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18 Oct 2012, 9:33 am

As a teacher she should have higher standards(we hope) and not dally with the students.I bet there would have been a big uproar if that had been a female student with her.But it does seem unfair that the boy will have bragging rights and she has a record.But a man would have been charged with the crime so in all fairness so should she.If my son had been seduced by a teacher I'd be mad,I can't speak for him.The school he went to had several very lovely ladies teaching and the boys did think they were hot,but at that age boys are vulnerable too,all those raging hormones.I think the real danger would be they would be overwhelmed by what is most likely their first sexual encounter and become too attached to the older woman.They should be clumsily groping with people their own age,with birth control of course.


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18 Oct 2012, 9:44 am

ArrantPariah wrote:
It is quite silly, and a waste of resources, to prosecute people for "crimes" where no-one and nothing is damaged. In fact, the result of the "crime" was quite the contrary. The boy was much satisfied with his orgasm.

that should be incorporated as a conditional law for prosecution, i hate the fact that untold numbers of people is punished for something no one actually felt anything from, perhaps with the exception of the cop or judge who felt personally butthurt anyone would break their law.

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18 Oct 2012, 9:54 am

YippySkippy wrote:
Statutory rape is statutory rape, and women who commit it shouldn't be treated any differently than men. Whether the boy was psychologically damaged is irrelevent - the teacher was an adult in a position of authority and he was a minor.
If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. I don't feel sorry for a grown-@ss woman who can't control herself.

I do. The only crime she committed was allowing herself to be manipulated by a teenager.

It happens to parents of teenagers all the time. Watch an episode or two of Dr. Phil and you'll see exactly what I mean.

I question the maturity of an inexperienced teacher. My first job I was fresh out of college with a master's degree (not in education, but in a relevant field of study. I got my teaching creds as an undergrad). The only job I could get was basically a ghetto middle school job. Yes, I made probably more than my fair share of mistakes because of my inexperience and unsuitability (at the time) for the job. The kids handed me my @$$ on a daily basis and administration was no help at all.

Now, if that's me teaching grades 5-8, I don't even want to think about what it's like being a FEMALE teacher the same age I was then trying to teach high school jr./sr. classes and the only guy in town who shows interest in my is some kid football player who relentlessly flirts with me every single day.

I understand the nature of statutory rape laws, but there has to be some accountability on the part of the students. Trying to flirt with a teacher is seriously inappropriate behavior for a student, and because of the damage it can do to a teacher's career, there should be severe penalties imposed on kids who attempt it. It should be documented just like all discipline referrals, and a teacher ought to be able to sue students who try it for harassment. I don't see anything being done to protect the teachers from the students.

Of course, if the teacher doesn't take steps to stop the behavior, then sure, it's the teacher's fault. I don't mean to sound like I approve the behavior, because I don't. But pretending the students who perpetrate these hideous schemes are perfect little angels is offensive to me.

18 Oct 2012, 10:31 am

YippySkippy wrote:
Statutory rape is statutory rape, and women who commit it shouldn't be treated any differently than men.

I'm sorry, but I beg to differ. The law is NOT a moral authority, it is a coercive authority. One of its functions is to utilize the states power to enforce society's rule; including rules about sexual behavior.There is a difference between violating societies rules and violating someones will regarding what is done to their own body. And underage boy(or girl) most certainly CAN give permission to an adult woman to have sex with him, but the law does not recognize it.


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18 Oct 2012, 10:34 am

AspieRogue wrote:
YippySkippy wrote:
Statutory rape is statutory rape, and women who commit it shouldn't be treated any differently than men.

I'm sorry, but I beg to differ. The law is NOT a moral authority, it is a coercive authority. One of its functions is to utilize the states power to enforce society's rule; including rules about sexual behavior.There is a difference between violating societies rules and violating someones will regarding what is done to their own body. And underage boy(or girl) most certainly CAN give permission to an adult woman to have sex with him, but the law does not recognize it.

Is morality or ethics a guide for what laws should be passed?


18 Oct 2012, 12:08 pm

ruveyn wrote:
AspieRogue wrote:
YippySkippy wrote:
Statutory rape is statutory rape, and women who commit it shouldn't be treated any differently than men.

I'm sorry, but I beg to differ. The law is NOT a moral authority, it is a coercive authority. One of its functions is to utilize the states power to enforce society's rule; including rules about sexual behavior.There is a difference between violating societies rules and violating someones will regarding what is done to their own body. And underage boy(or girl) most certainly CAN give permission to an adult woman to have sex with him, but the law does not recognize it.

Is morality or ethics a guide for what laws should be passed?


Sometimes it is but sometimes it is not.


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18 Oct 2012, 1:47 pm

Misslizard wrote:
I did know some boys that got "licks" but they laughed about it

They got "licks?" Well, as long as the aren't being hit, I guess.

All the same, telling boys to bend over so that he can lick them does seem a tad gross.


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18 Oct 2012, 1:52 pm

Misslizard wrote:
One school I went to had a black principal and he paddled the white boys and no one ever complained about him.He ran a tight ship and the parents liked him for that.

Your principal was most certainly a homogluteophile.

Among other social primates, subordinate troop members presenting their rumps to the alpha male also serves to foster social cohesion.


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18 Oct 2012, 2:23 pm

Maybe Mr. G's methods did foster social cohesion as none of us engaged in another primate ritual,the throwing of feces on weaker member of the troop :lol:We did throw food at each other,but not when he was around.Obviously he was the alpha male.Don't know if he was into boy bottoms but anything is possible and usually more depraved than we want to admit.


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18 Oct 2012, 7:51 pm

Misslizard wrote:
We did throw food at each other,but not when he was around..



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18 Oct 2012, 8:03 pm

I still think we should toss all the child molestors in a lake of boiling hot lava! This is what it would look like the bag of trash representing the pedophile tossed into the lake of lava![youtube][/youtube]

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24 Oct 2012, 12:01 pm

AngelRho wrote:
A 16-year-old who obviously knows what he's doing and has sex with a high school teacher who is fresh out of college? Oh please!! ! I can tell right away what's going on. The girl is taking the first, best job she can find, is probably moving a long way from home to take that job, and is frustrated that there aren't men her age in town and that all older men she would be interested in dating are already married. So you have some football player decides he's hot for teacher bragging to his buddies that he's going to tap that. She thinks it's genuine interest. Next thing you know, there's a sex video making the rounds on file-sharing sites. So one day his report card comes home and he's failing English. Never mind the fact he's too busy mud-riding on his 4-wheeler to learn how to read. And if his grades suck, he gets cut from the team and he'll never get that scholarship in college. So what does he do? Uh, well, uhm...that b!tch said she had candy and pictures in her car, and, um, she started touching me and I told her to thing I know she pulls my pants down,*sob* You'll never know this kid's name, because they have to protect the guilty, but her name makes the rounds on all the news networks all over the world. Not only is she stripped of her teaching credentials, she won't even be able to get a job teaching ESL in Tuva. Add to that she gets scarlet-lettered as a sex offender for the rest of her life, and all because some dumb kid wanted bragging rights.

You tell me who you think is going to be more psychologically damaged!

Another example of "Boys will be Boys" ... ories.html

A high school where the boys have a "Fantasy Slut League" made up of girl students.


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24 Oct 2012, 2:07 pm

I don't care if "boys will be boys" or if girls are behaving themselves provocatively.

Those factors are entirely irrelevant to the legal principle that teachers, clergy, youth leaders, counsellors, physicians, nurses, and all manner of other people in the community are in positions of trust. And so we are subject to different--and more stringent--rules. We know what the rules are when we sign on to perform the jobs that we do, and we know the consequences for violating those rules.

If we deviate from those rules, the law should deal with us more harshly than others so that the trust that is reposed in the rest of us who have not deviated from the rules is maintained. (Dear Pope Benedict--you might want to read the preceding sentence a few times.)



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24 Oct 2012, 5:33 pm

Which gives a boy who lays a hot teacher extra bragging rights.


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24 Oct 2012, 11:03 pm

ArrantPariah wrote:
It is quite silly, and a waste of resources, to prosecute people for "crimes" where no-one and nothing is damaged. In fact, the result of the "crime" was quite the contrary. The boy was much satisfied with his orgasm.

This is BS. Underage women sometimes agree to participate in sexual relationships with adult men; if she's 14 and he's 25, it's still statutory rape whether she has an orgasm or not. The entire point is that an adult has so much more experience than a child and can be coercive without the child even realizing it.


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25 Oct 2012, 7:26 am

LKL wrote:
ArrantPariah wrote:
It is quite silly, and a waste of resources, to prosecute people for "crimes" where no-one and nothing is damaged. In fact, the result of the "crime" was quite the contrary. The boy was much satisfied with his orgasm.

This is BS. Underage women sometimes agree to participate in sexual relationships with adult men; if she's 14 and he's 25, it's still statutory rape whether she has an orgasm or not. The entire point is that an adult has so much more experience than a child and can be coercive without the child even realizing it.

Well, of course, a girl whose hymen is ruptured or who becomes pregnant loses value on the marriage market.

But, a 16 year old boy, with a hot high school teacher, is nothing but huge bragging rights as far as the boy is concerned.