Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an Auto-Antonym

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02 Jul 2020, 10:42 am

the people have become inured to all the senseless wanton killing. a civilization in decline.


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02 Jul 2020, 11:28 am

jimmy m wrote:
Lorenzo is the 19-year-old black man who was shot and killed early on the morning of June 20 inside the Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP), Seattle's Cop Free Zone.

That seemed like very little information for what actually happened there, but I did find an article that seems to more in depth talk about what happened that night. Some witnesses seem to claim that emergency services took longer than it should have. And apparently a white supremacist was believed to be a shooter that night, although no specifics over Lorenzo's shooter.

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02 Jul 2020, 12:24 pm

jimmy m wrote:
aghogday wrote:
A lost art of gaining confident strength, overall, is the human roar; sadly, some folks don't take advantage of the natural animal instinct to do this; studies show humans can actually determine the overall strength of another human; particularly, males with roars; but regular vocalizations of emotions are not much of an indicator; it's amazing how much more powerful a human roar will be too, once all the fear is gone


The neck is a fifth limb. Many animals have two arms and two legs and one other extremity, their neck. They use their neck, vocal cord, jaw and teeth both offensively and defensively. Lions roar, bears growl, dogs bark and wolves snarl. The sound produces fears that can immobilize their prey. Herd animals will use vocalization to alert the herd of the predator’s presence. Many times it is the jaws of a predator that will rip their prey apart.

When an infant is in distress, the child will cry and scream. Individuals have been taught to constrain and control this action because this behavior is very disruptive. About the time a child sets off to school he begins to be ridiculed for crying – they are called “crybabies”. But by inhibiting this natural reaction, the stress energy is not vented but rather stored. And this stored energy needs to be vented and released in order to avoid distress. So the main question is “How does one scream in a socially acceptable manner as an adolescent or adult?

One needs to vent the stored stress energy in their neck muscles, vocal cords, and jaw. The best way is to scream at the top of your lungs several times. But this must be done in a socially acceptable manner. Never scream at a person. I live in the rural countryside and my dog is a free-range dog. When it is mealtime and my dog is up and about; I call my dog very loudly.

R-o-c-k-y. Come here puppy. R-o-c-k-y.
R-o-c-k-y. Where are you puppy? R-o-c-k-y.
R-o-c-k-y. Come here puppy.

I yell so loud that I can hear my voice being echoed back to me from nearby hills and mountains. My voice carries about a mile. The call is so strong that it borders on a roar. It is a very good feeling. It gives me a sense of great strength, like I could split a mountain in two just with my voice alone. I feel strong to my core. It is a great stress reliever or normalizer. And it is socially acceptable in the countryside.

One might try howling like a wolf at the moon. There is an individual [a.k.a. kraftiekortie] in New York City that howls at the subway cars as they pass by deep down in the subway stations. But there are other ways to scream in a socially acceptable manner. A singer can do this if it is a very powerful song. A barker in the county fair can do this. A fan at a rock concert can sing along at the top of their lungs. Some commuters sing along to the tune on the radio at the top of their lungs while they are driving down the road. A spectator at a sports event can do this in cheering on their team. Even a Girl Scout can practice barking in front of the local grocery store when she sells Girl Scout cookies. Or find yourself a soundproof room.

And now I know that Fred [a.k.a. aghogday] also practices this technique for venting stress because he practices roaring in a military gym; and now his home gym, since the military gym closed down for the COVID-19 virus. His wife says he really does sound like a mix between a gorilla and a lion because he does not hold back.

His roaring provides him instant stress relief because he found that roaring increase his strength and additionally released endorphins.

And as Fred said "Living Without Fear is A Truly Amazing Experience of Life; Human Strength and Potential Increases in Every Way"

The ability to roar should be taught to every Aspie around the world. It would transform them from weak little frightened children afraid of their own shadow into the great lions they were meant to be.

Release The Inner Beast; 'Here i am', Not Afraid of Either
Lion Courage or Lion Heart; Yes, With Eye of the Tiger Focus too.

Standard IQ, is Highly Overrated; It has little to nothing to do with Existential Intelligences;
Ranging From Shadow Beasts of Fearless Free to Loving Angels of Inner Beauty as Metaphors Only Of Course.

Standard IQ, Is A Construct Of Building 'Stuff'. Existential Intelligences Are Arts of Building Fearless Souls of Love.

The Beast Is In Fearless; The Beauty is in Love; Leave One Out And Truly Leave the Other Behind, soon enough too;
For Without Peace And Harmony of the Grace of Love in Balance, Adrenaline Will Wear Down the Most Powerful Beasts.

Lions Move Gracefully With Gravity, Conserving Every Calorie that Means the Breath of Life In Overall Survival.

i couldn't 'Afford' a Wild Lion; But A Feral Cat Free from the Forest Where i Live is Just A Smaller Wild Package;
Teaching the Same Lessons Now of the Call of the Wild, Not Forgotten in Prison of Domesticating Spineless Fear.

Smiles, Humans Don't Even Begin to Live Until They Hear the Call of the Wild And Respond in Fearless Freedom Again.

'Societies' of Wolves, Fed Free, Domesticated From Farm Sheep Grow Weak And Disintegrated From The Pack
That No Longer Cooperates Together to Survive for Every Meal of Life; It's really No Different with Humans;
Lost Boys or Lost Wolves From 'The Pack' Where the Call of the Wild of Fearless Freedom Is Not Forgotten.

After i Fought a Life Long Battle With 'Civilization' And Lost at age 47; getting through 25 Years of Federal Employment;
Enough for Early Retirement; 3 Degrees in College, Straight A's All The Way Through School; A Home, A Wife,
And From Outer Appearances, the American Dream, Overall; i had no choice With 19 Medical Stress Related
Disorders to Face the Fact of How Much i really Understood about Living; How Little i had really
Learned About Living Life in Balance; Truly, How 'Slow' i was with all the Accolades of Culture,
Actually Restraining me from Inner Freedom; Just to Be A Wild Loving Animal Free to Be i am.

It was a Long Healing Process; but by the Date i reached Age 60, Empirically Measurably 3 Times Stronger
in Leg Pressing at 1520 Pounds Max, at 8 reps; 3 Times More Than Any Date in my Life with all that Strength increase
made after Age 53, When Recovery From 'Cultural Clothes' Started to come for me, once i heard the Call of the Wild
And Responded in Kind and Fearless too; Set Free i am, then and Now.

It was an Innate, Instinctual, and Intuitive Process for me; And Continues Progressively Freer this way;

But Until i escaped Cultural Clothes that Kept me Domesticated And Afraid; no way, i would ever become free.

A Golden Age, isn't really a Place of Stuff; It is a place of being Reborn, Living Fearless Free Loving Life With
All one's Soul.

What is Lost Most is a Dance And Song Free; in the Song From the Church i go to; Just to connect to other Human
Beings; sadly, the reason i am the Loudest Voice Without A Microphone from the Back Pew; is the rest of the
Congregation is Barely Breathing A Soul; too Afraid to Sing Love as they've never truly tasted the Call of the Wild Free.

And Definitely too Afraid to Roar.

Just a Sneeze from me in Church Sounds
Like A Shot-Gun going off; Truly A 'Cosmic' Free Sneeze.

It's amazing what we have inside, once our Deeper Epigenetic
Potentials Unpack; When the Call of the Wild Is Heard and Becomes
Us again; if We Actually Meet The Challenge in Change that Makes Victory Real.

It's Okay to Be Strong; It's Okay to make 'Victory Yoga Poses' Yours,
'Marking Your Territory' as Free Wherever you go; But Only if You Feel
Worthy Enough to Do it and Shine; No Different Than the Sun Above, Free to Light the World.

A Root of Humanity's Problems Is, We Have Forgotten How To Dance And Sing Naked Free Together Holding Hands.

We Have Replaced
Hands With Tools
too Cold to Feel; Some Will
Survive And Thrive; Some will Not;
There are no Free Rides to Heaven's Breath of Love Fearless to Be i am..:)

The Solutions Are Within; But When the World Is too Noisy to Hear And See DEEPER Introspection; We Become the Tools.

Standing Naked in Front of the World; i have more Riches Than Someone Like 'Trump' Could Ever Imagine are Real;

The Riches Within;
The Riches that Wear no Suits Away
From Nature as the Real God Always
Within, Wild, Fearless Loving Free, Just to Be i am..:)

People who are Truly Fearless Are Naturally More Loving As There is No Where to Go Up on a Mountain top;

And When You Get There, It's Play to Dance, Sing, Roar, and Pose Like 'Rocky' Free In Victory; It's More Often
The Young Folks who still have a Glimmer of Free Wild Hope; Who are somewhere in the Background Recording
The Wild Animal of me to Share on Social Media; As It's cheaper than going to the Zoo; And Wilder And Freer in deed..:)

'Independence Day' Is In Two Days.

If People In this Country Do Not
Develop A Fearless Spine of Love
In Individual Ways Supported By Society
That Do Include Actual Empathy And Caring
For Others, Willing To Make Sacrifices for Everyone to Survive:


This Country is Doomed, SOON ENOUGH.

The Signs Are Everywhere Now Getting
Harder for even the Most Ignorant to

Meanwhile, i'm Gonna Dance And Sing
Forevernow Fearless Free As Long as my Peace Lasts..:)

It Was Practically A Miracle i set myself free; This is More of an
Individual Responsibility; And A Real Olympic Effort to Be
i Am

Souls Matter.
All the Current Issues at Hand IS Nature
Out of Balance; Humans Encroached
On Wild Life In the World TOO MUCH
And Now We Face The Karma of Our 'Stealing' ways
True Freedom Loving the Breath of Life Wild and Free.


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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02 Jul 2020, 12:46 pm

^^^wow :o those arms would be able to tear big things in pieces.


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02 Jul 2020, 1:12 pm

auntblabby wrote:
^^^wow :o those arms would be able to tear big things in pieces.

Those m&ms wont know what hit em.

I am the dust that dances in the light. - Rumi


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02 Jul 2020, 1:38 pm

auntblabby wrote:
^^^wow :o those arms would be able to tear big things in pieces.

Actually, 'then', i used them to Play the Piano;
by the way the Only Song i ever Composed
When i Lost My Soul Trying to get it back;
Just Recorded it on a Cheap Dictation
Device and Kept it to remind me of
Hell, Until Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Took
That Away and i started Writing instead;
Just Arms i use that my Hands And Fingers are attached to;
Generally Speaking, i have to ask my Wife to open up Wrappers
to Food as my Fingers Tips are so smooth from all the typing; hard to get a grip..;)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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02 Jul 2020, 1:42 pm

Misslizard wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
^^^wow :o those arms would be able to tear big things in pieces.

Those m&ms wont know what hit em.

As Above So Below; My Finger Tips
are so smooth from all this typing;
I'd Probably Have to ask my Wife
to open the M&M's Up to get a grip.

Not sure if it has anything to do with Autism;
but my Mother Said when i was born my Finger
Tips were so smooth She Couldn't See Any Prints;

As Far as i Know i didn't type before i was born..;)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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02 Jul 2020, 2:11 pm

i hope you ^^^can tinkle the ivories again one day.


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02 Jul 2020, 2:32 pm

magz wrote:
sly279 wrote:
But judge it’s not my fault the gun made me do it. :roll:

Anti gun peiple: OMG that poor victim, if not for guns they never would done it.

China: if not for knifes they never would have done it.

If not for rocks they never would have done it.
80 peopLe killed by pipe bombs at elementary school
Anti gun people: well least they were shot now that would been horrible.

If you love one is stabbed to death va shot will you feel better? Does how someone die matter?

Personally I’d rather be shot then stabbed 60 time and slowly bleed to death or have my head half way cut off by a machete.

I’ll never give up my guns. At least 30 million others won’t either. So is genocide of 30+ million people ok? Cause that’s what itLl take to get the horrible utopia where only bad people have guns. And mass shootings will still happen probably at the same rate.

Talking about the same amount of people or more as Canada.

1. I think you do confuse the moral and the practical aspects of the issue. It's always the criminal who is responsible for the crime. However, as crime rates differ enormously between societes, I find it practical to analyse possible factors and possible steps to lower crime rate in my society;
2. Who and when proposed killing gun owners as a solution 8O ?

You want to take their guns they’d rather die then give up their guns and will fight to death to keep them. So you’ll have to kill them all. But then how many anti gun people own guns? Cause they’ll need to to go take guns from gun owners. Since most police are the very gun owners they want to take them from.

There is no place for me in the world. I'm going into the wilderness, probably to die


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02 Jul 2020, 2:57 pm

auntblabby wrote:
i hope you ^^^can tinkle the ivories again one day.

Smiles, Thanks for the Kind wishes..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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jimmy m

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02 Jul 2020, 5:54 pm

Bradleigh wrote:
jimmy m wrote:
Lorenzo is the 19-year-old black man who was shot and killed early on the morning of June 20 inside the Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP), Seattle's Cop Free Zone.

That seemed like very little information for what actually happened there, but I did find an article that seems to more in depth talk about what happened that night. Some witnesses seem to claim that emergency services took longer than it should have. And apparently a white supremacist was believed to be a shooter that night, although no specifics over Lorenzo's shooter.

Probably the main reason why no one knows is because no one is talking. They wouldn't let the cops or paramedics in to treat him. Valuable minutes were lost.

According tot he Washington Times "Seattle police may be looking for answers, as well. Protesters within the autonomous zone refused to allow police to reach the victim, throwing bottles and projectiles at officers who tried to enter the zone at 2:30 a.m. after reports of shots fired at Cal Anderson Park. “Officers attempted to locate a shooting victim but were met by a violent crowd that prevented officers safe access to the victims,” said the Seattle police blotter. “Officers were later informed that the victims, both males, had been transported to Harborview Medical Center by CHOP ‘medics.’ “

The zone has seen two deadly shootings and crime rise by more than 500 per cent in just over three weeks, with Lorenzo becoming the first victim of gun crime in what started as a peaceful occupation. The police released video from mounted area camera that were captured. It shows several armed men moving around the area at the time of the shooting. From watching the video, it appears that it might even have captured the shooter.


No arrests have been made over Anderson's death or in the shooting of DeJuan Young, 33, who was shot but survived in a separate incident that same morning.

The zone has escalated into violence in recent weeks, with another male - 16-year-old Antonio Mays Jr - shot dead in the early hours of Monday morning.

A unnamed 14-year-old was also critically injured when eyewitnesses say armed security inside the zone fired 300 rounds.

Source: Devastated father of 19-year-old killed in Seattle's CHOP zone says he still doesn't know what happened to his son and wasn't allowed to see his body for a week

A representative from CHOP also said that, “the individuals involved in the shooting may have had previous history and that it seemed to escalate because of ‘gang’ affiliations”.

While the specifics about what brought Anderson to CHOP and what led to the gun violence are still unknown, friends and people close to the situation say the shooting was not random and that Lorenzo was targeted because of a personal beef.

Lorenzo, was a local rapper that went by the name, “Lil Mob”.

Rooks, an organizer of the CHOP said he was there during the shooting early Saturday morning. Rooks told news reporters:

“(Anderson) was trying to save everybody by telling the people to keep the fireworks away from the trees. An altercation arose from that.

Rooks went on to say:

“It was just a matter of egos and pride, you know, not wanting to be told what to do”.

Source: Family of shooting victim demands accountability from ‘CHOP’ protesters: “You guys let a black life go in your so-called Black Lives Matter protest.”

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02 Jul 2020, 9:19 pm

jimmy m wrote:
Probably the main reason why no one knows is because no one is talking. They wouldn't let the cops or paramedics in to treat him. Valuable minutes were lost.

The article I linked in my previous post mentioned that they did not prevent the cops or paramedics treat him, instead I think it mentions firefighter paramedics were supposed to get there, but took too long to reach the situation that people actually went to the station to ask why they did not leave, the truck went out and back into the garage. The emergency services took too long that people there had to start working and when they finally arrived they just took him away, and when the police showed up at the border of the zone people went up to them to tell the police that he had already been taken away to the hospital.

If all of those witness statements are correct, the police are actually lying in their statement that people would not let the emergency services in to treat him. I am highly suspect if every news service is just reporting what the police statement is in making the situation look more at fault of the CHAZ/CHOP rather than a slow response by emergency services for whatever reason that was.

No one might know not because no witnesses are speaking, but the news are buying into the police narrative that this is what is happening.

Through dream I travel, at lantern's call
To consume the flames of a kingdom's fall


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02 Jul 2020, 10:11 pm

Bradleigh wrote:
jimmy m wrote:
Probably the main reason why no one knows is because no one is talking. They wouldn't let the cops or paramedics in to treat him. Valuable minutes were lost.

The article I linked in my previous post mentioned that they did not prevent the cops or paramedics treat him, instead I think it mentions firefighter paramedics were supposed to get there, but took too long to reach the situation that people actually went to the station to ask why they did not leave, the truck went out and back into the garage. The emergency services took too long that people there had to start working and when they finally arrived they just took him away, and when the police showed up at the border of the zone people went up to them to tell the police that he had already been taken away to the hospital.

If all of those witness statements are correct, the police are actually lying in their statement that people would not let the emergency services in to treat him. I am highly suspect if every news service is just reporting what the police statement is in making the situation look more at fault of the CHAZ/CHOP rather than a slow response by emergency services for whatever reason that was.

No one might know not because no witnesses are speaking, but the news are buying into the police narrative that this is what is happening.

Would you say that generally news services have been sympathetic to CHAZ/CHOP/BLM and unsympathetic to law enforcement or the other way around?


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02 Jul 2020, 10:18 pm

Magna wrote:
Would you say that generally news services have been sympathetic to CHAZ/CHOP/BLM and unsympathetic to law enforcement or the other way around?

I think that news sources like Fox News are most certainly unsympathetic to CHAZ/CHOP/BLM and try to make Antifa look like they are organised terrorists. I also think that it has been politically correct to assume something as drastic as people creating an autonomous zone would be a bad move for everyone involved from the idea that police may not always be as needed in their current form as they would like.

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02 Jul 2020, 10:43 pm

Fox News maybe be big in Australia, but in the U.S. the scale tips with ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, ESPN being sympathetic to CHAZ/CHOP/BLM.


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02 Jul 2020, 10:52 pm

Magna wrote:
Fox News maybe be big in Australia, but in the U.S. the scale tips with ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, ESPN being sympathetic to CHAZ/CHOP/BLM.

I think that there is a good chance that those places may have been virtue signalling until there is a point that something looked at the face so bad that it would be easier to pick a narrative that sells the whole thing as a mistake and take a lot of work to go into detail the pros and cons of the whole experiment to see if there are some good faith things that can be taken away that the police hold all the cards in what acceptable change is.

Through dream I travel, at lantern's call
To consume the flames of a kingdom's fall