Let's light a fire under this discussion.
Considering that how much someone is taxed can depend on their marital status it is the government's prerogative to define what constitutes a legal marriage. Depending on the situation you can save some on your taxes if you are married, particularly if there is disparate levels of income between the spouses. Imagine the tax saving this man
(click here) could receive if the government allowed him to call this a legal marriage considering that his spouse almost certainly doesn't earn any income.
Considering that the ritual of marriage is historically a religious ritual I find it ironic that gays would want so badly to be part of a ritual that comes from a group that has oppressed them for so long. So I think it is a fair question to ask that if the love is there why do they really feel the need to be legally married?
How is marriage a religious ritual? Almost all cultures practiced marriage even those that didn't even know what the hate group known as Christianity is! For example Native Americans practiced marriage and they had no idea what Christianity is! Don't you even dare try and say that the word marriage was started by fairy tale believing monsters!