psychointegrator wrote:
Why is it wrong to fight?
Why is it wrong to discriminate by gender, ethnicity, etc.?
As for religion, I feel puzzled by your stance.
Read the Quran and do so with the context that you believe what is written is the inerrant word of god and those who are Muslim submit their will to the morality of that god/book.
Their religion tells them to fight, discriminate by gender, religion, lack of belief, etc.
To say you don't discriminate by religion is to not see how broad that term is as a whole.
Define religion and while there can be more or less benign dogma and doctrine, generally it parses their reality where it would have not been without. Religion disables criticial thinking, in some cases only in a few areas (i.e. it doesn't harm others in theory) and in other cases it rapes their mind to believe 2+2=5.
It is wrong to fight for me as I always have sympathy for the other side, and love all human beings. And as it hurts me. It is wrong to discriminate by gender, because it makes people feel bad with no good reason, and gives them less oppurtunities, and makes a negative atmosphere.
Perhaps I'll read the Qoran someday - but even the bible has different philosophies on the meaning of the word "God". More or less it's considered a holy spirit, something that Christology misinterpreted as I see it, but that's for another discussion.
My beliefs are generally that there could be a higher power, and that even if we "sin", he can't blame us, as he's responsible. I believe that good instincts perhaps come from him. Instincts that I like, such as forigiving, researching, doubting, etc.
How is it wrong they are afraid so to speak of science? The beginning of humanity in the Abrahamic religions specifically declares science to be evil and to be shunned. Thinking for ourselves is wrong based on their mythos.
Can you please provide cases?
I've reached a point where the overall empty meaning of the word god is forcing me to make too many assumptions.
Define god.
Define the value of there being a god.
Explain what it would mean to you if you didn't believe in god.
How would belief in god or a lack of belief make any difference to your choices and views about reality and to if this would be a modifier for what you vote on.
If you have explained this elsewhere, please link me.
Good=good feeling
Bad=bad feeling
Violence, anger=bad
Forgiving, understanding, helping, appreciating company=good
That's really on a general sense, I can to try to explain why something is good and not something else if you wish.
I thought the same before I believed in God.
Do you have an example or two of those who think you have to be an atheist?
I can search for exact writers if you like, I'm talking about a general atmosphere I get when talking with non-religious people, not only in the forum. Once they hear I believe in God, they're sure I throw rocks at "blasphmeres" or something.
If you never had access to religious books, what then?
I think that people don't have to read those books to be "moral". Sometimes they read them and are wrong. Perhaps in "those" times it was more necessary.