Kraichgauer wrote:
This cure crap is unmitigated idiocy. Kind of like how cretins want to "cure" Aspies.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
I can sort of see your point as a cure for either is virtually impossible, however I do feel that I have a disorder and would love a cure. Homosexuality is a disorder of society itself, it is the society who will not accept the love of two same sex partners, this is very different to aspergers where we mess up social interactions because we either cannot cope or simply get the signals all wrong.
Maybe I am lucky, but I have not had any bigotry directed at me because I have aspergers (yes I have been severely bullied, but that is down to my behavior/ lack of social awareness). Where as the feelings of self hatred and self loathing that homosexual people feel, is a direct result of societies behavior toward a persons sexual preference and has nothing to do with their ability or lack of with regard to social interaction.
"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance anyday"
Douglas Adams
"Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand" Karl Marx