Sand wrote:
This is one of many sites indicating the use of the appendix. of the digestive system after illness is necessary under several circumstances occurring naturally even before antibiotics. You have no data indicating the time lapse necessary for a favorable mutation to take place. Viruses are notorious for mutating from one season to the next.
Sand, there are sites all over the internet claiming functions for the appendix, just like there are sites all over the internet claiming that autism is caused by vaccines. People
want the appendix to have a function, for some reason. Lots of these sites push the fact that the appendix has immune tissue - GALT (gut associated lymphoid tissue) - without bothering to mention that the rest of the gut also has GALT. The whole 'bacterial reservoir' idea is made dubious by the fact that we repopulate our guts with bacteria every single time we eat (no, it's not all killed in the stomach). Babies, for instance, are born with sterile guts - appendix included - and their guts are populated starting with the skin bacteria on their mother's breasts. As far as the hygiene hypothesis goes, I have yet to see any data that people with appendices have better survival than people without appendices in 3rd world countries without adequate plumbing.
As far as the time lapse needed for mutations in human populations, I do in fact have data; I just haven't presented it here yet. Viruses mutate from one season to the next because they can go through hundreds or even thousands of populations within a single host, much less from host to host in a single season; humans have a population time that is in the decades, even in areas where they marry off in their teens.
digestive enzyme evolution in humans:
gross anatomical digestive evolution in lizards, which have a generation time of a few years or less: ... d.php#more