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06 Jul 2013, 6:18 pm

Aborting a life from coming into this world might seem wrong immoral and evil etc but think about this, dont you think dictating a womans decisions what she can do with her own body is just as wrong if not even more wrong? If a woman is raped and impregnated by a rapist and then blaming the woman for getting pregnant by getting raped? I am sorry But I would respect the womans decision to abort the fetus in situations like that. Yeah there are some that act irresponsible and just say oh well time to get an abortion and not care, yeah I kind of get pissed about that but not everyones irresponsible. Its their choice not mine to make besides you wouldnt want people like that to be mothers anyway. Our population is a surplus so its not like we as human beings are an endangered species anyway.

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06 Jul 2013, 6:36 pm

AspieOtaku wrote:

Nonsense. Someone else would have gotten us into a war.



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06 Jul 2013, 7:23 pm

ruveyn wrote:
AspieOtaku wrote:

Nonsense. Someone else would have gotten us into a war.


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06 Jul 2013, 10:19 pm

AspieOtaku wrote:
Aborting a life from coming into this world might seem wrong immoral and evil etc but think about this, dont you think dictating a womans decisions what she can do with her own body is just as wrong if not even more wrong? If a woman is raped and impregnated by a rapist and then blaming the woman for getting pregnant by getting raped?

The Republicans believe that rape babies are a gift from god. :roll:



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07 Jul 2013, 12:37 am

zer0netgain wrote:
Shatbat wrote:
LKL wrote:
In my hypothetical scenario, my mother agreed to be hooked up to me for 9 months. That is, she agreed to be my life support, made a voluntary choice... and then changed her mind. As is her right.

Actually, I'd say in your hypothetical that once your mother gave her informed consent to hooking you up to her for nine months (and you probably know all the implications that come with "informed consent") then she'd have a moral duty to follow through unless it greatly interferes with her health and well being to a great degree.

This is legally correct.

If I was in mortal peril and someone VOLUNTEERED to use their body to sustain mine, they CAN NOT change their mind once that begins absent their own health and safety being in peril if they continue. The reason why is because while there is no legal duty to rescue someone ONCE YOU BEGIN A RESCUE, you become legally liable if you abandon your patient.

three problems, here: first, neither a rescue nor a HCP/patient relationship normally continue for 9 months; second, both a rescuer and a HCP can hand off their responsibility to the next person on shift; third, neither a rescuer nor a HCP are required to donate their body or organ functions to a victim/patient, even if such donation is neither dangerous nor harmful to the rescuer/HCP. No rescuer or HCP can be compelled, for example, to donate blood or organs to a patient. The two situations simply are not comparable.

Choosing to kick someone off support after you chose to support them must be done by a court order to ensure you are acting within your rights. To just cut the cord and let the person die because you change your mind would be treated as an act of murder because you KNEW terminating your role would end the other person's life.

Again, not correct: a person with a designated legal right can make life-and-death choices for (usually) a family member without a 'court order.' It happens all the time in the hospital, and getting a court order would necessarily delay critical decisions. Even someone who is on 'life support' can be removed from life support without a court order, given certain conditions are met.


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07 Jul 2013, 2:51 am

Max000 wrote:
The Republicans believe that rape babies are a gift from god. :roll:

Every last Republican? Have you polled them all? Have you even run a statistically sound survey to check that general assertion?

Is it possible you are a liberal bigot?



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07 Jul 2013, 3:59 am

ruveyn wrote:
Max000 wrote:
The Republicans believe that rape babies are a gift from god. :roll:

Every last Republican? Have you polled them all? Have you even run a statistically sound survey to check that general assertion?

The Republican Party platform calls for a ban on abortion, including cases of rape. An abortion ban = anti-choice. Anti-choice = fascism and anti-freedom. If you are member of the Republican Party, then you have elected on your own free will to join a fascist party. If you don't like being associated with that, then don't join that party, and don't vote for them.

I don't care what you believe. I care about who you are voting for. In WW2 it was called "being a good German".


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07 Jul 2013, 7:40 am

LKL wrote:
three problems, here: first, neither a rescue nor a HCP/patient relationship normally continue for 9 months; second, both a rescuer and a HCP can hand off their responsibility to the next person on shift; third, neither a rescuer nor a HCP are required to donate their body or organ functions to a victim/patient, even if such donation is neither dangerous nor harmful to the rescuer/HCP. No rescuer or HCP can be compelled, for example, to donate blood or organs to a patient. The two situations simply are not comparable.

1. Irrelevant. Duration of a rescue changes not the legal obligations created. If you knew you had to support someone until an arrangement was made and you agreed to it, you are bound to it. As pregnancy comes with the knowledge that it is 9 months, you can't argue lack of foreknowledge of the obligation.

2. You prove my point with "handing off" responsibility. Your obligation remains until someone else agrees to take it over. Abandonment is a criminal act.

3. While nobody is REQUIRED to donate their body or organ functions, you are comparing apples to elephants. If you agree to do just that, you are legally bound to your obligation once it has begun. We are not talking about doing CPR and then being obligated to donate your kidney. We are talking about you agreeing to be hooked up to someone so your kidneys could work to keep someone alive. If you agree to do that and it is begun, you can't just up and walk away from your obligation.

LKL wrote:
Again, not correct: a person with a designated legal right can make life-and-death choices for (usually) a family member without a 'court order.' It happens all the time in the hospital, and getting a court order would necessarily delay critical decisions. Even someone who is on 'life support' can be removed from life support without a court order, given certain conditions are met.

Again, apples to elephants. When someone designates a person with a power of attorney to make health care decisions for them (which normally only comes into effect when that person is no longer able to express their wishes), only then can a choice to suspend medical care be made. If there is the risk of litigation over the decision, the court will be asked to make a ruling on what may be done. A health care power of attorney/advanced medical directive/living will is routinely subject to challenges. The doctor can never just pull the plug if someone objects, and if we were dealing with another person keeping the patient alive (sharing organs), that person would have to ask a court's permission to terminate the aid they are providing if the termination will result in the patient dying.

Simply put, once you freely choose to take on the role, it is criminal to abandon it because you no longer want to be bothered with it.

In life and death matters, the law sides with the life-affirming choice. This is why the abortion issue dances around the question of, "When does life begin?" Legally, once we say life begins, all decisions must honor the commitment to protect life. To say a fetus is not "alive" makes it permissible for a court to say you can terminate it. If we say a fetus is "alive," then it becomes legally impermissible to terminate it without compelling issues being at play.


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07 Jul 2013, 8:23 am

As an ethnic and cultural (not religious) Jew with a non-sectarian spiritual inclinations, I feel that abortion is morally wrong except in certain circumstances (the mother's life is threatened, the baby will be born with a condition thar will cause them to suffer horrible pain and/or die young, etc.) However, I feel that Roe v. Wade is a settled decision. I recognize that if outlawed, there will be less supply for abortion, but equal demand. In my opinion, it's better for a woman to get an abortion from a doctor with hi-tech equipment working in a hospital than from a quack with a coathanger operating from his basement.


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07 Jul 2013, 12:45 pm

Max000 wrote:
AspieOtaku wrote:
Aborting a life from coming into this world might seem wrong immoral and evil etc but think about this, dont you think dictating a womans decisions what she can do with her own body is just as wrong if not even more wrong? If a woman is raped and impregnated by a rapist and then blaming the woman for getting pregnant by getting raped?

The Republicans believe that rape babies are a gift from god. :roll:

In that case gods a sadistic as*hole who takes joy in seeing women get raped!

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07 Jul 2013, 4:15 pm

AspieOtaku wrote:

I saw this picture online recently. I didn't have an account there but someone else posted what I was thinking. Maybe everyone would have been better off if Voldemort's mother had an abortion.



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07 Jul 2013, 4:18 pm

Neville Longbottom :lmao::lmao:


To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day. - Winston Churchill


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07 Jul 2013, 4:27 pm

I'm not too kosher about adoption either. It provides kids with roofs over their heads, but the cynic in me thinks the houses they dwell in are made of glass, venal.

Yes, I'm still alive.


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07 Jul 2013, 4:35 pm


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07 Jul 2013, 4:53 pm

zer0netgain wrote:
LKL wrote:
three problems, here: first, neither a rescue nor a HCP/patient relationship normally continue for 9 months; second, both a rescuer and a HCP can hand off their responsibility to the next person on shift; third, neither a rescuer nor a HCP are required to donate their body or organ functions to a victim/patient, even if such donation is neither dangerous nor harmful to the rescuer/HCP. No rescuer or HCP can be compelled, for example, to donate blood or organs to a patient. The two situations simply are not comparable.

1. Irrelevant. Duration of a rescue changes not the legal obligations created. If you knew you had to support someone until an arrangement was made and you agreed to it, you are bound to it. As pregnancy comes with the knowledge that it is 9 months, you can't argue lack of foreknowledge of the obligation.

Again, incorrect: as I previously stated, HCPs and rescuers can transfer their responsibility to another rescuer at any time, and are not legally required to remain beyond their shift even without adequate staffing to transfer to. As far as 'you know at the beginning of a pregnancy that you are in it for 9 months,' you are presuming that consenting to sex = consenting to pregnancy. This is blatantly not the case.

2. You prove my point with "handing off" responsibility. Your obligation remains until someone else agrees to take it over. Abandonment is a criminal act.

See above. A rescuer or HCP is would not be required to camp out next to a patient's bed for 9 months if somehow all of the other nurses or doctors fail to show up, even if the patient would die if they left.

3. While nobody is REQUIRED to donate their body or organ functions, you are comparing apples to elephants. If you agree to do just that, you are legally bound to your obligation once it has begun. We are not talking about doing CPR and then being obligated to donate your kidney. We are talking about you agreeing to be hooked up to someone so your kidneys could work to keep someone alive. If you agree to do that and it is begun, you can't just up and walk away from your obligation.

Incorrect. If you decide to donate a kidney to someone, you can back out at any time until you lose consciousness due to anesthesia; even if the recipient has been prepped and is already medically compromised, you can withdraw consent as long as you are physically capable of doing so. If I donate blood, I can stop the donation at any time even if I haven't donated an entire unit.

LKL wrote:
Again, not correct: a person with a designated legal right can make life-and-death choices for (usually) a family member without a 'court order.' It happens all the time in the hospital, and getting a court order would necessarily delay critical decisions. Even someone who is on 'life support' can be removed from life support without a court order, given certain conditions are met.

Again, apples to elephants. When someone designates a person with a power of attorney to make health care decisions for them (which normally only comes into effect when that person is no longer able to express their wishes), only then can a choice to suspend medical care be made. If there is the risk of litigation over the decision, the court will be asked to make a ruling on what may be done. A health care power of attorney/advanced medical directive/living will is routinely subject to challenges. The doctor can never just pull the plug if someone objects, and if we were dealing with another person keeping the patient alive (sharing organs), that person would have to ask a court's permission to terminate the aid they are providing if the termination will result in the patient dying.

If I'm donating an organ, I don't have to ask a court's permission to change my mind about donating an organ. Likewise, if I were supporting someone with my body, I wouldn't need a court's permission to get up and walk away at any time. Anyone who tried to physically keep me there would be guilty of not only assault and battery with major harm, but also of kidnapping.

Frankly, you're just pulling presumptive s**t out of your ass and calling it established law. You're not a rescuer, you're not a HCP, and you're not a lawyer, but you're making these statements as if you know better what the law would be in a hypothetical (but currently medically impossible) situation would be better than anyone else here.

In life and death matters, the law sides with the life-affirming choice. This is why the abortion issue dances around the question of, "When does life begin?" Legally, once we say life begins, all decisions must honor the commitment to protect life. To say a fetus is not "alive" makes it permissible for a court to say you can terminate it. If we say a fetus is "alive," then it becomes legally impermissible to terminate it without compelling issues being at play.

You are not only incorrect, you are being deliberately obtuse. Roe v. Wade was deterimined on privacy grounds - the pregnant woman's privacy - not on whether or not a zef was alive; subsequent rulings have kept that emphasis, but added the nuance of when the state has an interest in the developing zef, ie viability and when the zef can be considered a 'person.' Life has nothing to do with it, as the zef is no less alive than the ovum and spermatozoan that created it, nor the genetic parents that those gamets came from. Life has been continuous since its origin billions of years ago.


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08 Jul 2013, 2:29 am

AspieOtaku wrote:
Max000 wrote:
AspieOtaku wrote:
Aborting a life from coming into this world might seem wrong immoral and evil etc but think about this, dont you think dictating a womans decisions what she can do with her own body is just as wrong if not even more wrong? If a woman is raped and impregnated by a rapist and then blaming the woman for getting pregnant by getting raped?

The Republicans believe that rape babies are a gift from god. :roll:

In that case gods a sadistic as*hole who takes joy in seeing women get raped!

Of course god is a sadistic as*hole. He's got all this supposed power, and look what he does with it. Earthquakes, tornados, fires, plain crashes, wars, Republicans. He devotes all his powers to making the lives of humans as miserable as possible.