Sand wrote:
I'm just trying to assure you that humans and not the creator of universes devised all of human literature. If you figure that demeans any literary creation I simply cannot agree. I have yet to see any other means of creating literature and even the Bible carries in is style and intent all the characteristics of a decidedly human creation.
In which case, from a 'human logic' standpoint, the Bible is indeed full of lies, inconsistencies and manipulations, because of the outrageous and often irrational claims it makes about itself.
It's rather odd that such a strange and outrageously deluded library of literature, in its completed state, has survived for nearly 2 millenia and not changed from its original message, in spite of hundreds of years of copying.
One of the things that I find intriguing is that the King James Bible, which is one that has been copied many times over, and finally printed en masse by Gutenberg, (if memory serves) was compared to more recent findings in the 1940's of much more ancient copies some of which date back to the first century BCE, and there was little to no discrepancy between the content, other than a few minor translation errors from the ancient Hebrew to the King James English version.
The trouble is, I've found the longer I live, the more this library of nonsense holds true to its oftentimes painfully accurate observations on human nature.
One of these books is considered a masterpiece of literature as well as wisdom; the book of Ecclesiastes, by King Solomon. "Everything is meaningless, and a chasing after the wind."
Never assume you know what I'm thinking, just ask for clarification.
"Not everything that steps out of line, and thus 'abnormal', must necessarily be 'inferior'. " -- Hans Asperger (1938)