BettaPonic wrote:
The study also had flawed methodology. It took all the money each group makes and compared it. They factored nothing in.
Sigbold wrote:
Doesn't the difference almost completely disappear if one also takes into account the kind and amount of work done?
True. Also the hours worked. You don't here me complaining when the girl who works 7 days per week gets paid more than me for working 5 days per week. I know she's being paid more because she worked more.
Shahunshah wrote:
I feel as though we might act as though these so called SJWs are more prominent than they actually are.
Yes we do. Not only do people who are against SJWs act as though SJWs are more prominent then they actually are, but politicians and the media act like SJWs are more prominent then they actually are.
In other words, people pandering to SJWs act like SJWs are a mainstream part of society.
SJWs themselves act like they're more prominent then they actually are. Why else would they be surprised when most people disagree with them when their views are their views are held by the minority.
SJWs are a textbook example of the vocal minority who appears to represent the majority view because no one hears the silent majority.
Shahunshah wrote:
Many people I know that seem to be SJWs on the surface turn out to be interesting people, with a different perspective that I enjoy discussing with them about.
They seem to be SJWs on the surface? I guess that means they're not really SJWs. Good thing too or they might not be willing to have interesting discussions with you.
Shahunshah wrote:
In fact many people in my class aren't even SJWs they love discussion some just have left of center political views.
I never said the people in your class were SJWs.
The days are long, but the years are short