Phagocyte wrote:
iamnotaparakeet wrote:
Skafather isn't a Christian. Christianity isn't exactly Stoicism here. For all that people say that Christians are irrational ignorant bigots, has nobody who says such things looked in a mirror?
I completely agree, ignorance and intolerance knows know idealistic bounds and is present in both atheists and the religious.
I am agnostic, but I am completely fine with religion and denounce any general blanket insults made about all religious people, though I am rather irked when I am told that I am hell bound or I have Satan working through me because of my harmless agnostic scientific standpoints.
If you are fine with religions then you are not an agnostic. If you are fine with religions, why do you not share their beliefs?
Agnosticism is not neutrality.
Agnosticism (Greek: α- a-, without + γνώσις gnōsis, knowledge; after Gnosticism) is the philosophical view that the truth value of certain claims — particularly metaphysical claims regarding theology, afterlife or the existence of God, gods, deities, or even ultimate reality — is unknown or, depending on the form of agnosticism, inherently unknowable.
Either you think the religious are mistaken or you are in fact a theist, not an agnostic.