Nomaken wrote: I wish i was religious so i could admit to the unreligious people that i practice a religion, and i practice MY religion for very specific reasons.
Maybe you do have a religion and just don't know it, yet. After all, religion is just a belief and practice. Some people religiously keep up personal hygeine or watch a particular show. If you pretty much live life for yourself, avioding pain and seeking pleasure, then your religion is hedonism. That is your religious faith and practice. I'm not saying this is actually the case, but maybe you could come up with something. Of course, if you want to be correct, you'll come along to my way of thinking (that's a joke, by the way,even though I do believe it to be true)
I have not disregarded your posts on this thread. They're very endearing in a weird sort of way. I just didn't respond to them right away.
"Honey, would you buy me some boobles for my 40th b-day?" "No way, they're too expensive. Your own baubles will have to do."