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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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29 Mar 2016, 7:19 pm

auntblabby wrote:
but the purpose of this thread is to serve as a mere bulletin board for unpopular opinions and NOT as a debate, not in this thread. this thread is a refuge from debate.

What's with people wanting to have a "Refuge" from debate? If you don't want a "debate", then don't make the thread about something controversial. Instead make the thread something about grass growing. Why are people on Wrong Planet so ultra-sensitive?


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29 Mar 2016, 7:25 pm

because this is not a thread about a specific topic, but a general collection of unpopular opinions, to have a debate about everthing posted here would only clog this thread up with everybody gainsaying everybody else. that is probably NOT what the OP had in mind.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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29 Mar 2016, 7:25 pm

CommanderKeen wrote:
I don't like having aspergers, not because of the general reasons, but because I can't stand most people with aspergers. Whenever, most of the time they want to suck of the breasts of big government.

I find myself very much agreeing with you. Autistic people are overwhelmingly babied in society. And pushing them to grow and become self-sufficient is seen as "hateful" and "extreme." Autistic people [not saying all, but a lot] think that they're entitled to have everyone cater to them while they can lecture neurotypical people about how their rules don't make sense. A perfect example is the autism "rights" and the neurodiversity movements pushing to make eye contact optional. This is not just for autistic people. But we're moving into an age where perseverance, personal responsibility, and hard work is frowned upon. Challenging the ideas of those who hold far left-wing views, especially if they come from someone in one of their "protected" groups, is seen as hate speech. We are moving to an age of trigger warnings run amok. It's just insane.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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29 Mar 2016, 7:27 pm

auntblabby wrote:
because this is not a thread about a specific topic, but a general collection of unpopular opinions, to have a debate about everthing posted here would only clog this thread up with everybody gainsaying everybody else. that is probably NOT what the OP had in mind.

Politics is a broad subject, covering a lot of controversial issues. A thread like this will inevitably "clog this threa dup with everybody gainsaying everyone else."


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29 Mar 2016, 7:28 pm

what good what that do?


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29 Mar 2016, 7:28 pm

These are unpopular political views. They were never intended to become popular but to exist in a space that could at least accommodate for them short of breaching any rules.

What do you think you would achieve by debating controversial issues in a thread designed for them without recourse

Yours sincerely, some dude.


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29 Mar 2016, 7:34 pm

Ahh and there we go, senquin. You went and agreed with what is likely an unpopular viewpoint on WrongPlanet in the very thread you pointed fingers at for housing people you claim arent ready to articulate said views in the form of a debate.

With that in mind.... What do you think of the thread now?

Yours sincerely, some dude.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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29 Mar 2016, 7:35 pm

pcuser wrote:
senquin wrote:
pcuser wrote:
Spiderpig wrote:
pcuser wrote:
Spiderpig wrote:
pcuser wrote:
They can believe whatever they want. They can believe the world is flat and 6000 years old. That doesn't make it right and it shouldn't stop science from moving forward. The same goes for abortion. If you believe that, which is fine, you shouldn't force your belief onto others who disagree and are simply living as they think they should, true to there believe system.

You've stated yourself the reason they'll never be persuaded to do that. If someone goes about merrily slaughtering people they meet on the street with a cleaver, with a clear conscience because they see nothing wrong with it, will you accept that you can't force your belief that it's wrong on them and have to let them live as they think they should, true to their belief system?

They are slaughtering sentient beings, so no, I wouldn't condone that...

And abortion slaughters fetuses, so they won't condone it. You may think your standard makes a difference and theirs doesn't, but they think the opposite. Therefore, no rational, mutual understanding will ever happen and neither side will just let the other live according to their beliefs. Whether either side is "right" in any kind of "objective" sense is of no practical consequence. Only force will determine who gets their way, which is unsurprisingly what's always happened so far.

And you're wrong again...

I find it amusing that you can't say anything other than "You're wrong" when you have no argument to make due to the facts in other people's posts staring you right in the eye.

When I make a valid point and it's ignored or called false when it is a fact, how does one respond? Also, there were posts that made no sense. How do you respond to such posts when they insist you do so?

"When I make a valid point and it's ignored or called false when it is a fact, how does one respond?"

Oh boo hoo hoo. You have to deal with people challenging your claims on an online forum. If what you say is so "factual," you should be able to back it up with data and evidence. All you can do is say, "You're wrong," which is not an argument.

"Also, there were posts that made no sense."
You mean like your posts. Yea, they do make no sense.

"How do you respond to such posts when they insist you do so?"

Maybe back up your claims with something called evidence, which is a foreign concept to leftists [particularly to those on the autism spectrum]. Yes, your "sensible" posts included outright denial of a documentary I cited of a study of the response to two fetuses to certain types of music outside of the womb, which is something you outright dismiss without counter evidence because it doesn't fit in with your worldview. You don't know how to make a factual argument. You dismiss anything that challenges your worldview, which is typical among leftist Progressive Fascists and Democrats.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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29 Mar 2016, 7:38 pm

TheSpectrum wrote:
These are unpopular political views. They were never intended to become popular but to exist in a space that could at least accommodate for them short of breaching any rules.

What do you think you would achieve by debating controversial issues in a thread designed for them without recourse

I didn't start this thread. Any thread inviting people to post their political views will inevitably turn into a debate. That's common sense. Anyway, with google around and any Joe Shmo being able to get a blog, these views that get expressed on this thread will also be posted elsewhere. That's the reality of the situation.


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29 Mar 2016, 7:41 pm

The reality of the situation was as Aunt Blabby advised you. This is not a debate thread. You have hundreds of other threads available to argue contentious issues if you wish.


Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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29 Mar 2016, 7:42 pm

TheSpectrum wrote:
Ahh and there we go, senquin. You went and agreed with what is likely an unpopular viewpoint on WrongPlanet in the very thread you pointed fingers at for housing people you claim arent ready to articulate said views in the form of a debate.

With that in mind.... What do you think of the thread now?
Yes I did agree with a viewpoint that's unpopular on WP. I think this thread is more interesting with the debates. The fact is that you can't shield yourself from opposing viewpoints, even if they're repulsive or racist. But leaving that aside, as for me agreeing with viewpoints that you claim that I say people here aren't ready to articulate, there are always exceptions to general trends.


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29 Mar 2016, 7:46 pm

Senquin, from one aspie to another, will you please not derail this thread? can't you let us have ONE thread where we can be free of contention?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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29 Mar 2016, 7:47 pm

Btw, I'm not the only person "debating" on this thread anyway. I'm stating the reality that any thread that invites people to post their political views will result in a debate.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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29 Mar 2016, 7:48 pm

auntblabby wrote:
Senquin, from one aspie to another, will you please not derail this thread? can't you let us have ONE thread where we can be free of contention?
I'm not the only one who argued with people on this thread. But fine, I won't "derail" this thread any longer. I think continuing this argument will get exhausting. In my humble opinion, asking people to post their political views will lead to a debate. If I am proven wrong somehow, then so be it.


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29 Mar 2016, 7:51 pm

senquin wrote:
wilburforce wrote:
senquin wrote:
What's your point? Look, I don't condone abortion [unless needed to save the mother's life when the fetus is a rodef i.e. pursuer] the same way I don't condone other types of murder or stealing. If there was a horrible famine in another country and a mother there chose to ate her kids, I would understand the pain she and the people in that country are going through, but I would NOT condone her decision to eat her kids. Even though we're privileged enough not to have to go through that [no I don't mean privileged as an insult even though "Progressives" use it as an insult and to shut down discussion constantly], I think we can all agree that her "choice" to eat her kids is wrong. So too with abortion, I think taking the life of another [helpless] human being who does not threaten your life is wrong, period. And I don't have to have a uterus to see that.

My point is that however you may feel about abortion, you will never have to make that choice for yourself and have one because you can't get pregnant if you don't have a uterus. So you can feel whatever you want about abortion, your feelings on the subject don't really matter.

ok whatever. Also, at one point in time, the sentiments of abolitionists didn't "matter" when slavery was legal. Go further back in history and that would've appeared more true, since slavery was then widespread in the world. If there is a famine in another country and women started eating their kids, our feelings would appear to not "matter", since we don't live there. But it would still be morally wrong, which is something we can all agree on. You can say that my views don't matter all you want. But I'll still take a stand against abortion.

As it's been requested that this thread not be derailed, I'm retracting my comment.

"Ego non immanis, sed mea immanis telum." ~ Ares, God of War

(Note to Moderators: my warning number is wrong on my profile but apparently can't be fixed so I will note here that it is actually 2, not 3--the warning issued to me on Aug 20 2016 was a mistake but I've been told it can't be removed.)


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29 Mar 2016, 7:53 pm

Quit debating or the thread will end up locked.