LIFE; What is it?
Yes, David has had thermodynamics explained to him several times across multiple threads by several users, but dismisses and insults any who disagree with him.
You are, in essence, asking for two different definitions of the same thing, which can only be contradictory.
As I have been to exasperating pains to point out: simple experiments that anyone can do anywhere conclusively and reproducibly demonstrate that the mere presence of chemicals does not spontaneously produce metabolism and thus produce life. Life orders the metabolism that requires the chemicals. Life absent:- metabolism crashes... sunshine or no sunshine!
You are, in essence, asking for two different definitions of the same thing, which can only be contradictory.
As I have been to exasperating pains to point out: simple experiments that anyone can do anywhere conclusively and reproducibly demonstrate that the mere presence of chemicals does not spontaneously produce metabolism and thus produce life. Life orders the metabolism that requires the chemicals. Life absent:- metabolism crashes... sunshine or no sunshine!
ok then, how do you explain life, since you've been so diligently pointing out how everyone else's explanations are flawed, yet can't do more than ignore established theories, display your ignorance of science and yammer on with pointlessly long words.
p.s. it's spelt sleight, not slight.
p.s. it's spelt sleight, not slight.
"Established theories" are of no more importance than any other popular superstition.
What (organic) life is cannot be explained to anyone who believes that it is what it is not.
Established theories of life were all that it just happened, until Pasture proved that where life is killed it does not just come back.
Theories involving hot mud, volcanic vents, lightning, were just theories. Galvani was making dead things move with electricity, Mary Shelly wrote Frankenstein about it.
Compounds used by organic life are found in meteors. Life uses what it finds, and it is not caused by matter evolving.
While the elements found in highways are also found in automobiles, highways do not evolve into automobiles.
Organic Life is an energy that can order matter into self replicating life forms.
Hence, it is possible that there is intelligent life that does not use matter, that organizes pure energy.
Our existence, nothing is touching, it is all vibrating, it is mostly empty space, and it is all made of energy. Everything we can perceive was made by and from energy.
Going back to the source, energy did stuff.
p.s. it's spelt sleight, not slight.
"Established theories" are of no more importance than any other popular superstition.
What (organic) life is cannot be explained to anyone who believes that it is what it is not.
thermodynamics to him, or others including myself, so frequently that you were getting a little exasperated?
Yes, David has had thermodynamics explained to him several times across multiple threads by several users, but dismisses and insults any who disagree with him.
This being the case, can you please LOCK this thread for the exact same reason that 'Envirozentinel' just locked another thread with him in it.
It is clearly disagreeable to many users.
Please consider this as a formal request to you or any other Mod.
Thanks for all you do.
p.s. it's spelt sleight, not slight.
"Established theories" are of no more importance than any other popular superstition.
What (organic) life is cannot be explained to anyone who believes that it is what it is not.
Shooting down what everyone else thinks is called The Scientific Method.
The statement here, Organic life is not a by product of the material world.
Dirt did not evolve into life.
The nature of Thermodynamics is energy dissipates. This includes bonds formed during a prior higher energy state.
While this is proven to rule the material universe, Organic life gains energy, and grows toward more complex forms.
Established Theories are all unsupported, and what Science calls, WAG, Wild Ass Guess.
So far, Science has not produced a cell function, much less one that could replicate.
Algae and Yeast are simple, and both perform chemical processes that Science cannot.
Water, CO2, Photons, + Algae, produce Hydrocarbons, Sugars, Starches, in some Cold Fusion process we cannot duplicate.
Creating life in the lab is from a 1930s movie. In the 50s such stories showed up in Popular Science Magazines.
Some children from that era then tried it at a university. They all failed. I was around, they did not even know about DNA. They made Amino Acids, and claimed victory was near. Amino Acids are found in meteors.
What we have here seems to be people who paid for an education, some decades ago it seems, and expect that the product they were sold made them superior to all who did not buy that product.
Its nothing personal, just business. Universities make money by blowing smoke, to rubes who will never work in the field. You are not going to make the big bucks telling people about what you do not know. That is secret Research Grant Application material.
On a scale of functional intelligence, Algae and Yeast are much higher than Human Science.
Humans change the subject, to about how they can catch a ball and climb trees.
If that does not work, Locked Threads, claiming to be Triggered, demanding Bans, and Burning at the Stake with any new books that disagree with what they think they were taught decades ago.
Life is from outside the material plane, but has the ability to act within the material plane, and organize Organic Chemistry into self replicating organisms.
Life is intelligent energy.
There is a whole heap of difference between the chemistry and physics of a live organism and a dead one (even a virus). That difference, I suggest, is the stuff called "life" which is transmitted from a "live" thing and never from a non-live thing.
So where did the first living thing come from?
p.s. it's spelt sleight, not slight.
"Established theories" are of no more importance than any other popular superstition.
What (organic) life is cannot be explained to anyone who believes that it is what it is not.
Shooting down what everyone else thinks is called The Scientific Method.
No, it's not. hope this helps!
p.s. it's spelt sleight, not slight.
"Established theories" are of no more importance than any other popular superstition.
What (organic) life is cannot be explained to anyone who believes that it is what it is not.
Shooting down what everyone else thinks is called The Scientific Method.
No, it's not. hope this helps!
'Shooting down what everyone else thinks is called the Scientific Method'
Not always; but human thoughts of feelings through innate instinct and intuition
are non-repeatable science projects, unless one is a repeatable robot of thought
and action opposing innate instinctual and intuitive ways of creativity.
Science has no way to truly measure unique human imagination or
creativity, by any 'official' scientific method,
as IT is non-repeatable, as
such. But that's just
common sense
for folks
of just
it, without any
systemizing method of
science at all, to just flow with
life; instead, of steps from others.
And yes, it is possible to at least document
this human reality, as, at least empirical
CASE-STUDY evidence. And YES;
THAT is what I do;
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
Here's the problem with science. Most all tools that humans create
have hidden dangers, as they take humans away from challenges
in life, by making life easier; instead of GAINING STRENGTH.
Steve Jobs, really harped on Bill Gates for having just
a COMPUTER tool mind, with no imagination;
Problem is; loss of human common sense, too.
While Bicycles, in the above video, are shown
as much more efficient to move human
from place A to place B; than what a
Condor can do with wings, even in air;
Human legs are evolved to stay strong
by opposing the gravity of the earth
to keep bones dense and stronger.
Bicycles use the same repetitive
movements over and over, to
overcome the force of
gravity, with wheels.
Meanwhile, when one cycles, as opposed to walking;
if done enough; they will both develop ergonomic
injuries, by way of repetitive movement; as
well as bone and muscle loss at the
core of foot and ankle, and the
rest of the human body, as well.
Honestly, most people do not have a frigging clue about this;
as they are ignorant of how their body even works with frigging
basic nature. The meaning of life is to maintain balance with
self and the rest of nature. To find this is to look within;
as the byproducts of science aka Technology, if
used to the ignorance of what human
nature even is; THIS is A source
of major human injury,
suffering, misery,
and even premature
death. But try to
convince someone of
this, with a remote control, in hand.
'Remote controls' are everywhere one looks 'these days';
as well as human injury, misery, suffering, and PREMATURE DEATH.
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
Righto, Ghogsy. You claim that gravity caused legs to evolve as strong as yours. But if "evolution" is as smart as you lot seem to think it is all life should be aquatic so that it doesn't have to waste valuable energy overcoming gravity with powerful legs.
Less energy to the legs = more power to the poetry.
Less energy to the legs = more power to the poetry.
Try going without gravity for a year.. and see how strong your evolved legs are.. as is.
Common sense friend.. it's just common sense.. a rare commodity these days for sure..
as people waste away.. sitting still..... losing their ability to scan the horizon for predators
and prey.. too..
that are they
now instead
of them...
A prayer would
BE actually TO be human..
but that takes common
sense my friend.. and never
ever science
Common sense rules
without rules
and only
one with
common sense
rules.. any
way smiles
and welcome
My super-cool ability to leg press
930LBS on a parallel leg press machine
20 times now.. and 14 times.. as still
evidenced in search of that phrase
in YouTube way is bio-mechanically
almost twice as difficult than a vertical leg press
machine that folks doped on steroids do.. what i
do is something that not even folks doped up on
steroids can do with their arms raised to the air..
evidenced on You Tube as such.. and I at 55
prove that my physical intelligence is far far
superior to the average Joe by just getting my
real on baby.. in all natural innate instinct and intuition..
but anyway.. if you never are able to float on terrestrial land
like I.. and dance with the wind above what even Bruce Lee can
do with water..
you haven't
at least NOT
cool me..
It's just an empirically assessed fact
that I am supercool.. by the only judges
that TRULY count.. the target audience
of humans.. in all 3D flesh and
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
Less energy to the legs = more power to the poetry.
Try going without gravity for a year.. and see how strong your evolved legs are.. as is.
Common sense friend.. it's just common sense.. a rare commodity these days for sure..
as people waste away.. sitting still..... losing their ability to scan the horizon for predators
and prey.. too..
that are they
now instead
of them...
A prayer would
BE actually TO be human..
but that takes common
sense my friend.. and never
ever science
Common sense rules
without rules
and only
one with
common sense
rules.. any
way smiles
and welcome
My super-cool ability to leg press
930LBS on a parallel leg press machine
20 times now.. and 14 times.. as still
evidenced in search of that phrase
in YouTube way is bio-mechanically
almost twice as difficult than a vertical leg press
machine that folks doped on steroids do.. what i
do is something that not even folks doped up on
steroids can do with their arms raised to the air..
evidenced on You Tube as such.. and I at 55
prove that my physical intelligence is far far
superior to the average Joe by just getting my
real on baby.. in all natural innate instinct and intuition..
but anyway.. if you never are able to float on terrestrial land
like I.. and dance with the wind above what even Bruce Lee can
do with water..
you haven't
at least NOT
cool me..
It's just an empirically assessed fact
that I am supercool.. by the only judges
that TRULY count.. the target audience
of humans.. in all 3D flesh and
I'm much more interested in philosophy (science) about what life is than the peculiar physical abilities of various life forms.
When I was younger I was pretty physically powerful (for my size) but it never made me any wealthier or smarter so I gave it up.
Less energy to the legs = more power to the poetry.
Try going without gravity for a year.. and see how strong your evolved legs are.. as is.
Common sense friend.. it's just common sense.. a rare commodity these days for sure..
as people waste away.. sitting still..... losing their ability to scan the horizon for predators
and prey.. too..
that are they
now instead
of them...
A prayer would
BE actually TO be human..
but that takes common
sense my friend.. and never
ever science
Common sense rules
without rules
and only
one with
common sense
rules.. any
way smiles
and welcome
My super-cool ability to leg press
930LBS on a parallel leg press machine
20 times now.. and 14 times.. as still
evidenced in search of that phrase
in YouTube way is bio-mechanically
almost twice as difficult than a vertical leg press
machine that folks doped on steroids do.. what i
do is something that not even folks doped up on
steroids can do with their arms raised to the air..
evidenced on You Tube as such.. and I at 55
prove that my physical intelligence is far far
superior to the average Joe by just getting my
real on baby.. in all natural innate instinct and intuition..
but anyway.. if you never are able to float on terrestrial land
like I.. and dance with the wind above what even Bruce Lee can
do with water..
you haven't
at least NOT
cool me..
It's just an empirically assessed fact
that I am supercool.. by the only judges
that TRULY count.. the target audience
of humans.. in all 3D flesh and
I'm much more interested in philosophy (science) about what life is than the peculiar physical abilities of various life forms.
When I was younger I was pretty physically powerful (for my size) but it never made me any wealthier or smarter so I gave it up.
The greaTEST lesson of my life is THAT
wealth and smart in terms of dollars and standard IQ
are almost wholly a culturally produced human abstract illusion.
And on the other hand, miracles happen with GOD;
and GOD is almost entirely an abstract illusion;
however, GOD is real too;
as well as Dollars and
Standard IQ.
The illusion is there is no
illusion and illusion
is REAL.
Any human being
who THINKS they
can wrap GOD
around human
LOGIC does
not have
a fuller
of the flow of reality
that needs no human
mind, alone to work.
GOD is ART; there are
no human parameters
of logic that can fully
measure human ART;
and no doubt human
is a fractal of GOD
as whole; SO
that's NOT
or NOT with
Seriously, Oldavid;
no matter how
the Universe
starTS with
Hands of GOD;
So in other words, what's
OF ALL THAT IS; it's only
a human supposition;
and almost
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
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