left bones we found)
2B)it formed multiple times and there were multiple survivors but later convergence makes it seem like we all branched off from a single line
3)life formed once or multiple times but not here on earth and was brought to earth by crashed asteroids
Life has properties which do not fit the claims of evolution.
Evolution does not exist leading up to the formation of life. It could not evolve into being.
Evolution has different schools of thought. One school of thought is 'gradual change', another school of thought is 'gradual change except when it's not'.
An extinction leading to a burst of life radiating into new forms isn't a challenge to the theory of evolution, it is recognized as an important factor.
Evolution does not exist leading up to the formation of life, it could not evolve into existence.
While some chemical reactions happen without life, the same that life uses, there is no material evolution, matter becoming more bio complex on its own. There are no fragments of DNA like things, that could form more complex systems.
Creation by sea floor vents, radioactive beaches, a bolt of lightning, fail to show a means where an effect produces complex order.
Primal Soup lacks the ability to form complex systems. The most Primal Cell is complex.
Panspermia has problems, the same ones plus transport. It is still possible, because life may have only formed once in the Universe.
Transport not by a flaming rock, but as a coherent form of energy spore.
Not too farfetched to think that when things die they may broadcast as seed energy.
Life does seem to show up very early, as soon as there is liquid water.
With a ten billion year head start it could have been waiting for conditions.
An energy spore could travel at the speed of light. Rocks are slow. An energy spore would have no Mass, so would not burn in the air, and could stop dead at any time.
The rock method has many problems, slow, surviving, and starting over with different gasses, radiation, trace elements, gravity, where the Energy Spore comes ready to start building out of whatever it finds.
Life still has that dying thing that nothing else does.
It is a major property that applies to all life, which places it in a class of its own.
Matter has energy, Somewhat static and bound, also not very creative.
Life is something that can manipulate the energy of matter, and join it into self replicating forms.
As such, life could still be forming today, as single cell sea life. From the same spores, same DNA, we would see Plankton.
Another evolution question, why do some things not evolve?
Ants and Bees appear 350,000,000 years ago in their present form.
The Hive Mind insects have a social order that would be hard to explain by evolution.
A single Queen producing all of the eggs, fertilized by her own special produced child mates.
There are specialized roles, no training involved, and the whole hive functions as one.
There is no apparent mutation or evolution in their history.
In the meantime, Dolphins slithered onto land, worked their way up to becoming Mammals, got tired of walking and went back to the water. They dress like sharks and seals, and sing like Japanese school girls.
I am not convinced.
Joined: 26 Jul 2008
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Evolution does not exist leading up to the formation of life, it could not evolve into existence.
While some chemical reactions happen without life, the same that life uses, there is no material evolution, matter becoming more bio complex on its own. There are no fragments of DNA like things, that could form more complex systems.
Creation by sea floor vents, radioactive beaches, a bolt of lightning, fail to show a means where an effect produces complex order.
If you want to see examples of pre biological replication and possible evolution have a look into the work of Graham Cairns-Smith, as to energy producing complex order, what the heck do you think animo acids are. Miller Urey was a long time ago, many more varied experiments have been done since then, with a variety of early earth scenarios all producing ever more complex molecules. Have a look at this, it is a very concise article, but it does give an idea of where to lookPre RNA world
"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance anyday"
Douglas Adams
"Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand" Karl Marx
evidence please.
Evolution does not exist leading up to the formation of life, it could not evolve into existence.
While some chemical reactions happen without life, the same that life uses, there is no material evolution, matter becoming more bio complex on its own. There are no fragments of DNA like things, that could form more complex systems.
Creation by sea floor vents, radioactive beaches, a bolt of lightning, fail to show a means where an effect produces complex order.
If you want to see examples of pre biological replication and possible evolution have a look into the work of Graham Cairns-Smith, as to energy producing complex order, what the heck do you think animo acids are. Miller Urey was a long time ago, many more varied experiments have been done since then, with a variety of early earth scenarios all producing ever more complex molecules. Have a look at this, it is a very concise article, but it does give an idea of where to look[url=<a class="vglnk" href="]Pre" rel="nofollow"><span>http</span><span>://</span><span>thelivingcosmos</span><span>.</span><span>com</span><span>/</span><span>TheOriginofLifeOnEarth</span><span>/</span><span>PreRnaWorld</span><span>_</span><span>12May06</span><span>.</span><span>html</span><span>]</span><span>Pre</span></a> RNA world[/url]
You've made several far-fetched claims in this thread, but that one tops the lot.
You don't understand why oxygen deprivation kills. You do not know more about biology than Janissy. Have you heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect?
There is no evidence whatsoever (empirical or otherwise) that inanimate chemistry of any sort can transform itself into animate (living) metabolic processes.
There is, on the other hand, plenty of evidence (empirical and otherwise) that live things revert to inanimate chemistry as soon as they're not live anymore.
Fantastic ideological speculations cannot change that fact.
It rather reminds me of a fella called Julian Huxley (roughly an equivalent of Richard Dawkins of about 100 years ago) who said in one of his speeches selling Darwinism, having given the probability of even one simple protein forming by random accident as 10 to some thousandth power to one against... " it's impossible, yet it has happened because here we are!" "Science" at its best!!
Another time in a foreword to someone else's book selling Darwinism he said evolution is true because the alternative is unthinkable. Brilliant!!... more "science"! !!
Then there is your esteemed Richard Dawkins who shot both his legs off with his own cannon. If there is an omnipotent deity it could have created the whole Universe just as it is 5 seconds ago.
Anyhow, I just hope that there is at least one honest and functional mind reading this thread.
Oh! and by the way, in my tumultuous and wasted youth I used to write lots and lots of "poetry" that could rival our 'Ghogsy by any evaluation. One excerpt from an epic that went on for dozens of pages that may be of interest is:
And the World is what I see
And the World is only what I see
And the World is because I see it
Good ole Aristotle didn't believe any of that.
There is, on the other hand, plenty of evidence (empirical and otherwise) that live things revert to inanimate chemistry as soon as they're not live anymore.
Fantastic ideological speculations cannot change that fact.
It rather reminds me of a fella called Julian Huxley (roughly an equivalent of Richard Dawkins of about 100 years ago) who said in one of his speeches selling Darwinism, having given the probability of even one simple protein forming by random accident as 10 to some thousandth power to one against... " it's impossible, yet it has happened because here we are!" "Science" at its best!!
Another time in a foreword to someone else's book selling Darwinism he said evolution is true because the alternative is unthinkable. Brilliant!!... more "science"! ! !
Then there is your esteemed Richard Dawkins who shot both his legs off with his own cannon. If there is an omnipotent deity it could have created the whole Universe just as it is 5 seconds ago.
Anyhow, I just hope that there is at least one honest and functional mind reading this thread.
Oh! and by the way, in my tumultuous and wasted youth I used to write lots and lots of "poetry" that could rival our 'Ghogsy by any evaluation. One excerpt from an epic that went on for dozens of pages that may be of interest is:
And the World is what I see
And the World is only what I see
And the World is because I see it
Good ole Aristotle didn't believe any of that.
Oldavid, YOU are full of assumptions here; obviously; AS USUAL. But 'that' could be the mantra of almost everyone here in terms of how they see the 'other', IN TERMS OF BOLD.
"And the World is what I see
And the World is because I see it"
You've never even seen my 'real' poetry, friend. Put this phrase, "Psalmets of Nature", into a Google Search with the quotes included, read, then show me where you can master metaphors for anything like that; otherwise, you are just talking 'big talk' again; and nothing else. I write that just a few days ago; and have written stuff like that scores of times; and never
ever include it on this site; as it is useless for most of the 'minds' who 'swim' here. As usual, I have the evidence and all
there is 'here' is 'TALK'.
'This' is just the way I speak; like THAT or NOT. I am a non-verbal child; not a frigging 'talk-aholic', like many other folks who communicate here; this 'sing song' method of communication is my adaptation to frigging survive that has been squashed out of this forum, increasingly, as time goes on by non-EMPATHIC FOLKS.
But 'that' poem; is when 'i decide' to really write poetry FROM 'heArt'. I have 'one'. AND 'A SOUL' AND 'A SPIRIT'.
I can't 'say' the 'same' for but a 'handful' of people here.
That's 'sad'; but as my 'father' always 'says'; 'son' 'that's the way it goes'.
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
By the 1950s, scientists were in hot pursuit of the origin of life. Around the world, the scientific community was examining what kind of environment would be needed to allow life to begin. In 1953, Stanley L. Miller and Harold C. Urey, working at the University of Chicago, conducted an experiment which would change the approach of scientific investigation into the origin of life.
Miller took molecules which were believed to represent the major components of the early Earth's atmosphere and put them into a closed system
The gases they used were methane (CH4), ammonia (NH3), hydrogen (H2), and water (H2O). Next, he ran a continuous electric current through the system, to simulate lightning storms believed to be common on the early earth. Analysis of the experiment was done by chromotography. At the end of one week, Miller observed that as much as 10-15% of the carbon was now in the form of organic compounds. Two percent of the carbon had formed some of the amino acids which are used to make proteins. Perhaps most importantly, Miller's experiment showed that organic compounds such as amino acids, which are essential to cellular life could be made easily under the conditions that scientists believed to be present on the early earth. This enormous finding inspired a multitude of further experiments.
In 1961, Juan Oro found that amino acids could be made from hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and ammonia in an aqueous solution. He also found that his experiment produced an amazing amount of the nucleotide base, adenine. Adenine is of tremendous biological significance as an organic compound because it is one of the four bases in RNA and DNA. It is also a component of adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, which is a major energy releasing molecule in cells. Experiments conducted later showed that the other RNA and DNA bases could be obtained through simulated prebiotic chemistry with a reducing atmosphere.
These discoveries created a stir within the science community. Scientists became very optimistic that the questions about the origin of life would be solved within a few decades. This has not been the case, however. Instead, the investigation into life's origins seems only to have just begun.
There has been a recent wave of skepticism concerning Miller's experiment because it is now believed that the early earth's atmosphere did not contain predominantly reductant molecules. Another objection is that this experiment required a tremendous amount of energy. While it is believed lightning storms were extremely common on the primitive Earth, they were not continuous as the Miller/Urey experiment portrayed. Thus it has been argued that while amino acids and other organic compounds may have been formed, they would not have been formed in the amounts which this experiment produced.
Many of the compounds made in the Miller/Urey experiment are known to exist in outer space. On September 28, 1969, a meteorite fell over Murchison, Australia. While only 100 kilograms were recovered, analysis of the meteorite has shown that it is rich with amino acids. Over 90 amino acids have been identified by researchers to date. Nineteen of these amino acids are found on Earth. (table showing comparison of Murchison meteorite to Miller/Urey experiment) The early Earth is believed to be similar to many of the asteroids and comets still roaming the galaxy. If amino acids are able to survive in outer space under extreme conditions, then this might suggest that amino acids were present when the Earth was formed. More importantly, the Murchison meteorite has demonstrated that the Earth may have acquired some of its amino acids and other organic compounds by planetary infall.
tl;dr you're wrong about amino acids.
It's interesting what can be synthesised in a clever apparatus with the appropriate ingredients and reaction conditions. There are much more clever and successful processes for synthesising organic substances even on an industrial scale.
It's interesting what can be synthesised in a clever apparatus with the appropriate ingredients and reaction conditions. There are much more clever and successful processes for synthesising organic substances even on an industrial scale.
It's interesting what can be synthesised in a clever apparatus with the appropriate ingredients and reaction conditions. There are much more clever and successful processes for synthesising organic substances even on an industrial scale.
It's interesting what can be synthesised in a clever apparatus with the appropriate ingredients and reaction conditions. There are much more clever and successful processes for synthesising organic substances even on an industrial scale.
I'm not talking about "creation science"; only genuine science as opposed to nonscience.
You're far too credulous and gullible to be reasonable.
However as THIS article shows, science is getting closer and closer to the answer.
In response to your bait, yes life is just "mere chemical reactions" and I challenge you to prove different. However as Janissy has pointed out not all chemical reactions constitute life.
Umm, he just raised the perennial philosophical question of the meaning of life. To reject reductionism does not necessitate the scientific fallacy of misunderstanding thermodynamics, which is physics; the position he questioned rather than rejected outright is a sort of reductionist philosophy based on a particular understanding of biochemistry, this understanding itself arguably a fallacy. The issue might be summarised by the Lewis quote from Voyage of the Dawn Treader, "Even in your world, that [i.e. a ball of gas, a somewhat crude simplification of the scientific reality] is not what a star is, only what a star is made of."
Chemical reactions are what make organic life possible; the terms can hardly be synonmous, as has been pointed out homourously in this very thread! And why the personal vehemence? Had you been explaining thermodynamics to him, or others including myself, so frequently that you were getting a little exasperated?
If you are proposing that chemical reactions are ALL that life is, rather than merely the means by which life as we know it exists, then you must provide an alternative explanation of the difference between living and dead, as provokingly futile as that may sound. Otherwise your definition of life is rather self-referential, as helpful as "life is life".
You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."
Last edited by AlexandertheSolitary on 12 Jun 2015, 2:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
I'm not talking about "creation science"; only genuine science as opposed to nonscience.
You're far too credulous and gullible to be reasonable.
Not all theists hold with extremes of creation science. Obviously belief in a Creator does involve a belief in creation, it is not just invariably a literalist (as opposed to a historical) reading of selected passages in isolation and lack of historical consciousness or of capacity for being genre savvy, ironically shared by ideological opponents on this issue. To start with a conclusion and then force the evidence to fit it is simply not science, neither is it exegesis of Scripture. The question about life remains.
You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."
Yes, David has had thermodynamics explained to him several times across multiple threads by several users, but dismisses and insults any who disagree with him.
Leaving viruses to one side, if we say "cellular life requires metabolism" and "the difference between life and death is metabolism", then that is not self-referential. "What life is" and "the difference between life and death" must be similar or the same.
You are, in essence, asking for two different definitions of the same thing, which can only be contradictory.
I'm not talking about "creation science"; only genuine science as opposed to nonscience.
pity this thread is nothing more than you attempting to beat everyone over the head with your inferior knowledge, it could have gone somewhere.
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