LKL wrote:
for those who keep saying that, well, we're not as bad as those other guys over there, let me make this clear: not being last in line does not necessarily mean that you're the winner, ok?
Except we are literally the first in line. The society being criticized here IS the best society ever in regards to women both historically , plus it is actually improving. If the best complain people have about this society is porn, then we are actually doing great.
Another thing: while non-violent porn might not lead to more aggression against women, there is evidence that violent porn does so.
* No, there isn't.
* Non-violent porn is the least popular kind of porn among the western society.
In addition, porn gives men a false idea of what women want in sex and what women want in a relationship:
This is a false stereotype. Almost every man watches porn, some are jerks, but some aren't. Porn has little to no relation to this.