Sand wrote:
All concepts require a brain to conceive them. Even those written down do not exist as concepts until someone reads it. The concept of God exists in human brains and may be evoked by literature but if all human readers ceased to exist the concept would cease to exist.
Well, yes, the human mind differs from other species in our ability to cognition and we form concepts and meanings of what we perceive, we could say that our minds become a universe itself which would be a reflection of the reality we perceive, even if it is a bit distorted, which it is probably always the case. God exists for some people because they have learned from reading and hearing, it came to their minds as concepts through their senses, just as many other things, you never met Leonardo Davinci in person, but you might be sure he existed, and also being evoked by literature, that is also a concept you gain in your mind.
When you cease to exist, all concepts learned cease to exist, apparently, you cease to exist and the entire universe cease to exist, in your mind.
Well, perhaps I might be getting this wrong or missing something though, but at least this is how I see it, somehow.
?Everything is perfect in the universe - even your desire to improve it.?