Wrong Planet article.
Leading a double life and loving it (but exhausted).
Likely ADHD instead of what I've been diagnosed with before.

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If you want good Asperger's forums, try PsychForums. The PsychForums staff members despise this place as much as I do.
I find it difficult to believe that the professionals at PsychForums would register with another forum for the express purpose of violating the rules of that forum.
This includes posts made to promote a website, group or product, particularly if made repeatedly and without other participation in the WP community (spamming).
* Mentioning your own site is only permitted once you've contributed substantial useful content to the forums.
and certainly not in the style of a panty raid.

Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon
Who is JeanPaul Brixton, and why is he writing these things about WP?
He even mentions Tim_Tex in the Tag area.

And he seems to think this site has paid staff ... you can't "lay off" a volunteer ... they haven't really done their homework.
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).
No. If it was well written, brought up numerous points, and appeared to be well researched, it might hold some weight. As it is now, it's a scattering of random thoughts without any elaboration; even my outlines are more detailed than that.
As it is, I kind of want to show how to write an actual essay.
It looks well written to me.
If they had done their homework, they would know that this site is volunteer managed, but they don't. Its hard to take seriously an article that misses that core fact.
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).
...and, in fact, moderators have been removed for misconduct.
This discussion should be featured on our home page. This and the related article are a much better expose of that other site. We have a lot of satisfied customers, and a few dissatisfied ones.
"The cordial quality of pear or plum
Rises as gladly in the single tree
As in the whole orchards resonant with bees."
- Emerson

Joined: 21 Nov 2006
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Would it help if it were a happy teenager?
well, it would be a change, no?

Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon
No. If it was well written, brought up numerous points, and appeared to be well researched, it might hold some weight. As it is now, it's a scattering of random thoughts without any elaboration; even my outlines are more detailed than that.
As it is, I kind of want to show how to write an actual essay.
It looks well written to me.
No, no, no. Decent grammar does not meant it's well written. Let's go over it, shall we? JP, since you've decided to overcome your dislike of this site in order to try and purge members, feel free to join. This, mind you, is a teaching lesson; it will not follow an essay's format.
An essay should have an introduction, main point paragraphs, and a conclusion. Most of the time, it's five paragraphs, but it can be as short as three or as many as over a dozen. Since this is an opinion piece, the rules are slightly more lax, especially concerning the use of personal pronouns. However, that doesn't mean the rest of the rules can just be thrown away.
The first paragraph should be the introduction. The first sentence starts off fairly well; it is, after all, an opinion piece. After that, it goes downhill. You just stated you couldn't label it supportive; telling us that it's anything but supportive is redundant. By this point, you should be telling us more about the site and its intended purpose (support). Contrast this by saying that unfortunately, the site does not live up to its expectations. At this point, your thesis statement should be coming in to play. This is typically the last sentence of the first paragraph, and it sound cover the main points of each of the body paragraphs. JP does not do any of this; he starts talking about the banner ads abruptly. Why are the banner ads so problematic? Why do they make the site incapable of supporting those on the spectrum? We don't know, because the author doesn't elaborate. They're bad, the site should be able to support itself without them, and that's it.
The transition to the next paragraph is exceptionally awkward. There really is no transition - he's done with the banner ads, so let's move on. Now. When your previous paragraph does not have an ending point and you're forced to add a "now" to signify a changing of points, there's an issue.
However, he's actually not going to start talking about the moderation, as he said! Instead, he's going to present a quote that has nothing to do with the support staff. This gives an almost schizophrenic feel to the piece; he's jumping around without warning, going against what he previously said, and not maintaining a steady flow. You can't say "now" we're going to do something, but first you have to do something else; it's conflicting. As for the quote, it might be appropriate elsewhere in the piece but not at that point. Better yet, only part of it should be posted, because it too is a bit choppy.
The next full paragraph is seemingly in reference to the quote, although it's actually pretty hard to tell. It's a jumbled mix between complaints about the moderators (who don't delete enough spam for the author's liking) and the quality of the posts. There's also numerous references to 4Chan, which is great for those who frequent that site, but not everyone does. You can't simply rely on one comparision, because it's likely your audience won't all know it.
Next, we get yet another attempt to transition to complaints against the moderators. Well over a full paragraph since he first said it, he says it again. Yet his following complaint is only a sentence long! Almost the entire essay is a build up to problems witht he support staff, but he can only detail one. What are the complaints against sinsboldly? Who the heck is she? How does he know no one gets laid off, since he's only browsed it for a short period of time? Is the moderation so disfunctional that it gets in the way of the site? No one knows, because he doesn't say.
The concluding paragraph is also only a sentence long. This is the paragraph where you should be restating your points and presenting a compelling case. Instead, he just leaves it hanging. He's not going to be around WrongPlanet (yet he's here anyway). Why should anyone care? It's not a convincing point. Most people aren't going to read the end and think oh, well he doesn't like the site, so I shouldn't either. Ideally, the person should be able to read your concluding paragraph and get the general gist of the rest of the essay. Of course, you'd prefer them to read the whole thing, but if they don't, they should still get all of the points.
Beyond all of that, he fails to stick to a simple format. Is he going to put each complaint in a header with italics? He did with one, but not the rest. Why is the person being quoted in bold and larger text than the other? It's distracting, and it serves no purpose.
Allow me to present a rewritten version. This was done in ten minutes, so clearly it has issues. I also don't agree with the majority of it (in fact, some of it is flat out wrong, as has been noted), but I'm simply rewriting it.
The first problem is also the easiest to fix. The sides, top, and bottom of WrongPlanet are littered with banner ads. Some of these ads flash bright colors, distracting the reader from the rest of the page. Other ads show uncomfortable content - women with rolls of belly fat, rotting teeth, and men bragging about their obviously photoshopped muscles. Many people on the spectrum have trouble processing what they see, so these extra ads force them to take even longer to view what's written. These ads are unnecessary. While it is common on smaller sites for them to be used as revenue - thus covering part or all of the operating fees - WrongPlanet boasts thousands of members. It is reasonable to think that the site could survive solely on member donations, but the owner refuses to get rid of the ads. This is a balant lack of regard and respect for those members who are disturbed by the flashy banners, and it shows no support at all.
However, the members also show little respect for each other. There is a high quality of spam on WrongPlanet's boards, ranging from silly to harmful. Chucky, the adminstator of PsychForums, correctly identifies a large number of posters as "...young guys who've never stepped foot outside their front door and who enjoy analyzing every word you type, trying to find disagreement in what you're saying." The average member of WrongPlanet seems less concerned with helping his peers than he does with trying to tear them down. Between posting large numbers of threads about nothing important - topics range from eyes to cabbage - and the arguments over perceived slights, there is little compassion, helpful advice, or actual support.
Still, that could be solved if the support staff was more in line with the site's stated duties. Called moderators, those in charge of the site often ignore repeated spam, focusing instead of those who disagree with them personally. There appears to be no punishment system in place, and moderators aren't removed from their positions. The majority of members are clearly unhappy with them, and one will occasionally rebel, starting numerous spam threads, posting inappropriate avatars, and attacking each other. None of this makes any difference; the moderators have no one to answer to. They are in charge of the site and are free to enforce their own views.
When a person on the spectrum takes to the internet, they are often trying to find others like them. They have been alone in the world and are eager to share their experiences with others. This should be the ideal learning system: people share ways they've been coping with each other, offer advice and the occasional shoulder to cry on. Unfortunately, WrongPlanet is far from ideal. It is filled with disrespect, from the site's owners to the members. A person who finds this site will not be greeted with compassion; they'll be greeted with pointless thoughts, angry debates, and no one who wants to change it. If nothing else, the lack of desire to change WrongPlanet should be a huge warning sign: stay away from this site.
See? It's easier to understand with actual paragraphs.
"Nothing worth having is easy."
Three years!
How utterly asinine.
I am pleased DW_a_Mom has pointed out the completely voluntary, unpaid nature of the time and efforts donated by moderating members. I have no idea if calling these people “staff” and talking about being “laid off” is just dishonest or the result of a complete ignorance of the subject matter on the part of the author, but either is just silly really.
As to the unfortunate nature of targeting a particular member for naming as one of these “staff” (ironically a member who actually donates money as well as her time and efforts), although I do not like to comment on other members I will say that I find the notion that “there are complaints” arising from a membership of around 30,000 is meaningless.
Certainly there is evidence of complaints, but evidence of actual wrong doing, rather than misunderstandings, ventings or plain trouble-making is an entirely other matter. Human nature being what it is, it would utterly unreasonable to expect complaints not to be made fairly routinely even if nothing wrong is actually happening. People are just like that. We all sometimes get the wrong end of the stick, or get disproportionately upset about things, and that’s without even mentioning the group of people who are just plain unreasonable, have an overly large sense of entitlement, or are actually looking for trouble for its own sake.
The most probable explanation (in my view) for this huff and puff (sans actual steam) “opinion piece” is that the author ran afoul of the rather easy to abide by and mostly common sense rules of WP and has an axe to grind accordingly; it’s probably reasonable to consider that the moderator who gave their time and efforts in dealing with the person concerned is the same one specifically targeted in the opinion piece. I find that kind of behavior off putting and repugnant. Many people do get help and support from WP and trying to alienate people who might need that kind of help from the site before they’ve accessed_it, to get back at a specific member who happens to donate her time and effort to keeping WP in a functioning state is not only petty and vindictive towards that person, but really rather nasty to those who the opinion piece is intended to influence (people who might benefit from WP).
That said, I find it highly unlikely many people will read this opinion piece or take its views into serious consideration. More likely, most people reading the piece either have their own opinion already, or will respond with curiosity and access WP to see what the fuss is about. Accordingly, those who find the site useful and supportive will stay, those who do not will not, and that is as it has always been.
This thread now shows 757 views.
The opinion piece shows 352 reads.
I would suggest that this thread was created as publicity for the piece, and no one beyond those who have found this thread are actually reading the piece.
The PsychForums the article suggests one frequent instead of WP uses the same ad serive as WP - Ads by Google - rendering the complaint about ads a bit mute.
Reach your own conclusions from there, as to who the various posters supporting the piece are, and what the agenda is.
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).

Joined: 21 Nov 2006
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Posts: 13,488
Location: Bandon-by-the-Sea, Oregon
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