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17 Oct 2012, 11:12 am

ArrantPariah wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
ArrantPariah wrote:
You sly dog.

Gynephilia. Sexual interest in physically adult women

I don't know if there is a term that narrows your preference down to your preferred age interval.

I am not the least bit interest in boffing young girls or even teens.

After all the schtupping is done, I would like to be in bed with someone who has something interesting to say.


I just like to snore after the schtupping.

Would you take a 19-year-old philosophy student?

I was just imagining Ruveyn, with his intellectual 3-hour post-coital conversation, with the young female philosopher. Something like the movie My Dinner with Andre. It should be turned into a film. They might even be able to use a modified version of the same script.

Here is the world's cutest couple, Rupert and Wendi,


posing with Henry and Florence.

Rupert and Henry are obvious Sinophiles. Wendi and Florence could be gerontophiles. Or, they could be simple lucrophiles, willing to play the gerontophile, in exchange for phenomenal wealth.

Given the number of elderly widows in Florida, a male gerontophile could go there and get mauled.

Male gerontophiles do seem relatively rare, compared to female gerontophiles.


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17 Oct 2012, 11:19 am

AspieRogue wrote:
ArrantPariah wrote:
That would be one way the schools could make some money. Every week, the principal sentences a number of youths to paddling. Then, the school auctions off the administration of the paddling to members of the community. They could also either auction off the right to witness the paddling, or perform the paddlings in the auditorium, and sell tickets.

I do, however, appreciate the willingness of Southern Belles to bend over and present their rumps.

Well I hope you'll enjoy being the bend-over "southern belle" for Bubba the Wonderman when you become his cellmate. 8)

Sorry, not my style. But, if I were to be incarcerated in the same cell with a number of buxom young female southern belles who enjoyed bending over and presenting, then we might be able to talk.

I will admit to being a gluteophile, but nicely-formed female bottoms only, please.

17 Oct 2012, 11:23 am

ArrantPariah wrote:
AspieRogue wrote:
ArrantPariah wrote:
That would be one way the schools could make some money. Every week, the principal sentences a number of youths to paddling. Then, the school auctions off the administration of the paddling to members of the community. They could also either auction off the right to witness the paddling, or perform the paddlings in the auditorium, and sell tickets.

I do, however, appreciate the willingness of Southern Belles to bend over and present their rumps.

Well I hope you'll enjoy being the bend-over "southern belle" for Bubba the Wonderman when you become his cellmate. 8)

Sorry, not my style. But, if I were to be incarcerated in the same cell with a number of buxom young female southern belles who enjoyed bending over and presenting, then we might be able to talk.

I will admit to being a gluteophile, but nicely-formed female bottoms only, please.


As if you'd get incarcerated with women; let alone have a say who your cellies are!


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17 Oct 2012, 12:57 pm

AspieRogue wrote:
As if you'd get incarcerated with women; let alone have a say who your cellies are!

That's why I think that prison is so silly, and why I am a carcelophobe.

The situational homophilia. It might be Heaven for those who are already homosexual. Hell for the gynegluteophiles.



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17 Oct 2012, 5:07 pm

Here is a teacher who was caught having coitus in a car in a Kohl's parking lot with a 16-year-old student ... ested.html

Certainly not a good idea. I don't think that her case has yet gone to trial.

I do think that beating an adolescent (as they do in the South) is a lot worse. She obviously did not hurt him.


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17 Oct 2012, 7:48 pm

ArrantPariah wrote:
Here is a teacher who was caught having coitus in a car in a Kohl's parking lot with a 16-year-old student ... ested.html

Certainly not a good idea. I don't think that her case has yet gone to trial.

I do think that beating an adolescent (as they do in the South) is a lot worse. She obviously did not hurt him.

So you're saying pedophilia is okay as long as the woman is the adult and the child is a boy? Are you suggesting that this will cause no psychological harm to the boy?

Is my interpretation correct?


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17 Oct 2012, 8:01 pm

I went to school in the south my whole life,I never got paddled or know of any girl that did.I
did know some boys that got "licks" but they laughed about it and said they most likely deserved it.I'm not for it,most schools here don't even do that anymore.They leave that up to the parents.You must really hate the south ArrantPariah,you sure b$&@h about us a lot.Have you ever been below the Mason-Dixon line?I'm not saying that some a-hole teacher never got out of line bit that happens all over,not just down here.Let me know if you still want a subscription to Southern Living magazine,all those pictures of those pretty belles just lolling around on those green Zoysia grass lawns drinking mint juleps and eating B.B.Q. sandwiches,you'd just love it! :twisted:


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17 Oct 2012, 8:09 pm

Misslizard wrote:
I went to school in the south my whole life,I never got paddled or know of any girl that did.I
did know some boys that got "licks" but they laughed about it and said they most likely deserved it.I'm not for it,most schools here don't even do that anymore.They leave that up to the parents.You must really hate the south ArrantPariah,you sure b$&@h about us a lot.Have you ever been below the Mason-Dixon line?I'm not saying that some a-hole teacher never got out of line bit that happens all over,not just down here.Let me know if you still want a subscription to Southern Living magazine,all those pictures of those pretty belles just lolling around on those green Zoysia grass lawns drinking mint juleps and eating B.B.Q. sandwiches,you'd just love it! :twisted:

You missed the other discussion


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17 Oct 2012, 8:31 pm

Yeah,I was ill so I did miss that one.It is creepy for a man to paddle a girl. My friends that got the most severe corporal punishment went to Catholic school,heavy handed nuns.One school I went to had a black principal and he paddled the white boys and no one ever complained about him.He ran a tight ship and the parents liked him for that.But that is weird that they let a man paddle her,I'd think a female coach would have been a better choice or better yet extra study hall.(The funny thing is that most kids choose paddling over study hall,it's over quick and study hall isn't.)But you do seem to really dislike us down here,you never say anything nice,just derogatory.


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17 Oct 2012, 8:49 pm

Inuyasha wrote:
ArrantPariah wrote:
Here is a teacher who was caught having coitus in a car in a Kohl's parking lot with a 16-year-old student ... ested.html

Certainly not a good idea. I don't think that her case has yet gone to trial.

I do think that beating an adolescent (as they do in the South) is a lot worse. She obviously did not hurt him.

So you're saying pedophilia is okay as long as the woman is the adult and the child is a boy? Are you suggesting that this will cause no psychological harm to the boy?

Is my interpretation correct?

I really don't like repeating myself, but I think the question should be answered.


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17 Oct 2012, 9:53 pm

This whole thread has gone into the gutter and should be moved to the adult topics forum.l


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17 Oct 2012, 11:01 pm

Inuyasha wrote:
Inuyasha wrote:
ArrantPariah wrote:
Here is a teacher who was caught having coitus in a car in a Kohl's parking lot with a 16-year-old student ... ested.html

Certainly not a good idea. I don't think that her case has yet gone to trial.

I do think that beating an adolescent (as they do in the South) is a lot worse. She obviously did not hurt him.

So you're saying pedophilia is okay as long as the woman is the adult and the child is a boy? Are you suggesting that this will cause no psychological harm to the boy?

Is my interpretation correct?

I really don't like repeating myself, but I think the question should be answered.

I think it depends on what you're conditioned to think or feel. In some segments of culture, things like virginity are highly sensitive issues. They're taught that their worth is tied to whether they've had sex or not, and having sex for the first time is an emotionally traumatic experience. In those cases, I'd say there is psychological harm. I would tend to think that this is more often the case with girls than boys, and men are seen as the big, scary, dominant sex. So I'd think that the effects would present themselves more dramatically in girls than boys.


A 16-year-old who obviously knows what he's doing and has sex with a high school teacher who is fresh out of college? Oh please!! ! I can tell right away what's going on. The girl is taking the first, best job she can find, is probably moving a long way from home to take that job, and is frustrated that there aren't men her age in town and that all older men she would be interested in dating are already married. So you have some football player decides he's hot for teacher bragging to his buddies that he's going to tap that. She thinks it's genuine interest. Next thing you know, there's a sex video making the rounds on file-sharing sites. So one day his report card comes home and he's failing English. Never mind the fact he's too busy mud-riding on his 4-wheeler to learn how to read. And if his grades suck, he gets cut from the team and he'll never get that scholarship in college. So what does he do? Uh, well, uhm...that b!tch said she had candy and pictures in her car, and, um, she started touching me and I told her to thing I know she pulls my pants down,*sob* You'll never know this kid's name, because they have to protect the guilty, but her name makes the rounds on all the news networks all over the world. Not only is she stripped of her teaching credentials, she won't even be able to get a job teaching ESL in Tuva. Add to that she gets scarlet-lettered as a sex offender for the rest of her life, and all because some dumb kid wanted bragging rights.

You tell me who you think is going to be more psychologically damaged!


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18 Oct 2012, 7:29 am

Misslizard wrote:
Yeah,I was ill so I did miss that one.It is creepy for a man to paddle a girl. My friends that got the most severe corporal punishment went to Catholic school,heavy handed nuns.

Nuns, at least in principle, have no other sexual outlet. That's what makes them so dangerous.

Misslizard wrote:
One school I went to had a black principal and he paddled the white boys and no one ever complained about him.He ran a tight ship and the parents liked him for that.But that is weird that they let a man paddle her,I'd think a female coach would have been a better choice or better yet extra study hall.(The funny thing is that most kids choose paddling over study hall,it's over quick and study hall isn't.)But you do seem to really dislike us down here,you never say anything nice,just derogatory.

Well, I don't really approve of abusing the traditional primate's gesture of submission by inflicting pain. The poor kids grow up to vote Republican.


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18 Oct 2012, 7:36 am

AngelRho wrote:
You'll never know this kid's name, because they have to protect the guilty, but her name makes the rounds on all the news networks all over the world. Not only is she stripped of her teaching credentials, she won't even be able to get a job teaching ESL in Tuva. Add to that she gets scarlet-lettered as a sex offender for the rest of her life, and all because some dumb kid wanted bragging rights.

You tell me who you think is going to be more psychologically damaged!

On top of that, her court case has dragged on for years, and she will probably spend a few years in prison, while, yeah, he gets bragging rights.

Plus, when she eventually does apply for jobs, potential employers are going to be googling her name, and coming across these articles about her case.

Which, of course, will give her an advantage, if Herman Cain is the hiring official.


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18 Oct 2012, 8:57 am

Statutory rape is statutory rape, and women who commit it shouldn't be treated any differently than men. Whether the boy was psychologically damaged is irrelevent - the teacher was an adult in a position of authority and he was a minor.
If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. I don't feel sorry for a grown-@ss woman who can't control herself.


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18 Oct 2012, 9:26 am

It is quite silly, and a waste of resources, to prosecute people for "crimes" where no-one and nothing is damaged. In fact, the result of the "crime" was quite the contrary. The boy was much satisfied with his orgasm.